1,655 research outputs found

    Interface Circuits for Microsensor Integrated Systems

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    ca. 200 words; this text will present the book in all promotional forms (e.g. flyers). Please describe the book in straightforward and consumer-friendly terms. [Recent advances in sensing technologies, especially those for Microsensor Integrated Systems, have led to several new commercial applications. Among these, low voltage and low power circuit architectures have gained growing attention, being suitable for portable long battery life devices. The aim is to improve the performances of actual interface circuits and systems, both in terms of voltage mode and current mode, in order to overcome the potential problems due to technology scaling and different technology integrations. Related problems, especially those concerning parasitics, lead to a severe interface design attention, especially concerning the analog front-end and novel and smart architecture must be explored and tested, both at simulation and prototype level. Moreover, the growing demand for autonomous systems gets even harder the interface design due to the need of energy-aware cost-effective circuit interfaces integrating, where possible, energy harvesting solutions. The objective of this Special Issue is to explore the potential solutions to overcome actual limitations in sensor interface circuits and systems, especially those for low voltage and low power Microsensor Integrated Systems. The present Special Issue aims to present and highlight the advances and the latest novel and emergent results on this topic, showing best practices, implementations and applications. The Guest Editors invite to submit original research contributions dealing with sensor interfacing related to this specific topic. Additionally, application oriented and review papers are encouraged.


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    Microsystems and integrated smart sensors represent a flourishing business thanks to the manifold benefits of these devices with respect to their respective macroscopic counterparts. Miniaturization to micrometric scale is a turning point to obtain high sensitive and reliable devices with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution. Power consumption compatible with battery operated systems, and reduced cost per device are also pivotal for their success. All these characteristics make investigation on this filed very active nowadays. This thesis work is focused on two main themes: (i) design and development of a single chip smart flow-meter; (ii) design and development of readout interfaces for capacitive micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) based on capacitance to pulse width modulation conversion. High sensitivity integrated smart sensors for detecting very small flow rates of both gases and liquids aiming to fulfil emerging demands for this kind of devices in the industrial to environmental and medical applications. On the other hand, the prototyping of such sensor is a multidisciplinary activity involving the study of thermal and fluid dynamic phenomenon that have to be considered to obtain a correct design. Design, assisted by finite elements CAD tools, and fabrication of the sensing structures using features of a standard CMOS process is discussed in the first chapter. The packaging of fluidic sensors issue is also illustrated as it has a great importance on the overall sensor performances. The package is charged to allow optimal interaction between fluids and the sensors and protecting the latter from the external environment. As miniaturized structures allows a great spatial resolution, it is extremely challenging to fabricate low cost packages for multiple flow rate measurements on the same chip. As a final point, a compact anemometer prototype, usable for wireless sensor network nodes, is described. The design of the full custom circuitry for signal extraction and conditioning is coped in the second chapter, where insights into the design methods are given for analog basic building blocks such as amplifiers, transconductors, filters, multipliers, current drivers. A big effort has been put to find reusable design guidelines and trade-offs applicable to different design cases. This kind of rational design enabled the implementation of complex and flexible functionalities making the interface circuits able to interact both with on chip sensors and external sensors. In the third chapter, the chip floor-plan designed in the STMicroelectronics BCD6s process of the entire smart flow sensor formed by the sensing structures and the readout electronics is presented. Some preliminary tests are also covered here. Finally design and implementation of very low power interfaces for typical MEMS capacitive sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors, angular displacement and chemical species sensors) is discussed. Very original circuital topologies, based on chopper modulation technique, will be illustrated. A prototype, designed within a joint research activity is presented. Measured performances spurred the investigation of new techniques to enhance precision and accuracy capabilities of the interface. A brief introduction to the design of active pixel sensors interface for hybrid CMOS imagers is sketched in the appendix as a preliminary study done during an internship in the CNM-IMB institute of Barcelona

    Polymeric Microsensors for Intraoperative Contact Pressure Measurement

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    Biocompatible sensors have been demonstrated using traditional microfabrication techniques modified for polymer substrates and utilize only materials suitable for implantation or bodily contact. Sensor arrays for the measurement of the load condition of polyethylene spacers in the total knee arthroplasty (TKA) prosthesis have been developed. Arrays of capacitive sensors are used to determine the three-dimensional strain within the polyethylene prosthesis component. Data from these sensors can be used to give researchers a better understanding of component motion, loading, and wear phenomena for a large range of activities. This dissertation demonstrates both analytically and experimentally the fabrication of these sensor arrays using biocompatible polymer substrates and dielectrics while preserving industry-standard microfabrication processing for micron-level resolution. An array of sensors for real-time measurement of pressure profiles is the long-term goal of this research. A custom design using capacitive-based sensors is an excellent selection for such measurement, giving high spatial resolution across the sensing surface and high load resolution for pressures applied normal to that surface while operating at low power

    Hall probes: physics and application to magnetometry

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    This lecture aims to present an overview of the properties of Hall effect devices. Descriptions of the Hall phenomenon, a review of the Hall effect device characteristics and of the various types of probes are presented. Particular attention is paid to the recent development of three-axis sensors and the related techniques to cancel the offsets and the planar Hall effect. The lecture introduces the delicate problem of the calibration of a three-dimensional sensor and ends with a section devoted to magnetic measurements in conventional beam line magnets and undulators.Comment: 40 pages, presented at the CERN Accelerator School CAS 2009: Specialised Course on Magnets, Bruges, 16-25 June 200

    Biosensors and CMOS Interface Circuits

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    abstract: Analysing and measuring of biological or biochemical processes are of utmost importance for medical, biological and biotechnological applications. Point of care diagnostic system, composing of biosensors, have promising applications for providing cheap, accurate and portable diagnosis. Owing to these expanding medical applications and advances made by semiconductor industry biosensors have seen a tremendous growth in the past few decades. Also emergence of microfluidics and non-invasive biosensing applications are other marker propellers. Analyzing biological signals using transducers is difficult due to the challenges in interfacing an electronic system to the biological environment. Detection limit, detection time, dynamic range, specificity to the analyte, sensitivity and reliability of these devices are some of the challenges in developing and integrating these devices. Significant amount of research in the field of biosensors has been focused on improving the design, fabrication process and their integration with microfluidics to address these challenges. This work presents new techniques, design and systems to improve the interface between the electronic system and the biological environment. This dissertation uses CMOS circuit design to improve the reliability of these devices. Also this work addresses the challenges in designing the electronic system used for processing the output of the transducer, which converts biological signal into electronic signal.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included

    Low Power Cmos Circuit Design And Reliability Analysis For Wireless Me

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    A sensor node \u27AccuMicroMotion\u27 is proposed that has the ability to detect motion in 6 degrees of freedom for the application of physiological activity monitoring. It is expected to be light weight, low power, small and cheap. The sensor node may collect and transmit 3 axes of acceleration and 3 axes of angular rotation signals from MEMS transducers wirelessly to a nearby base station while attached to or implanted in human body. This dissertation proposes a wireless electronic system-on-a-single-chip to implement the sensor in a traditional CMOS process. The system is low power and may operate 50 hours from a single coin cell battery. A CMOS readout circuit, an analog to digital converter and a wireless transmitter is designed to implement the proposed system. In the architecture of the \u27AccuMicroMotion\u27 system, the readout circuit uses chopper stabilization technique and can resolve DC to 1 KHz and 200 nV signals from MEMS transducers. The base band signal is digitized using a 10-bit successive approximation register analog to digital converter. Digitized outputs from up to nine transducers can be combined in a parallel to serial converter for transmission by a 900 MHz RF transmitter that operates in amplitude shift keying modulation technique. The transmitter delivers a 2.2 mW power to a 50 Ù antenna. The system consumes an average current of 4.8 mA from a 3V supply when 6 sensors are in operation and provides an overall 60 dB dynamic range. Furthermore, in this dissertation, a methodology is developed that applies accelerated electrical stress on MOS devices to extract BSIM3 models and RF parameters through measurements to perform comprehensive study, analysis and modeling of several analog and RF circuits under hot carrier and breakdown degradation

    SIMBIO-SYS : Scientific Cameras and Spectrometer for the BepiColombo Mission

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    The SIMBIO-SYS (Spectrometer and Imaging for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem) is a complex instrument suite part of the scientific payload of the Mercury Planetary Orbiter for the BepiColombo mission, the last of the cornerstone missions of the European Space Agency (ESA) Horizon + science program. The SIMBIO-SYS instrument will provide all the science imaging capability of the BepiColombo MPO spacecraft. It consists of three channels: the STereo imaging Channel (STC), with a broad spectral band in the 400-950 nm range and medium spatial resolution (at best 58 m/px), that will provide Digital Terrain Model of the entire surface of the planet with an accuracy better than 80 m; the High Resolution Imaging Channel (HRIC), with broad spectral bands in the 400-900 nm range and high spatial resolution (at best 6 m/px), that will provide high-resolution images of about 20% of the surface, and the Visible and near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging channel (VIHI), with high spectral resolution (6 nm at finest) in the 400-2000 nm range and spatial resolution reaching 120 m/px, it will provide global coverage at 480 m/px with the spectral information, assuming the first orbit around Mercury with periherm at 480 km from the surface. SIMBIO-SYS will provide high-resolution images, the Digital Terrain Model of the entire surface, and the surface composition using a wide spectral range, as for instance detecting sulphides or material derived by sulphur and carbon oxidation, at resolutions and coverage higher than the MESSENGER mission with a full co-alignment of the three channels. All the data that will be acquired will allow to cover a wide range of scientific objectives, from the surface processes and cartography up to the internal structure, contributing to the libration experiment, and the surface-exosphere interaction. The global 3D and spectral mapping will allow to study the morphology and the composition of any surface feature. In this work, we describe the on-ground calibrations and the results obtained, providing an important overview of the instrument performances. The calibrations have been performed at channel and at system levels, utilizing specific setup in most of the cases realized for SIMBIO-SYS. In the case of the stereo camera (STC), it has been necessary to have a validation of the new stereo concept adopted, based on the push-frame. This work describes also the results of the Near-Earth Commissioning Phase performed few weeks after the Launch (20 October 2018). According to the calibration results and the first commissioning the three channels are working very well.Peer reviewe

    Vector magnetometer design study: Analysis of a triaxial fluxgate sensor design demonstrates that all MAGSAT Vector Magnetometer specifications can be met

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    The design of the vector magnetometer selected for analysis is capable of exceeding the required accuracy of 5 gamma per vector field component. The principal elements that assure this performance level are very low power dissipation triaxial feedback coils surrounding ring core flux-gates and temperature control of the critical components of two-loop feedback electronics. An analysis of the calibration problem points to the need for improved test facilities


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    Post-rehabilitation of orthopedic surgery is critical for bone fracture treatments. Current protocols are not based on quantitative assessments of the patient condition but they are conservative estimations mostly based on prior experience and physician’s opinions. While there are quantitative methods for assessing the recovery of orthopedic surgery, they are typically very expensive and provide only snapshots during the healing process. A standalone, reconfigurable, embedded wireless sensor system with digitally controlled signal conditioning system capable of providing continuous monitoring of bone healing is developed. Strain sensor measurements were validated against a commercial mechanical loading instrument for relevant loads that an animal (ovine) would experience during in vivo testing (up to 250 N). The loader was configured to apply a maximum force of 250 N to the bone fixation plate at a rate of 1000 N/min. Cyclic testing of the system showed optimal stability and no observable drift in the sensor. The sensor was also implemented in a rodent model for monitoring force loading at an internal bone fixation plate. The platform’s small, robust, and low power nature is usefulness for continuous wireless monitoring and actuation in many biomedical applications
