161 research outputs found

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    SOCNET 2018 - Proceedings of the “Second International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications”

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    Modeling, analysis, control, and management of complex social networks represent an important area of interdisciplinary research in an advanced digitalized world. In the last decade social networks have produced significant online applications which are running on top of a modern Internet infrastructure and have been identified as major driver of the fast growing Internet traffic. The "Second International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications" (SOCNET 2018) held at Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitĂ€t Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg, Germany, on February 28, 2018, has covered related research issues of social networks in modern information society. The Proceedings of SOCNET 2018 highlight the topics of a tutorial on "Network Analysis in Python" complementing the workshop program, present an invited talk "From the Age of Emperors to the Age of Empathy", and summarize the contributions of eight reviewed papers. The covered topics ranged from theoretical oriented studies focusing on the structural inference of topic networks, the modeling of group dynamics, and the analysis of emergency response networks to the application areas of social networks such as social media used in organizations or social network applications and their impact on modern information society. The Proceedings of SOCNET 2018 may stimulate the readers' future research on monitoring, modeling, and analysis of social networks and encourage their development efforts regarding social network applications of the next generation.Die Modellierung, Analyse, Steuerung und das Management komplexer sozialer Netzwerke reprĂ€sentiert einen bedeutsamen Bereich interdisziplinĂ€rer Forschung in einer modernen digitalisierten Welt. Im letzten Jahrzehnt haben soziale Netzwerke wichtige Online Anwendungen hervorgebracht, die auf einer modernen Internet-Infrastruktur ablaufen und als eine Hauptquelle des rasant anwachsenden Internetverkehrs identifiziert wurden. Der zweite internationale Workshop "Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications" (SOCNET 2018) wurde am 28. Februar 2018 an der Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitĂ€t Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg abgehalten und stellte Forschungsergebnisse zu sozialen Netzwerken in einer modernen Informationsgesellschaft vor. Die SOCNET 2018 Proceedings stellen die Themen eines Tutoriums "Network Analysis in Python" heraus, prĂ€sentieren einen eingeladenen Beitrag "From the Age of Emperors to the Age of Empathy" und fassen die Ergebnisse von acht begutachteten wissenschaftlichen BeitrĂ€gen zusammen. Die abgedeckten Themen reichen von theoretisch ausgerichteten Studien zur Strukturanalyse thematischer Netzwerke, der Modellierung von Gruppendynamik sowie der Netzwerkanalyse von RettungseinsĂ€tzen bis zu den Anwendungsbereichen sozialer Netzwerke, z.B. der Nutzung sozialer Medien in Organisationen sowie der Wirkungsanalyse sozialer Netzwerkanwendungen in modernen Informationsgesellschaften. Die SOCNET 2018 Proceedings sollen die Leser zu neuen Forschungen im Bereich der Messung, Modellierung und Analyse sozialer Netzwerke anregen und sie zur Entwicklung neuer sozialer Netzwerkapplikationen der nĂ€chsten Generation auffordern

    Informed citizen and empowered citizen in health: results from an European survey

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    Background: The knowledge about the relationship between health-related activities on the Internet (i.e. informed citizens) and individuals? control over their own experiences of health or illness (i.e. empowered citizens) is valuable but scarce. In this paper, we investigate the correlation between four ways of using the Internet for information on health or illness and citizens attitudes and behaviours toward health professionals and health systems and establish the profile of empowered eHealth citizens in Europe. Methods: Data was collected during April and May 2007 (N = 7022), through computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). Respondents from Denmark, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Portugal participated in the survey. The profiles were generated using logistic regressions and are based on: a) socio-demographic and health information, b) the level of use of health-related online services, c) the level of use of the Internet to get health information to decide whether to consult a health professional, prepare for a medical appointment and assess its outcome, and d) the impact of online health information on citizens? attitudes and behavior towards health professionals and health systems. Results: Citizens using the Internet to decide whether to consult a health professional or to get a second opinion are likely to be frequent visitors of health sites, active participants of online health forums and recurrent buyers of medicines and other health related products online, while only infrequent epatients, visiting doctors they have never met face-to-face. Participation in online health communities seems to be related with more inquisitive and autonomous patients. Conclusions: The profiles of empowered eHealth citizens in Europe are situational and country dependent. The number of Europeans using the Internet to get health information to help them deal with a consultation is raising and having access to online health information seems to be associated with growing number of inquisitive and self-reliant patients. Doctors are increasingly likely to experience consultations with knowledgeable and empowered patients, who will challenge them in various ways

    Sicherung von DĂ€mmen, Deichen und Stauanlagen : Handbuch fĂŒr Theorie und Praxis ; Vol. V - 2015

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    Die UniversitĂ€t Siegen beschĂ€ftigt sich seit ĂŒber 15 Jahren wissenschaftlich und im Bereich der anwendungsorientierten Forschung mit diesem Thema und hat dazu mittlerweile fĂŒnf Symposien durchgefĂŒhrt. Mit der Veröffentlichung soll die langjĂ€hrige Tradition als etablierte wissenschaftliche Plattform mit einem Wissensaustausch auf europĂ€ischer Ebene fortgesetzt werden. Die Bearbeitung dieser Thematik erfolgt auf der Basis der bewĂ€hrten Kooperation zwischen Geotechnik und Wasserbau an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen. Aktuelle Ereignisse, wie z.B. die aus England oder Australien im Februar des Jahres 2014, machen uns aber auch deutlich, dass ein absoluter Schutz gegen Extremereignisse nicht möglich ist. Sie zeigen aber auch, dass dort wo technischer Hochwasserschutz konsequent umgesetzt wurde SchĂ€den vermieden werden konnten. Wir sind nach den Ereignissen in den vergangenen Jahren aufgefordert wissenschaftlich noch leistungsfĂ€higere und duktilere Systeme zu entwickeln. Weiter ist die Wissenschaft in der Pflicht, die Zivile Sicherheit im Hochwasser-schutz permanent zu bewerten, zu bearbeiten und ganzheitliche-interdisziplinĂ€re und lĂ€nderĂŒbergreifende Lösungen fĂŒr die Zivilgesellschaft einzufordern

    From “Germans abroad” to Brazilians? The repatriation of Brazilian citizens from occupied Germany (1946-1949)

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    O artigo discute a repatriação de cidadĂŁos brasileiros, em geral com laços binacionais, da Alemanha apĂłs a Segunda Guerra Mundial, por intermĂ©dio da MissĂŁo Militar Brasileira. Com base em fontes brasileiras, norte-americanas e alemĂŁs, o tema Ă© discutido a partir de uma perspectiva transnacional. O realce da nacionalidade brasileira por parte dos binacionais, assim como problemas e contradiçÔes do esquema de repatriação sĂŁo analisados levando em conta o contexto da “desnazificação” da Alemanha e do conflito entre as potĂȘncias de ocupação ocidentais e a URSS.Palavras-chave: repatriação, MissĂŁo Militar Brasileira, dupla nacionalidade, Alemanhado pĂłs-guerra.Th is article is about the repatriation of Brazilian citizens, often with bi-national roots, from post-WW II Germany back “home” by the Brazilian Military Mission. It is based on Brazilian, American and German sources and discusses this topic from a transnational perspective. The emphasis on the Brazilian nationality by the bi-nationals, as well as the problems and contradictions of these repatriation policies are analyzed in the context of the “denazification” of Germany and the later conflict between the Western occupation powers and the USSR.Key words: repatriation, Brazilian Military Mission, double nationality, post-war Germany

    De “alemães no exterior” a brasileiros? A repatriação de cidadãos brasileiros da Alemanha ocupada (1946-1949)

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    Th is article is about the repatriation of Brazilian citizens, often with bi-national roots, from post-WW II Germany back “home” by the Brazilian Military Mission. It is based on Brazilian, American and German sources and discusses this topic from a transnational perspective. The emphasis on the Brazilian nationality by the bi-nationals, as well as the problems and contradictions of these repatriation policies are analyzed in the context of the “denazification” of Germany and the later conflict between the Western occupation powers and the USSR.Key words: repatriation, Brazilian Military Mission, double nationality, post-war Germany.O artigo discute a repatriação de cidadĂŁos brasileiros, em geral com laços binacionais, da Alemanha apĂłs a Segunda Guerra Mundial, por intermĂ©dio da MissĂŁo Militar Brasileira. Com base em fontes brasileiras, norte-americanas e alemĂŁs, o tema Ă© discutido a partir de uma perspectiva transnacional. O realce da nacionalidade brasileira por parte dos binacionais, assim como problemas e contradiçÔes do esquema de repatriação sĂŁo analisados levando em conta o contexto da “desnazificação” da Alemanha e do conflito entre as potĂȘncias de ocupação ocidentais e a URSS.Palavras-chave: repatriação, MissĂŁo Militar Brasileira, dupla nacionalidade, Alemanhado pĂłs-guerra

    A vĂĄrosi reformĂĄciĂł kezdetei : Egy tematikus hungarika körĂșt eredmĂ©nyei Ă©s tanulsĂĄgai

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    Meta-analyses identify DNA methylation associated with kidney function and damage

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    Chronic kidney disease is a major public health burden. Elevated urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio is a measure of kidney damage, and used to diagnose and stage chronic kidney disease. To extend the knowledge on regulatory mechanisms related to kidney function and disease, we conducted a blood-based epigenome-wide association study for estimated glomerular filtration rate (n = 33,605) and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (n = 15,068) and detected 69 and seven CpG sites where DNA methylation was associated with the respective trait. The majority of these findings showed directionally consistent associations with the respective clinical outcomes chronic kidney disease and moderately increased albuminuria. Associations of DNA methylation with kidney function, such as CpGs at JAZF1, PELI1 and CHD2 were validated in kidney tissue. Methylation at PHRF1, LDB2, CSRNP1 and IRF5 indicated causal effects on kidney function. Enrichment analyses revealed pathways related to hemostasis and blood cell migration for estimated glomerular filtration rate, and immune cell activation and response for urinary albumin-to-creatinineratio-associated CpGs

    Taxonomic revision, molecular phylogeny and zoogeography of the huntsman spider genus Eusparassus (Araneae: Sparassidae)

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    The spider genus Eusparassus Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Sparassidae: Eusparassinae; stone huntsman spider) is revised worldwide to include 30 valid species distributed exclusively in Africa and Eurasia. The type species E. dufouri Simon, 1932 is redescribed and a neotype is designated from Portugal. An extended diagnosis for the genus is presented. Eight new species are described: Eusparassus arabicus Moradmand, 2013 (male, female) from Arabian Peninsula, E. educatus Moradmand, 2013 (male, female) from Namibia, E. reverentia Moradmand, 2013 (male, female) from Burkina Faso and Nigeria, E. jaegeri Moradmand, 2013 (male, female) from South Africa and Botswana, E. jocquei Moradmand, 2013 (male, female) from Zimbabwe, E. borakalalo Moradmand, 2013 (female) from South Africa, E. schoemanae Moradmand, 2013 (male, female) from South Africa and Namibia and E. mesopotamicus Moradmand and JĂ€ger, 2012 (male and female) from Iraq, Iran and Turkey. 22 species are re-described six of them are transferred from the genus Olios Walckenaer, 1837. Six species-groups are proposed: the dufouri-group [8 species: E. dufouri, E. levantinus Urones, 2006, E. barbarus (Lucas, 1846), E. atlanticus Simon, 1909, E. syrticus Simon, 1909, E. oraniensis (Lucas, 1846), E. letourneuxi (Simon, 1874), E. fritschi (Koch, 1873); Iberian Peninsula to parts of north-western Africa], walckenaeri-group [3 species: E. walckenaeri (Audouin, 1826), E. laevatus (Simon, 1897), E. arabicus; eastern Mediterranean to Arabia and parts of north-eastern Africa], doriae-group [7 species: E. doriae (Simon, 1874), E. kronebergi Denis, 1958, E. maynardi (Pocock, 1901), E. potanini (Simon, 1895), E. fuscimanus Denis, 1958, E. oculatus (Kroneberg, 1846) and E. mesopotamicus; Middle East to Central and South Asia], vestigator-group (3 species: E. vestigator (Simon, 1897), E. reverentia, E. pearsoni (Pocock, 1901); central to eastern Africa and an isolated area in NW India], jaegeri-group [4 species: E. jaegeri, E. jocquei, E. borakalalo, E. schoemanae; southern and south-eastern Africa], tuckeri-group [2 species: E. tuckeri (Lawrence, 1927), E. educatus; south-western Africa). Two species, E. pontii Caporiacco, 1935 and E. xerxes (Pocock, 1901) cannot be placed in any of the above groups. Two species are transferred from Eusparassus to Olios: O. flavovittatus (Caporiacco, 1935) and O. quesitio Moradmand, 2013. 14 species are recognized as misplaced in Eusparassus, thus nearly half of the described species prior to this revision were placed mistakenly in this genus. Neotypes are designated for E. walckenaeri from Egypt, E. barbarus, E. oraniensis and E. letourneuxi (all three from Algeria) to establish their identity. The male and female of Cercetius perezi Simon, 1902, which was known only from the immature holotype, are described for the first time. It is recognized that the monotypic and little used generic name Cercetius Simon, 1902 — a species, which had been known only from the immature holotype — as a synonym of the widely used name Eusparassus. The case proposal 3596 (conservation of name Eusparassus) is under consideration by ICZN. The first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the family Sparassidae with focus on the genus Eusparassus is investigated using four molecular markers (mitochondrial COI and 16S; nuclear H3 and 28S). The monophyly of Eusparassus and the dufouri, walckenaeri and doriae species-groups are recovered with the latter two groups more closely related. The monophyly of the tuckeri-group is not supported and the position of E. jaegeri as the only available member of the jaegeri-group is not resolved within the Eusparassus clade. DNA samples of the vestigator-group were not accessible for this study. The origination of the genus Eusparassus around 70 million years ago (MA) is estimated according to molecular clock analyses. Using this recent result in combination with some biogeographic and geological data, the Namib Desert is proposed as the place of ancestral origin for Eusparassus and putative Eusparassinae genera. Further analyses are done on the phylogenetic relationships of Sparassidae and its subfamilies. The Eusparassinae are not confirmed as monophyletic, with the two original genera Eusparassus and Pseudomicrommata in separate clades and only the latter clusters with most other assumed Eusparassinae, here termed the "African clade". Monophyly of the subfamilies Sparianthinae, Heteropodinae sensu stricto, Palystinae and Deleninae is recovered. The Sparianthinae are supported as the most basal clade, diverging considerably early (143 MA) from all other Sparassidae. The Sparassinae and genus Olios are found to be polyphyletic. The Sparassidae are confirmed as monophyletic and as most basal group within the RTA-clade. The divergence time of Sparassidae from the RTA-clade is estimated with 186 MA in the Jurassic. No affiliation of Sparassidae to other members of the "Laterigradae" (Philodromidae, Selenopidae and Thomisidae) is observed, thus the crab-like posture of this group was proposed a result of convergent evolution. Only the families Philodromidae and Selenopidae are found members of a supported clade. Including a considerable amount of RTA-clade representatives, the higher-level clade Dionycha is not but monophyly of the RTA-clade itself is supported
