80 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient analog-to-digital conversion for ultra-wideband radio

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-222).In energy constrained signal processing and communication systems, a focus on the analog or digital circuits in isolation cannot achieve the minimum power consumption. Furthermore, in advanced technologies with significant variation, yield is traditionally achieved only through conservative design and a sacrifice of energy efficiency. In this thesis, these limitations are addressed with both a comprehensive mixed-signal design methodology and new circuits and architectures, as presented in the context of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for ultra-wideband (UWB) radio. UWB is an emerging technology capable of high-data-rate wireless communication and precise locationing, and it requires high-speed (>500MS/s), low-resolution ADCs. The successive approximation register (SAR) topology exhibits significantly reduced complexity compared to the traditional flash architecture. Three time-interleaved SAR ADCs have been implemented. At the mixed-signal optimum energy point, parallelism and reduced voltage supplies provide more than 3x energy savings. Custom control logic, a new capacitive DAC, and a hierarchical sampling network enable the high-speed operation. Finally, only a small amount of redundancy, with negligible power penalty, dramatically improves the yield of the highly parallel ADC in deep sub-micron CMOS.by Brian P. Ginsburg.Ph.D

    Fully Digital On-Chip Wideband Background Calibration for Channel Mismatches in Time-Interleaved Time-Based ADCs

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    This letter presents a fully integrated on-chip digital mismatch compensation system for time-based time-interleaved (TI) data converters. The proposed digital compensation features blind calibration of gain, offset, and timing mismatches. The implemented system uses time-based sampling clock mismatch detection, achieving convergence within 32K samples, which is on par with analog-assisted background methods. A specialized filter structure compensates for timing mismatches of magnitude up to 0.21 of the sampling period, nearly triple the range of other published digital compensation methods, and is effective for input signals up to 0.92 Nyquist bandwidth. The on-chip digital correction achieves suppression of all mismatch tones to levels below −60 dBc while running fully in the background. The operation is demonstrated with an 8× TI 2-GS/s analog-to-digital converter (ADC) prototype chip implemented in a 28-nm CMOS process.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Design of Energy-Efficient A/D Converters with Partial Embedded Equalization for High-Speed Wireline Receiver Applications

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    As the data rates of wireline communication links increases, channel impairments such as skin effect, dielectric loss, fiber dispersion, reflections and cross-talk become more pronounced. This warrants more interest in analog-to-digital converter (ADC)-based serial link receivers, as they allow for more complex and flexible back-end digital signal processing (DSP) relative to binary or mixed-signal receivers. Utilizing this back-end DSP allows for complex digital equalization and more bandwidth-efficient modulation schemes, while also displaying reduced process/voltage/temperature (PVT) sensitivity. Furthermore, these architectures offer straightforward design translation and can directly leverage the area and power scaling offered by new CMOS technology nodes. However, the power consumption of the ADC front-end and subsequent digital signal processing is a major issue. Embedding partial equalization inside the front-end ADC can potentially result in lowering the complexity of back-end DSP and/or decreasing the ADC resolution requirement, which results in a more energy-effcient receiver. This dissertation presents efficient implementations for multi-GS/s time-interleaved ADCs with partial embedded equalization. First prototype details a 6b 1.6GS/s ADC with a novel embedded redundant-cycle 1-tap DFE structure in 90nm CMOS. The other two prototypes explain more complex 6b 10GS/s ADCs with efficiently embedded feed-forward equalization (FFE) and decision feedback equalization (DFE) in 65nm CMOS. Leveraging a time-interleaved successive approximation ADC architecture, new structures for embedded DFE and FFE are proposed with low power/area overhead. Measurement results over FR4 channels verify the effectiveness of proposed embedded equalization schemes. The comparison of fabricated prototypes against state-of-the-art general-purpose ADCs at similar speed/resolution range shows comparable performances, while the proposed architectures include embedded equalization as well

    Compensation numérique pour convertisseur large bande hautement parallélisé.

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    Time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (TIADC) seem to be the holy grail of analog-to-digital conversion. Theoretically, their sampling speed can be increased, very simply, by duplicating the sub-converters. The real world is different because mismatches between the converters strongly reduce the TIADC performance, especially when trying to push forward the sampling speed, or the resolution of the converter. Using background digital mismatch calibration can alleviate this limitation. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to studying the sources and effects of mismatches in a TIADC. Performance metrics such as the SNDR and the SFDR are derived as a function of the mismatch levels. In the second part, new background digital mismatch calibration techniques are presented. They are able to reduce the offset, gain, skew and bandwidth mismatch errors. The mismatches are estimated by using the statistical properties of the input signal and digital filters are used to reconstruct the correct output samples. In the third part, a 1.6 GS/s TIADC circuit, implementing offset, gain and skew mismatch calibration, demonstrates a reduction of the mismatch spurs down to a level of -70 dBFS, up to an input frequency of 750 MHz. The circuit achieves the lowest level of mismatches among TIADCs in the same frequency range, with a reasonable power and area, in spite of the overhead caused by the calibration.Les convertisseurs analogique-numérique à entrelacement temporel (TIADC) semblent être une solution prometteuse dans le monde de la conversion analogique-numérique. Leur fréquence d’échantillonnage peut théoriquement être augmentée en augmentant le nombre de convertisseurs en parallèle. En réalité, des désappariements entre les convertisseurs peuvent fortement dégrader les performances, particulièrement à haute fréquence d’échantillonnage ou à haute résolution. Ces défauts d’appariement peuvent être réduits en utilisant des techniques de calibration en arrière-plan. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des sources et effets des différents types de désappariements dans un TIADC. Des indicateurs de performance tels que le SNDR ou la SFDR sont exprimés en fonction du niveau des désappariements. Dans la deuxième partie, des nouvelles techniques de calibration sont proposées. Ces techniques permettent de réduire les effets des désappariements d’offset, de gain, d’instant d’échantillonnage et de bande passante. Les désappariements sont estimés en se basant sur des propriétés statistiques du signal et la reconstruction des échantillons de sortie se fait en utilisant des filtres numériques. La troisième partie démontre les performance d’un TIADC fonctionnant a une fréquence d’échantillonnage de 1.6 GE/s et comprenant les calibration d’offset, de gain et d’instant d’échantillonnage proposées. Les raies fréquentielles dues aux désappariements sont réduites à un niveau de -70dBc jusqu’à une fréquence d’entrée de 750 MHz. Ce circuit démontre une meilleure correction de désappariements que des circuits similaires récemment publiés, et ce avec une augmentation de puissance consommée et de surface relativement faible

    Wideband CMOS Data Converters for Linear and Efficient mmWave Transmitters

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    With continuously increasing demands for wireless connectivity, higher\ua0carrier frequencies and wider bandwidths are explored. To overcome a limited transmit power at these higher carrier frequencies, multiple\ua0input multiple output (MIMO) systems, with a large number of transmitters\ua0and antennas, are used to direct the transmitted power towards\ua0the user. With a large transmitter count, each individual transmitter\ua0needs to be small and allow for tight integration with digital circuits. In\ua0addition, modern communication standards require linear transmitters,\ua0making linearity an important factor in the transmitter design.In this thesis, radio frequency digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC)-based transmitters are explored. They shift the transition from digital\ua0to analog closer to the antennas, performing both digital-to-analog\ua0conversion and up-conversion in a single block. To reduce the need for\ua0computationally costly digital predistortion (DPD), a linear and wellbehaved\ua0RF-DAC transfer characteristic is desirable. The combination\ua0of non-overlapping local oscillator (LO) signals and an expanding segmented\ua0non-linear RF-DAC scaling is evaluated as a way to linearize\ua0the transmitter. This linearization concept has been studied both for\ua0the linearization of the RF-DAC itself and for the joint linearization of\ua0the cascaded RF-DAC-based modulator and power amplifier (PA) combination.\ua0To adapt the linearization, observation receivers are needed.\ua0In these, high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have a central\ua0role. A high-speed ADC has been designed and evaluated to understand\ua0how concepts used to increase the sample rate affect the dynamic performance

    Aika-digitaalimuunnin laajakaistaisiin aikapohjaisiin analogia-digitaalimuuntimiin

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    Modern deeply scaled semiconductor processes make the design of voltage-domain circuits increasingly challenging. On the contrary, the area and power consumption of digital circuits are improving with every new process node. Consequently, digital solutions are designed in place of their purely analog counterparts in applications such as analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. Time-based analog-to-digital converters (ADC) employ digital-intensive architectures by processing analog quantities in time-domain. The quantization step of the time-based A/D-conversion is carried out by a time-to-digital converter (TDC). A free-running ring oscillator -based TDC design is presented for use in wideband time-based ADCs. The proposed architecture aims to maximize time resolution and full-scale range, and to achieve error resilient conversion performance with minimized power and area consumptions. The time resolution is maximized by employing a high-frequency multipath ring oscillator, and the full-scale range is extended using a high-speed gray counter. The error resilience is achieved by custom sense-amplifier -based sampling flip-flops, gray coded counter and a digital error correction algorithm for counter sampling error correction. The implemented design achieves up to 9-bit effective resolution at 250 MS/s with 4.3 milliwatt power consumption.Modernien puolijohdeteknologioiden skaalautumisen seurauksena jännitetason piirien suunnittelu tulee entistä haasteellisemmaksi. Toisaalta digitaalisten piirirakenteiden pinta-ala sekä tehonkulutus pienenevät prosessikehityksen myötä. Tästä syystä digitaalisia ratkaisuja suunnitellaan vastaavien puhtaasti analogisien rakenteiden tilalle. Analogia-digitaalimuunnos (A/D-muunnos) voidaan toteuttaa jännitetason sijaan aikatasossa käyttämällä aikapohjaisia A/D-muuntimia, jotka ovat rakenteeltaan pääosin digitaalisia. Kvantisointivaihe aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa toteutetaan aika-digitaalimuuntimella. Työ esittelee vapaasti oskilloivaan silmukkaoskillaattoriin perustuvan aika-digitaalimuuntimen, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi laajakaistaisessa aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa. Esitelty rakenne pyrkii maksimoimaan muuntimen aikaresoluution sekä muunnosalueen, sekä saavuttamaan virhesietoisen muunnostoiminnan minimoidulla tehon sekä pinta-alan kulutuksella. Aikaresoluutio on maksimoitu hyödyntämällä suuritaajuista monipolkuista silmukkaoskillaattoria, ja muunnosalue on maksimoitu nopealla Gray-koodi -laskuripiirillä. Muunnosprosessin virhesietoisuus on saavutettu toteuttamalla näytteistys herkillä kiikkuelementeillä, hyödyntämällä Gray-koodattua laskuria, sekä jälkiprosessoimalla laskurin näytteistetyt arvot virheenkorjausalgoritmilla. Esitelty muunnintoteutus saavuttaa 9 bitin efektiivisen resoluution 250 MS/s näytetaajuudella ja 4.3 milliwatin tehonkulutuksella

    A Low-Power, Reconfigurable, Pipelined ADC with Automatic Adaptation for Implantable Bioimpedance Applications

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    Biomedical monitoring systems that observe various physiological parameters or electrochemical reactions typically cannot expect signals with fixed amplitude or frequency as signal properties can vary greatly even among similar biosignals. Furthermore, advancements in biomedical research have resulted in more elaborate biosignal monitoring schemes which allow the continuous acquisition of important patient information. Conventional ADCs with a fixed resolution and sampling rate are not able to adapt to signals with a wide range of variation. As a result, reconfigurable analog-to-digital converters (ADC) have become increasingly more attractive for implantable biosensor systems. These converters are able to change their operable resolution, sampling rate, or both in order convert changing signals with increased power efficiency. Traditionally, biomedical sensing applications were limited to low frequencies. Therefore, much of the research on ADCs for biomedical applications focused on minimizing power consumption with smaller bias currents resulting in low sampling rates. However, recently bioimpedance monitoring has become more popular because of its healthcare possibilities. Bioimpedance monitoring involves injecting an AC current into a biosample and measuring the corresponding voltage drop. The frequency of the injected current greatly affects the amplitude and phase of the voltage drop as biological tissue is comprised of resistive and capacitive elements. For this reason, a full spectrum of measurements from 100 Hz to 10-100 MHz is required to gain a full understanding of the impedance. For this type of implantable biomedical application, the typical low power, low sampling rate analog-to-digital converter is insufficient. A different optimization of power and performance must be achieved. Since SAR ADC power consumption scales heavily with sampling rate, the converters that sample fast enough to be attractive for bioimpedance monitoring do not have a figure-of-merit that is comparable to the slower converters. Therefore, an auto-adapting, reconfigurable pipelined analog-to-digital converter is proposed. The converter can operate with either 8 or 10 bits of resolution and with a sampling rate of 0.1 or 20 MS/s. Additionally, the resolution and sampling rate are automatically determined by the converter itself based on the input signal. This way, power efficiency is increased for input signals of varying frequency and amplitude