591 research outputs found

    Germination of Seeds and Growth of Young Cropson the Mine Dump Soil of Kišnica and Its Surrounding Area

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    The percentage of seed germination and growth of young plants of wheat crops (Triticum vulgare L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) on the substrate of the mine dump of Kišnica mine and its surrounding area was studied. The growth of young plants was monitored for 25 days from sowing. The results obtained during the study showed that the percentage of seed germination and the growth of the studied plants varied depending on both the plant species and on the concentration of the pollutants in the used soil from different sites, as well as the distance of the sites from the pollutant emitters. The highest percentage of germination was observed in wheat seeds from the site Gračanica (3 km away from the emitter) and the smallest percentage of germination was found in barley seeds from the site Kišnica mine. The fastest growth was recorded in the wheat from the site Gračanica, and the greatest inhibition during plant growth was recorded in the corn from the site Kišnica mine pit where the height of stem was only 2.45%25 compared to the control. Toxic substances (heavy metals from the mine dump of Kišnica mine) had the inhibitory effect on the seed germination. Low concentrations of heavy metals in the soil from Gračanica stimulated the growth of plants that, after 25 days of growth, was stopped in all the plants growing on that soil. However, high concentrations of heavy metals inhibited seed germination and the growth of young plants on the substrate from Kišnica mine. The inhibition or stimulation of seed germination and the growth of young plants in the presence of heavy metals in the soil was caused by the inhibition or activation of the enzymatic system responsible for the metabolic processes during morphogenesis

    Integral Concept of Urban Storm Water Management in Karst Areas : Master's Thesis

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    U radu se iznosi problematika urbanih oborinskih voda, strategije i planovi za održivo upravljanje oborinskim vodama, a posebno onima u krškim područjima. Na području naselja Brusje na otoku Hvaru analizira se primjena sustava odvodnje oborinskih voda. Analiziraju se dva koncepta: klasični i integralni. Utvrđeno je da je integralni koncept znatno povoljniji ekonomski, ekološki i društveno.This paper discusses the problems of urban rainwater, strategies and plans for sustainable management of urban rainwater, especially those in the karst areas. It analyzes the application of storm water drainage system in the area of the village Brusje on the Island of Hvar. The analysis has two concepts: classic and integrated. It was found that the integrated concept is more favorable economically, environmentally and socially

    Integral Concept of Urban Storm Water Management in Karst Areas : Master's Thesis

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    U radu se iznosi problematika urbanih oborinskih voda, strategije i planovi za održivo upravljanje oborinskim vodama, a posebno onima u krškim područjima. Na području naselja Brusje na otoku Hvaru analizira se primjena sustava odvodnje oborinskih voda. Analiziraju se dva koncepta: klasični i integralni. Utvrđeno je da je integralni koncept znatno povoljniji ekonomski, ekološki i društveno.This paper discusses the problems of urban rainwater, strategies and plans for sustainable management of urban rainwater, especially those in the karst areas. It analyzes the application of storm water drainage system in the area of the village Brusje on the Island of Hvar. The analysis has two concepts: classic and integrated. It was found that the integrated concept is more favorable economically, environmentally and socially

    Iz Hrvatske agencije za hranu

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    Planiranje održivih naselja

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    Moderan način života nosi sa sobom nove probleme, koji se ogledaju u prekomernoj potrošnji prirodnih resursa, koji se ne mogu obnoviti, uz istovremeno zagađivanje i stvaranje otpadnih materija koje se izbacuju u životnu sredinu. Naselja predstavljaju „žarišta” socijalnog unapređenja i prosperiteta, ali su ujedno i najveći potrošači prirodnih resursa i zagađivači vode, vazduha i zemljišta. Procenjeno je da 50% emisije CO2 potiče od zgrada, ali je taj udeo mnogo veći ukoliko uzmemo u obzir putovanja vezana za njih. Održivi projekti poput naselja Vauban, BedZED, i grad Masdar imaju za cilj da pokažu ne samo brigu o životnoj sredini, već i to da je u njima kvalitet života bolji, a da su svakodnevni troškovi manji. Principi koji su korišćeni pri planiranju ovih naselja treba da posluže kao model u kreiranju novih, budući da broj stanovnika u svetu stalno raste, a time i stopa godišnje emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte

    Primjena najbolje raspoloživih tehnika za prevenciju i kontrolu onečišćenja voda u rafinerijama

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    Uporaba raznih naftnih proizvoda danas je svakodnevica, no unatoč njihovoj velikoj primjeni, eksploatacija, transport i preradba sirove nafte predstavlja potencijalnu opasnost za okoliš. Rafinerije prilikom preradbe sirove nafte upravljaju ogromnim količinama sirovina i proizvoda te su intenzivni potrošači energije i vode, koje se koriste za provođenje velikog broja rafinerijskih procesa. Procesi odvajanja, preradbe i obrade sirove nafte su izraziti izvori emisija u zrak, vodu i tlo, a među najvećim izvorima onečišćenja su procesi katalitičkog krekiranja, hidrokrekiranja, koksiranja te hidrodesulfurizacije. U ovom radu, naglasak je dan na emisije u vodu koje se javljaju u okviru rafinerijskog postrojenja te na primjenu najbolje raspoloživih tehnika, s ciljem prevencije i kontrole onečišćenja te obrade otpadnih voda u rafinerijama. Ukazan je doprinos integriranog vodenog toka u rafinerijama, koji omogućuje ponovnu uporabu procesne vode, smanjenje emisija u vode pri ispuštanju te ujedno i smanjenje operativnih troškova rafinerije.Despite the big consumption of various petroleum products, the exploitation, transportation and processing of crude oil presents a potential environmental risk. Refineries are industrial sites that manage huge amounts of raw materials and products and are also intensive consumers of energy and water. The separation process, processing and treatment of crude oil are significant sources of emissions into air, water and soil, and among the largest sources of pollution are catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, coking and hydrodesulphurization. In this paper, the emphasis is given to water emissions that occur within the refinery and to the application of the best available techniques for the prevention and control of pollution and wastewater treatment. It was pointed out the integrated water flow in the refinery, which allows reuse of process water, reduction of emissions to water as well as reduction of refinery operational costs

    Amphitheatre in Pula; Wastewater Disposal

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    U tijesnoj je vezi s distribucijskom mrežom čiste vode njezino zbrinjavanje kao prljave nakon odgovarajućeg korištenja i odvodnje na za to određena mjesta. U pulskom Amfiteatru mrežu odvodnih kanala moguće je dobrim dijelom rekonstruirati jer su se u sustavu i u razini ispod I. cirkularnog hodnika sačuvali kanali i prostori raznih profila. Ovi nalazi također omogućuju preciznije identificiranje lokacije latrina na razini I. i II. cirkularnog hodnika u radijalnim prostorijama ispod gledališta. Nadam se da će se ovim radom konačno pobiti mišljenja da su kanalizaciju Amfiteatra, posebice prostore crne jame ispod arene - ‘fonje’, koristili gladijatori ili divlje zvijeri.Wastewater disposal and storage is a necessary measure in the process of clean water supply. It is possible to reconstruct the entire network of sewer and rainwater drainage systems of Pula’s Amphitheatre due to the preserved ditches and canals of various sizes below the first circular passageway. These findings allow a more precise location of the latrines on the level of the first and second passageways in the radial rooms below the auditorium. This article is written with the aim to finally prove that the sewage system of the Amphitheatre, in particular the black pits below the arena, were not used to accommodate either the gladiators or the beasts

    Irrigation Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) depending on the method of cultivation

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    Sve mjere i radovi kojima se svjesno i na umjetni način povećava sadržaj vode u tlu s ciljem uzgoja poljoprivrednih kultura nazivamo navodnjavanje (Mađar i Šoštarić, 2009.). Poznavanje potreba kultura za vodom te poznavanje karakteristika tla na kojemu će se odvijati uzgoj neke kulture, ključan je podatak za provedbu navodnjavanja. Razvijeni su brojni načini i metode navodnjavanja za pojedine vrste uzgoja. U ovom radu osvrnut ćemo se na načine uzgoja Gerbere (Gerbera jamesonii) i metode navodnjavanja koje se pri tome koriste. Najčešće upotrebljavana metoda je kap po kap. Pripada sustavu lokalnog navodnjavanja i smatra se najekonomičnijom, a time i najisplativijom. Prije početka samog navodnjavanja potrebno je odrediti potrebne elemente poput norme navodnjavanja, potrebne količine vode, raspoloživu vodu, obroke i turnus navodnjavanja, trenutak početka navodnjavanja te kakvoću, temperaturu i kvalitetu vode koja se koristi. Gerber, kao cvijet koji se uzgaja za rez, moguće je uzgajati na otvorenome kao i u zaštićenom prostoru (plastenici, staklenici). S obzirom na mjesto i vrstu uzgoja te supstrat koji se pri tome koristi, razlikuju se i potrebni sustavi navodnjavanja. U radu biti će opisani svaki pojedinačno.All measures and works that deliberately and artificially increase the water content in soil with the aim of growing crops are called irrigation (Mađar & Šoštarić, 2009.). Knowing the cultures need for water and knowledge of the characteristics of the soil on which it will be carried out is a key figure in the implementation of the irrigation. Numerous ways and methods of irrigation are developed for particular types of farming. In this thesis we will look at ways of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) cultivation and methods of irrigation that are used for this purpose. The most commonly used method is ''drop by drop''. It belongs to the local irrigation system and is considered to be the most economical. Before the very start of the irrigation it is necessary to determine the necessary elements such as irrigation norm water demand, available water, meals and rounds of irrigation, instant start times and quality, temperature and quality of water used. Gerber, as a flower that is grown for the cut, is possible to grow outdoors as well as indoors (greenhouses). We differ the needed types of irrigation based on the location and type of cultivation and used substrates. In this thesis,,every type will be described individually

    Rainwater Drainage Project of Village Brusje Integrated Drainage System : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Na području naselja Bruje na otoku Hvaru analizira se primjena sustava odvodnje oborinskih voda. Analiziraju se dva koncepta: klasični i integralni. Utvrđeno je da je integralni koncept znatno povoljniji ekonomski, ekološki i društveno.This paper analyzes the application of storm water drainage system in the area of the village Brusje on the island of Hvar. Analysis has two concepts: classic and integrated . It was found that the integrated concept is more favorable economically , environmentally and socially