123 research outputs found

    Supraglacial rivers on the northwest Greenland Ice Sheet, Devon Ice Cap, and Barnes Ice Cap mapped using Sentinel-2 imagery

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    Supraglacial rivers set efficacy and time lags by which surface meltwater is routed to the englacial, subglacial, and proglacial portions of ice masses. However, these hydrologic features remain poorly studied mainly because they are too narrow (typically <30 m) to be reliably delineated in conventional moderate-resolution satellite images (e.g., 30 m Landsat-8 imagery). This study demonstrates the utility of 10 m Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument images to map supraglacial rivers on the northwest Greenland Ice Sheet, Devon Ice Cap, and Barnes Ice Cap, covering a total area of ∼10,000 km2. Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 both capture overall supraglacial drainage patterns, but Sentinel-2 images are superior to Landsat-8 images for delineating narrow and continuous supraglacial rivers. Sentinel-2 mapping across the three study areas reveals a variety of supraglacial drainage patterns. In northwest Greenland near Inglefield Land, subparallel supraglacial rivers up to 55 km long drain meltwater directly off the ice sheet onto the proglacial zone. On the Devon and the Barnes ice caps, shorter supraglacial rivers (up to 15–30 km long) are commonly interrupted by moulins, which drain internally drained catchments on the ice surface to subglacial systems. We conclude that Sentinel-2 offers strong potential for investigating supraglacial meltwater drainage patterns and improving our understanding of the hydrological conditions of ice masses globally

    Direct Measurements of Meltwater Runoff on the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface

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    Meltwater runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet surface influences surface mass balance (SMB), ice dynamics and global sea level rise, but is estimated with climate models and thus difficult to validate. We present a way to measure ice surface runoff directly, from hourly in situ supraglacial river discharge measurements and simultaneous high-resolution satellite/drone remote sensing of upstream fluvial catchment area. A first 72-hour trial for a 63.1 square kilometer moulin-terminating internally drained catchment (IDC) on Greenland's mid-elevation (1207-1381 meters above sea level) ablation zone is compared with melt and runoff simulations from HIRHAM5, MAR3.6.1 (Modele Atmospherique Regionale 3.6.1), RACMO2.3 (Regional Atmospheric Climate Model 2.3), MERRA-2 (Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications-2) and SEB climate/SMB models. Current models cannot reproduce peak discharges or timing of runoff entering moulins, but are improved using synthetic unit hydrograph theory (SUH). Retroactive SUH applications to two older field studies reproduces their findings, signifying that remotely sensed IDC area, shape, and river-length are useful for predicting delays in peak runoff delivery to moulins. Applying SUH to HIRHAM5, MAR3.6.1, RACMO2.3 gridded melt products for 799 surrounding IDCs suggests their terminal moulins receive lower peak discharges, less diurnal variability, and asynchronous runoff timing relative to climate/SMB model output alone. Conversely, large IDCs produce high moulin discharges, even at high elevations where melt rates are low. During this particular field experiment models overestimated runoff by plus 21 percent to plus 58 percent, linked to overestimated ablation and possible meltwater retention in bare, low-density ice. Direct measurements of ice surface runoff will improve climate/SMB models, and incorporating remotely sensed IDCs will aid coupling of surface mass balance with ice dynamics and subglacial systems

    Relationship between Greenland Ice Sheet surface speed and modeled effective pressure

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (2018): 2258-2278, doi:10.1029/2017JF004581.We use a numerical subglacial hydrology model and remotely sensed observations of Greenland Ice Sheet surface motion to test whether the inverse relationship between effective pressure and regional melt season surface speeds observed at individual sites holds on a regional scale. The model is forced with daily surface runoff estimates for 2009 and 2010 across an ~8,000‐km2 region on the western margin. The overall subglacial drainage system morphology develops similarly in both years, with subglacial channel networks growing inland from the ice sheet margin and robust subglacial pathways forming over bedrock ridges. Modeled effective pressures are compared to contemporaneous regional surface speeds derived from TerraSAR‐X imagery to investigate spatial relationships. Our results show an inverse spatial relationship between effective pressure and ice speed in the mid‐melt season, when surface speeds are elevated, indicating that effective pressure is the dominant control on surface velocities in the mid‐melt season. By contrast, in the early and late melt seasons, when surface speeds are slower, effective pressure and surface speed have a positive relationship. Our results suggest that outside of the mid‐melt season, the influence of effective pressures on sliding speeds may be secondary to the influence of driving stress and spatially variable bed roughness.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Grant Number: NXX10AI30G National Science Foundation (NSF) American Geophysical Union Horton Research Grant; National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship; National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs (NSF‐OPP) Grant Numbers: PLR‐1418256, ARC‐1023364, ARC‐0520077; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Ocean and Climate Change Institute (OCCI)2019-03-2

    Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface

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    Meltwater runoff from the Greenland ice sheet surface influences surface mass balance (SMB), ice dynamics, and global sea level rise, but is estimated with climate models and thus difficult to validate. We present a way to measure ice surface runoff directly, from hourly in situ supraglacial river discharge measurements and simultaneous high-resolution satellite/drone remote sensing of upstream fluvial catchment area. A first 72-h trial for a 63.1-km2 moulin-terminating internally drained catchment (IDC) on Greenland?s midelevation (1,207?1,381 m above sea level) ablation zone is compared with melt and runoff simulations from HIRHAM5, MAR3.6, RACMO2.3, MERRA-2, and SEB climate/SMB models. Current models cannot reproduce peak discharges or timing of runoff entering moulins but are improved using synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH) theory. Retroactive SUH applications to two older field studies reproduce their findings, signifying that remotely sensed IDC area, shape, and supraglacial river length are useful for predicting delays in peak runoff delivery to moulins. Applying SUH to HIRHAM5, MAR3.6, and RACMO2.3 gridded melt products for 799 surrounding IDCs suggests their terminal moulins receive lower peak discharges, less diurnal variability, and asynchronous runoff timing relative to climate/SMB model output alone. Conversely, large IDCs produce high moulin discharges, even at high elevations where melt rates are low. During this particular field experiment, models overestimated runoff by +21 to +58%, linked to overestimated surface ablation and possible meltwater retention in bare, porous, low-density ice. Direct measurements of ice surface runoff will improve climate/SMB models, and incorporating remotely sensed IDCs will aid coupling of SMB with ice dynamics and subglacial systemspublishersversionPeer reviewe

    Characteristics of Supraglacial Channels and Drainage Networks on Antarctic Ice Shelves

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    Supraglacial channels that flow on ice shelves can store and transport large volumes of meltwater to various locations (e.g., moulins, lakes, crevasses) during the melt season, so they play an important role in glacial hydrology and ice shelf stability. However, the current understanding of supraglacial channels is limited, especially the underlying processes and the controls on their development and variability. This study uses multiple remotely sensed data including satellite imagery and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) to measure supraglacial channels in Antarctica. Five contrasting ice shelves around the margin of the Antarctic Ice Sheet are chosen as the study sites – Bach, Nansen, Nivlisen, Riiser-Larsen and Roi Baudouin ice shelves. Supraglacial lakes and channels are mapped by automatic delineation method during the melt season in 2020 and 2022, and key fluvial metrics are calculated, e.g., number, length, width, depth, sinuosity, bifurcation ratio, orientation, slopes and drainage density. Extensive supraglacial lakes and channels were observed on all five Antarctic ice shelves during the peak of the melt season and most were interconnected to form a total of 119 channel networks at different scales. The results demonstrate that: (ⅰ) supraglacial channel networks often occurred in areas with low elevations and near grounding lines, (ⅱ) supraglacial channel networks on different ice shelves exhibited different drainage patterns and hydromorphic characteristics, (ⅲ) the surface topography and structural glaciology of ice shelves affected the distribution of the supraglacial channel network. Future work could focus on long-term observation of supraglacial channels and exploring the applicability of terrestrial river-related research methods (e.g., hydrological modelling) to supraglacial channels

    Moulin density controls drainage development beneath the Greenland ice sheet

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    Uncertainty remains about how the surface hydrology of the Greenland ice sheet influences its subglacial drainage system, affecting basal water pressures and ice velocities, particularly over intraseasonal and interseasonal timescales. Here we apply a high spatial (200m) and temporal (1h) resolution subglacial hydrological model to a marginal (extending ~25km inland), land-terminating, ~200km2^{2} domain in the Paakitsoq region, West Greenland. The model is based on that by Hewitt (2013) but adapted for use with both real topographic boundary conditions and calibrated modeled water inputs. The inputs consist of moulin hydrographs, calculated by a surface routing and lake-filling/draining model, which is forced with distributed runoff from a surface energy-balance model. Results suggest that the areal density of lake-bottom moulins and their timing of opening during the melt season strongly affects subglacial drainage system development. A higher moulin density causes an earlier onset of subglacial channelization (i.e., water transport through channels rather than the distributed sheet), which becomes relatively widespread across the bed, whereas a lower moulin density results in a later onset of channelization that becomes less widespread across the bed. In turn, moulin density has a strong control on spatial and temporal variations in subglacial water pressures, which will influence basal sliding rates, and thus ice motion. The density of active surface-to-bed connections should be considered alongside surface melt intensity and extent in future predictions of the ice sheet's dynamics.This work was funded through a UK Natural Environment Research Council Doctoral Training grant (LCAG/133), a Bowring Junior Research Fellowship (St Catharine's College, Cambridge), and a Leverhulme/Newton Trust Early Career Fellowship, all awarded to A.F.B. I.J.H. was supported by a Marie Curie FP7 Career Integration Grant within the 7th European Union Framework Programme

    Modelling seasonal meltwater forcing of the velocity of land-terminating margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Surface runoff at the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) drains to the ice-sheet bed, leading to enhanced summer ice flow. Ice velocities show a pattern of early summer acceleration followed by mid-summer deceleration due to evolution of the subglacial hydrology system in response to meltwater forcing. Modelling the integrated hydrological–ice dynamics system to reproduce measured velocities at the ice margin remains a key challenge for validating the present understanding of the system and constraining the impact of increasing surface runoff rates on dynamic ice mass loss from the GrIS. Here we show that a multi-component model incorporating supraglacial, subglacial, and ice dynamic components applied to a land-terminating catchment in western Greenland produces modelled velocities which are in reasonable agreement with those observed in GPS records for three melt seasons of varying melt intensities. This provides numerical support for the hypothesis that the subglacial system develops analogously to alpine glaciers and supports recent model formulations capturing the transition between distributed and channelized states. The model shows the growth of efficient conduit-based drainage up-glacier from the ice sheet margin, which develops more extensively, and further inland, as melt intensity increases. This suggests current trends of decadal-timescale slowdown of ice velocities in the ablation zone may continue in the near future. The model results also show a strong scaling between average summer velocities and melt season intensity, particularly in the upper ablation area. Assuming winter velocities are not impacted by channelization, our model suggests an upper bound of a 25% increase in annual surface velocities as surface melt increases to 4 ×  present levels.Conrad P. Koziol was funded through St. John’s College, Cambridge, and in part by UK Natural Environment Research Council Grant NE/M003590/1

    North-east sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet to undergo the greatest inland expansion of supraglacial lakes during the 21st century

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    The formation and rapid drainage of supraglacial lakes (SGL) influences the mass balance and dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). Although SGLs are expected to spread inland during the 21st century due to atmospheric warming, less is known about their future spatial distribution and volume. We use GrIS surface elevation model and regional climate model outputs to show that at the end of the 21st century (2070-2099) approximately 9.8 ± 3.9 km3 (+113% compared to 1980-2009) and 12.6 ± 5 km3 (+174%) of meltwater could be stored in SGLs under moderate (RCP 4.5) and high (RCP 8.5) climate change scenarios respectively. The largest increase is expected in the north-eastern sector of the GrIS (191% in RCP 4.5 and 320% in RCP 8.5), whereas in west Greenland, where the most SGLs are currently observed, the future increase will be relatively moderate (55% in RCP 4.5 and 68% in RCP 8.5)