259 research outputs found

    Digital Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Radio over Fiber Systems

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    The dissertation aims to analyze different Radio over Fiber systems for the front-haul applications. Particularly, analog radio over fiber (A-RoF) are simplest and suffer from nonlinearities, therefore, mitigating such nonlinearities through digital predistortion are studied. In particular for the long haul A-RoF links, direct digital predistortion technique (DPDT) is proposed which can be applied to reduce the impairments of A-RoF systems due to the combined effects of frequency chirp of the laser source and chromatic dispersion of the optical channel. Then, indirect learning architecture (ILA) based structures namely memory polynomial (MP), generalized memory polynomial (GMP) and decomposed vector rotation (DVR) models are employed to perform adaptive digital predistortion with low complexities. Distributed feedback (DFB) laser and vertical capacity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) in combination with single mode/multi-mode fibers have been linearized with different quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) formats for single and multichannel cases. Finally, a feedback adaptive DPD compensation is proposed. Then, there is still a possibility to exploit the other realizations of RoF namely digital radio over fiber (D-RoF) system where signal is digitized and transmits the digitized bit streams via digital optical communication links. The proposed solution is robust and immune to nonlinearities up-to 70 km of link length. Lastly, in light of disadvantages coming from A-RoF and D-RoF, it is still possible to take only the advantages from both methods and implement a more recent form knows as Sigma Delta Radio over Fiber (S-DRoF) system. Second Order Sigma Delta Modulator and Multi-stAge-noise-SHaping (MASH) based Sigma Delta Modulator are proposed. The workbench has been evaluated for 20 MHz LTE signal with 256 QAM modulation. Finally, The 6x2 GSa/s sigma delta modulators are realized on FPGA to show a real time demonstration of S-DRoF system. The demonstration shows that S-DRoF is a competitive competitor for 5G sub-6GHz band applications

    Micromachined vibratory gyroscopes controlled by a high order band-pass sigma delta modulator.

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    Abstract—This work reports on the design of novel closed-loop control systems for the sense mode of a vibratory-rate gyroscope based on a high-order sigma-delta modulator (SDM). A low-pass and two distinctive bandpass topologies are derived, and their advantages discussed. So far, most closed-loop force-feedback control systems for these sensors were based on low-pass SDM’s. Usually, the sensing element of a vibratory gyroscope is designed with a high quality factor to increase the sensitivity and, hence, can be treated as a mechanical resonator. Furthermore, the output characteristic of vibratory rate gyroscopes is narrowband amplitude- modulated signal. Therefore, a bandpass M is a more appropriate control strategy for a vibratory gyroscope than a low-pass SDM. Using a high-order bandpass SDM, the control system can adopt a much lower sampling frequency compared with a low-pass SDM while achieving a similar noise floor for a given oversampling ratio (OSR). In addition, a control system based on a high-order bandpass SDM is superior as it not only greatly shapes the quantization noise, but also alleviates tonal behavior, as is often seen in low-order SDM control systems, and has good immunities to fabrication tolerances and parameter mismatch. These properties are investigated in this study at system level

    Contribución al modelado y diseño de moduladores sigma-delta en tiempo continuo de baja relación de sobremuestreo y bajo consumo de potencia

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    Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta modulators are often employed as analog-to-digital converters. These modulators are an attractive approach to implement high-speed converters in VLSI systems because they have low sensitivity to circuit imperfections compared to other solutions. This work is a contribution to the analysis, modelling and design of high-speed Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta modulators. The resolution and the stability of these modulators are limited by two main factors, excess-loop delay and sampling uncertainty. Both factors, among others, have been carefully analysed and modelled. A new design methodology is also proposed. It can be used to get an optimum high-speed Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta modulator in terms of dynamic range, stability and sensitivity to sampling uncertainty. Based on the proposed design methodology, a software tool that covers the main steps has been developed. The methodology has been proved by using the tool in designing a 30 Megabits-per-second Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta modulator with 11-bits of dynamic range. The modulator has been integrated in a 0.13-”m CMOS technology and it has a measured peak SNR of 62.5dB

    Low Power Continuous-time Bandpass Delta-Sigma Modulators.

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    Low power techniques for continuous-time bandpass delta-sigma modulators (CTBPDSMs) are introduced. First, a 800MS/s low power 4th-order CTBPDSM with 24MHz bandwidth at 200MHz IF is presented. A novel power-efficient resonator with a single amplifier is used in the loopfilter. A single op-amp resonator makes use of positive feedback to increase the quality factor. Also, a new 4th-order architecture is introduced for system simplicity and low power. Low power consumption and a simple modulator structure are achieved by reducing the number of feedback DACs. This modulator achieves 58dB SNDR, and the total power consumption is 12mW. Second, a 6th-order CTBPDSM with duty cycle controlled DACs is presented. This prototype introduces new architecture for low power consumption and other important features. Duty cycle control enables the use of a single DAC per resonator without degrading the signal transfer function (STF), and helps to lower power consumption, low area, and thermal noise. This ADC provides input signal filtering, and increases the dynamic range by reducing the peaking in the STF. Furthermore, the center frequency is tunable so that the CTBPDSM is more useful in the receiver. The prototype second modulator achieves 69dB SNDR, and consumes 35mW, demonstrating the best FoM of 320fJ/conv.-step for CTBPDSMs using active resonators. The techniques introduced in this research help CTBPDSMs have good power efficiency compared with the other kinds of ADCs, and make the implement of a software-defined radio architecture easier which is appropriate for the future multiple standard radio receivers without a power penalty.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98001/1/hichae_1.pd

    Real-time 100-GS/s sigma-delta modulator for all-digital radio-over-fiber transmission

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    All-digital radio-over-fiber (RoF) transmission has attracted a significant amount of interest in digital-centric systems or centralized networks because it greatly simplifies the front-end hardware by using digital processing. The sigma-delta modulator (SDM)-based all-digital RoF approach pushes the digital signal processing as far as possible into the transmit chain. We present a real-time 100-GS/s fourth-order single-bit SDM for all-digital RoF transmission in the high-frequency band without the aid of analog/optical up-conversion. This is the fastest sigma-delta modulator reported and this is also the first real-time demonstration of sigma-delta-modulated RoF in the frequency band above 24 GHz. 4.68 Gb/s (2.34 Gb/s) 64-QAM is transported over 10-km standard single-mode fiber in the C-band with 6.46% (4.73%) error vector magnitude and 3.13 Gb/s 256-QAM can be even received in an optical back-to-back configuration. The carrier frequency can be digitally tuned at run-time, covering a wide frequency range from 22.75 to 27.5 GHz. Besides, this high-speed sigma-delta modulator introduces less than 1 mu s latency in the transmit chain. Its all-digital nature enables network virtualization, making the transmitter compatible with different existing standards. The prominent performance corroborates the strong competitiveness of this SDM-based RoF approach in high-frequency RoF 5C communication

    Design, analysis and evaluation of sigma-delta based beamformers for medical ultrasound imaging applications

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    The inherent analogue nature of medical ultrasound signals in conjunction with the abundant merits provided by digital image acquisition, together with the increasing use of relatively simple front-end circuitries, have created considerable demand for single-bit beamformers in digital ultrasound imaging systems. Furthermore, the increasing need to design lightweight ultrasound systems with low power consumption and low noise, provide ample justification for development and innovation in the use of single-bit beamformers in ultrasound imaging systems. The overall aim of this research program is to investigate, establish, develop and confirm through a combination of theoretical analysis and detailed simulations, that utilize raw phantom data sets, suitable techniques for the design of simple-to-implement hardware efficient digital ultrasound beamformers to address the requirements for 3D scanners with large channel counts, as well as portable and lightweight ultrasound scanners for point-of-care applications and intravascular imaging systems. In addition, the stability boundaries of higher-order High-Pass (HP) and Band-Pass (BP) Σ−Δ modulators for single- and dual- sinusoidal inputs are determined using quasi-linear modeling together with the describing-function method, to more accurately model the modulator quantizer. The theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results for a variety of input amplitudes, bandwidths, and modulator orders. The proposed mathematical models of the quantizer will immensely help speed up the design of higher order HP and BP Σ−Δ modulators to be applicable for digital ultrasound beamformers. Finally, a user friendly design and performance evaluation tool for LP, BP and HP modulators is developed. This toolbox, which uses various design methodologies and covers an assortment of modulators topologies, is intended to accelerate the design process and evaluation of modulators. This design tool is further developed to enable the design, analysis and evaluation of beamformer structures including the noise analyses of the final B-scan images. Thus, this tool will allow researchers and practitioners to design and verify different reconstruction filters and analyze the results directly on the B-scan ultrasound images thereby saving considerable time and effort

    The Design of High Performance, High Resolution Two-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator

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    The design of single loop two-order Delta-Sigma modulator with feed forward structure is presented in this thesis. Oversampled analog-to-digital converters based on second-order delta-sigma modulation are attractive for VLSI implementation because they are especially tolerant of circuit nonidealities and component mismatch. The noise shaping and oversampling are used in this modulator, the oversampling rate (OSR) is 256 and the resolution could be reached 14 bits. The integrally design of Delta-Sigma modulator is argued in deep in the paper, since the behavior model is tested efficiently by Simulink, the time of design has been cut to the bone. As the fully differential structure is used, the system to inhibit the ability of common-mode interference improved and the sampling rate is also raised, the fully differential switching capacity structure is used in the circuit design of modulator. And because of the fully differential structure, the input noise is reduced, the output slewrate of op-amp is greatly improved and the whole circuit is more stable. The 0.5 ?m CMOS process is used in simulation of circuit, the results of simulation are shown that the amplifier gain is 82.3 dB, the Phase Margin is 71.34°, the output slewrate of op-amp is 202 V/?s, the unit GainBandWidth is 102 MHz. the whole circuit of modulator is tested with 10.24 MHz of the clock frequency, the SNDR reached to 93.2 dB, the Dynamic Range (DR) is 100 dB. In summary, this Delta-Sigma modulator could be used in Portable, Audio system and so on

    Arquiteturas paralelas avançadas para transmissores 5G totalmente digitais

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    The fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) is being prepared and should be rolled out in the early coming years. Massive number of Radio-Frequency (RF) front-ends, peak data rates of 10 Gbps (everywhere and everytime), latencies lower than 10 msec and huge device densities are some of the expected disruptive capabilities. At the same time, previous generations can not be jeopardized, fostering the design of novel flexible and highly integrated radio transceivers able to support the simultaneous transmission of multi-band and multi-standard signals. The concept of all-digital transmission is being pointed out as a promising architecture to cope with such challenging requirements, due to its fully digital radio datapath. This thesis is focused on the proposal and validation of fully integrated and advanced digital transmitter architectures that excel the state-of-the-art in different figures of merit, such as transmission bandwidth, spectral purity, carrier agility, flexibility, and multi-band capability. The first part of this thesis introduces the concept of all-digital RF transmission. In particular, the foundations inherent to this thematic line are given, together with the recent advances reported in the state-of-the-art architectures.The core of this thesis, containing the main developments achieved during the Ph.D. work, is then presented and discussed. The first key contribution to the state-of-the-art is the use of cascaded Delta-Sigma (∆Σ) architectures to relax the analog filtering requirements of the conventional All-Digital Transmitters while maintaining the constant envelope waveform. Then, it is presented the first reported architecture where Antenna Arrays are directly driven by single-chip and single-bit All-Digital Transmitters, with promising results in terms of simplification of the RF front-ends and overall flexibility. Subsequently, the thesis proposes the first reported RF-stage All-Digital Transmitter that can be embedded within a single Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device. Thereupon, novel techniques to enable the design of wideband All-Digital Transmitters are reported. Finally, the design of concurrent multi-band transmitters is introduced. In particular, the design of agile and flexible dual and triple bands All-DigitalTransmitter (ADT) is demonstrated, which is a very important topic for scenarios that demand carrier aggregation. This Ph.D. contributes withseveral advances to the state-of-the-art of RF all-digital transmitters.A quinta geração de comunicações móveis (5G) está a ser preparada e deve ser comercializada nos próximos anos. Algumas das caracterı́sticas inovadoras esperadas passam pelo uso de um número massivo de font-ends de Rádio-Frequência (RF), taxas de pico de transmissão de dados de 10 Gbps (em todos os lugares e em todas as ocasiões), latências inferiores a 10 mseg e elevadas densidades de dispositivos. Ao mesmo tempo, as gerações anteriores não podem ser ignoradas, fomentando o design de novos transceptores de rádio flexı́veis e altamente integrados, capazes de suportar a transmissão simultânea de sinais multi-banda e multi-standard. O conceito de transmissão totalmente digital é considerado como um tipo de arquitetura promissora para lidar com esses requisitos desafiantes, devido ao seu datapath de rádio totalmente digital. Esta tese é focada na proposta e validação de arquiteturas de transmissores digitais totalmente integradas e avançadas que ultrapassam o estado da arte em diferentes figuras de mérito, como largura de banda de transmissão, pureza espectral, agilidade de portadora, flexibilidade e capacidade multibanda. A primeira parte desta tese introduz o conceito de transmissores de RF totalmente digitais. Em particular, os fundamentos inerentes a esta linha temática são apresentados, juntamente com os avanços mais recentes do estado-da-arte. O núcleo desta tese, contendo os principais desenvolvimentos alcançados durante o trabalho de doutoramento, é então apresentado e discutido. A primeira contribuição fundamental para o estado da arte é o uso de arquiteturas em cascata com moduladores ∆Σ para relaxar os requisitos de filtragem analógica dos transmissores RF totalmente digitais convencionais, mantendo a forma de onda envolvente constante. Em seguida, é apresentada a primeira arquitetura em que agregados de antenas são excitados diretamente por transmissores digitais de um único bit inseridos num único chip, com resultados promissores em termos de simplificação dos front-ends de RF e flexibilidade em geral. Posteriormente, é proposto o primeiro transmissor totalmente digital RF-stage relatado que pode ser incorporado dentro de um único Agregado de Células Lógicas Programáveis. Novas técnicas para permitir o desenho de transmissores RF totalmente digitais de banda larga são também apresentadas. Finalmente, o desenho de transmissores simultâneos de múltiplas bandas é exposto. Em particular, é demonstrado o desenho de transmissores de duas e três bandas ágeis e flexı́veis, que é um tópico essencial para cenários que exigem agregação de múltiplas bandas.Apoio financeiro da Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT) no Ăąmbito de uma bolsa de doutoramento, ref. PD/BD/105857/2014.Programa Doutoral em TelecomunicaçÔe

    An IF input continuous-time sigma-delta analog-digital converter with high image rejection.

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    Shen Jun-Hua.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 151-154).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.ii摘芁 --- p.ivAcknowledgments --- p.viTable of Contents --- p.viiList of Figures --- p.ixList of Tables --- p.xiiChapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1. --- Overview --- p.1Chapter 1.2. --- Motivation and Objectives --- p.5Chapter 1.3. --- Original Contributions of This Work --- p.6Chapter 1.4. --- Organization of the Thesis --- p.7Chapter Chapter 2 --- Sigma-delta Modulation and IF A/D Conversion --- p.8Chapter 2.1. --- Introduction --- p.8Chapter 2.2. --- Fundamentals of Sigma-delta Modulation --- p.9Chapter 2.2.1. --- Feedback Controlled System --- p.9Chapter 2.2.2. --- Quantization Noise --- p.11Chapter 2.2.3. --- Oversampling and Noise-shaping --- p.11Chapter 2.2.4. --- Stability --- p.15Chapter 2.2.5. --- Noise Sources --- p.17Chapter 2.2.6. --- Baseband Sigma-delta Modulation --- p.28Chapter 2.2.7. --- Bandpass Sigma-delta Modulation --- p.28Chapter 2.3. --- Discrete-time Sigma-delta Modulation --- p.29Chapter 2.4. --- Continuous-time Sigma-delta Modulation --- p.29Chapter 2.5. --- IF-input Complex Analog to Digital Converter --- p.31Chapter 2.6. --- Image Rejection --- p.32Chapter 2.7. --- Integrated Mixer --- p.36Chapter Chapter 3 --- High Level Modeling and Simulation --- p.39Chapter 3.1. --- Introduction --- p.39Chapter 3.2. --- System Level Sigma-delta Modulator Design --- p.40Chapter 3.3. --- Continuous-time NTF Generation --- p.46Chapter 3.4. --- Discrete-time Sigma-delta Modulator Modeling --- p.50Chapter 3.5. --- Continuous-time Sigma-delta Modulator Modeling --- p.52Chapter 3.6. --- Modeling of Nonidealities --- p.53Chapter 3.7. --- High Level Simulation Results --- p.58Chapter Chapter 4 --- Transistor Level Implementation of the Complex Modulator and Layout --- p.65Chapter 4.1. --- Introduction --- p.65Chapter 4.2. --- IF Input Complex Modulator --- p.65Chapter 4.3. --- High IR IF Input Complex Modulator Design --- p.67Chapter 4.4. --- System Design --- p.73Chapter 4.5. --- Building Blocks Design --- p.77Chapter 4.5.1. --- Transconductor Design --- p.77Chapter 4.5.2. --- RC Integrator Design --- p.87Chapter 4.5.3. --- Gm-C Integrator Design --- p.90Chapter 4.5.4. --- Voltage to Current Converter --- p.95Chapter 4.5.5. --- Current Comparator Design --- p.96Chapter 4.5.6. --- Dynamic Element Matching Design --- p.98Chapter 4.5.7. --- Mixer Design --- p.100Chapter 4.5.8. --- Clock Generator --- p.103Chapter 4.6. --- Transistor Level Simulation of the Design --- p.106Chapter 4.7. --- Layout of the Mixed Signal Design --- p.109Chapter 4.7.1. --- Layout Overview --- p.109Chapter 4.7.2. --- Capacitor layout --- p.110Chapter 4.7.3. --- Resistor Layout --- p.113Chapter 4.7.4. --- Power and Ground Routing --- p.114Chapter 4.7.5. --- OTA Layout --- p.115Chapter 4.7.6. --- Chip Layout --- p.117Chapter 4.8. --- PostLayout Simulation --- p.120Chapter 5. --- Chapter 5 Measurement Results and Improvement --- p.122Chapter 5.1. --- Introduction --- p.122Chapter 5.2. --- PCB Design --- p.123Chapter 5.3. --- Test Setup --- p.125Chapter 5.4. --- Measurement of SNR and IRR --- p.128Chapter 5.5. --- Discussion of the Chip Performance --- p.131Chapter 5.6. --- Design of Robust Sigma Delta Modulator --- p.139Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.148Chapter 6.1. --- Conclusion --- p.148Chapter 6.2. --- Future Work --- p.150Bibliography --- p.151Appendix A Schematics of Building Blocks --- p.155Author's Publications --- p.15

    Contribution to the design of continuous -time Sigma - Delta Modulators based on time delay elements

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    The research carried out in this thesis is focused in the development of a new class of data converters for digital radio. There are two main architectures for communication receivers which perform a digital demodulation. One of them is based on analog demodulation to the base band and digitization of the I/Q components. Another option is to digitize the band pass signal at the output of the IF stage using a bandpass Sigma-Delta modulator. Bandpass Sigma- Delta modulators can be implemented with discrete-time circuits, using switched capacitors or continuous-time circuits. The main innovation introduced in this work is the use of passive transmission lines in the loop filter of a bandpass continuous-time Sigma-Delta modulator instead of the conventional solution with gm-C or LC resonators. As long as transmission lines are used as replacement of a LC resonator in RF technology, it seems compelling that transmission lines could improve bandpass continuous-time Sigma-Delta modulators. The analysis of a Sigma- Delta modulator using distributed resonators has led to a completely new family of Sigma- Delta modulators which possess properties inherited both from continuous-time and discretetime Sigma-Delta modulators. In this thesis we present the basic theory and the practical design trade-offs of this new family of Sigma-Delta modulators. Three demonstration chips have been implemented to validate the theoretical developments. The first two are a proof of concept of the application of transmission lines to build lowpass and bandpass modulators. The third chip summarizes all the contributions of the thesis. It consists of a transmission line Sigma-Delta modulator which combines subsampling techniques, a mismatch insensitive circuitry and a quadrature architecture to implement the IF to digital stage of a receiver
