596 research outputs found

    A Calibrated Olfactory Display for High Fidelity Virtual Environments

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    Olfactory displays provide a means to reproduce olfactory stimuli for use in virtual environments. Many of the designs produced by researchers, strive to provide stimuli quickly to users and focus on improving usability and portability, yet concentrate less on providing high levels of accuracy to improve the fidelity of odour delivery. This paper provides the guidance to build a reproducible and low cost olfactory display which is able to provide odours to users in a virtual environment at accurate concentration levels that are typical in everyday interactions; this includes ranges of concentration below parts per million and into parts per billion. This paper investigates build concerns of the olfactometer and its proper calibration in order to ensure concentration accuracy of the device. An analysis is provided on the recovery rates of a specific compound after excitation. This analysis provides insight into how this result can be generalisable to the recovery rates of any volatile organic compound, given knowledge of the specific vapour pressure of the compound

    A Calibrated Olfactory Display for High Fidelity Virtual Environments

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    Olfactory displays provide a means to reproduce olfactory stimuli for use in virtual environments. Many of the designs produced by researchers, strive to provide stimuli quickly to users and focus on improving usability and portability, yet concentrate less on providing high levels of accuracy to improve the fidelity of odour delivery. This paper provides the guidance to build a reproducible and low cost olfactory display which is able to provide odours to users in a virtual environment at accurate concentration levels that are typical in everyday interactions; this includes ranges of concentration below parts per million and into parts per billion. This paper investigates build concerns of the olfactometer and its proper calibration in order to ensure concentration accuracy of the device. An analysis is provided on the recovery rates of a specific compound after excitation. This analysis provides insight into how this result can be generalisable to the recovery rates of any volatile organic compound, given knowledge of the specific vapour pressure of the compound

    Audio-visual-olfactory resource allocation for tri-modal virtual environments

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    © 2019 IEEE. Virtual Environments (VEs) provide the opportunity to simulate a wide range of applications, from training to entertainment, in a safe and controlled manner. For applications which require realistic representations of real world environments, the VEs need to provide multiple, physically accurate sensory stimuli. However, simulating all the senses that comprise the human sensory system (HSS) is a task that requires significant computational resources. Since it is intractable to deliver all senses at the highest quality, we propose a resource distribution scheme in order to achieve an optimal perceptual experience within the given computational budgets. This paper investigates resource balancing for multi-modal scenarios composed of aural, visual and olfactory stimuli. Three experimental studies were conducted. The first experiment identified perceptual boundaries for olfactory computation. In the second experiment, participants (N=25) were asked, across a fixed number of budgets (M=5), to identify what they perceived to be the best visual, acoustic and olfactory stimulus quality for a given computational budget. Results demonstrate that participants tend to prioritize visual quality compared to other sensory stimuli. However, as the budget size is increased, users prefer a balanced distribution of resources with an increased preference for having smell impulses in the VE. Based on the collected data, a quality prediction model is proposed and its accuracy is validated against previously unused budgets and an untested scenario in a third and final experiment

    High fidelity olfaction simulation for virtual environments

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    Olfaction is a key human sense due to its close connection to the brain, specifically memory and decision making, along with its effects on behaviour and emotions. Clearly, in order for virtual environments to reach perceptual equivalence with the real world, olfaction needs to be incorporated. Perceptual equivalence is defined as the same cognitive response occurring with the users whether they are exposed to real or synthesized stimuli regardless of the levels of duration, intensity or nature. While there have been previous attempts to use olfactory stimuli in virtual environments, these have been limited and not addressed some key aspects of olfaction and its corresponding stimuli, such the effects of high odour concentrations and smell habituation. This thesis presents a framework for a physically accurate olfactory pipeline in order to help provide high fidelity perceptually equivalent virtual environments. The pipeline consists of stages for capturing, data storage, reproduction, and finally delivering stimuli to end users. In particular this thesis focuses on the final delivery stage. It presents a novel physical calibration for the olfaction delivery system and a new human perceptual calibration procedure to ensure a robust and repeatable experience. For the first half of the delivery stage, this thesis provides the blueprint for a physically accurate smell display. This is subsequently shown be capable of reproducing smell stimuli with both accuracy, to intended real world concentrations, and precision, such that the outputted olfactory stimuli are consistently presented at the specified level. In addition, similar to other existing olfactory displays, this smell display is a low cost solution as well as a straightforward design with the intrinsic ability to provide virtually, immediate temporal displacement. The validation of the physical calibration of the display is based on fundamental laws of chemistry to provide the same result under the same specified conditions. For the second half of the delivery stage, a perceptual calibration procedure is presented to calculate Just Noticeable Differences for olfactory stimuli. The purpose of this is to be able to create normalised stimuli levels which are perceivable by the general population but are also perceptually similar across different odours. The work provides two Just Noticeable Difference stimuli levels for three target single molecule odours which have been calibrated on the olfactory display based on a sample population (N=10). These determined stimuli levels can subsequently be utilised as generalisable points for further experimental use with participants when investigating both olfactory phenomena and relationships between olfactory and other sensual stimuli. A final experimental study is proposed in this thesis to clearly demonstrate the capabilities of the research and to explore the possibility of olfactory attention-masking phenomena, similar to those seen in the visual domain. Participants were asked to preferentially rank the odours presented to them based on images of the smell source. Odours were the same as those used in the perception calibration, and were presented as randomised dual conditions either in combination with the other odours or with a blank. Participants were consistently able to correctly identify the correct odours with the correct images, ranking the correct answers either primary or secondary. In addition, a number of preferences for some odours over others were identified. In conclusion, this thesis outlines a novel framework for addressing the physical and perceptual aspects of olfaction in order to provide an accurate representation of a real world equivalent olfactory experience. Experiments show humans are readily able to distinguish between odours when presented at the same time and the evidence obtained suggests there may be attention-masking phenomena in the olfactory domai

    Future directions for the development of Virtual Reality within an automotive manufacturer

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    Virtual Reality (VR) can reduce time and costs, and lead to increases in quality, in the development of a product. Given the pressure on car companies to reduce time-to-market and to continually improve quality, the automotive industry has championed the use of VR across a number of applications, including design, manufacturing, and training. This paper describes interviews with 11 engineers and employees of allied disciplines from an automotive manufacturer about their current physical and virtual properties and processes. The results guided a review of research findings and scientific advances from the academic literature, which formed the basis of recommendations for future developments of VR technologies and applications. These include: develop a greater range of virtual contexts; use multi-sensory simulation; address perceived differences between virtual and real cars; improve motion capture capabilities; implement networked 3D technology; and use VR for market research

    An Investigation of Olfactory Display Technology for the enhancement of Presence within Virtual Reality Experiences

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    This thesis examines the impact the inclusion of olfactory stimulus has on virtual reality (VR) for the enhancement of presence. To achieve this, a comprehensive review of past literature was undertaken. This review examines several relevant topics including the physiological process of perceiving scent, the concept of presence, and a discussion of past attempts to integrate olfactory stimulus with VR and visual media. This culminates in the presentation of a series of design heuristics for designing VR experiences that might implement olfaction.These heuristics provide the foundation for a systematic review into olfactory display technology. The review included 34 studies and examined the technology used as well as the impact on the sense of presence. The investigation has shown that many devices are custom-made by researchers to fit the requirements of their studies. A major knowledge gap that was revealed from this review was the distinct lack of a detailed method in which the olfactory display device might receive its queue to release scent stimulus electronically from interactions within the VR environment.A prototype olfactory display device is then presented. The proposed design drew on the most common methods found in the systematic review, with the aim of providing an accessible and low-cost method of creating an olfactory display device. The device was then evaluated against selected design heuristics to analyse functionality. It was also used to examine the impact that the inclusion of scent has on presence. This was explored through the use of items adapted from the Temple Presence Inventory (Lombard et al., 2009), a Think-Aloud protocol and series of open-ended questions. The device and its integration into the VR environment functioned as intended and appeared to afford a sense of presence in a small sample of participants. A discussion of the project successes, limitations and avenues for future research is then provided

    Enhancing interaction in mixed reality

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    With continuous technological innovation, we observe mixed reality emerging from research labs into the mainstream. The arrival of capable mixed reality devices transforms how we are entertained, consume information, and interact with computing systems, with the most recent being able to present synthesized stimuli to any of the human senses and substantially blur the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds. In order to build expressive and practical mixed reality experiences, designers, developers, and stakeholders need to understand and meet its upcoming challenges. This research contributes a novel taxonomy for categorizing mixed reality experiences and guidelines for designing mixed reality experiences. We present the results of seven studies examining the challenges and opportunities of mixed reality experiences, the impact of modalities and interaction techniques on the user experience, and how to enhance the experiences. We begin with a study determining user attitudes towards mixed reality in domestic and educational environments, followed by six research probes that each investigate an aspect of reality or virtuality. In the first, a levitating steerable projector enables us to investigate how the real world can be enhanced without instrumenting the user. We show that the presentation of in-situ instructions for navigational tasks leads to a significantly higher ability to observe and recall real-world landmarks. With the second probe, we enhance the perception of reality by superimposing information usually not visible to the human eye. In amplifying the human vision, we enable users to perceive thermal radiation visually. Further, we examine the effect of substituting physical components with non-functional tangible proxies or entirely virtual representations. With the third research probe, we explore how to enhance virtuality to enable a user to input text on a physical keyboard while being immersed in the virtual world. Our prototype tracked the user’s hands and keyboard to enable generic text input. Our analysis of text entry performance showed the importance and effect of different hand representations. We then investigate how to touch virtuality by simulating generic haptic feedback for virtual reality and show how tactile feedback through quadcopters can significantly increase the sense of presence. Our final research probe investigates the usability and input space of smartphones within mixed reality environments, pairing the user’s smartphone as an input device with a secondary physical screen. Based on our learnings from these individual research probes, we developed a novel taxonomy for categorizing mixed reality experiences and guidelines for designing mixed reality experiences. The taxonomy is based on the human sensory system and human capabilities of articulation. We showcased its versatility and set our research probes into perspective by organizing them inside the taxonomic space. The design guidelines are divided into user-centered and technology-centered. It is our hope that these will contribute to the bright future of mixed reality systems while emphasizing the new underlining interaction paradigm.Mixed Reality (vermischte Realitäten) gehen aufgrund kontinuierlicher technologischer Innovationen langsam von der reinen Forschung in den Massenmarkt über. Mit der Einführung von leistungsfähigen Mixed-Reality-Geräten verändert sich die Art und Weise, wie wir Unterhaltungsmedien und Informationen konsumieren und wie wir mit Computersystemen interagieren. Verschiedene existierende Geräte sind in der Lage, jeden der menschlichen Sinne mit synthetischen Reizen zu stimulieren. Hierdurch verschwimmt zunehmend die Grenze zwischen der realen und der virtuellen Welt. Um eindrucksstarke und praktische Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen zu kreieren, müssen Designer und Entwicklerinnen die künftigen Herausforderungen und neuen Möglichkeiten verstehen. In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir eine neue Taxonomie zur Kategorisierung von Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen sowie Richtlinien für die Gestaltung von solchen. Wir stellen die Ergebnisse von sieben Studien vor, in denen die Herausforderungen und Chancen von Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen, die Auswirkungen von Modalitäten und Interaktionstechniken auf die Benutzererfahrung und die Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung dieser Erfahrungen untersucht werden. Wir beginnen mit einer Studie, in der die Haltung der nutzenden Person gegenüber Mixed Reality in häuslichen und Bildungsumgebungen analysiert wird. In sechs weiteren Fallstudien wird jeweils ein Aspekt der Realität oder Virtualität untersucht. In der ersten Fallstudie wird mithilfe eines schwebenden und steuerbaren Projektors untersucht, wie die Wahrnehmung der realen Welt erweitert werden kann, ohne dabei die Person mit Technologie auszustatten. Wir zeigen, dass die Darstellung von in-situ-Anweisungen für Navigationsaufgaben zu einer deutlich höheren Fähigkeit führt, Sehenswürdigkeiten der realen Welt zu beobachten und wiederzufinden. In der zweiten Fallstudie erweitern wir die Wahrnehmung der Realität durch Überlagerung von Echtzeitinformationen, die für das menschliche Auge normalerweise unsichtbar sind. Durch die Erweiterung des menschlichen Sehvermögens ermöglichen wir den Anwender:innen, Wärmestrahlung visuell wahrzunehmen. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir, wie sich das Ersetzen von physischen Komponenten durch nicht funktionale, aber greifbare Replikate oder durch die vollständig virtuelle Darstellung auswirkt. In der dritten Fallstudie untersuchen wir, wie virtuelle Realitäten verbessert werden können, damit eine Person, die in der virtuellen Welt verweilt, Text auf einer physischen Tastatur eingeben kann. Unser Versuchsdemonstrator detektiert die Hände und die Tastatur, zeigt diese in der vermischen Realität an und ermöglicht somit die verbesserte Texteingaben. Unsere Analyse der Texteingabequalität zeigte die Wichtigkeit und Wirkung verschiedener Handdarstellungen. Anschließend untersuchen wir, wie man Virtualität berühren kann, indem wir generisches haptisches Feedback für virtuelle Realitäten simulieren. Wir zeigen, wie Quadrokopter taktiles Feedback ermöglichen und dadurch das Präsenzgefühl deutlich steigern können. Unsere letzte Fallstudie untersucht die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und den Eingaberaum von Smartphones in Mixed-Reality-Umgebungen. Hierbei wird das Smartphone der Person als Eingabegerät mit einem sekundären physischen Bildschirm verbunden, um die Ein- und Ausgabemodalitäten zu erweitern. Basierend auf unseren Erkenntnissen aus den einzelnen Fallstudien haben wir eine neuartige Taxonomie zur Kategorisierung von Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen sowie Richtlinien für die Gestaltung von solchen entwickelt. Die Taxonomie basiert auf dem menschlichen Sinnessystem und den Artikulationsfähigkeiten. Wir stellen die vielseitige Verwendbarkeit vor und setzen unsere Fallstudien in Kontext, indem wir sie innerhalb des taxonomischen Raums einordnen. Die Gestaltungsrichtlinien sind in nutzerzentrierte und technologiezentrierte Richtlinien unterteilt. Es ist unsere Anliegen, dass diese Gestaltungsrichtlinien zu einer erfolgreichen Zukunft von Mixed-Reality-Systemen beitragen und gleichzeitig die neuen Interaktionsparadigmen hervorheben

    Anxiety activating virtual environments for investigating social phobias

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    Social phobia has become one of the commonest manifestations of fear in any society. This fear is often accompanied by major depression or social disabilities. With the awareness that fear can be aggravated in social situations, virtual reality researchers and psychologists have investigated the feasibility of a virtual reality system as a psychotherapeutic intervention to combat social phobia. Virtual reality technology has rapidly improved over the past few years, making for better interactions. Nevertheless, the field of virtual reality exposure therapy for social phobia is still in its infancy and various issues have yet to be resolved or event uncovered. The key concept of virtual reality exposure therapy in the treatment of social phobia is based on its characteristic of perceptual illusion - the sense of presence - as an anxiety-activating system, instead of conventional imaginal or in-vivo exposure techniques. Therefore, in order to provoke a significant level of anxiety in virtual environments, it is very important to understand the impact of perceptual presence factors in virtual reality exposure therapy. Hence, this research mainly aims to investigate all the aspects of the correlation between anxiety and the components of the virtual environment in a computer-generated social simulation. By understanding this, this thesis aims to provide a framework for the construction of effective virtual reality exposure therapy for social phobia care which enables anxiety stimuli to be controlled in a gradual manner as a conventional clinical approach. This thesis presents a series of experimental studies that have been conducted with a common theme: the function of 3D inhabitants and visual apparatus in anxiety-activating virtual social simulation, a job-interview. However, each study is conducted using different research objectives. The experimental results are presented in this thesis, with psycho-physiological approach, revealing a variation of the distribution of participants' anxiety states across various VR conditions. The overall conclusion of this research is that an appropriate realism of VR stimuli is essential in sustaining the state of anxiety over the course of VR exposure. The high fidelity of virtual environment generally provoke a greater degree of anxiety, but this research also shows that aspects of VR fidelity is more related to the mental representation of individuals to the context of the stressful situation rather than any technology that is being used


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