20,298 research outputs found

    Kopsude mahud, õhuvool forsseeritud hingamisel, sissehingatud õhu jaotus kopsudes ning alveolaargaasi koostis istuva ja lamava kehaasendi korral

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    Kehaasendi muutused võivad mõjutada hingamisfunktsiooni erinevaid näitajaid, olles teatud tingimustes hüpokseemia põhjuseks. Töös on näidatud, et istuvast asendist lamavasse asendisse üleminek põhjustab väikeste hingamisteede funktsiooni ning kopsude ventilatsiooni ja perfusiooni suhte muutusi. Tulemused võivad olla huvipakkuvad klinitsistidele, eeskätt anestesioloogidele. Eesti Arst 2003; 82 (2): 460–46

    A comparative morphological, compositional and tl study of tenedos (Bozcaada) and Sile aeolianites, Turkey

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    Aeolianites are carbonate-cemented deposits of coastal dune sands, mostly of Quaternary age. Even though aeolianite exposures on the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea are frequent, very few records have been documented from the coasts of either the Aegean or the Black Sea. The present study deals with evaluating and comparing both compositions and thermoluminescence (TL) ages of two recently reported samples of coastal aeolianites. Both were recovered at the Turkish coasts of Tenedos (Bozcaada) island, Aegean Sea and Şile, Western Black Sea. In the latter case, being the first record for the specific coastal area, the oldest age obtained was dated at 158±25 ka while the youngest age yielded was 108±14 ka. These values imply that both deposition and cementation occurred during the high sea stand of marine isotope stage 5 (MIS 5). In the case of Tenedos, the aeolianites were deposited between the early stage of the oxygen isotope stage 2 period (OIS 2) and the very late phase of the oxygen isotope stage 3 period (OIS 3). These latter TL results are in excellent agreement with a previous study of the same complex after applying OSL. Besides the ages, a number of luminescent features and properties in conjunction with compositional data suggest the dissimilarity for the quartz samples extracted from the aeolianites recovered at these two sampling sites, excluding thus any transport from one sampling site to the other, despite the short distance of the two sampling sites and the meteorological data regarding the preferable wind directions between them.Publisher's Versio

    Naturalness Reach of the Large Hadron Collider in Minimal Supergravity

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    We re-analyse the prospects of discovering supersymmetry at the LHC, in order to re-express coverage in terms of a fine-tuning parameter and to extend the analysis to scalar masses (m_0) above 2 TeV. We use minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) unification assumptions for the SUSY breaking parameters. Such high values of m_0 have recently been found to have a focus point, leading to relatively low fine-tuning. In addition, improvements in the simulations since the last study mean that this region no longer lacks radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. The best fine tuning reach is found in a mono-leptonic channel, where for mu>0, A_0=0 and tan beta=10 (corresponding to the focus point), all points in mSUGRA with m_0 < 4000 GeV, with a fine tuning measure up to 300 (570) are covered by the search, where the definition of fine-tuning excludes (includes) the contribution from the top Yukawa coupling. Even for arbitrarily high m_0, mSUGRA does not evade detection provided the gaugino mass parameter M_{1/2} < 460 GeV

    Una tesis innovadora en la Argentina de los sesenta: fenomenología de la maternidad. Diálogo con Lucía Piossek Prebisch

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    Lucía Piossek Prebisch es una filósofa argentina con una importante trayectoria en la docencia y en la investigación. Egresó de Filosofía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán [UNT], y es profesora emérita por la misma casa de estudios. Allí se desempeñó en los cargos máximos de la docencia en la asignatura Filosofía Contemporánea, y dictó también Filosofía en la Argentina y Filosofía de la Historia. Asimismo, fue fundadora y directora del Instituto de Historia y Pensamiento Argentinos, entre otras actividades académicas desarrolladas en esa misma institución. A principios de los años setenta, la revista Sur publica "La mujer y la filosofía", un ensayo donde Lucía Piossek Prebisch presenta su tesis fenomenológica acerca de la experiencia de la maternidad. La autora sostiene que la filosofía ha estado consustanciada de modo ancestral con lo masculino, dando un giro al tratamiento que el filósofo existencialista cristiano Gabriel Marcel realiza de la "experiencia de la paternidad". Indagó acerca de la "corporalidad", la "libertad" y la "situación" de las mujeres, más específicamente durante la gestación y la lactancia. En ese ensayo hallamos no solo una recepción del existencialismo, sobre todo en sus primeros contactos con el ámbito intelectual argentino, sino además los ecos de su perspectiva de análisis, ligada a la filósofa Simone de Beauvoir "de cuya posición sobre la maternidad se aleja" y su relación con las poetas Alfonsina Storni y Gabriela Mistral. Asimismo, en su obra se detecta la influencia de la escritora Virginia Woolf y de figuras poco transitadas en nuestro medios, como la filósofa religiosa Edith Stein (1891-1942) y la ensayista española María Zambrano (1904-1991), entre otras pensadoras. En ese ensayo, Lucía Piossek Prebisch realiza un tratamiento original en su época acerca de la experiencia de la maternidad: el cuerpo propio de la mujer es, al mismo tiempo, el cuerpo de "otro", el ser en gestación sobre cuyo desarrollo dentro de sí no tiene decisión ni competencia: "el cuerpo durante la gestación y la lactancia, se experimenta como donación de sí y no solo como medio para los fines de la especie" (Piossek Prebisch, 1973: 101).Fil: Smaldone, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Creating a typology of tobacco farms according to determinants of diversification in Valle de Lerma (Salta-Argentina)

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    The objective of this article is to identify typical tobacco farms according to determinants of diversification that can be used to explore possibilities of diversification in the province of Salta (Northwest of Argentina). National Agriculture Census data of 278 farms in the main tobacco production area of Salta were used for the analysis. The variables selected concerning determinants of diversification were: land area, irrigation, general capital goods and specific capital goods, ownership of land, education, off-farm work, and labour availability. The analysis of the principal components applied to 16 selected variables allowed to reduce the dimensionality of the data to four components. Those components were used to apply K-means cluster approach to classify the farms. Four clusters were determined. Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 are the largest clusters. These concern highly specialized tobacco farms. They differ regarding determinants for diversification due to different levels of education of the farmer and different levels of off-farm work. Both clusters are interesting for further analysis regarding diversification alternatives to maintain or improve income and to reduce soil degradation. Cluster 3 concerns large tobacco farms being somewhat less specialized than the farms in Clusters 1 and 2. Intensive tobacco production makes this group interesting for exploring diversification alternatives to improve soil conditions. Farms in Cluster 4 already have a high level of diversification with substantial livestock production. The presence of perennial pastures suggests a better soil management than the other clusters. This cluster looks appealing to investigate what can be done regarding diversification

    Preliminary evaluation of perennial forage legumes for organic farming in Finland

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    In 1998-2001 fourteen forage legume species were evaluated for their productivity in mixed organic swards. The aim was to find new alternatives for red clover. Medicago falcata produced the highest dry matter yield (about 11 000 kg/ha/year). Dry matter production of Trifolium pratense, Trifolium hybridum and Medicago sativa varied from 2 200 to 10 600 kg/ha/year

    The Contemporary Tax Journal’s Interview with Eileen Marshall

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