Comparative Legilinguistics
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    De la protection de l’environnement dans les Constitutions Algeriennes [Ochrona środowiska w algierskich Konstytucjach]

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    Since its independence in 1962, Algeria has undergone significant political and environmental transformations. Despite the challenges of post-independence reconstruction, environmental concerns have gradually found their place within the foundational documents of the nation, including charters and constitutions. Although the constitution of 1963 remained silent on environmental matters, indicative of a historical lack of emphasis, pivotal shifts occurred from 1976 onward, marked by the introduction of environmental policies geared toward nature preservation. National charters of 1976 and 1986, as well as the constitutions of 1976, 1989, 1996, 2008, 2016, and notably that of 2020, have all propelled measures for environmental protection. These foundational texts unequivocally underscore the urgency of safeguarding nature in the face of climate disruption and the imperative of immediate action. These legislative developments, substantial and transformative, have elevated the status of the environment within the Algerian legislative and legal framework, signifying a reconciliation between Algeria, its cultural values, history, and international commitments. In this context, a critical inquiry has meticulously examined the integration of environmental and climatic concerns within various Algerian constitutions and legal texts. Findings underscore the significance attributed to nature protection within these documents, while underscoring the necessity for more effective on-ground implementation. Despite notable advancements since independence, characterized by the emergence of environmental policies and the integration of environmental discourse into foundational texts, Algeria must still exert considerable efforts to materialize these laws and genuinely preserve its natural landscape.Depuis son indépendance en 1962, l’Algérie a subi des transformations politiques et environnementales. Malgré les obstacles de la reconstruction, la préoccupation environnementale s’est graduellement inscrite dans les textes fondamentaux du pays, notamment les chartes et les constitutions. Même si la constitution de 1963 était muette sur l’environnement, révélant un manque d’attention à l’époque ; mais depuis 1976, des évolutions significatives ont surgi, avec l’implémentation de politiques environnementales axées sur la préservation de la nature. Les chartes nationales de 1976 et 1986, ainsi que les constitutions de 1976, 1989, 1996, 2008, 2016 et particulièrement celle de 2020, ont toutes impulsé des mesures pour la protection de l’environnement. Ces textes fondamentaux sont sans équivoque quant à l’urgence de préserver la nature face au dérèglement climatique et à la nécessité d’une action immédiate. Ces évolutions législatives, notables et révolutionnaires, ont élevé le statut de l’environnement dans le cadre législatif et juridique algérien, témoignant d’une harmonie retrouvée entre l’Algérie, ses valeurs culturelles, son histoire et ses engagements internationaux. Dans ce contexte, une lecture critique a scruté la prise en charge de l’environnement et du climat dans les diverses constitutions et textes juridiques algériens. Les résultats mettent en avant l’importance attribuée à la protection de la nature dans ces documents, tout en soulignant le besoin d’une mise en œuvre plus efficace sur le terrain. Malgré les progrès notables depuis l’indépendance, avec l’émergence de politiques environnementales et l’intégration de la question environnementale dans les textes fondamentaux, l’Algérie doit encore déployer d’importants efforts pour concrétiser ces lois et véritablement préserver la nature sur son territoire.Od momentu uzyskania niepodległości w 1962 roku Algieria przeszła znaczące przemiany polityczne i środowiskowe. Pomimo wyzwań związanych z odbudową po okresie niepodległości, troska o środowisko stopniowo znalazła swoje miejsce w ustawach tego kraju, w tym w statutach i  konstytucjach. Chociaż konstytucja z 1963 roku pozostała milcząca w  kwestiach środowiskowych, co wskazuje na historyczny brak uwagi, od  1976 roku zaczęły się istotne zmiany, związane z wprowadzeniem polityk środowiskowych mających na celu ochronę przyrody. Krajowe statuty z 1976 i 1986 roku, a także konstytucje z lat 1976, 1989, 1996, 2008, 2016, a  zwłaszcza z 2020 roku wprowadziły środki na rzecz ochrony środowiska. Owe ustawy zasadnicze jednoznacznie podkreślają pilną potrzebę ochrony przyrody w obliczu zmian klimatycznych i konieczność natychmiastowego działania. Te istotne i przełomowe zmiany w ustawodawstwie podniosły status środowiska w algierskim systemie ustawodawczym i prawodawczym, sygnalizując pojednanie Algierii z jej wartościami kulturowymi, historią i  międzynarodowymi zobowiązaniami. W tym kontekście przeprowadzono krytyczną analizę integracji kwestii środowiskowych i klimatycznych w różnych konstytucjach i aktach prawnych Algierii. Wyniki podkreślają istotność przypisaną ochronie przyrody w tych dokumentach, jednocześnie wskazując na konieczność bardziej skutecznej implementacji na miejscu. Pomimo znaczących postępów od uzyskania niepodległości, charakteryzujących się pojawieniem się polityk środowiskowych i włączeniem dyskursu ekologicznego do ustaw zasadniczych, Algieria nadal musi włożyć znaczne wysiłki w celu zrealizowania tych praw i rzeczywistej ochrony swojego krajobrazu naturalnego

    Profil naukowy i bibliografia dr hab. Łucji Biel, prof. ucz.

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    This article consists of two sections. The first outlines the research profile of Dr hab. Łucja Biel, Prof. ucz., a Polish linguist recognised nationwide and internationally who specializes in the analysis of legal varieties of Polish and English in the context of legal translation studies, corpus linguistics and translator training. The second part contains a detailed list of publications (co-)authored or co-edited by Łucja Biel and published between 2004 and 2022.Niniejszy artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza z nich przedstawia w zarysie profil naukowy dr hab. Łucji Biel, prof. ucz., językoznawczyni o dorobku uznanym zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą, specjalizującej się w analizie prawnych odmian języka polskiego i angielskiego w kontekście badań nad przekładem prawnym i prawniczym, językoznawstwa korpusowego oraz kształcenia tłumaczy. Druga część artykułu zawiera szczegółowy spis publikacji, których prof. Biel jest (współ)autorką lub współredaktorką, wydanych między 2004 r. a 2022 r

    The right to the environment? Article 4(1) of the Polish Environmental Protection Law Act from a combined comparative law and Polish-English legal translation perspective

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    A human right to the environment is increasingly recognised in both domestic and international law. Also in Polish legal scholarship, there is a discussion over the possibility of deriving a right to the environment from the Constitution or ordinary statutes, including Article 4(1) of the Environmental Protection Law Act. The existing English translations of its opening words, and specifically the term powszechne korzystanie ze środowiska, appear to mirror the legal controversy. Compared to Poland, the major common law jurisdictions, i.e. England and the USA, show multiple differences in respect of the public’s enjoyment of the environment. In addition to a distinct legal mentalité, grounded on a case-by-case approach, negative freedoms and remedies thinking, both jurisdictions are characterised by considerable private ownership of natural resources like rivers and forests. In view of this legal and translation problem, the present paper seeks to employ comparative law methodology to establish an acceptable English translation equivalent of the term powszechne korzystanie ze środowiska. The analysis is also an attempt to go beyond the ways in which the use of comparative law in legal translation is typically perceived, i.e., beyond functionalism, beyond micorcomparison and beyond conceptual analysis.Prawo człowieka do środowiska znajduje coraz szersze uznanie w krajowych i międzynarodowych systemach prawnych. Również w polskiej nauce prawa toczy się dyskusja na temat możliwości wyprowadzenia prawa do środowiska z Konstytucji lub ustaw zwykłych, w tym z art. 4 ust. 1 Ustawy – Prawo ochrony środowiska. Istniejące angielskie przekłady początkowych słów tego przepisu, a ściślej terminu „powszechne korzystanie ze środowiska”, wydają się odzwierciedlać wspomniane kontrowersje prawne. Jeśli chodzi o kwestię korzystania ze środowiska przez obywateli, najważniejsze obszary prawne tradycji common law, czyli Anglia i Stany Zjednoczone, wykazują w porównaniu z Polską wiele różnic. Oprócz odmiennej mentalności prawnej, zorientowanej na fakty konkretnych spraw, wolności negatywne i dostępne środki ochrony prawnej, obszary te cechuje wysoki udział własności prywatnej zasobów naturalnych takich, jak rzeki i lasy. W świetle powyższego problemu prawno-tłumaczeniowego celem niniejszego artykułu jest wykorzystanie metod prawa porównawczego do ustalenia akceptowalnego angielskiego ekwiwalentu tłumaczeniowego terminu „powszechne korzystanie ze środowiska”. Przeprowadzona analiza jest również próbą wyjścia poza typowe sposoby wykorzystania prawa porównawczego w tłumaczeniu prawniczym, tj. poza metodę funkcjonalną, mikrokomparatystykę i analizę pojęciową

    Tradurre formule giuridiche attraverso i corpora

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    Fixed lexical or syntactical expressions and formulae hallmark legal language. They serve both linguistic and legal purposes, and should be rendered accordingly in a target language and legal system. Most of the times, however, formulaic expressions are translated by resorting to calques, false cognates, or phrases that are uncommon in the target legal language (and legal system). This paper is aimed at exploring how and if corpus analysis can dispel doubts and help find acceptable translation candidates. As there are currently no publicly available legal corpora addressing corporate documents such as contracts and agreements, this paper wishes to bridge this gap by building and relying on an ad hoc corpus of authentic agreements written in English as a first language according to the laws of England and Wales. In this way, corpus evidence can help find equivalents and, possibly, address recurrent mistranslations from Italian into English. During the corpus analysis process, the paper shows and discusses search queries and how equivalents can be obtained. At the same time, it questions dictionary entries. The paper findings highlight that the consultation of the ad hoc corpus allows to find acceptable translations of Italian legal formulae and address recurrent mistranslations. English formulaic expressions, in fact, can be rendered satisfactorily thanks to the possibility of noticing word usages in context, keywords in contexts and collocations. Further research can encompass a wider variety of formulae and/or legal documents so that scholars and translators can be equipped with useful reference tools.Espressioni e formule lessicali o sintattiche predefinite caratterizzano il linguaggio giuridico e sono utilizzate sia per finalità linguistiche che legali, quindi devono essere necessariamente adattate alla lingua ed al sistema giuridico di arrivo. Tuttavia, molto spesso espressioni e formule sono tradotte ricorrendo a calchi, falsi affini o frasi non frequenti nella lingua giuridica (e nel sistema giuridico) di arrivo. Il presente articolo ha lo scopo di verificare se la consultazione di un corpus di contratti possa aiutare a dissipare dubbi linguistico-giuridici e a trovare traduzioni accettabili. Poiché al momento non esistono corpora giuridici pubblicamente disponibili contenenti documenti aziendali quali contratti, questo articolo si pone l'obiettivo di tentare di colmare questa lacuna creando e consultando un corpus ad hoc costituito da contratti autentici redatti in lingua inglese secondo la legge dell'Inghilterra e Galles. In questo modo, il corpus può aiutare a trovare equivalenti e, possibilmente, correggere ricorrenti traduzioni errate dall'italiano all'inglese. Durante il processo di analisi del corpus, si mostra come è possibile ottenere equivalenti. I risultati dell'articolo evidenziano che la consultazione del corpus consente di trovare traduzioni accettabili di formule giuridiche italiane e di correggere frequenti errori di traduzione. Le formule inglesi, infatti, possono essere rese in modo soddisfacente grazie alla possibilità di notare gli usi delle parole nel contesto, le parole chiave ricorrenti e le collocazioni. Ulteriori ricerche possono riguardare una più ampia varietà di formule e/o documenti legali in modo che studiosi e traduttori possano avvalersi di utili strumenti di riferimento

    On the challenges of legal translation

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    This short commentary focuses on language and law and legal translation. It stresses the importance of language used in legal texts in the legal context and the complexities when more than one language is involved in interlingual and cross-cultural communication in law. There are age old challenges in legal translation as well as new ones in the digital age with the increasing use of machine translation systems. It is imperative today that human legal translators are familiar with machine translation tools and aware of how computer aided translation technologies process information and their strengths and weaknesses. To be able to effectively use machine translation systems should become a compulsory part of the digital literacy and skill sets of legal translators in the twenty-first century.  This short commentary focuses on language and law and legal translation. It stresses the importance of language used in legal texts in the legal context and the complexities when more than one language is involved in interlingual and cross-cultural communication in law. There are age old challenges in legal translation as well as new ones in the digital age with the increasing use of machine translation systems. It is imperative today that human legal translators are familiar with machine translation tools and aware of how computer aided translation technologies process information and their strengths and weaknesses. To be able to effectively use machine translation systems should become a compulsory part of the digital literacy and skill sets of legal translators in the twenty-first century.

    Preface to the Special Issue

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    Problems in English-Chinese and Chinese-English legal translation: with a case study of mistranslations

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    In this article, characteristic features of the Chinese legal language are approached from the perspective of legal translation from and into Chinese. The main focus is put upon the emergence of meaning in legal texts, which is reflected in the process of legal translation. Problems of meaning emergence in the Chinese law are regularly connected to legal transfers and legal implants borrowed from foreign languages such as English as well as other text forming devices. Translation is regularly inherent in such processes. As a result, legal translation influences processes in which legislation and the legislative language are shaped. Meanwhile, general problems of translation remain out of the scope of this study. Therefore, specific features of translation of legal texts from and into Chinese dominate the discussed issues. These specific issues include some little-explored ones such as translating traditional Chinese law and social attitudes to legal translation. Moreover, Chinese is the language of legislation and of court and administrative procedures in several jurisdictions as well as in numerous international organizations. Its legal status differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and displays its pluricentric character. Legal acts that are issued in these jurisdictions demonstrate therefore different levels of terminological formation and other legal-linguistically relevant varieties. It is the task of legal lexicography to register lexical varieties of legal Chinese in the relevant jurisdictions. Examples based on translations of legal texts in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau complement the main corpus of the article. The analysed texts show that legal translation and shaping legal language are closely interrelated creative activities.  In this article, characteristic features of the Chinese legal language are approached from the perspective of legal translation from and into Chinese. The main focus is put upon the emergence of meaning in legal texts, which is reflected in the process of legal translation. Problems of meaning emergence in the Chinese law are regularly connected to legal transfers and legal implants borrowed from foreign languages such as English as well as other text forming devices. Translation is regularly inherent in such processes. As a result, legal translation influences processes in which legislation and the legislative language are shaped. Meanwhile, general problems of translation remain out of the scope of this study. Therefore, specific features of translation of legal texts from and into Chinese dominate the discussed issues. These specific issues include some little-explored ones such as translating traditional Chinese law and social attitudes to legal translation. Moreover, Chinese is the language of legislation and of court and administrative procedures in several jurisdictions as well as in numerous international organizations. Its legal status differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and displays its pluricentric character. Legal acts that are issued in these jurisdictions demonstrate therefore different levels of terminological formation and other legal-linguistically relevant varieties. It is the task of legal lexicography to register lexical varieties of legal Chinese in the relevant jurisdictions. Examples based on translations of legal texts in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau complement the main corpus of the article. The analysed texts show that legal translation and shaping legal language are closely interrelated creative activities.

    The new development and characteristics of Chinese forensic linguistics in the past two decades

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    Forensic Linguistics as a discipline has gone through more than 30 years of development in China, which can be divided into the brewing period, the establishment and development period, and the comprehensive improvement period. Scholars have presented the origin and development of forensic linguistics in the form of papers, monographs, translations, textbooks, seminars, conferences and other forms, which promotes the future development of forensic linguistics. In the past decade, the study of forensic linguistics has mainly focused on the theoretical research of forensic linguistics, the application of legislative and judicial language, the translation and teaching of legal language. This paper will adopt the method of literature research to summarize the origin and development of Chinese forensic linguistics in the past 30 years, and to anticipate the future development direction of forensic linguistics in the light of the current research characteristics and the hotspot of the times, so as to provide references for the theoretical development and application practice of current forensic linguistics, and to better guide future discipline development in China.法律语言学在中国历经了三十多年的发展,以十年多为分界线,可以分为酝酿时期、创立发展时期、全面提高时期。学者们将法律语言学的起源和发展状况以论文、专著、译著、教材、研讨会等形式呈现出来,促进了未来法律语言学的发展。近十年来,法律语言学的研究主要集中在法律语言学理论研究、立法及司法语言应用研究、法律语言翻译研究和法律语言教学研究等四个方面。文章将运用文献综述法,旨在概括、总结过去三十多年中国法律语言学的起源和发展状况,结合当下研究特色与时代热点,对法律语言学未来的发展方向做出展望,以期为当下法律语言学的理论发展与应用实践提供文献参考,以更好地指导未来的学科发展

    L’espressione dei concetti di dolus e culpa nel linguaggio giuridico cinese: caratteristiche distintive e criticità

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    The ‘migration’ of concepts from one language to another, which takes place in cultural exchange, frequently gives rise to changes in the target language, primarily involving the lexical field. The reception of the Romanist legal tradition in China has led to the formation of a specialized lexicon which, along with the translation and production of Roman law-related works, has been subject to constant growth. This kind of terminological transposition has often resulted in the emergence in Chinese of more than one translatant for the same Latin word. As a concrete example of this phenomenon, this paper aims at providing a synoptical overview of the rendering in Chinese of the concepts of dolus and culpa, two legal institutions also largely connected to the field of commercial law. The sources analyzed from a diachronic and contrastive perspective range from the earliest manuals of Roman law published in China at the beginning of the twentieth century to recent documents, translated or directly composed in Chinese. More specifically, this paper will try to answer the following questions: what is the historical evolution of the main terms used in Chinese to express the concepts of dolus and culpa? What are the criteria adopted by Chinese translators/authors in choosing these terms? What are the main features and issues related to the linguistic rendering of the two legal institutions?As for the results of this study, attention will be paid to one of the peculiarities of the linguistic rendering of the concept of culpa, that is the use of two different translatants: guoshi 过失 and guocuo 过错. At the same time, another aspect on which this paper will shed light is the existence of a plethora of translatants related to the concept of dolus (qizha 欺诈, guyi 故意, zhaqi 诈欺, etc.). In this sense, on the one hand, it will be shown how the presence of multiple translatants is acceptable and useful when they are used to express the different shades of meaning conveyed by dolus and culpa that cannot be rendered by means of one single translatant for each of these two notions; on the other hand, this paper will highlight the necessity of a higher homogeneity and standardization of the Chinese Romanist lexicon.La trasmissione di sapere da una cultura ad un’altra viaggia attraverso il linguaggio e tale ‘migrazione’ di concetti da un idioma ad un altro è un processo sovente foriero di molteplici trasformazioni nella lingua di arrivo, le quali investono in primis la sfera lessicale. La recezione del diritto romano in Cina è pertanto coincisa con la formazione di un lessico specialistico che, di pari passo con la crescita della letteratura romanistica cinese, si è costantemente arricchito. In tale processo, la resa terminologica dei contenuti propri della tradizione giuridica romanistica si è spesso manifestata con la comparsa in cinese di più di un traducente per lo stesso termine latino. Come esempio concreto di questo fenomeno, il presente contributo mira a fornire un quadro sinottico relativo alla resa in cinese dei concetti di dolus e culpa, istituti giuridici anche ampiamente connessi con la sfera del diritto commerciale. Le fonti analizzate, in chiave diacronica e contrastiva, spaziano dai primi manuali di diritto romano pubblicati in Cina all’inizio del XX secolo a documenti recenti, tradotti o composti in cinese. Più specificatamente, questo contributo proverà a rispondere ai seguenti quesiti: qual è l’evoluzione storica dei principali termini impiegati in cinese per esprimere i concetti di dolus e culpa? Quali sono i criteri adottati da traduttori e autori cinesi nella scelta di tale terminologia? Quali le principali caratteristiche e criticità connesse con la resa di questi due istituti giuridici? Quanto ai risultati della presente indagine, particolare attenzione sarà posta ad una delle peculiarità della resa linguistica del concetto di culpa, ovvero l’uso dei due diversi traducenti guoshi过失e guocuo过错. Al contempo, un altro aspetto che verrà messo in luce dal presente studio è l’esistenza di una pletora di traducenti per dolus (qizha 欺诈, guyi 故意, zhaqi 诈欺, ecc.). In tal senso, da un lato sarà evidenziato come la presenza di molteplici traducenti appaia in taluni casi fondata e funzionale all’espressione delle diverse sfumature di significato convogliate da dolus e culpa; dall’altro, sarà, altresì sottolineata la necessità di una maggiore uniformità del lessico romanistico cinese, nonché di una sua ulteriore standardizzazione

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    Comparative Legilinguistics
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