31,065 research outputs found

    Scaling Virtualized Smartphone Images in the Cloud

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    Üks selle Bakalaureuse töö eesmärkidest oli Android-x86 nutitelefoni platvormi juurutamine pilvekeskkonda ja välja selgitamine, kas valitud instance on piisav virtualiseeritud nutitelefoni platvormi juurutamiseks ning kui palju koormust see talub. Töös kasutati Amazoni instance'i M1 Small, mis oli piisav, et juurutada Androidi virtualiseeritud platvormi, kuid jäi kesisemaks kui mobiiltelefon, millel teste läbi viidi. M1 Medium instance'i tüüp oli sobivam ja näitas paremaid tulemusi võrreldes telefoniga. Teostati koormusteste selleks vastava tööriistaga Tsung, et näha, kui palju üheaegseid kasutajaid instance talub. Testi läbiviimiseks paigaldasime Dalviku instance'ile Tomcat serveri. Pärast teste ühe eksemplariga, juurutasime külge Elastic Load Balancing ja automaatse skaleerimise Amazon Auto Scaling tööriista. Esimene neist jaotas koormust instance'ide vahel. Automaatse skaleerimise tööriista kasutasime, et rakendada horisontaalset skaleerimist meie Android-x86 instance'le. Kui CPU tõusis üle 60% kauemaks kui üks minut, siis tehti eelmisele identne instance ja koormust saadeti edaspidi sinna. Seda protseduuri vajadusel korrati maksimum kümne instance'ini. Meie teostusel olid tagasilöögid, sest Elastic Load Balancer aegus 60 sekundi pärast ning me ei saanud kõikide välja saadetud päringutele vastuseid. Serverisse saadetud faili kirjutamine ja kompileerimine olid kulukad tegevused ja seega ei lõppenud kõik 60 sekundi jooksul. Me ei saanud koos Load Balancer'iga läbiviidud testidest piisavalt andmeid, et teha järeldusi, kas virtualiseeritud nutitelefoni platvorm Android on hästi või halvasti skaleeruv.In this thesis we deployed a smartphone image in an Amazon EC2 instance and ran stress tests on them to know how much users can one instance bear and how scalable it is. We tested how much time would a method run in a physical Android device and in a cloud instance. We deployed CyanogenMod and Dalvik for a single instance. We used Tsung for stress testing. For those tests we also made a Tomcat server on Dalvik instance that would take the incoming file, the file would be compiled with java and its class file would be wrapped into dex, a Dalvik executable file, that is later executed with Dalvik. Three instances made a Tsung cluster that sent load to a Dalvik Virtual Machine instance. For scaling we used Amazon Auto Scaling tool and Elastic Load Balancer that divided incoming load between the instances

    A high-flux BEC source for mobile atom interferometers

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    Quantum sensors based on coherent matter-waves are precise measurement devices whose ultimate accuracy is achieved with Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in extended free fall. This is ideally realized in microgravity environments such as drop towers, ballistic rockets and space platforms. However, the transition from lab-based BEC machines to robust and mobile sources with comparable performance is a challenging endeavor. Here we report on the realization of a miniaturized setup, generating a flux of 4×1054 \times 10^5 quantum degenerate 87^{87}Rb atoms every 1.6\,s. Ensembles of 1×1051 \times 10^5 atoms can be produced at a 1\,Hz rate. This is achieved by loading a cold atomic beam directly into a multi-layer atom chip that is designed for efficient transfer from laser-cooled to magnetically trapped clouds. The attained flux of degenerate atoms is on par with current lab-based BEC experiments while offering significantly higher repetition rates. Additionally, the flux is approaching those of current interferometers employing Raman-type velocity selection of laser-cooled atoms. The compact and robust design allows for mobile operation in a variety of demanding environments and paves the way for transportable high-precision quantum sensors.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Optical network technologies for future digital cinema

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    Digital technology has transformed the information flow and support infrastructure for numerous application domains, such as cellular communications. Cinematography, traditionally, a film based medium, has embraced digital technology leading to innovative transformations in its work flow. Digital cinema supports transmission of high resolution content enabled by the latest advancements in optical communications and video compression. In this paper we provide a survey of the optical network technologies for supporting this bandwidth intensive traffic class. We also highlight the significance and benefits of the state of the art in optical technologies that support the digital cinema work flow

    Mobile, collaborative augmented reality using cloudlets

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    The evolution in mobile applications to support advanced interactivity and demanding multimedia features is still ongoing. Novel application concepts (e.g. mobile Augmented Reality (AR)) are however hindered by the inherently limited resources available on mobile platforms (not withstanding the dramatic performance increases of mobile hardware). Offloading resource intensive application components to the cloud, also known as "cyber foraging", has proven to be a valuable solution in a variety of scenarios. However, also for collaborative scenarios, in which data together with its processing are shared between multiple users, this offloading concept is highly promising. In this paper, we investigate the challenges posed by offloading collaborative mobile applications. We present a middleware platform capable of autonomously deploying software components to minimize average CPU load, while guaranteeing smooth collaboration. As a use case, we present and evaluate a collaborative AR application, offering interaction between users, the physical environment as well as with the virtual objects superimposed on this physical environment

    Mechanotransduction and growth factor signalling to engineer cellular microenvironments

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    Engineering cellular microenvironments involves biochemical factors, the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the interaction with neighbouring cells. This progress report provides a critical overview of key studies that incorporate growth factor (GF) signalling and mechanotransduction into the design of advanced microenvironments. Materials systems have been developed for surface-bound presentation of GFs, either covalently tethered or sequestered through physico-chemical affinity to the matrix, as an alternative to soluble GFs. Furthermore, some materials contain both GF and integrin binding regions and thereby enable synergistic signalling between the two. Mechanotransduction refers to the ability of the cells to sense physical properties of the ECM and to transduce them into biochemical signals. Various aspects of the physics of the ECM, i.e. stiffness, geometry and ligand spacing, as well as time-dependent properties, such as matrix stiffening, degradability, viscoelasticity, surface mobility as well as spatial patterns and gradients of physical cues are discussed. To conclude, various examples illustrate the potential for cooperative signalling of growth factors and the physical properties of the microenvironment for potential applications in regenerative medicine, cancer research and drug testing

    Deep Learning in the Automotive Industry: Applications and Tools

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    Deep Learning refers to a set of machine learning techniques that utilize neural networks with many hidden layers for tasks, such as image classification, speech recognition, language understanding. Deep learning has been proven to be very effective in these domains and is pervasively used by many Internet services. In this paper, we describe different automotive uses cases for deep learning in particular in the domain of computer vision. We surveys the current state-of-the-art in libraries, tools and infrastructures (e.\,g.\ GPUs and clouds) for implementing, training and deploying deep neural networks. We particularly focus on convolutional neural networks and computer vision use cases, such as the visual inspection process in manufacturing plants and the analysis of social media data. To train neural networks, curated and labeled datasets are essential. In particular, both the availability and scope of such datasets is typically very limited. A main contribution of this paper is the creation of an automotive dataset, that allows us to learn and automatically recognize different vehicle properties. We describe an end-to-end deep learning application utilizing a mobile app for data collection and process support, and an Amazon-based cloud backend for storage and training. For training we evaluate the use of cloud and on-premises infrastructures (including multiple GPUs) in conjunction with different neural network architectures and frameworks. We assess both the training times as well as the accuracy of the classifier. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the trained classifier in a real world setting during manufacturing process.Comment: 10 page

    Computational Simulation and 3D Virtual Reality Engineering Tools for Dynamical Modeling and Imaging of Composite Nanomaterials

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    An adventure at engineering design and modeling is possible with a Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) that uses multiple computer-generated media to let a user experience situations that are temporally and spatially prohibiting. In this paper, an approach to developing some advanced architecture and modeling tools is presented to allow multiple frameworks work together while being shielded from the application program. This architecture is being developed in a framework of workbench interactive tools for next generation nanoparticle-reinforced damping/dynamic systems. Through the use of system, an engineer/programmer can respectively concentrate on tailoring an engineering design concept of novel system and the application software design while using existing databases/software outputs.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions