10,398,803 research outputs found

    Sustainability indicators

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    Imagine a situation where, after debating for years on what makes you happy, you finally decide that it is about time you start put these ideas into practice and effectively make yourself happy(ier). If you are really determined, you will be keen to stop convincing yourself that you are happy if you are not: you will want to check whether you are really making progress towards achieving your goals. You will have identified different components of your happiness and will assess some of them, progressing cautiously, step by step. You will also be aware of the links between these components, links that determine your overall state of happiness. In the situation described above, now replace the term 'happiness' by that of 'sustainability' - like concepts such as justice, truth, or happiness indeed, it is a desirable objective, albeit difficult to capture in a concise, shared, definition

    A new type of temperature driven reorientation transition in magnetic thin films

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    We present a new type of temperature driven spin reorientation transition (SRT) in thin films. It can occur when the lattice and the shape anisotropy favor different easy directions of the magnetization. Due to different temperature dependencies of the two contributions the effective anisotropy may change its sign and thus the direction of the magnetization as a function of temperature may change. Contrary to the well-known reorientation transition caused by competing surface and bulk anisotropy contributions the reorientation that we discuss is also found in film systems with a uniform lattice anisotropy. The results of our theoretical model study may have experimental relevance for film systems with positive lattice anisotropy, as e.g. thin iron films grown on copper.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in EPJ

    One-step generation of high-quality squeezed and EPR states in cavity QED

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    We show how to generate bilinear (quadratic) Hamiltonians in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) through the interaction of a single driven three-level atom with two (one) cavity modes. With this scheme it is possible to generate one-mode mesoscopic squeezed superpositions, two-mode entanglements, and two-mode squeezed vacuum states (such the original EPR state), without the need for Ramsey zones and external parametric amplification. The degree of squeezing achieved is up to 99% with currently feasible experimental parameters and the errors due to dissipative mechanisms become practically negligible

    One-loop corrections to the Drell-Yan process in SANC (I). The charged current case

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    Radiative corrections to the charged current Drell-Yan processes are revisited. Complete one-loop electroweak corrections are calculated within the automatic SANC system. Electroweak scheme dependence and the choice of the factorization scale are discussed. Comparisons with earlier calculations are presented.Comment: extended version submitted to EPJ

    Leading-particle suppression in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions

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    Parton energy loss effects in heavy-ion collisions are studied with the Monte Carlo program PQM (Parton Quenching Model) constructed using the BDMPS quenching weights and a realistic collision geometry. The merit of the approach is that it contains only one free parameter that is tuned to the high-pt nuclear modification factor measured in central Au-Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 200 GeV. Once tuned, the model is coherently applied to all the high-pt observables at 200 GeV: the centrality evolution of the nuclear modification factor, the suppression of the away-side jet-like correlations, and the azimuthal anisotropies for these observables. Predictions for the leading-particle suppression at nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energies of 62.4 and 5500 GeV are calculated. The limits of the eikonal approximation in the BDMPS approach, when applied to finite-energy partons, are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, final version, accepted by Eur. Phys. J.

    Isospin and symmetry energy effects on nuclear fragment production in liquid-gas type phase transition region

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    We have demonstrated that the isospin of nuclei influences the fragment production during the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition. Calculations for Au197, Sn124, La124 and Kr78 at various excitation energies were carried out on the basis of the statistical multifragmentation model (SMM). We analyzed the behavior of the critical exponent tau with the excitation energy and its dependence on the critical temperature. Relative yields of fragments were classified with respect to the mass number of the fragments in the transition region. In this way, we have demonstrated that nuclear multifragmentation exhibits a 'bimodality' behavior. We have also shown that the symmetry energy has a small influence on fragment mass distribution, however, its effect is more pronounced in the isotope distributions of produced fragments.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in EPJ

    On relativistic approaches to the pion self-energy in nuclear matter

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    We argue that, in contrast to the non-relativistic approach, a relativistic evaluation of the nucleon--hole and delta-isobar--nucleon hole contributions to the pion self-energy incorporates the s-wave scattering, which requires a more accurate evaluation. Therefore relativistic approach containing only these diagrams does not describe appropriately the pion self-energy in isospin symmetric nuclear matter. We conclude that, a correct relativistic approach to the pion self-energy should involve a more sophisticated calculation in order to satisfy the known experimental results on the near-threshold behaviour of the pion-nucleon (forward) scattering amplitude.Comment: 7 pages,1 figur

    Non-equilibrated post freeze out distributions

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    We discuss freeze out on the hypersurface with time-like normal vector, trying to answer how realistic is to assume thermal post freeze out distributions for measured hadrons. Using simple kinetic models for gradual freeze out we are able to generate thermal post FO distribution, but only in highly simplified situation. In a more advanced model, taking into account rescattering and re-thermalization, the post FO distribution gets more complicated. The resulting particle distributions are in qualitative agreement with the experimentally measured pion spectra. Our study also shows that the obtained post FO distribution functions, although analytically very different from the Juttner distribution, do look pretty much like thermal distributions in some range of parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, EPJ style, submitted to EPJ

    Exclusive Semileptonic Rare Decays BK()l+lB \to K^{(*)} l^+ l^- in a SUSY SO(10) GUT

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    In the SUSY SO(10) GUT context, we study the exclusive processes BK()l+l(l=μ,τ)B \to K^{(*)} l^+l^-(l=\mu,\tau). Using the Wilson coefficients of relevant operators including the new operators Q1,2()Q_{1,2}^{(\prime)} which are induced by neutral Higgs boson (NHB) penguins, we evaluate some possible observables associated with these processes like, the invariant mass spectrum (IMS), lepton pair forward backward asymmetry (FBA), lepton polarization asymmetries etc. In this model the contributions from Wilson coefficients CQ1,2C_{Q_{1,2}}^\prime, among new contributions, are dominant. Our results show that the NHB effects are sensitive to the FBA, dL/ds^dL/d\hat{s}, and dT/ds^dT/d\hat{s} of BK()τ+τB \to K^{(*)} \tau^+ \tau^- decay, which are expected to be measured in B factories, and the average of the normal polarization dN/ds^dN/d\hat{s} can reach several percent for BKμ+μB \to K \mu^+ \mu^- and it is 0.05 or so for BKτ+τB\to K \tau^+\tau^-, which could be measured in the future super B factories and provide a useful information to probe new physics and discriminate different models.Comment: 16 pages,7 figure

    Front Matter

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