2,112 research outputs found

    Правове регулювання забудови міських земель в законодавстві 1917-1940 років

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей правового регулювання надання і використання земельних ділянок в містах для забудови в період 1917-1940 рр. Проаналізовано зміст і значення договорів про забудову міських земельних ділянок. Встановлено, що зазначений період розвитку правового регулювання використання земель міст для забудови характеризувався тим, що основна увага держави була прикута до організації планового використання міських земель за цільовим призначенням.Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей правового регулирования предоставления и использования земельных участков в городах для застройки в период 1917-1940 гг. Проанализировано содержание и значение договоров о застройке городских земельных участков. Установлено, что отмеченный период развития правового регулирования использования земель городов для застройки характеризовался тем, что основное внимание государства было приковано к организации планового использования городских земель по целевому назначению.The article is devoted to researching of features of the legal adjusting of grant and use of lot lands in cities for building in the period of 1917-1940. Maintenance and value of agreements about building of city lot lands is analysed. It is set that the noted period of development of the legal adjusting of the use of lot lands of cit- ies for building was characterized that basic attention of the state was tied down to organization of the planned use of city lands on the having a special purpose setting

    Історія метрології і стандартизації в Україні в складі СРСР до 1940-х років

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    У статті показано становлення метрології і стандартизації в Україні в 1917–1940-і роки. На основі аналізу документальних матеріалів і їхнього узагальнення, систематизовано становлення і початок розвитку метрології і стандартизації в Україні в складі СРСР.Basic periods of development of metrology, standardization in Ukraine (1917–1940). In the article, on the basis of analysis of documentary materials and their generalizations, becoming and development of metrology, standardization are systematized in Ukraine in USSR

    How Maine Viewed the War, 1914–1917 (1940 reprint)

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    Originally published in 1940, as the United States once more evaluated possible involvement in global conflict, How Maine Viewed the War, 1914– 1917 looks backward to Maine on the eve of World War I. Author Edwin Stanley Costrell (1913–2010), through a study of newspaper coverage of the years 1914 to 1917, provides a thought-provoking account of a Maine people wrestling with ambivalence over US involvement in the Great War; of a citizenry seeking to reconcile ethnic diversity with national unity; and of a nation divided over pacifism, militarism, isolationism, and internationalism and increasingly moving toward war with Germany. Costrell was born in Bangor and earned a BA in English in 1938 and an MA in History and Government in 1939, both from University of Maine. After serving in the US Army during World War II, he earned a PhD in History and International Relations from Clark University in 1949.Thereafter, he worked as a diplomatic historian for the State Department from 1949 until his retirement in 2002, and authored numerous works on foreign relations

    College of Agriculture (University of Maine) Records, 1917-1940

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    The College of Agriculture was established at the University of Maine in 1868 and went on to provide courses on animal husbandry, farm management, forestry, dietetics, household management, handwork, childcare and child welfare, home economics education, history and economics of agriculture, food processing, and horticulture. Today, many of the responsibilities of the former College are carried out by the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture and Cooperative Extension Service, which is now a separate department. The majority of the material in this record group was created during the tenure of Dr. Leon S. Merrill who was both the Dean of the College of Agriculture (September 1, 1911 to September 3, 1933) and also the Director of the Extension Service (October 1, 1910 to December 31, 1930). The records mainly contain textual information created by the University of Maine College of Agriculture, but there are also some maps.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/findingaids/1343/thumbnail.jp

    Русская детская книга в Финляндии (1917-1940 гг.)

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    Children’s book of Russian expatriate communities is the understudied phenomenon in the history of book publishing of Russian emigration. The article studies the book publishing and book supply among children of refugees in Finland in the period of 1917-1940. There is determined the circle of children’s writers, as well as the genres and thematic varieties of children’s books. There are outlined the main problems in the study of themes of publications and spreading of children’s books abroad.Детская книга русского зарубежья - малоизученное явление в истории книжного дела русской эмиграции. В статье предпринята попытка описать состояние книгоиздания и книгообеспечения детей беженцев в городах Финляндии в период 1917-1940 годов. Определен круг авторов, писавших для детей, и жанрово-тематические характеристики литературы для детей. Намечены основные проблемы в изучении темы издания и распространения детских книг за рубежом

    Ansiokas teos Suomesta Ranskan ulkopolitiikassa

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    Arvosteltu teos: La Finlande et l'Europe du Nord dans la diplomatie française: Relations bilatérales et intérêt national dans les considérations finlandaises et nordiques des diplomates et militaires français 1917–1940 / Louis Clerc. Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2011

    History of Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota High Schools, 1917-1940

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    The Vocational Agriculture Program in South Dakota has been in operation for twenty-one years. There have been many interesting developments during this period of years and the writer has attempted to trace the development of the program through this period. All data and factual material have been taken from the minutes of the meetings of the State Board for Vocational Education, the Annual Reports of the State Supervisor to the State Board and the Descriptive and Statistical Reports made to the Federal Board for Vocational Education. No attempt has been made to trace in detail the development. of the agriculture teacher training as the writer felt that this is a topic suitable for a special study. Also the Future Farmers of America was only touched upon briefly as it is hoped that in the near future someone will make a special study of the history and development of this organization