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    Translation Problems

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    [EN] Much of the lexis of a language has a cultural referent and is thus specific to a speech community. The meaning of culturally marked words is often difficult to grasp without some cultural knowledge and poses translation problems, particularly when the words are associated with cultural domains (Nida, 2001). In the present paper we focus on the French cultural domain of cooking. After outlining the elements of the domain, we analyse the difficulties in translating the lexical units from the domain and the range of translation procedures which try to account for their meaning.Negro Alousque, I. (2009). CULTURAL DOMAINS: TRANSLATION PROBLEMS. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 4:137-145. doi:10.4995/rlyla.2009.740SWORD137145

    Translation problems in Scientific Journalism

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    Los textos de periodismo científico se caracterizan por combinar una temática especializada, propia del campo de una de las ramas de las ciencias, con un enfoque periodístico que, a menudo, presenta dicha temática desde una perspectiva humana y social. Esto puede resultar en textos híbridos que engloban elementos informativos y evaluativos y en un lenguaje que oscila entre persuasivo y neutral. Todo ello debe tenerse en cuenta en la traducción de dichos textos y deben buscarse soluciones que respeten el carácter periodístico del texto y se adecúen tanto al campo temático como a los lectores a los que se dirige la publicación.Texts in the field of scientific journalism frequently combine topics from one of the Sciences with a journalistic approach that adopts a human and social perspective on these topics. Therefore, many of these texts are of a hybrid nature, as they comprise informative as well as evaluative elements and a language that unites metaphorical elements and specialised terminology. In the translation process, all these aspects have to be taken into account and the translated text has to reflect the journalistic character of the text and, at the same time, employ a terminology adequate to the field of expertise as well as the target audience


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    This research aims to find out the main problems of AI-based translation machine, Google Neural Machine Translation System (GNMT) or Google Translate, during an English-Indonesian book translation process. It also has the objective to find the solutions for the problems. To approach the translation issues, the study uses Christiane Nord’s four translation problems which consists of pragmatic translation problems, convention-related translation problems, linguistic translation problems, and text-specific translation problems. Molina and Albir’s techniques of translation are applied to fix the problems. The study uses qualitative methods to analyze the translation issues. From 5447 translated words, it is found that the main problems of Google Translate during book translation are linguistic translation problems, and there are seven translation techniques involved to deal with the problems

    Problems of Translation: Problems of Language

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    Praca przedstawia lingwistyczno-dydaktyczne podejście do nauczania przekładu prawniczego oparte na analizie porównawczej pojęć zakorzenionych kulturowo i typowych dla danego krajowego systemu prawa. Autor szczegółowo omawia cechy charakterystyczne języka prawa i komunikacji prawniczej, przekładu prawniczego, w tym trudności związanych z tłumaczeniem terminologii prawnej i prawniczej, kompetencji tłumacza prawniczego oraz metodologii nauczania przekładu prawniczego. W artykule zostały omówione metody i techniki stosowane do poszerzania kompetencji translatorskich studentów w celu nauczenia ich metod konceptualizacji świata języka prawa i i stymulowania przyszłego rozwoju kompetencji zawodowych i kreatywności.В статье излагается лингводидактическая концепция обучения юридическому переводу, основанная на использовании сопоставительного анализа национально-культурных концептосфер, контактирующих в учебном процессе. Анализируются особенности языка права и профессиональной коммуникации в сфере права, специфика юридического перевода, составные элементы профессиональной компетентности юриста-переводчика, трудности перевода юридических терминов, стратегические и методические вопросы обучении студентов переводу юридической терминологии, включая фразеологические единицы. Предлагаемая методика обучения юридическому переводу расширяет представления студентов о социально-культурном контексте использования иностранного юридического языка его носителями. Чтобы обеспечить эквивалентный перевод юридических текстов, студенты должны учитывать специфику национальных правовых систем, использовать необходимые переводческие трансформации и находить релевантные юридические термины. Главная цель перевода: сблизить две концептуальные картины мира. Предполагается, что такой подход поможет студентам овладеть новыми способами концептуализации юридической действительности и будет способствовать развитию переводческой компетентности, профессиональных умений, лингвокреативных способностей будущих переводчиков.The paper presents a linguodidactic approach to teaching legal translation based on the comparative analysis of national and cultural concept spheres, contacting in the learning process. Peculiarities of legal language and professional communication in the sphere of law, specific features of legal translation, components of legal translation competence, difficulties connected with the translation of legal terms, and strategic and methodological issues of teaching law terminology translation including phraseological units are analyzed in detail. The author describes the methods and techniques which extend the students conceptions of sociocultural context, in which the target language is used by native speakers. To provide the equivalent translation of legal texts, the students must take into consideration the specific character of national law systems, use the right translation transformations, and find relevant legal terms. The main purpose of the translation is to bring together two conceptual pictures of the world. It is supposed that such an approach can help students to learn the new ways of world conceptualization and will stimulate the self-devolopment of future translators, fostering their professional skills and creativity

    Handling lexical translation problems: A set of procedures

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    From the introduction: It is the purpose of this paper to outline a set of procedures for determining which of the generally accepted devices for introducing new concepts into receptor languages would most economically stimulate semantic change in any given situation. That is, the procedures are an attempt to enable a translator initiating work in a new language to predict with a certain degree of accuracy the device appropriate to a given situation and the normal semantic load assignable to it. Devices discussed are APPROXIMATION, including the use of related items, metaphors and similes; CREATION, including annalogical innovations of similes as well as simple calques; CULTURAL EQUIVALENTS, calques of a different nature; and BORROWING, the introduction of the foreign term, with or without qualifications such as obligatory grammatical markers or optional explanatory wordings

    The 101 translation problems between Japanese and German/English

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    We investigate differences between Japanese and German/English and explain characteristic phenomena to Japanese. The study helps us to realize what can be problematic when translating Japanese into German/English and vice versa

    Address translation problems in IMS based next generation networks

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    The development of packed based multimedia networks reached a turning point when the ITU-T and the ETSI have incorporated the IMS to the NGN. With the fast development of mobile communication more and more services and content are available. In contrast with fix network telephony both the services and the devices are personalized in the “mobile world”. Services, known from the Internet - like e-mail, chat, browsing, presence, etc. – are already available via mobile devices as well. The IMS originally wanted to exploit both the benefits of mobile networks and the fancy services of the Internet. But today it is already more than that. IMS is the core of the next generation telecommunication networks and a basis for fix-mobile convergent services. The fact however that IMS was originally a “mobile” standard, where IPv6 was not oddity generated some problems for the fix networks, where IPv4 is used. In this article I give an overview of these problems and mention some solutions as well