30 research outputs found

    Combined effect of Neolamarckia cdamba leaves and electroporation method on HeLa cell anti- proliferation process

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    This study suggests that natural sources may become an important tool in treating cancer. Neolamarckia cadamba (NC) leaves also well-known as “Anthocephalus Cadamba”, is a precious plant in Ayurvedic medicine. HeLa cells are one of the examples of eukaryotic cells type. It is derived from human cervical cancer cells. This experiment is conducted in different concentrations of NC Leaves (1μg/ml, 5μg/ml, 10μg/ml, 20μg/ml, 30μg/ml, 40μg/ml, 50μg/ml, 60μg/ml, 70μg/ml, 80μg/ml, 90μg/ml and 100μg/ml) for 48 hours. This experiment's result proves that the anti-cancer properties of the extract of NC leaves are by increasing the concentration of extract, the numbers of cell viability will decrease. For contribution, the process of NC leaves extract will be combined with the electroporation process to investigate the effect on HeLa cell. Electroporation parameters used for this study were (voltage 600v/cm, pulse duration 5ms, single pulse)

    Digital games based language Learning for Arabic literacy remedial

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    Digital gameplay is becoming increasingly prevalent. Its participant-players number in the millions and its revenues are in billions of dollars. As they grow in popularity, digital games are also growing in complexity, depth and sophistication. This paper presents reasons why games and gameplay matter to the future of education. Drawing upon these works, the potential for instruction in digital games is recognized. Previous works in the area were also analyzed with respect to their theoretical findings. Hence, the authors in this study propose some existing Arabic language learning games intended for education of children. The analysis result shows that the majority of Arabic language learning games are limited to alphabet content. The overall presentation lacks of quality in terms of graphics, animations, colors and voice-over


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    Implementing the scholarship recipient selection process funded by the government is aimed at ensuring students receive adequate education and avoid dropping out of school. This scholarship serves as assistance to help students complete their educational tasks in seeking knowledge until the scholarship period ends, in the form of financial aid to support the expenses incurred by students during their educational journey. However, the selection process requires a long time to ensure that the aid recipients are truly deserving students. To assist in determining eligible scholarship recipients, a Decision Support System (DSS) using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is needed. SAW is a simple ranking method that calculates weighted values based on criteria. With the implementation of the SAW-based decision support system for scholarship selection, the final result obtained from the summation yields A1 as the best alternative for scholarship recipients

    Analisis Umur Lampu Berdasarkan Switching Cycles

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    Pencahayaan untuk suatu ruangan dan lingkungan dapat berasal dari cahaya alami dan buatan. Terdapat banyak jenis lampu untuk mendapatkan pencahayaan yang berkualitas. Salah satu jenis lampu yaitu lampu LED yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat. Alasan penggunaan lampu LED adalah hemat energi dan umur pakai yang lama. Umur lampu biasanya dinyatakan dalam jam dan untuk pengukuran yang saat ini sudah ada SNI nya adalah menggunakan metoda satuan jam. Namun saat ini ditemukan metoda untuk  menyatakan umur lampu yaitu dengan switching cycles. Penelitian ini berupa pengukuran umur lampu dengan metoda ini. Metode penelitiannya berupa eksperimen yaitu mengukur umur lampu dengan berdasarkan switching cycles. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 17 hari dalam setiap 1 percobaan. Terdapat 2 percobaan, percobaan pertama dengan waktu jeda 1 dan percobaab kedua dengan waktu jeda 4 detik. Waktu hidup lampu yang dipilih adalah 4, 9 dan 14 detik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah switching cycles mencapai lebih dari 70.000 switching cycles, dalam keadaan nyala. Nilai ini melebihi dari angka yang ada di spesifikasi lampu yang dipakai sebagai lampu uji yaitu 50.000 switching cycles. Penelitian ini juga melihat tingkat pencahayaan (lux), selama uji 17 hari. Hasilnya tingkat pencahayaan tidak berkurang secara signifikan selama uji

    Liquid slosh control by implementing model-free PID controller with derivative filter based on PSO

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    Conventionally, the control of liquid slosh system is done based on model-based techniques that challenging to implement practically because of the chaotic motion of fluid in the container. The aim of this article is to develop the tuning technique for model-free PID with derivative filter (PIDF) parameters for liquid slosh suppression system based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). PSO algorithm is responsible to find the optimal values for PIDF parameters based on fitness functions which are Sum Squared Error (SSE) and Sum Absolute Error (SAE) of the cart position and liquid slosh angle response. The modelling of liquid slosh in lateral movement is considered to justify the design of control scheme. The PSO tuning method is compared by heuristic tuning method in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed tuning approach. The performance evaluations of the proposed tuning method are based on the ability of the tank to follow the input in horizontal motion and liquid slosh level reduction in time domain. Based on the simulation results, the suggested tuning method is capable to reduce the liquid slosh level in the same time produces fast input tracking of the tank without precisely model the chaotic motion of the fluid

    Embedded fuzzy controller for water level control

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    This article presents the design of a fuzzy controller embedded in a microcontroller aimed at implementing a low-cost, modular process control system. The fuzzy system's construction is based on a classical proportional and derivative controller, where inputs of error and its derivate depend on the difference between the desired setpoint and the actual level; the goal is to control the water level of coupled tanks. The process is oriented to control based on the knowledge that facilitates the adjustment of the output variable without complex mathematical modeling. In different response tests of the fuzzy controller, a maximum over-impulse greater than 8% or a steady-state error greater than 2.1% was not evidenced when varying the setpoint

    Innovative digital technologies for purchasing and consumption in urban and regional agro-food systems: A systematic review

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    The use of digital technologies in the agro-food sector is growing worldwide, and applications in the urban and regional food systems represent a relevant segment of such growth. The present paper aims at reviewing the literature on which and how digital technologies support urban and regional agro-food purchasing and consumption, as well as their characteristics. Data collection was performed on Scopus and Web of Science. Articles were selected using a research string and according to specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow approach was adopted to explain data screening and selection. The 57 resulting studies were included in the final qualitative analysis, which explored the characteristics of the research studies and of the digital technologies analysed. Most of the studies analysed concerned the implications of digital technologies on local food consumption, especially focusing on consumption, primary production and hotel-restaurant-caf\ue9-catering sector (HORECA), and to a limited extent on the retail sector. Consumers and farmers are the main targets of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools, whose principal aims are providing information on agro-food products and enhancing networking along the food supply chain. Analysing digital technologies allows a better understanding of their most popular features in order to support their spread among citizens. Digital technologies, and particularly Apps, can be a valuable instrument to strengthen agro-food chain actor relations and to promote urban and regional food systems

    Remote health monitoring systems for elderly people: a survey

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    This paper addresses the growing demand for healthcare systems, particularly among the elderly population. The need for these systems arises from the desire to enable patients and seniors to live independently in their homes without relying heavily on their families or caretakers. To achieve substantial improvements in healthcare, it is essential to ensure the continuous development and availability of information technologies tailored explicitly for patients and elderly individuals. The primary objective of this study is to comprehensively review the latest remote health monitoring systems, with a specific focus on those designed for older adults. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding, we categorize these remote monitoring systems and provide an overview of their general architectures. Additionally, we emphasize the standards utilized in their development and highlight the challenges encountered throughout the developmental processes. Moreover, this paper identifies several potential areas for future research, which promise further advancements in remote health monitoring systems. Addressing these research gaps can drive progress and innovation, ultimately enhancing the quality of healthcare services available to elderly individuals. This, in turn, empowers them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives while enjoying the comforts and familiarity of their own homes. By acknowledging the importance of healthcare systems for the elderly and recognizing the role of information technologies, we can address the evolving needs of this population. Through ongoing research and development, we can continue to enhance remote health monitoring systems, ensuring they remain effective, efficient, and responsive to the unique requirements of elderly individuals

    Examination of traditional botnet detection on Iot-based bots

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    A botnet is a collection of Internet-connected computers that have been suborned and are controlled externally for malicious purposes. Concomitant with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), botnets have been expanding to use IoT devices as their attack vectors. IoT devices utilise specific protocols and network topologies distinct from conventional computers that may render detection techniques ineffective on compromised IoT devices. This paper describes experiments involving the acquisition of several traditional botnet detection techniques, BotMiner, BotProbe, and BotHunter, to evaluate their capabilities when applied to IoT-based botnets. Multiple simulation environments, using internally developed network traffic generation software, were created to test these techniques on traditional and IoT-based networks, with multiple scenarios differentiated by the total number of hosts, the total number of infected hosts, the botnet command and control (CnC) type, and the presence of aberrant activity. Externally acquired datasets were also used to further test and validate the capabilities of each botnet detection technique. The results indicated, contrary to expectations, that BotMiner and BotProbe were able to detect IoT-based botnets—though they exhibited certain limitations specific to their operation. The results show that traditional botnet detection techniques are capable of detecting IoT-based botnets and that the different techniques may offer capabilities that complement one another

    Precision Agriculture Techniques and Practices: From Considerations to Applications

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    Internet of Things (IoT)-based automation of agricultural events can change the agriculture sector from being static and manual to dynamic and smart, leading to enhanced production with reduced human efforts. Precision Agriculture (PA) along with Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) are the main drivers of automation in the agriculture domain. PA uses specific sensors and software to ensure that the crops receive exactly what they need to optimize productivity and sustainability. PA includes retrieving real data about the conditions of soil, crops and weather from the sensors deployed in the fields. High-resolution images of crops are obtained from satellite or air-borne platforms (manned or unmanned), which are further processed to extract information used to provide future decisions. In this paper, a review of near and remote sensor networks in the agriculture domain is presented along with several considerations and challenges. This survey includes wireless communication technologies, sensors, and wireless nodes used to assess the environmental behaviour, the platforms used to obtain spectral images of crops, the common vegetation indices used to analyse spectral images and applications of WSN in agriculture. As a proof of concept, we present a case study showing how WSN-based PA system can be implemented. We propose an IoT-based smart solution for crop health monitoring, which is comprised of two modules. The first module is a wireless sensor network-based system to monitor real-time crop health status. The second module uses a low altitude remote sensing platform to obtain multi-spectral imagery, which is further processed to classify healthy and unhealthy crops. We also highlight the results obtained using a case study and list the challenges and future directions based on our work