11 research outputs found

    A new Bi– level production-routing-inventory model for a medicine supply chain under uncertainty

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    This research presents a new bi-level bi-objective production-routing-inventory model for a medi-cine supply chain. In this case, the production is executed by multi-separated producers in a multi-production line for different kinds of medicines which will be saved in stores for delivering to cus-tomers. The capacitated vehicle routing problem is considered in designing a distribution system from stores to customers. The goal of this model is to make a suitable trade-off between the customer satisfaction and the budget cost. This problem has been formulated in a bi-level form where the first objective function is the minimization of the budget during the scheduled time and the second one is the minimization of the shortage amount associated with the lost sale of medicine demands delivering to drug stores. Uncertainty is considered as a nature of the main parameters of the problem. Then the robust approach was used to handle the associated uncertainty of related parameters and the resulted problem is solved by Benders decomposition algorithm. The results indi-cate that the model make an improvement in medicine supply chain

    Benders' decomposition algorithm to solve bi-level bi-objective scheduling of aircrafts and gate assignment under uncertainty

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    Abstract Management and scheduling of flights and assignment of gates to aircraft play a significant role in improving the procedure of the airport, due to the growing number of flights, decreasing the flight times. This research addresses assigning and scheduling of runways and gates in the main airport simultaneously. Moreover, this research considers the unavailability of runway's constraint and the uncertain parameters relating to both areas of runway and gate assignment. The proposed model is formulated as a comprehensive bi-level bi-objective problem.The leader's objective function minimizes the total waiting time for runways and gates for all aircrafts based on their importance coefficient. Meanwhile, the total distance traveled by all passengers in the airport terminal is minimized by a follower's objective function. To solve the proposed model, the decomposition approach based on Benders' decomposition method is applied. Empirical data are used to show the validation and application of our model. A comparison shows the effectiveness of the proposed model and its significant impact on cost decreasing

    Modelling and (re-)planning periodic home social care services with loyalty and non-loyalty features

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    This work was partially supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) through the project UID/MAT/00297/2019 (Centro de Matematica e Aplicacees).The aging population alongside little availability of informal care are two of the several factors leading to an increased need for assisted living support. In this work, we tackle a home social care service problem, motivated by two real case studies where a new loyalty scheme must be considered: within a week, patient-caregiver loyalty should be pursued but, between weeks, the caregivers must rotate among patients (non-loyalty). In addition, a common situation in this kind of service is also addressed: the need of a constant re-planning caused by the leaving of patients and the arrival of new ones. This new plan should be such that minimum disturbance is caused to the visiting hours of current patients, the caregivers’ travelling time between visits is minimized, and the workload is balanced among caregivers. A multi-objective optimization approach based on mixed-integer models is developed. Results on the two real case studies show that both institutions can efficiently re-plan their activities without much disturbance on the visits of their patients, and with a patient-caregiver loyalty scheme suiting their needs.authorsversionpublishe

    Pattern-based decompositions for human resource planning in home health care services

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    Home health care services play acrucial role in reducing the hospitalization costs due to the increase of chronic diseases of elderly people. At the same time, they allow us to improve the quality of life for those patients that receive treatments at their home. Optimization tools are therefore necessary to plan service delivery at patients' homes. Recently, solution methods that jointly address the assignment of the patient to the caregiver (assignment), the definition of the days (pattern) in which caregivers visit the assigned patients (scheduling), and the sequence of visits for each caregiver (routing) have been proposed in the scientific literature. However, the joint consideration of these three level of decisions may be not affordable for large providers, due to the required computational time. In order to combine the strength and the flexibility guaranteed by a joint assignment, scheduling and routing solution approach with the computational efficiency required for large providers, in this study we propose a new family of two-phase methods that decompose the joint approach by incrementally incorporating some decisions into the first phase.The concept of pattern is crucial to perform such a decomposition in a clever way. Several scenarios are analyzed by changing the way in which resource skills are managed and the optimization criteria adopted to guide the provider decisions. The proposed methods are tested on realistic instances. The numerical experiments help us to identify the combinations of decomposition techniques, skill management policies and optimization criteria that best fit with problem instances of different size

    O problema de roteamento e escalonamento de profissionais de saúde: The home healthcare routing and scheduling problem

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    Problema de Roteamento e Escalonamento de Profissionais de Saúde consiste em determinar a melhor rota para profissionais de saúde para atendimento domiciliar. Existem diversas variantes deste problema que diferem nas restrições e funções objetivo. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão da literatura, com o objetivo de identificar os problemas de roteamento utilizados pelos autores, os diferentes tipos de função objetivo, e as técnicas de solução utilizadas

    Planning the delivery of home social services: a mathematical programming-based approach to support routing and scheduling assignments

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    The increased average lifespan, together with low birth rates, are transforming the European Union's age pyramid. Currently, we are experiencing a transition towards a much older population structure. Given that the institutions that provide care to these population groups are limited by budgetary constraints, it is imperative to optimize several processes, among which route planning and staff scheduling stand out. This dissertation aims to develop a mathematical programming model to support the planning of routes and human resources for providers of Home Social Services. Beyond general Vehicle Routing Problems assumptions, the proposed model also considers the following features: i) working time regulations, ii) mandatory breaks, iii) users' autonomy, and iii) meals' distribution. The present model, implemented using GAMS software, focuses simultaneously on two objective functions: minimization of operating costs, and maximization of equity through the minimization of differences in teams' working times. Chebyshev's method was chosen to solve the developed multiobjective model. The model was built based on a Portuguese Private Institution of Social Solidarity. Through the application of the model, significant improvements are obtained when compared to the current planning of the partner institution, such as it is the case of an improved workload distribution between caregivers and routes that will result in lower costs for the institution. This model is fully enforceable to other institutions that provide services similar or equal to the institution used as a reference.O aumento da esperança média de vida, juntamente com baixas taxas de natalidade, estão a transformar a pirâmide etária da União Europeia. Atualmente, estamos a vivenciar uma transição direcionada para uma estrutura populacional muito mais envelhecida. Dado que as instituições que prestam cuidados a esta fração se encontram limitadas por restrições orçamentais, torna-se imperativo otimizar vários processos, dos quais se destacam planeamento de rotas e escalonamento de funcionárias. Esta dissertação visa introduzir um modelo de programação matemática com a finalidade de apoiar o planeamento de rotas e recursos humanos para prestadores de Serviços de Apoio Domiciliário. O modelo assenta, além dos pressupostos de um "Vehicle Routing Problem", nos seguintes: i) regulações de tempo de trabalho, ii) pausas obrigatórias, iii) autonomia dos utentes, e iv) distribuição de refeições. O modelo, desenvolvido através de software GAMS, foca-se em duas funções objetivo, simultaneamente: minimização dos custos operacionais, e maximização da equidade, através da minimização das diferenças nos tempos de trabalho das equipas. O método de Chebyshev foi o escolhido para desenvolver o modelo multiobjetivo. O modelo foi construído tendo por base uma Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social em Portugal. Através da aplicação do modelo, obtêm-se melhorias significativas, quando comparado com o atual planeamento da instituição parceira, como é o caso de uma melhor distribuição da carga de trabalho entre as funcionárias e das rotas que resultam da redução dos custos operacionais da instituição. Este modelo é totalmente extensível a outras instituições que prestem serviços semelhantes ou iguais à instituição utilizada como referência

    Decentralized and Dynamic Home Health Care Resource Scheduling Using an Agent-Based Model

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    The purpose of this thesis is to design an agent-based scheduling system, simulated in a dynamic environment that will reduce home healthcare service costs. The study focuses on situations where a health care agency needs to assign home visits among a group of independent healthcare practitioners. Each practitioner has different skill sets, time constraints, and cost structures, given the nature, time and location of each home visit. Each expects reasonable payment commensurate with their skill levels as well as the costs incurred. The healthcare agency in turn needs all planned visits performed by qualified practitioners while minimizing overall service costs. Decisions about scheduling are made both before and during the scheduling period, requiring the health care agency to respond to unexpected situations based on the latest scheduling information. This problem is examined in a multi-agent system environment where practitioners are modeled as self-interested agents. The study first analyzes the problem for insights into the combinatorial nature of such a problem occurring in a centralized environment, then discusses the decentralized and dynamic challenges. An iterated bidding mechanism is designed as the negotiation protocol for the system. The effectiveness of this system is evaluated through a computational study, with results showing the proposed multi-agent scheduling system is able to compute high quality schedules in the decentralized home healthcare environment. Following this, the system is also implemented in a simulation model that can accommodate unexpected situations. We presents different simulation scenarios which illustrate the process of how the system dynamically schedules incoming visits, and cost reduction can be observed from the results

    Dynamically accepting and scheduling patients for home healthcare

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    Importance of home healthcare is growing rapidly since populations of developed and even developing countries are getting older quickly and the number of hospitals, retirement homes, and medical staff do not increase at the same rate. We present Scenario Based Approach (SBA) for the Home Healthcare Nurse Scheduling Problem. In this problem, arrivals of patients are dynamic and acceptance and appointment time decisions have to be made as soon as patients arrive. The primary objective is to maximise the average number of daily visits. For the sake of service continuity, patients have to be visited at the same days and times each week during their service horizon. SBA is basically a simulation procedure based on generating several scenarios and scheduling new customers with a simple but fast heuristic. Then results are analysed to decide whether to accept the new patient and at which appointment day/time. First, two different versions of SBA, Daily and Weekly SBA are developed and analysed for a single nurse. We compare Daily SBA to two greedy heuristics from the literature, distance and capacity based, and computational studies show that Daily SBA makes significant improvements compared to these other two methods for a single nurse. Next, we extend SBA for a multi-nurse case. SBA is compared to a greedy heuristic under different conditions such as same depot case where nurses start their visits from and return to same place, clustered service area, and nurses with different qualification level. SBA gives superior results under all experiment conditions compared to the greedy heuristic