14 research outputs found


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    Coffee commodity is very potential and has markets both domestically and abroad. Bandung Regency is one of the coffee producers who strives to develop the quality and quantity of coffee in order to improve the welfare of the community. To meet the market demand, farmers have different ways, especially in the application of planting patterns, where currently there are growing coffee monoculture and polyculture. The research objective is to identify monoculture and polyculture farmers' income and analyze the factors that influence coffee farmers to choose a monoculture and polyculture cropping system. Data analysis using logistic regression methods. The results showed monoculture farmers' income was higher than polyculture income without adding up income from vegetables. However, the income of monoculture farmers is lower than the income of polyculture by adding income from vegetables. The logistic regression test results show that the factors that influence farmers to choose a planting pattern are the age of the farmer, the distance of the farm to the farmer's residence, the distance of the farm to the coffee processing plant, and the age of the coffee plant

    Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: realidades, contextos y prácticas = A look at early school leaving in Portugal: realities, contexts and practices

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    Bearing in mind that early school leaving (ESL) / early leaving from education and training (ELET) is a political problem, this article looks at early school leaving in Portugal, focusing on its realities, contexts and practices and tapping into the interaction between the national and the European levels and their guidelines for education. The context of the problem and its evolution is briefly analyzed. Following the description of the education system, we also provide some reflections on current educational lines, providing evidence on how inclusion is implemented within such lines. Finally, intramural measures are proposed with a view to addressing early school leaving in an upper secondary school located in an educational area of priority intervention. The objective of the article is to analyze early school leaving by making the voices of different stakeholders heard—the school principal, teachers and students—following the implementation of a set of educational measures. These measures are preventive and include preparation for exams and the function of student advocates, two aspects which have a prominent role in this article. We argue that the struggle against ESL lies in the tension between economic policies and the knowledge society and the promotion of social inclusion which requires the definition of educational trajectories aimed at providing young people with the necessary tools for them to make adequate decisions for their future.Teniendo in cuenta que el abandono prematuro de la escuela/ abandono prematuro de la educación y de la formación es un problema sumamente político, este articulo hace una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal, enfocando sus realidades, contextos y prácticas, en una interacción entre el nivel nacional y europeo e sus orientaciones para la educación. Se hace una breve analice a los contornos del problema y a su evolución y se presenta a el sistema educativo para después se reflexionar acerca de la actual orientación educativa, dando evidencia a las perspectivas de inclusión. Finalmente se enfocan medidas intramuros para enfrentar el abandono escolar en una escuela secundaria superior en un área de intervención educativa prioritaria. Estas medidas son preventivas, y incluyen la preparación para los exámenes y el defensor del estudiante, a que se da prominencia en este artículo, haciendo el enfoque en las voces distintas del Diretor de la escuela, del profesorado y de las y los estudiantes. Se argumenta que la lucha contra ESL se encuentra en la tensión entre las políticas destinadas a hacer frente a las necesidades de la economía y de la sociedad del conocimiento y la tentativa de promover la inclusión social a través de la consecución de los itinerarios educativos, dando herramientas a las personas jóvenes para llevar adelante sus posibles opciones

    Kolegialna głowa państwa we współczesnych systemach politycznych

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    Avast majority of democratic constitutions provide for a unipersonal head of state in modern political systems. There are only four democratic states with a collegial head of state in their political system. In the opinion of the article’s author, this form of the principal state organ is determined by historical factors and/or the federal character of the state. The author also points to the fact that this form of state leadership is present in the political systems of autocratic states.Avast majority of democratic constitutions provide for a unipersonal head of state in modern political systems. There are only four democratic states with a collegial head of state in their political system. In the opinion of the article’s author, this form of the principal state organ is determined by historical factors and/or the federal character of the state. The author also points to the fact that this form of state leadership is present in the political systems of autocratic states

    Degradation of Serotonin N-Acetyltransferase, a Circadian Regulator, by the N-end Rule Pathway

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    Serotonin N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) converts serotonin to N-acetylserotonin (NAS), a distinct biological regulator and the immediate precursor of melatonin, a circulating hormone that influences circadian processes, including sleep. N-terminal sequences of AANAT enzymes vary among vertebrates. Mechanisms that regulate the levels of AANAT are incompletely understood. Previous findings were consistent with the possibility that AANAT may be controlled through its degradation by the N-end rule pathway. By expressing the rat and human AANATs and their mutants not only in mammalian cells but also in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and by taking advantage of yeast genetics, we show here that two complementary forms of rat AANAT are targeted for degradation by two complementary branches of the N-end rule pathway. Specifically, the N-terminally acetylated (Nt-acetylated) Ac-AANAT is destroyed through the recognition of its Nt-acetylated N-terminal Met residue by the Ac/N-end rule pathway, whereas the non-Nt-acetylated AANAT is targeted by the Arg/N-end rule pathway, which recognizes the unacetylated N-terminal Met-Leu sequence of rat AANAT. We also show, by constructing lysine-to-arginine mutants of rat AANAT, that its degradation is mediated by polyubiquitylation of its Lys residue(s). Human AANAT, whose N-terminal sequence differs from that of rodent AANATs, is longer-lived than its rat counterpart and appears to be refractory to degradation by the N-end rule pathway. Together, these and related results indicate both a major involvement of the N-end rule pathway in the control of rodent AANATs and substantial differences in the regulation of rodent and human AANATs that stem from differences in their N-terminal sequences.1141Ysciescopu

    Розвиток міжнародного співробітництва України у сфері альтернативної енергетики

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    В умовах посилення глобалізаційних процесів і загострення проблематики енергетичної безпеки, все більше уваги світової спільноти акцентовано на питаннях ефективності та раціональності використання енергоресурсів, а також пошуку та впровадженню альтернативних джерел енергії. Альтернативна енергетика набуває ознак однієї із ключових галузей світової економіки, так як ефективне використання відновлюваних джерел енергії є реальною конкурентною перевагою країн, що розвивають напрям альтернативної енергетики на мікро-та макрорівнях. Дослідження питань розвитку альтернативної енергетики та налагодження міжнародного співробітництва у цій сфері є рушійною силою на шляху до зменшення вуглецевої енергетичної залежності, а також гарантом досягнення енергетичної безпеки у світі. Магістерську дисертацію присвячено дослідженню проблематики розвитку міжнародного співробітництва України у сфері альтернативних джерел енергії. Тому в роботі було проаналізовано сучасний стан і тенденції розвитку міжнародного співробітництва у сфері альтернативної енергетики, виявлено основні закономірності та проблеми. На основі аналізу статистичних даних проведено оцінку результативності розвитку міжнародного співробітництва в Україні та світі, сформовано практичні рекомендації щодо вдосконалення інвестиційного середовища та інституціонального забезпечення стимулювання розвитку міжнародного співробітництва України у сфері альтернативної енергетики.In the conditions of strengthening of globalization processes and ensuring the issue of energy security, more and more attention of the world community is focused on the issues of efficiency and rationality of the use of energy resources, as well as there search, development and implementation of alternative energy sources. Alternative energy is becoming one of the key sectors of the world economy, as the effective use of renewable energy sources is a real competitive advantage of countries, that develop the alternative energy area at the micro and macro levels. The study of the development of alternative energy and the establishment of international cooperation in this area is a driving force on the way to reducing carbon energy dependence, as well as a guarantor of achieving energy security in the world. The master's thesis is devoted to the study of the problems in the development of Ukrainian international cooperation in the field of alternative energy sources. Therefore, the work analyses the current state and development trends of international cooperation in the field of alternative energy, identifies the main patterns and problems. Based on the analysis of statistical data, the assessment of the effectiveness of the development of international cooperation in Ukraine and the world was carried out, and practical recommendations were made for improving the investment environment and institutional support for stimulating the development of international cooperation in Ukraine in the field of alternative energy

    Utility of chloride and adenosine deaminase measurement in cerebrosphinal fluid for the early presumptive diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis

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    Background: Chloride and adenosine deaminase measurements in cerebrospinal fluid are still sporadically requested as part of tuberculous meningitis work-up. In the literature, evidence is contradictory and opinion is divided on their utility in clinical practice. The accuracy of both for the early presumptive diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was investigated in patients in a region with high prevalence of tuberculosis and HIV infection in order to inform a decision on whether to continue offering these tests to clinicians. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of diagnostic accuracy was conducted at the National Health Laboratory Service, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa. Data were collected on all cerebrospinal fluid specimens submitted for tuberculosis culture between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2014. Chloride and adenosine deaminase concentrations were compared with automated liquid culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the reference standard. Findings: There were 2531 cerebrospinal fluid specimens submitted for tuberculosis culture during the study period; exclusion of duplicates yielded 2081 specimens. Chloride was requested on 711 (34·2%) specimens; 44 (6·2%) were tuberculosis culture-positive. Adenosine deaminase was requested on 152 (7·3%) specimens; 20 (13·2%) were culture-positive. Chloride sensitivity (6 U/L) was 70% (45·7-88·1), specificity 89·4% (82·8-94·1), positive predictive value 50% (30·6-69·4), negative predictive value 95·2% (89·8-98·2), positive likelihood ratio 6·6 (3·72-11·7), and negative likelihood ratio 0·336 (0·171-0·657). Interpretation: In this patient population chloride and adenosine deaminase showed at best only modest performance as markers of tuberculous meningitis. However, very good negative predictive values could serve to identify patients highly unlikely to have the disease

    Ludwig Senfl,Motets for Five Voices: New Senfl Edition 3

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    The third volume of the Neue Senfl Edition (NSE) publishes all five-part motets for the first time. In addition to well-known motets such as Ave, Rosa sine spinis or the five-part version of Senfl's Nisi Dominus, it also contains numerous first editions (such as the monumental Te Deum) and provides valuable insights into Senfl's handling of the tradition of combining several texts in one composition. The critical reports accompanying the edition provide information about the texts, the chorale models, the evaluation of the sources (including a synoptic presentation of the readings) as well as the work-historical context of each motet.Der dritte Band der New Senfl Edition (NSE) publiziert erstmals sämtliche fünfstimmigen Motetten. Er beinhaltet neben bekannten Motetten wie Ave, Rosa sine spinis oder der fünfstimmigen Fassung von Senfls Nisi Dominus auch zahlreiche Ersteditionen (wie etwa das monumentale Te Deum) und gibt anhand von mehreren Motetten Aufschluss über den Umgang mit der Tradition mehrere Texte in einer Komposition zu kombinieren. Die mit den Editionen einhergehenden Kritischen Berichte bieten Informationen zu jeder Motette mit Blick auf die Texte, Choralvorlagen, einer Quellenbewertung (inkl. einer synoptischen Darstellung der Lesarten), sowie einen werkgeschichtlichen Kontext

    Viktoria: A new Paradigm for Hash Functions

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    Viktoria hash is a compression function that generates a set of 512 bits from an arbitrary size input (limit of 2^480-1 bytes). This hash function contains some internal routines clearly inspired by AES and RC4 symmetric algorithms [14]. The new paradigm presents two major innovations: a fast preprocessing that initiates an internal state of 256!^2 permutations and a post-processing that guarantees a minimum number of executed rounds of 2^13. The pre-processing allows to differentiate very similar messages in the first runs of the algorithm. In the post-processing we have a safety barrier provided by a large number of rounds through a different structure of the main processing. The Viktoria algorithm seems to inaugurate a new design model in the construction of robust hash functions for some reasons, among them we highlight: the customization of the internal state according to each message, the elegance and efficiency of its main function and also a supposed high margin of safety provided by its post-processing function. Viktoria hash can also process bit oriented messages (whose last byte size is not complete) and generate larger hashes (1024, 1536, 2048 or larger) always as multiples of 512