48,918 research outputs found

    A numerical study of one-patch colloidal particles: from square-well to Janus

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    We perform numerical simulations of a simple model of one-patch colloidal particles to investigate: (i) the behavior of the gas-liquid phase diagram on moving from a spherical attractive potential to a Janus potential and (ii) the collective structure of a system of Janus particles. We show that, for the case where one of the two hemispheres is attractive and one is repulsive, the system organizes into a dispersion of orientational ordered micelles and vesicles and, at low TT, the system can be approximated as a fluid of such clusters, interacting essentially via excluded volume. The stability of this cluster phase generates a very peculiar shape of the gas and liquid coexisting densities, with a gas coexistence density which increases on cooling, approaching the liquid coexistence density at very low TT.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. in press (2010

    Polydisperse fluid mixtures of adhesive colloidal particles

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    We investigate polydispersity effects on the average structure factor of colloidal suspensions of neutral particles with surface adhesion. A sticky hard sphere model alternative to Baxter's one is considered. The choice of factorizable stickiness parameters in the potential allows a simple analytic solution, within the ``mean spherical approximation'', for any number of components and arbitrary stickiness distribution. Two particular cases are discussed: i) all particles have different sizes but equal stickiness (Model I), and ii) each particle has a stickiness proportional to its size (Model II). The interplay between attraction and polydispersity yields a markedly different behaviour for the two Models in regimes of strong coupling (i.e. strong adhesive forces and low temperature) and large polydispersity. These results are then exploited to reanalyze experimental scattering data on sterically stabilized silica particles.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures (included), Physica A (2001) to appea

    Influence of mismatch on the defects in relaxed epitaxial InGaAs/GaAs(100) films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    Thick (∌3 ÎŒm) films of InxGa1−xAs grown on GaAs(100) substrates, across the whole composition range, have been examined by transmission electron microscopy and double‐crystal x‐ray diffraction. The results were compared with the observed growth mode of the material determined by in situ reflection high‐energy electron diffraction in the molecular beam epitaxy growth system. The quality of the material degraded noticeably for compositions up to x∌0.5 associated with an increased density of dislocations and stacking faults. In contrast, improvements in quality as x approached 1.0 were correlated with the introduction of an increasingly more regular array of edge dislocations

    A Numerical Test of a High-Penetrability Approximation for the One-Dimensional Penetrable-Square-Well Model

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    The one-dimensional penetrable-square-well fluid is studied using both analytical tools and specialized Monte Carlo simulations. The model consists of a penetrable core characterized by a finite repulsive energy combined with a short-range attractive well. This is a many-body one-dimensional problem, lacking an exact analytical solution, for which the usual van Hove theorem on the absence of phase transition does not apply. We determine a high-penetrability approximation complementing a similar low-penetrability approximation presented in previous work. This is shown to be equivalent to the usual Debye-H\"{u}ckel theory for simple charged fluids for which the virial and energy routes are identical. The internal thermodynamic consistency with the compressibility route and the validity of the approximation in describing the radial distribution function is assessed by a comparison against numerical simulations. The Fisher-Widom line separating the oscillatory and monotonic large-distance behavior of the radial distribution function is computed within the high-penetrability approximation and compared with the opposite regime, thus providing a strong indication of the location of the line in all possible regimes. The high-penetrability approximation predicts the existence of a critical point and a spinodal line, but this occurs outside the applicability domain of the theory. We investigate the possibility of a fluid-fluid transition by Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo techniques, not finding any evidence of such a transition. Additional analytical arguments are given to support this claim. Finally, we find a clustering transition when Ruelle's stability criterion is not fulfilled. The consequences of these findings on the three-dimensional phase diagrams are also discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures; to be published in JC

    Early-Middle Pleistocene benthic turnover and oxygen isotope stratigraphy from the Central Mediterranean (Valle di Manche, Crotone Basin, Italy): data and trends

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    Ostracod faunal turnover and oxygen isotope data (foraminifera) along the Valle di Manche (VdM) section are herein compiled. Specifically, the material reported in this work includes quantitative palaeoecological data and patterns of ostracod fauna framed within a high-resolution oxygen isotope stratigraphy (ή18O) from Uvigerina peregrina. In addition, the multivariate ostracod faunal stratigraphic trend (nMDS axis-1 sample score) is calibrated using bathymetric distributions of extant molluscs sampled from the same stratigraphic intervals along the VdM section. Data and analyses support the research article “Dynamics of benthic marine communities across the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary in the Mediterranean region (Valle di Manche, Southern Italy): biotic and stratigraphic implications” Rossi et al. [1]

    A pseudo-spectral method for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

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    We discuss a numerical scheme to solve the continuum Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in generic spatial dimensions. It is based on a momentum-space discretization of the continuum equation and on a pseudo-spectral approximation of the non-linear term. The method is tested in (1+1)- and (2+1)- dimensions, where it is shown to reproduce the current most reliable estimates of the critical exponents based on Restricted Solid-on-Solid simulations. In particular it allows the computations of various correlation and structure functions with high degree of numerical accuracy. Some deficiencies which are common to all previously used finite-difference schemes are pointed out and the usefulness of the present approach in this respect is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 13 .eps figures, revetx4. A few equations have been corrected. Erratum sent to Phys. Rev.

    Real Space Renormalization Group for Langevin Dynamics in Absence of Translational Invariance

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    A novel exact dynamical real space renormalization group for a Langevin equation derivable from a Euclidean Gaussian action is presented. It is demonstrated rigorously that an algebraic temporal law holds for the Green function on arbitrary structures of infinite extent. In the case of fractals it is shown on specific examples that two different fixed points are found at variance with periodic structures. Connection with growth dynamics of interfaces is also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex 3.0, 5 figures available upon request from [email protected], to be published in J.Stat.Phy

    The cost of space independence in P300-BCI spellers.

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    Background: Though non-invasive EEG-based Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) have been researched extensively over the last two decades, most designs require control of spatial attention and/or gaze on the part of the user. Methods: In healthy adults, we compared the offline performance of a space-independent P300-based BCI for spelling words using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP), to the well-known space-dependent Matrix P300 speller. Results: EEG classifiability with the RSVP speller was as good as with the Matrix speller. While the Matrix speller’s performance was significantly reliant on early, gaze-dependent Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs), the RSVP speller depended only on the space-independent P300b. However, there was a cost to true spatial independence: the RSVP speller was less efficient in terms of spelling speed. Conclusions: The advantage of space independence in the RSVP speller was concomitant with a marked reduction in spelling efficiency. Nevertheless, with key improvements to the RSVP design, truly space-independent BCIs could approach efficiencies on par with the Matrix speller. With sufficiently high letter spelling rates fused with predictive language modelling, they would be viable for potential applications with patients unable to direct overt visual gaze or covert attentional focus

    Invariant functionals on completely distributive lattices

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    In this paper we are interested in functionals defined on completely distributive lattices and which are invariant under mappings preserving {arbitrary} joins and meets. We prove that the class of nondecreasing invariant functionals coincides with the class of Sugeno integrals associated with {0,1}\{0,1\}-valued capacities, the so-called term functionals, thus extending previous results both to the infinitary case as well as to the realm of completely distributive lattices. Furthermore, we show that, in the case of functionals over complete chains, the nondecreasing condition is redundant. Characterizations of the class of Sugeno integrals, as well as its superclass comprising all polynomial functionals, are provided by showing that the axiomatizations (given in terms of homogeneity) of their restriction to finitary functionals still hold over completely distributive lattices. We also present canonical normal form representations of polynomial functionals on completely distributive lattices, which appear as the natural extensions to their finitary counterparts, and as a by-product we obtain an axiomatization of complete distributivity in the case of bounded lattices

    Smile from the Past: A general option pricing framework with multiple volatility and leverage components

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    In the current literature, the analytical tractability of discrete time option pricing models is guarantee only for rather specific type of models and pricing kernels. We propose a very general and fully analytical option pricing framework encompassing a wide class of discrete time models featuring multiple components structure in both volatility and leverage and a flexible pricing kernel with multiple risk premia. Although the proposed framework is general enough to include either GARCH-type volatility, Realized Volatility or a combination of the two, in this paper we focus on realized volatility option pricing models by extending the Heterogeneous Autoregressive Gamma (HARG) model of Corsi et al. (2012) to incorporate heterogeneous leverage structures with multiple components, while preserving closed-form solutions for option prices. Applying our analytically tractable asymmetric HARG model to a large sample of S&P 500 index options, we evidence its superior ability to price out-of-the-money options compared to existing benchmarks
