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2166 research outputs found
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Water and sewage installation project for residential building
Predmet završnog rada je projekt instalacija vodovoda i kanalizacije za stambenu zgradu. Stambena zgrada se sastoji od prizemlja i dva kata. U prizemlju zgrade nalaze se četiri stana, a na svakoj nadzemnoj etaži po pet stanova, što ukupno iznosi četrnaest stambenih jedinica. Na građevinskoj čestici na kojoj je planirana izgradnja, dovedena je komunalna infrastruktura uključujući vodoopskrbu, kanalizaciju, elektroenergetsku mrežu, telekomunikacije, prometnice i plinske instalacije. Zgrada će biti povezana na javnu vodoopskrbnu mrežu. Pored regulacijske linije planira se izgradnja armirano-betonskog vodomjernog okna, gdje će biti smješten glavni vodomjer za sanitarnu vodu. Vertikala vodovodne instalacije prolazi kroz hodnik zgrade sve do drugog kata. U prizemlju će biti postavljen vodomjerni ormarić s četiri vodomjera, dok će na prvom i drugom katu biti po jedan ormarić s pet vodomjera, po jedan za svaki stan posebno. Zgrada će biti priključena na mješoviti sustav odvodnje. Oborinska odvodnja s krova odvodi se u mješoviti kanalizacijski sustav
Soil sampling for geotechnical investigations
Tema ovoga rada je uzorkovanje tla za potrebe geotehničkog istraživanja. Baza rada je uzorkovanje koje je samo po sebi veoma opsežna i kompleksa cjelina geotehničke struke te su tako kroz rad opisani kako samo uzorkovanje tako i određeni aspekti dolaženja do uzorkovanja pa i oni dijelovi postupka nakon samog uzorkovanja. U uvodnom dijelu rada opisan je značaj istražnih radova za projektiranje konstrukcija, njihova podjela po skupinama te koja se od skupina provodi u kojoj od faza projektiranja, kao i njihovi ciljevi. Pored značaja istražnih radova opisan je i značaj uzorkovanja, kao i sam značaj kvalitetnih uzoraka, na čijoj kvaliteti počiva i kvaliteta daljnjih rezultata istraživanja. Drugo poglavlje posvećeno je istražnim radovima, od kojih počinje samo uzorkovanje te koji su temelj svakom uzorkovanju. Opisana je potreba za istražnim radovima te su detaljnije opisani tipovi istražnih radova. Obrađen je dio o terenskim radovima, za istražno bušenje i in situ pokuse navedeni su određeni najvažniji tipovi te je svaki opisan. Kod istražnog bušenja, uz pojašnjenje o istražnom bušenju opisani su i bušenje ručnim priborom, udarno bušenje, bušenje ispiranjem, svrdlanje te bušenje jezgrovanjem. Predstavljene su sondažne jame koje su podijeljenje na bunare i galerije te su opisani neki od najvažnijih in situ pokusa kao što su SPT, CPT, FVT, MPMT te FDMT. Treće poglavlje rada, te ujedno i glavno poglavlje, posvećeno je uzorkovanju. Opisane su skupine metoda uzorkovanja kao i skupine kvalitete uzoraka. Obrađen je postupak uzorkovanja od same pripreme, preko uzimanja uzoraka do problema i poteškoća koje se mogu javiti pri uzorkovanju. Dana je osnovna podjela uzoraka, na poremećene, one čija je struktura tla poremećena te prema kojima se ne mogu dobiti kvalitetni rezultati svojstava tla, te na neporemećene koji daju kvalitetne rezultate. U ovom poglavlju isto su tako navedene metode, tipovi i načini neporemećenih i poremećenih uzoraka. Četvrto poglavlje se bavi zaštitom, transportom i čuvanjem uzoraka te mjerama i pravilima po kojima je uzorak potrebno tretirati nakon samoga uzorkovanja pa sve do
laboratorija. Provjera kvalitete neporemećenosti uzoraka dana je u petom poglavlju ovoga rada, a šesto poglavlje posvećeno je pripremi uzoraka za ispitivanje.The theme of this work is the soil sampling for the needs of the geotechnical research. A Basis of the work is the soil sampling, which is very extensive and complex unity of the geotechnical profession, so this work is providing information not only on the sampling but also on the certain aspects which led to the sampling and some parts of the procedure which comes after the sampling. Significance of the research work for construction design is described in the introductory part of this work , as well as its division by groups, also which group is conducted in which phase of the construction, and their purpose. Besides the importance of research work, importance of the sampling is also being described, as well as the significance of the quality of the sample itself, on which the results of the further research depends. The second chapter is dedicated to the research work, from which the sampling starts, and which is the foundation of every sampling. The
need for the research work is described, as well as the details of every type of the research work. The part about field work is also processed, the most important types of the research drilling and in situ experiments are listed and each is described individually. Apart from the research drillig description, manual drilling, impact drilling, flush drilling, bit drilling and coring drilling are also described. The drilling pits are also introduced, which are divided into wells and galleries, and some of the most important in situ experiments such as SPT, CPT, FVT, MPMT and FDMT are described as well. The third chapter, also the main chapter, is dedicated to the soil sampling. The group of sampling methods, as well as the group of samples quality are described. The procedure of sampling, from preparation,through the sample collecting all the way to facing problems
and difficulties which can occur during the sampling are also processed. The basic division of the samples is explained, they are divided onto disturbed samples, whose structure of the soil is disturbed and can not provide us with the quality results of the soil properties, and undisturbed samples which can provide us with the quality results. The fourth chapter describes protection, transport and storage of the samples, as well as the measures and regulations by which the samples are treated from collecting a sample to delivering it to the laboratory. Examination of the samples undisturbance quality is described in the fifth chapter, and the sixth chapter is dedicated to the preparation of the samples for an examination
Vessel collision with bridge column
Uzrokovano lošim vremenskim uvjetima, uskim plovnim putevima, mehaničkim greškama plovila ili ljudskim propustima, većina mostova dostupna je udarima plovila. Kako bi se izvršila analiza udara plovila u stup mosta razvijeni su numerički modeli primjenom metode konačnih elemenata. Geometrija modela armiranobetonskog stupa definirana je na temelju arhivskog gradiva projektne dokumentacije mosta Ilok - Bačka Palanka preuzete od strane Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu. Geometrija modela plovila standardna je potisnica za rasuti teret dimenzija usvojenih prema specifikacijama za mostove Američke udruge državnih službenika za autoceste i promet. Za simulaciju udara plovila korišten je računalni program Ansys 2023 R2. Izrađena su tri modela s različitim položajem plovila u odnosu na stup od interesa te smjera plovidbe. Praćena su oštećenja stupa i naprezanja pramca potisnice za svaki model pri dinamičkom opterećenju u vremenskom trajanju od 0,15 s. Dani su kritični slučajevi položaja opterećenja stupa za vrijeme visokog vodostaja rijeke Dunav.Because of bad weather, narrow waterways, mechanical failure of vessels, or human error, most bridges are accessible by vessel strikes. In order to analyze the impact of the vessel on the bridge pillar, numerical models were developed using the finite element method. The geometry of the model of the reinforced concrete column was defined based on archival material of the project documentation of the bridge Ilok - Bačka Palanka taken over by the State Archives in Zagreb. The geometry of the vessel model is a standard bulk pusher with dimensions adopted according to the Bridge Specifications of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Ansys 2023 R2 computer program was used to simulate the impact of the vessel. Three models were made with different positions of the vessels in relation to the column of interest
and the navigation direction. The damage to the column and bow stresses were monitored for each model under dynamic loading for a time duration of 0.15 s. The critical cases of the position of the column load during high water level of the Danube River were given
Design of steel industrial building
Završni rad prikazuje proračun čelične hale tlocrtnih dimenzija 25 000 x 50 000 mm prema normi HRN EN 1993. Opterećenja na konstrukciju i njihove kombinacije proračunate su prema HRN EN 1990 i HRN EN 1991. Glavni nosač konstrukcije sastoji se od stupova izvedenih valjanim H profilima, te rešetkaste krovne konstrukcije izvedene kvadratnim cijevnim profilima. Ukupna visina hale iznosi 8 000 mm. Konstrukcija je smještena u Osijeku i izvedena čelikom kvalitete S355.The thesis presents the design of a steel hall with floor plan dimensions of 25,000 x 50,000 mm according to the HRN EN 1993 standard. The loads on the structure and their combinations are calculated according to HRN EN 1990 and HRN EN 1991. The main girder of the structure consists of columns made from rolled H profiles, and a lattice roof structure made from square tubular profiles. The total height of the hall is 8,000 mm. The structure is located in Osijek and made of S355 quality steel
Design of steel structure of an office building
Steel structures are the preferred choice for constructing office buildings due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the ability to create large open spaces, and the speed of construction. Considering the advantages of steel and design concepts for office buildings—such as modularity in both horizontal and vertical directions, minimum clear height for offices, and room depth limitations to ensure natural lighting—a steel office building has been designed in the Osijek area. The building has a rectangular floor plan and consists of two stories, each with a height of 4.00 meters. The structural system comprises five unbraced frames connected by secondary beams. The structural elements of the internal frame have been dimensioned and are also adopted for the external frame. Primary and secondary beams are constructed from steel IPE profiles, while the columns are made from steel HEB profiles. The inter-floor structure consists of a reinforced concrete slab supported by secondary beams, acting as a rigid diaphragm that ensures lateral stability of the secondary beams. To assess the impact of joint behavior on the global analysis of the structure, a unilateral connection between the column and beam and a bilateral connection between the column and beam were dimensioned using the component method. The fundamental characteristics of these connections were implemented into the global structural model to analyze their influence on the distribution of shear forces and deformations. The static calculation was performed on a planar model, and the behavior of the structure was verified using a spatial model with the SCIA Engineer software.Steel structures are the preferred choice for constructing office buildings due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the ability to create large and open spaces, and the speed of construction itself. Considering the advantages of steel and the design concepts of office buildings such as modularity in both horizontal and vertical directions, minimal office ceiling heights, and room depth limitations due to the provision of natural lighting, a steel office building was constructed in Osijek. It has a rectangular floor plan and consists of two floors, each 4.00 meters high. The structural system consists of five unbraced frames connected by secondary beams. The structural elements of the inner frame are dimensioned, and sections are applied for the outer frame as well. The main and secondary beams are IPE sections, while the columns are HEB sections. The floor structure consists of a reinforced concrete slab that rests on the secondary beams and acts as a rigid diaphragm that ensures the lateral stability of the secondary beams. In order to consider the impact of the connection behavior on the global structure analysis, one-sided column-to-beam connection and two-sided column-to-beam connection were designed using the component method. The main characteristics of the connections were implemented in the global structural model and their effect on the distribution of internal forces and deformations was analyzed. Static calculations on the planar model and evaluation of the structure's behavior in the spatial model were performed using the SCIA Engineer software
Calculation of measures for renovation of the roof of a family building
Zadatak ovog diplomskog rada je napraviti proračun s prijedlogom mjera sanacije krovišta obiteljskog objekta. Ova obiteljska kuća nalazi se u Tvrđavici, ukupne neto površine 644,67 m2. Krovište je složeno, sastoji se od dva para krovnih ploha nagiba 16° i 26°, ukupne tlocrtne površine u iznosu 485,45 m2. Statički sustav krovišta sastoji se od rogova, podrožnica, pajante, stupova i kosnika. Svi elementi su napravljeni od punog drva čvrstoće C24, sljedećih dimenzija : rog 12/18 cm, podrožnica 19/19 cm, pajanta 8/16 cm, stup 19/19 cm i kosnik 12/18 cm. Na konstrukciju djeluje stalno i promjenjivo opterećenje, u koje pripada opterećenje snijegom i djelovanje vjetra. Odabrana su dva kritična roga i dvije kritične podrožnice za koje se je proveden proračun i provjereni uvjeti za dokaze nosivosti i stabilnosti. Rogovi zadovoljavaju uvjete, odnosno predimenzionirani su zbog velikog poprečnog presjeka. Podrožnice ne zadovoljavaju uvjete za granično stanje nosivosti i granično stanje uporabljivosti. Razlog tome je što statički sustav nije pogodan te oslonci ne sprječavaju horizontalne pomake. Dodani su drveni elementi kako bi se sve povezalo da djeluje kao cjelina, a spojevi stupova su ojačani čeličnim papučama, kako bi se mogla preuzeti horizontalna sila. Tim mjerama su zadovoljeni svi dokazi za granično stanje nosivosti i granično stanje uporabljivosti te je krovište na strani sigurnosti. Za potrebe proračuna i djelovanja na konstrukciju korištene su važeće HRN EN norme i propisi. Prilozi su izrađeni u računalnom programu AutoCAD 2017, a svi modeli i kombinacije opterećenja u programu Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021.The task of this graduation thesis is to make a construction calculation with a proposal for renovating the roof of a family building. This family house is located in Tvrđavica witch totalnet area of 644,67 m2. The roof is complex, consisting of two pairs of roof surfaces with a slope of 16 and 26 with a total area485,45 m2.
The static roofing system consists of rafters, purlings, collar beam, columns and principal rafter. All elements are made
of solid wood of strength C24, with the following dimensions: rafter 12/18 cm, purling 19/19 cm, collar beam 8/16 cm, column 19/19 cm and principal rafter 12/18 cm. The structure is subject to constant and variable loads, including snow loads and wind loads. Two critical rafters and two critical purlings were selected, for which the calculation was carried out and the conditions for evidence of bearing capacity and stability were checked. The rafters meet
the conditions, i.e. they are oversized due to their large cross-section. Purlings do not meet the requirements for the limit state of bearing capacity and the limit state of serviceability. The reason for this is that the static system is not suitable and the supports do not prevent horizontal movements. Wooden elements were added to tie everything together to act as a whole, and the column joints were reinforced with steel shoes to absorb the horizontal force. With these measures, all the evidence for the limit state of load-bearing capacity and the limit state of usability are satisfied, and the roof is on the side of safety. Valid HRN EN standards and regulations were used for the purposes of calculation and construction. The attachments were created in the AutoCAD 2017 computer program, and all models and load combinations were created in the Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021 program
Trial tests on piles foundation
Završni rad se bavi temeljenjem na pilotima u uvjetima slabog temeljnog tla, te je fokus stavljen na probno ispitivanje nosivosti pilota. U zaključku rada, ističe se da piloti predstavljaju nužan izbor temeljenja kada površinski slojevi tla ne mogu podnijeti opterećenja građevinskih konstrukcija. Ispitivanja nosivosti pilota ključna su za osiguravanje pouzdanosti temeljenja,
omogućavajući procjenu stvarne nosivosti pod određenim opterećenjem. Precizno definiranje koeficijenata poput prionjivosti (α) i bezdimenzionalne nosivosti tla (Nq) smanjuje mogućnost grešaka prilikom projektiranja. Ispitivanje pilota u ovom radu pokazalo je da su koeficijenti α i Nq unutar očekivanih granica, potvrđujući sigurnost i adekvatnost konstrukcije za prijenos opterećenja na tlo. Rad također naglašava da geotehničke analize i probna ispitivanja imaju važnu ulogu u smanjenju rizika od sloma temelja i osiguravanju stabilnosti konstrukcija u stvarnim uvjetima.The final thesis focuses on pile foundations in conditions of weak bearing soil, with an emphasis on the test loading of pile bearing capacity. In the conclusion, it is highlighted that piles are a necessary foundation solution when surface soil layers cannot support the loads of building structures. Pile bearing tests are crucial to ensure the reliability of the foundation, allowing for an accurate assessment of actual load-bearing capacity under certain conditions. Accurately defining coefficients such as adhesion (α) and the dimensionless soil bearing capacity (Nq) reduces the risk of errors during the design process. The pile tests conducted in this study demonstrated that the α and Nq coefficients fall within expected ranges, confirming the safety and adequacy of the structure for transferring loads to the ground. The paper also emphasizes that geotechnical analyses and test loading play a critical role in reducing the risk of foundation failure and ensuring the stability of structures in real-world conditions
Design of steel frame with tension brace
U ovom radu prikazan je proračun čelične proizvodne hale koja se nalazi na lokaciji grada Osijeka. Hala ima dimenzije 15 x 25 metara, dok visina hale iznosi 6,0 metara. Proračun uključuje glavne elemente konstrukcije, spojeve dijelova konstrukcije, te spojeve konstrukcije sa tlom. Dimenzioniranje i analiza opterećenja provedeni su u skladu s HRN EN normama.
Za statičku analizu korišten je računalni program Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021. Profil glavnih elemenata konstrukcije je HEA 200 i HEA 240, dok je čelik korišten u konstrukciji kvalitete S235. Proračun konstrukcije izvršen je za granično stanje nosivosti (GNS) i granično stanje uporabljivosti (GSU), što osigurava da konstrukcija zadovoljava sve potrebne sigurnosne i funkcionalne zahtjeve.This paper presents the calculation of a steel production hall located in the city of Osijek. The dimensions of the hall are 15 x 25 meters, with a height of 6.0 meters. The main structural elements, connections between the structural parts, and connections of the structure to the ground are calculated in the paper. The design and load analysis were conducted according to HRN EN standards. The structural analysis was performed using the Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021 software. The profiles of the main structural elements are HEA 200 and HEA 240, and the steel used is of grade S235. The
structural calculation was performed for the ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS)
Matrix approach to displacement method
Ovaj rad prikazuje matrični pristup metodi pomaka s ciljem pružanja teorijske osnove metode te njezine primjene na dva statički neodređena sustava. U prvom poglavlju obrađuje se metoda pomaka, objašnjavajući osnovne koncepte i algoritam metode, kao i ključne pojmove poput momenata upetosti, jednadžbi ravnoteže i rada, upetog i slobodnog stanja te nepoznanica u metodi pomaka. Drugo poglavlje usredotočeno je na specifičnosti matričnog pristupa metodi pomaka, objašnjavajući pojmove poput matrica krutosti elementa i sustava te lokalnog i globalnog koordinatnog sustava. Treće poglavlje uključuje rješenje prvog praktičnog primjera, s fokusom na prisilne pomake i primjenu teoretskih znanja. Četvrto poglavlje analizira okvir pod temperaturnim opterećenjem. U zaključku se rezultati ručne analize matričnim pristupom uspoređuju s rezultatima računalne analize.This paper presents a matrix approach to the displacement method. The aim is to provide a theoretical foundation for the method and apply it to two statically indeterminate systems. The first chapter covers the displacement method, explaining its concept and algorithm. Key concepts such as fixed-end moments, equilibrium and work equations, fixed and free states, as well as unknowns in the displacement method, will be discussed as they form the basis for understanding matrix calculations. The second chapter delves into the specifics of the matrix approach to the displacement method, clarifying important ideas like element and system stiffness matrices, and the concepts of local and global coordinate systems. The third chapter introduces the first practical example, demonstrating how forced displacement is considered and the application of theoretical principles. The fourth chapter focuses on analyzing a frame under thermal load. Finally, the conclusion compares the results of manual analysis using the matrix approach with those obtained from computer-based analysis
Architecturae and urban design of Retfala Sout business zone
Završni se rad sastoji od tri dijela: u prvom se dijelu bavi analizom trenutnog stanja zadanog obuhvata na samom jugozapadu grada Osijeka, te se predstavlja koncept i razrada urbanističkog plana poslovne zone Retfala Jug koje je inspirirano duhom strukturalizma; u drugom se dijelu predstavlja idejno arhitektonsko rješenje jedne od poslovnih zgrada unutar definiranog urbanističkog plana koje se formom odmiče od strogih prizmi te unosi dinamiku i fluidnost u prostor; te se, konačno, postavlja konstrukcijski i instalacijski dio poslovne zgrade.The paper consists of three parts: in the first part, an exploration and analysis of the lot where the business zone is planned is given, and the main idea and development of the master plan, inspired by the spirit of structuralism, is presented; in the second part, an architectural conceptual design of one of the office buildings is presented, its main idea being to introduce
dynamics and fluidity into the space; finally, the third part shows the structural design and the water and sewage facilities and HVAC systems