39,517 research outputs found

    Does visual letter similarity modulate masked form priming in young readers of Arabic?

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    Available online 19 January 2018 Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jecp.2017.12.004.Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jecp.2017.12.004.We carried out a masked priming lexical decision experiment to study whether visual letter similarity plays a role during the initial phases of word processing in young readers of Arabic (fifth graders). Arabic is ideally suited to test these effects because most Arabic letters share their basic shape with at least one other letter and differ only in the number/position of diacritical points (e.g., ض - ص ;ظ - ط ;غ - ع ;ث - ت - ن ب ;ذ - د ;خ - ح - ج ;ق - ف ;ش - س ;ز - ر). We created two one-letter-different priming conditions for each target word, in which a letter from the consonantal root was substituted by another letter that did or did not keep the same shape (e.g., خدمة - حدمة vs. خدمة - فدمة). Another goal of the current experiment was to test the presence of masked orthographic priming effects, which are thought to be unreliable in Semitic languages. To that end, we included an unrelated priming condition. We found a sizable masked orthographic priming effect relative to the unrelated condition regardless of visual letter similarity, thereby revealing that young readers are able to quickly process the diacritical points of Arabic letters. Furthermore, the presence of masked orthographic priming effects in Arabic suggests that the word identification stream in Indo-European and Semitic languages is more similar than previously thought.This article was made possible by a National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) award (Grant No. 6-378-5-035z) from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of the Qatar Foundation)


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    Nakon katastrofalnih posljedica potresa na Aljasci i u Niigati 1964. godine, Seed i Idriss su razvili i objavili metodu za procjenu otpornosti tla na likvefakciju pod nazivom „pojednostavljeni postupak“. Dugo vremena se smatralo kako prisutnost građevine smanjuje opasnost od pojave likvefakcije, no nakon nedavnih potresa (Kobe 1995. i Kocaeli 1999.) uočeno je kako se likvefakcija pojavila ispod temelja građevina, iako nije došlo do njezinog pojavljivanja na slobodnim površinama tla u okolici građevina. U ovome radu analiziran je i uspoređen likvefakcijski potencijal tla neopterećenog objektom i tla ispod građevine, za dva profila relativno mekog tla u Osijeku pri djelovanju dva potresa različitog frekventnog karaktera i magnitude. Linearno-elastične analize vremenskim zapisom provedene su koristeći računalni program SAP2000 za slučaj neopterećen objektom i za slučaj prisutnosti i utjecaja odziva plitko temeljene armiranobetonske okvirne konstrukcije. Dodatno su prikazani i osnovni dinamički odzivi same konstrukcije u interakciji s tlom, te je dana kratka usporedba s općeprihvaćenim modeliranjem apsolutno krutih oslonaca konstrukcije.Following disastrous earthquakes in Alaska and in Niigata in 1964, Seed and Idriss developed and published a method for evaluating liquefaction resistance of soils termed the ‘‘simplified procedure’’. For a long time it has been considered that the presence of the building reduces the risk of liquefaction, but after the recent earthquakes (Kobe 1995. and Kocaeli 1999.) it was observed that the liquefaction occurred under the foundations of buildings, although it has not been observed in the free field around buildings. This paper analyzes and compares soil liquefaction potential in the free field and beneath the building, for two relatively soft soil profiles under the influence of two strong motions with different frequency character and magnitude. A linear-elastic time history analysis was conducted using computer program SAP2000 for the free field case and case with presence and response impact of a shallow founded reinforced concrete frame structure. In addition, basic dynamic response of the structure in interaction with the soil is presented and a short comparison is made opposite to the widely accepted rigid-base structure assumption


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    The paper describes the process of determining the blast load on structures and provides a numerical example of a fictive structure exposed to this load. The aim was to become familiar with the issue of blast load because of ever growing terrorist threat and the lack of guidelines from national and European regulations on the verification of structures exposed to explosions. The blast load was analytically determined as a pressure-time history and numerical model of the structure was created in SAP2000. The results confirm the initial assumption that it is possible with conventional software to simulate an explosion effects and give a preliminary assessment of the structure.Dana je analiza opterećenja eksplozijom na konstrukciju te numerički primjer djelovanja na fiktivnu građevinu. Cilj je bio upoznati se s fenomenom eksplozije kao opterećenja na konstrukcije uslijed sve veće terorističke prijetnje te nedostatka smjernica u nacionalnim i europskim propisima o provjeri konstrukcija izloženih djelovanju eksplozija. Analitički je određeno opterećenje eksplozijom kao vremenski zapis promjene tlaka zraka te numerički modeliranja konstrukcija i prethodno određeno opterećenje u programskom paketu SAP2000. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju početnu pretpostavku kako je moguće konvencionalnim softverom simulirati djelovanje eksplozije i dati preliminarnu ocjenu stanja konstrukcije


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    Provedeni su proračuni križnog svoda crkve Sv. Petra i Pavla u Osijeku i katedrale u Đakovu te bačvastog svoda crkve Sv. Filipa i Jakova u Vukovaru. Razmatrana su djelovanja: stalno opterećenje, promjena sustava konstrukcije i horizontalno razmicanje oslonaca. Bila su dva pristupa. U prvom su rezultati proračuna naprezanja. Drugim se određuje model sloma konstrukcije za maksimalnu vrijednost horizontalnog razmicanja oslonaca i minimalno horizontalno ubrzanje tla od potresa.The authors analyse cross vault of the Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Osijek, cross vault of the Đakovo Cathedral, and barrel vault of the Sts. Philip and Jacob church in Vukovar. The following actions are considered: permanent load, change in structural system, and increase in horizontal spacing between the supports. Two approaches are used. In the first approach, the analysis results in stress values. The second is used to determine the structural failure model for the maximum value of increase in horizontal spacing between supports, and for minimum horizontal acceleration of soil due to seismic action.Les auteurs analysent la voûte d'arête de l'église Sts-Pierre-et-Paul à Osijek, la voûte d'arête de la cathédrale de Đakovo, et la voûte en berceau de l'église Sts-Philippe-et-Jacob à Vukovar. Les actions suivantes sont considérées: charge permanente, changement du système structural, et écartement horizontal des appuis. Deux approches sont utilisées. Dans la première approche, l'analyse résulte en valeurs de contrainte. La deuxième est utilisée pour déterminer le modèle de rupture structurale pour une valeur maximum d'écartement horizontal entre les supports, et pour l'accélération horizontale minimum du sol causée par action sismique.Проведены расчеты крестообразного свода церкви Св. Петра и Павла в г. Осиеке, кафедрального собора в г. Джакове и бочкообразного свода церкви Св. Филиппа и Якова в г. Вуковаре. Рассмотрены следующие воздействиa: постоянная нагрузка, изменение системы конструкции и горизонтальнaя расставкa опор. Использовались два подхода. Первый – с определением результатов расчета напряжения. При втором подходе определялась модель разрушения конструкции при максимальном значении горизонтальной расставкe опор и минимальном горизонтальном ускорении грунта при землетрясении.Durchgeführt wurden Berechnungen des Kreuzgewölbes der Kirche der Hl. Peter und Paul in Osijek und der Kathedrale in Đakovo, sowie des Tonnengewölbes der Kirche der Hl. Filip und Jakob in Vukovar. Man betrachtete folgende Einwirkungen: ständige Belastung, Änderung des Konstruktionssystems und horizontales Auseinanderschieben der Auflager. Man hatte zwei Zutritte. Im ersten gibt man die Ergebnisse der Spannungsberechnung. Mit dem zweiten definiert man das Modell des Konstruktionsbruchs für den maximalen Wert des horizontalen Auseinanderschiebens der Auflager und die minimale horizontale Bodenbeschleunigung bei Erdbeben


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    Although the construction industry has always been project-oriented, limited attention has been paid to the Project Management Software (PMS), particularly in the transitional countries. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the needs of the transitional economies by providing new insight into deficiencies of implementing the Western PMS in the construction industry of Southeast Europe (SEE). Thus, while the construction industries of the developed economies use PMS for a wider range of project management processes, the SEE construction industry still practices management mainly through financial procedures and material planning. Therefore, the PMS originating from developed countries, in the present form, is of little use in transitional economies.Iako je građevinska industrija uvijek bila projektno orijentirana, tijekom proteklih godina, izrazito mala pažnja je dana računalnim aplikacijama za upravljanje projektima (RUP). Ovaj članak doprinosi dubljem razumijevanju potreba tranzicijskih ekonomija, predstavljajući nedostatke uvođenja RUP-a, nastalih u Zapadnim sustavima, u građevinske industrije Jugoistočne Europe (JE). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoji značajna razlika u načinu i procesima kojima se upravlja projektima u građevinskim industrijama Zapada u odnosu na praksu u JE. Tako dok Zapadna praksa pokazuje potrebu za korištenjem mnoštva procesa za upravljanje projektima (npr. upravljanje rizicima, niveliranje resursa u planu itd.), građevinska praksa JE se još uvijek temelji na financijskim procedurama i planiranju potrebnog materijala. Zbog ovih razloga može se ustvrditi kako su RUP, koji potječu iz Zapadnih praksa, u svom trenutnom obliku, od male koristi za tranzicijske ekonomije

    Hunting as a topic in work with children in kindergarten

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    U ovom završnom radu lovstvo je opisano kao djelatnost, navode se općenite činjenice, korisnosti lovstva te prigovori s kojima se susreće. Opisan je i razvoj lovstva, njegovi principi i načini lovljenja, te važnost istoga kroz vrijeme. Glavna svrha ovog završnog rada jest stjecanje znanja o lovstvu koja je potrebno razumjeti, naučiti i znati prilagoditi dječjem uzrastu prilikom provođenja teme lovstva u vrtiću. Prilikom toga, važno je na umu imati i podatke koji su prikupljeni provođenjem intervjua s djecom starijih i predškolskih skupina iz gradskog i seoskog vrtića, koji se odnose na njihovo znanje, mišljenje i vjerovanje o lovstvu i lovcima. Primjerice, samo četvero djece starije skupine DV ''Sjenčica'' je navelo točno svih pet životinja koje žive u šumi, dok je u istoj skupini u DV ''Grlica'' to učinilo troje djece.Na isto pitanje u DV ''Sjenčica'' točnih pet životinja nabrojalo je troje djece, a u DV ''Grlica'' samo dvoje.In this final paper hunting is described as an activity, general facts, the usefulness of hunting and complaints are listed. Development of hunting, principles and methods of hunting and the importance of the same through the time are also described. The main purpose of this final paper is to gain knowledge of hunting which is necessary to understand, learn and know how to adapt to children age in the pursuit of hunting topics in kindergarten. During that, it is important to keep in mind the data that was collected through interviews with children of older and preschool groups of urban and rural kindergartens, referring to their knowledge, opinion and belief on hunting and hunters.For example , only four children of older group of kindergarten ' ' Sjenčica ' ' stated all five forest animals correctly , while in the same group in kindergarten ' ' Dove ' ' only three children did the same. On the same question only three preschoolers in kindergarten ' ' Sjenčica ' ' accurate pet animals , while in the kindergarten ' 'Dove ' ' only two managed that

    The role of electronic technologies in toddlers

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    Djeca su, od najranije dobi, okružena elektroničkom tehnologijom, a navikavanje na medije zbiva se brzo i neprimjetno. Elektronički uređaji sve su više prisutni u našim životima pa se tako sve češće nalaze i u rukama djece. Pretpostavka je da sve više djece provode svoje vrijeme pred elektroničkom tehnologijom. Cilj ovog rada jest uvidjeti koliko vremena djeca jasličke dobi provode koristeći elektroničku tehnologiju te u koje svrhe. Prema cilju rada, provedena je anketa kako bismo došli do zaključaka. Istraživanje je provedeno u gradu Požegi i selu Virju, te je napravljena usporedba podataka između dvaju mjesta.From the earliest age, children are surounded by electronic technology and getting used to media is fast and insensibly. Due to a fact that electronic devices are more present in our lives, it is not surprising that they are common tools in our children's hands. Assumption is that each day more children are spending their time in front of electronic technology. The purpose of this paperwork is to give an insight in the fact of how much time toddlers spend using electronic technology and with which purpose. In order to examine these assertions, it is conducted a survey with help of questionnaire. The research is conducted in city of Požega and village Virje and the comparison is made between gathered data

    Stereotypes in brother Grimms fairy tales

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    Kako se svugdje u životu susrećemo sa stereotipima, oni se nalaze i u bajkama. Na sam spomen bajki, pomislimo na hrabre junake i prinčeve, ali zanimljiva je činjenica da se u skoro polovici obrađenih bajki u glavnoj ulozi nalazi žena. Žene, odnosno djevojčice često preuzimaju stvari u svoje ruke i kreću u boriti protiv zla ili u pohod kako bi spasile svog bližnjeg. Rodni stereotipi su prisutni, ali neprimjetni za čitatelje. Očevi su odgovorni za teže fizičke poslove, a majke za kuću i kuhanje. U radu se pojavljuje još nekoliko stereotipa, kao što je stereotipni prikaz siromaha i maćehe.Ofteninlifeweencounterdifferentstereotypesandjustlikeinreallife, wecomeacrosstheminfairytales. At theverymentionoffairytales, wethinkof brave heroesandprinces, but theinterestingfactisthatinnearly half ofprocessedfairytalesinlead role thereis a woman. Womenandgirlsoften take mattersintotheirownhands. They are ready to fightandmarchagainstevilinorder to savethosewhothey care about. Genderstereotypes are present, but unnoticeable to readers. Fathers are responsible for hard physicallaborandmothers for maintainingthehouseholdandthekitchen. In this paper wealsofindseveralstereotypes, such as stereotypical display ofthepoorandstepmother

    Music education of children in preschool institutions in Osijek

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    Glazbeni odgoj je odgoj koji se mora poticati od početka dječjeg razvoja. Glazbeni odgoj najviše napreduje u razdoblju od tri pa do šest godina, što je razdoblje kada djeca većinu vremena provode u predškolskim ustanovama. Odgojitelji u tom razdoblju su djeci, može se reći, drugi roditelji te oni ga potiču na što uspješniji rast i razvoj. Glazbeni odgoj djeca ostvaruju u predškolskoj ustanovi tako što im odgojitelj omogućuje što više glazbenih aktivnosti. To su pjevanje, sviranje na ritmičkim instrumentima, aktivno i pasivno slušanje glazbe itd. U lipnju 2016. godine u Osijeku provedeno je istraživanje u kojem se željelo istražiti kakve su kompetencije i mogućnosti odgojitelja u glazbenom odgoju. Istraživanje je napravljeno na uzorku od pedeset i pet odgojiteljica iz grada Osijeka. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoje preduvjeti za provođenje glazbenih aktivnosti. Odgojitelji imaju volju za radom i imaju želju za napredovanjem. Problem koji se pojavio kroz istraživanje je ne korištenje dovoljno melodijskih instrumenata, koji bi definitivno pomogli u što boljem dječjem glazbenom razvoju. Kroz istraživanje je utvrđeno da kompetencije odgojitelja nisu dovoljne za kvalitetniji glazbeni odgoj, te da bi trebalo ih unaprijediti. Unaprijeđenje je moguće tako što bi trebalo organizirati nekolicinu seminara, ali i dodatnih radionica za odgojitelje gdje bi oni mogli unaprijediti vještinu sviranja na melodijskom instrumentu. Seminari također bi trebali odgojitelje informirati o kvalitetnoj glazbenoj literaturi i omogućiti im veću sigurnost u izvođenju glazbe. Seminari bi trebali omogućiti veće zadovoljstvo u radu sa djecom i rada na glazbenim aktivnostima. Nova saznanja omogućila bi kvalitetniji glazbeni odgoj djece, a time i uspješniji razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti.Music education is education that must be encouraged from the beginning of a child's development. Music education is the most advanced in the period of three to six years, which is the time when children spend most of their time in preschool institutions. Educators in this period are children, second parents, and they encourage it to be more successful in growth and development. Music education is provided in the preschool institution by providing the educator with as much musical activities as possible. That can be singing, playing on rhythmic instruments, active and passive listening to music, etc. In June 2016, a research was conducted in Osijek to explore the competences and opportunities of educators in music education. Research was made on a sample of fifty-five educators from Osijek. The research has shown that there are preconditions for workin on music activities. Educators have the will to work and have a desire for advancement. The problem that emerged through the research was not enough usage of melodic instruments that would definitely help in better child's music development. Through the research it was found that the competency of the educators are not enough for higher quality music education and that they should be improved. Improvement is possible by organizing a few seminars, as well as additional workshops for educators, where educators can improve their skills on a melody instrument. Seminars should also inform educators about quality music literature and allow them greater security in performing music. Seminars should provide greater satisfaction in working with children and work on music activities, and new knowledge would enable better music education for children, and this will result in a more successful development of musical abilities

    Razvoj djetetove slike o sebi u vrtićnom kontekstu

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    Od rođenja ljudi preispituju sebe i ono što su oni zapravo. Djetinjstvo je razdoblje kada djeca formiraju sliku o sebi. Uče tko su, što su, što im je važno, uče o svojim i tuđim osjećajima. U ranoj i predškolskoj dobi dijete postupno postaje zainteresirano ne samo za svoje okruženje već i za sebe, i ljude oko sebe. U ostvarenju pojedinca kao osobe, a veliku ulogu pored obitelji i roditelja imaju odgojitelji u dječjem vrtiću. Cilj ovoga rada je dati teorijski prikaz razvoja self-koncepta, što on znači za dijete rane i predškolske dobi, kako se razvija u obiteljskom ali ponajviše u vrtićnom kontekstu te koja je tu uloga vršnjaka i odgojitelja.From birth people are questioning themselves and what they really are. Childhood is a period when children form a picture of yourself. They learn who they are, what is important to them and they learn about their own feelings and feelings of others. In the early and pre-school age child gradually becomes interested not only in their environment but also to himself, and the people around him. In achieving an individual as a person, a major role in addition to families and parents are educators in kindergarten.The aim of this paper is to give a theoretical review of the development of self-concept, what it means for a child in early and preschool age, and how it develops in the family but mostly in kindergarten context and what is the role of peers and educators