66 research outputs found

    A self-powered single-chip wireless sensor platform

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    Internet of things” require a large array of low-cost sensor nodes, wireless connectivity, low power operation and system intelligence. On the other hand, wireless biomedical implants demand additional specifications including small form factor, a choice of wireless operating frequencies within the window for minimum tissue loss and bio-compatibility This thesis describes a low power and low-cost internet of things system suitable for implant applications that is implemented in its entirety on a single standard CMOS chip with an area smaller than 0.5 mm2. The chip includes integrated sensors, ultra-low-power transceivers, and additional interface and digital control electronics while it does not require a battery or complex packaging schemes. It is powered through electromagnetic (EM) radiation using its on-chip miniature antenna that also assists with transmit and receive functions. The chip can operate at a short distance (a few centimeters) from an EM source that also serves as its wireless link. Design methodology, system simulation and optimization and early measurement results are presented

    A Nano-Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Design for RFID Applications

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    Passive RFID transponder is a tiny device that has unique ID information for communication with RFID readers and relies on the reader as a source of power supply. The main components of a typical transponder IC include antenna, analog front-end circuit and baseband processor, where the system clock is provided by a local oscillator. One of the biggest challenges for the oscillator is to ensure the lowest possible power consumption for passive RFID applications. A nano-power VCO capable of functioning as a local oscillator for the transponders is obtained by biasing the delay cells to operate in weak inversion region. Further power reduction is achieved by transistor sizing. Designed in a 90-nm CMOS technology, the proposed circuit oscillates with a power supply of 0.3V with frequency tuning characteristics and consumes only 24nW. The center frequency is 5.12MHz and the phase noise is -80.43 dBc/Hz at 10KHz offset

    Towards RF graphene devices: A review

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    Graphene has been targeted for a wide variety of applications due to its characteristics. It is a zero-bandgap material, has high conductivity, and high carrier mobility, which makes it a promising material for radiofrequency applications. This review examines the applications of graphene in the design of radiofrequency building blocks, their performance, and current hurdles. Initially, graphene passive devices (inductors, capacitors, antennas, and waveguides) are analyzed, as well as their current modelling techniques. Then, radiofrequency transistors and their modelling are reported and discussed. An insight on the current state of radiofrequency devices is provided which more specifically targets graphene oscillators, multipliers, and mixers. Finally, the current fabrication issues and techniques are analyzed and discussed, providing a global overview on the application of graphene for radiofrequency electronics.Work supported by PTDC/EEI-TEL/29670/2017 - (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029670), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through COMPETE 2020, grant SFRH/BD/141462/2018, grant SFRH/BD/137529/2018, grant UIDB/04436/2020, grant UIDP/04436/2020, and grant UIDB/04650/2020

    Surface Acoustic Wave (saw) Cryogenic Liquid And Hydrogen Gas Sensors

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    This research was born from NASA Kennedy Space Center’s (KSC) need for passive, wireless and individually distinguishable cryogenic liquid and H2 gas sensors in various facilities. The risks of catastrophic accidents, associated with the storage and use of cryogenic fluids may be minimized by constant monitoring. Accidents involving the release of H2 gas or LH2 were responsible for 81% of total accidents in the aerospace industry. These problems may be mitigated by the implementation of a passive (or low-power), wireless, gas detection system, which continuously monitors multiple nodes and reports temperature and H2 gas presence. Passive, wireless, cryogenic liquid level and hydrogen (H2) gas sensors were developed on a platform technology called Orthogonal Frequency Coded (OFC) surface acoustic wave (SAW) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag sensors. The OFC-SAW was shown to be mechanically resistant to failure due to thermal shock from repeated cycles between room to liquid nitrogen temperature. This suggests that these tags are ideal for integration into cryogenic Dewar environments for the purposes of cryogenic liquid level detection. Three OFC-SAW H2 gas sensors were simultaneously wirelessly interrogated while being exposed to various flow rates of H2 gas. Rapid H2 detection was achieved for flow rates as low as 1ccm of a 2% H2, 98% N2 mixture. A novel method and theory to extract the electrical and mechanical properties of a semiconducting and high conductivity thin-film using SAW amplitude and velocity dispersion measurements were also developed. The SAW device was shown to be a useful tool in analysis and characterization of ultrathin and thin films and physical phenomena such as gas adsorption and desorption mechanisms

    Near-field baseband communication system for use in biomedical implants

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    This thesis introduces the reader to the near-field baseband pulse radio communication for biomedical implants. It details the design and implementation of the complete communication system with a particular emphasis on the antenna structure and waveform coding that is compatible with this particular technology. The wireless communication system has great employability in small pill-sized biomedical diagnostic devices offering the advantages of low power consumption and easy integration with SoC and lab-in-a-pill technologies. The greatest challenge was the choice of antenna that had to be made to effectively transmit the pulses. A systematic approach has been carried out in arriving at the most suitable antenna for efficient emanation of pulses and the fields around it are analysed electromagnetically using a commercially available software. A magnetic antenna can be used to transmit the information from inside a human body to the outside world. The performance of the above antenna was evaluated in a salt solution of different concentrations which is similar to a highly conductive lossy medium like a human body. Near-field baseband pulse transmission is a waveform transmission scheme wherein the pulse shape is crucial for decoding information at the receiver. This demands a new approach to the antenna design, both at the transmitter and the receiver. The antenna had to be analysed in the time-domain to know its effects on the pulse and an expression for the antenna bandwidth has been proposed in this thesis. The receiving antenna should be able to detect very short pulses and while doing so has to also maintain the pulse shape with minimal distortion. Different loading congurations were explored to determine the most feasible one for receiving very short pulses. Return-to-zero (RZ), Non-return-zero (NRZ) and Manchester coded pulse waveforms were tested for their compatibility and performance with the near-field baseband pulse radio communication. It was concluded that Manchester coded waveform are perfectly suited for this particular near-field communication technology. Pulse interval modulation was also investigated and the findings suggested that it was easier to implement and had a high throughput rate too. A simple receiver algorithm has been suggested and practically tested on a digital signal processor. There is further scope for research to develop complex signal processing algorithms at the receiver

    Design of an Ultra-Low Power RTC for the IoT

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    The Internet of Things is growing at an exponential rate. This new perception of reality is being researched even further nowadays because society is starting to develop an interest on these technologies. Market potential is increasing even further, since the foreseeable implementations are diverse and still to be detected. The future applications for the IoT are enthusiastic and they will increase the overall quality of life of the citizens of the world. Developing a component that is crucial for the sustainability of this implementation is the task that truly motivates the intended work for this project. Designing the full-custom circuitry and physical layout of a Real Time Clock becomes a job that has a lot of minor details that need considerable attention. These technicalities truly tone the developers skill and knowledge of different design principles. Besides, developing the solution using subthreshold CMOS techniques will put emphasis on different technological procedures. Producing devices that are heavily dependent on PVT variations, operational frequency and power consumption define this new task, that needs a stable approach to all these diverse figure of merits, even though they are all interconnected. The study and understanding of these different approaches allows for a more complex in depth grasp of this recent intriguing proceedings

    An efficient telemetry system for restoring sight

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    PhD ThesisThe human nervous system can be damaged as a result of disease or trauma, causing conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Most people try pharmaceuticals as a primary method of treatment. However, drugs cannot restore some cases, such as visual disorder. Alternatively, this impairment can be treated with electronic neural prostheses. A retinal prosthesis is an example of that for restoring sight, but it is not efficient and only people with retinal pigmentosa benefit from it. In such treatments, stimulation of the nervous system can be achieved by electrical or optical means. In the latter case, the nerves need to be rendered light sensitive via genetic means (optogenetics). High radiance photonic devices are then required to deliver light to the target tissue. Such optical approaches hold the potential to be more effective while causing less harm to the brain tissue. As these devices are implanted in tissue, wireless means need to be used to communicate with them. For this, IEEE 802.15.6 or Bluetooth protocols at 2.4GHz are potentially compatible with most advanced electronic devices, and are also safe and secure. Also, wireless power delivery can operate the implanted device. In this thesis, a fully wireless and efficient visual cortical stimulator was designed to restore the sight of the blind. This system is likely to address 40% of the causes of blindness. In general, the system can be divided into two parts, hardware and software. Hardware parts include a wireless power transfer design, the communication device, power management, a processor and the control unit, and the 3D design for assembly. The software part contains the image simplification, image compression, data encoding, pulse modulation, and the control system. Real-time video streaming is processed and sent over Bluetooth, and data are received by the LPC4330 six layer implanted board. After retrieving the compressed data, the processed data are again sent to the implanted electrode/optrode to stimulate the brain’s nerve cells

    Survey on individual components for a 5 GHz receiver system using 130 nm CMOS technology

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    La intención de esta tesis es recopilar información desde un punto de vista general sobre los diferentes tipos de componentes utilizados en un receptor de señales a 5 GHz utilizando tecnología CMOS. Se ha realizado una descripción y análisis de cada uno de los componentes que forman el sistema, destacando diferentes tipos de configuraciones, figuras de mérito y otros parámetros. Se muestra una tabla resumen al final de cada sección, comparando algunos diseños que se han ido presentando a lo largo de los años en conferencias internacionales de la IEEE.The intention of this thesis is to gather information from an overview point about the different types of components used in a 5 GHz receiver using CMOS technology. A review of each of the components that form the system has been made, highlighting different types of configurations, figure of merits and parameters. A summary table is shown at the end of each section, comparing many designs that have been presented over the years at international conferences of the IEEE.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic