13 research outputs found


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    One of the interesting issues regarding the BIPA learning process is how the similarities and differences of the source and target languages (Indonesian language) are related to students’ understanding of the Indonesian language. This study is related to what is known as a cross-linguistic transfer. This paper reviews theoretically cross-linguistic transfer in learning in BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers). This study employed the descriptive-qualitative method. A qualitative method was used to describe the patterns of similarity between Indonesian language as the target language and the learner’s native language in BIPA learning using a cross-linguistic transfer approach. The result of the study revealed that the discussion about cross-linguistic transfer in the process of learning the Indonesian language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) was not a monolithic matter. The similarities and differences in word forms and word meanings were closely related to how quickly speakers of other languages learned the target language

    Predictive Effects of Poverty, Gender, Native Language Spoken, and ELPA21 Proficiency on Reading Performance

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the predictive effects of poverty, gender, native language spoken, and English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) proficiency on reading performance measured by the ACT Aspire Summative Reading Assessment for Grades 4, 7, and 10 English language learners in a Northwest Arkansas school district. Through Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, the influence of poverty, gender, native language spoken, and ELPA21 proficiency were studied for influences on reading performance. Through a multiple regression analysis I examined the Spring 2019 state assessment and demographic data collected from over 20,000 student records. The findings revealed a significance in gender and ELPA21 proficiency in determining reading performance for Grades 4 and 7, with native language spoken and ELPA21 proficiency having significance in Grade 10. ELPA21 proficiency had the most significance in determining reading performance with a large effect size in Grades 4 (24.4%), 7 (21.6%), and 10 (23.4%). The large effect demonstrated the understanding of language comprehension as a key to literacy. Based on the findings, language instruction should be a base for literacy development and support educators in focusing professional development efforts toward examining the need for language development as a key to foundational literacy

    Preparing 9th Grade English Learners for Critical Thinking and Advanced Discussion Skills: Curriculum for Paideia Seminar

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    Participation in academic conversation and disagreement with peers is a key vehicle in development of critical thinking and academic language. Ninth-grade English Learners and mainstream students often have difficulty building on each others’ thoughts during discussions, rather than sharing their ideas developed in isolation. Students need multiple experiences of direct instruction of content-embedded language and content coaching to develop these advanced discussion interactions. In order to answer the question How to prepare mid-level ELs to demonstrate critical thinking and advanced discussion skills?this project designs curriculum for a structured debate Paideia seminar questioning the role of borders. This two-week long curriculum plan will both introduce key concepts for a migration unit as well as instruct in text comprehension, academic language and discourse skills using transfer between modalities. The curriculum follows the Paideia discussion process of formative pre-seminar activities for content and language, the examining viewpoints seminar based on Robert Frost’s Mending Wall,and concludes with a post-seminar extension activity and class reflection. The goal is to support all students to independently engage in higher-level academic dialogue. (176 words

    The Linking of Prepositional Meanings in the Mental Lexikon of Croatian High School Students Learning German and English

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Interferenzerscheinungen im Bereich der Präpositionen untersucht. Als Versuchspersonen wurden die Schüler eines Zagreber Gymnasiums zu ihren Kenntnissen im Gebrauch von Präpositionen im Deutschen, Englischen und Kroatischen befragt. Die Muttersprache Kroatisch zeigte sich stabil und weist erwartungsgemäß keine Einflüsse aus den Fremdsprachen auf. Obwohl Deutsch meistens als die 'schwächere' und 'weniger beliebte' Fremdsprache gilt, und, wie angenommen, einige interferenzbedingte Einflüsse aus dem Englischen und Kroatischen empfängt, wurden in der vorliegenden Analyse auch wesentliche übertragungen aus dem Deutschen ins Englische entdeckt, wodurch die Position des Englischen als der 'stärkeren' und 'besser bewältigten' Fremdsprache in Frage gestellt wird.The following article studies interference phenomena in the field of prepositions and presents the results of a survey conducted among students of one grammar high school in Zagreb, who were tested for their knowledge of Croatian, English and German prepositions. As expected, there could not be found any examples of foreign influence in their native language – Croatian. In spite of the fact that German is often perceived as the "weaker" and "less popular" language in comparison to English and that there was some interference of German prepositions with those from English and Croatian, the analysis of the results also shows that there have been significant transfers of meanings from German to English, which undermines the status of English as the "better" and "easily acquired" foreign language

    College Students\u27 Motivation When Acquiring a Language Other Than English

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    Foreign languages have been studied since the beginning of civilization; in the past few decades, there has been increased interest in understanding the role of motivation in learning a foreign language. Less than a quarter of studies on learning languages other than English (LOTE) have studied motivation. The purpose of this quantitative causal-comparative study was to determine if there was a difference in motivation between college students enrolled in French 100, French 200, French 300, and French 400. The study consisted of 79 college students at the freshman to senior level enrolled in French at a novice to advanced level at each university. The instrument selected to measure participants’ motivation was the Hybrid Questionnaire based on the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery and the L2 Motivation Self-System. Data were collected during French courses for face-to-face classes or at any location for online students and gathered electronically through Qualtrics. The one-way ANOVA statistical method by IBM SPSS 25, a statistics software, was used to analyze the data. The results showed no statistical difference in motivation between college students enrolled in French 100, French 200, French 300, and French 400. To augment this study, future researchers should investigate if there is a difference in motivation between college students enrolled in online and face-to-face French courses. Future researchers should also continue to augment research in the field of LOTE

    Logbook o Diario di bordo: uno strumento per l'apprendimento dentro e fuori la classe di lingua

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    One of the aims of language learning is that learners can apply outside the classroom what they learn at school and, vice versa, can use in classroom what comes from their experience in 'real' life, that is, outside school walls. However, as nearly a century of experimental research on the field has proved, knowledge transfer does not occur spontaneously, on the contrary, this capacity seems to be particularly complicated and difficult to encourage. It is therefore crucial to help learners gain awareness and make use of existing language learning opportunities as well as the learning strategies they can employ so to increase their capacity to make connections. Among the different tools that can be used to enhance both language competence and metacognitive awareness, logbook is considered one of the most handy and purposeful. This paper will try to explain what a logbook is and how it can be used with students with the intention to promote their language learning both in and out of the classroom

    Costruzioni a verbo supporto : Competenze e usi tra gli studenti di italiano in Finlandia

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    Maisterintutkielmani käsittelee italian kielen tyypillisen verbilausekkeen, verbo supporto –rakenteen, käyttöä. Verbo supporto –rakenteet ovat kollokaatioiden alalaji ja ne muodostuvat verbistä, määritteestä sekä mahdollisesta artikkelista tai prepositiosta (esim. prendere una decisione – tehdä päätös, fare una telefonata – soittaa puhelu). Näitä rakenteita käytetään paljon italian kielessä ja ne ovat tärkeä osa myös vieraan kielen kielitaitoa. Rakenteet eivät usein käänny muille kielille muuttumattomina, mikä vaatii huolellisuutta kielen opiskelijoilta ja aiheuttaa usein interferenssiä. Aihetta tarkastellaan tutkielmassani sekä kielitieteellisestä että -didaktisesta näkökulmasta. Teoriaosassa avataan termin merkitystä ja asemaa kielitieteessä sekä vieraan kielen oppimisessa. Erityisesti korostetaan verbin käyttöä ja erilaisia muunnoksia kyseisessä rakenteessa. Tärkeimpiä käsitteitä ovat verbo supporto, collocazione (kollokaatio) ja interferenssi. Keskeisiä lähdeteokset ovat Elisabetta Jezekin “Lessico. classi di parole, strutture, combinazioni” (2005), Roberta Mastrofinin “Classi di costruzioni a verbo supporto in italiano: Implicazioni semantico-sintattiche nel paradigma V + N” (2004) sekä Anna Cicalesen “Le estensioni di verbo supporto: Uno studio introduttivo” (1999). Didaktista pohjaa luo mm. Batia Lauferin ja Tina Waldmanin tutkimus ”Verb-noun collocations in second language writing: A corpus analysis of learners’ english” (2011). Tutkielman analyysia varten on laadittu A2–C2 tasoisille opiskelijoille tarkoitettu kysely, johon vastauksia tuli 56 kappaletta. Kyselyä jaettiin sähköisesti Suomen italianopettajille ja -opiskelijoille syksyllä 2020. Vastauksia analysoidaan sekä kvalitatiivisin että kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Kysymykset lajitellaan vastausten pohjalta temaattisesti. Tutkimuskysymyksissä korostuu verbo supporto –rakenteiden käyttö, suomen kielen vaikutus siihen, rakenteen suhde sen yksiosaisiin synonyymeihin (esim. tehdä päätös vs. päättää) ja opiskelijan italian kielen tason vaikutus. Analyysin pohjalta voidaan todeta, että suomen kielen vaikutus näkyy useissa esimerkeissä ja sitä esiintyy kaikilla taitotasoilla (A, B ja C), joskin se on runsainta alkeistasolla. Melko tyypillistä on myös yksiosaisen verbin käyttö verbo supporto –rakenteen tilalla. Tutkimustulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä pienen otannan ja tutkielman laadullisten piirteiden takia. Tutkielmani voi kuitenkin antaa ideoita verbo supporto –rakenteiden sisällyttämisestä italian opetukseen sekä auttaa ennakoimaan tiettyjä vaikeuksia, joita suomenkieliset opiskelijat kohtaavat kieliopinnoissaan

    Second language acquisition of the English interrogatives : the effect of different learning contexts on the SLA of three groups of Chinese learners of English.

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