814 research outputs found

    Komunikacja językowa i grzeczność w Internecie

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Komentarz, ocena, opinia, recenzja – rekonesans badawczy

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    The article focuses on functional speech genres used on the Internet to assess the level of customer satisfaction after purchasing goods and services on portals with various offers. It attempts to define what genre is used in the texts called commentaries, evaluations, opinions and consumer reviews. Both Internet users and providers of goods and services use these terms interchangeably. The situation may result from the fact that in the ordinary mind, they constitute one genre. The text introduces the research on the statements of internet users expressing their opinion on the transaction, the purchased products, and the service provided. Nowadays, the Internet has such a large social impact that it is important to examine the changes in speech genres existing in the Internet space in relation to their prototypes derived from the literary tradition.W artykule podjęto temat użytkowych gatunków mowy wykorzystywanych w Internecie do badania poziomu satysfakcji klientów po dokonaniu zakupu towarów i usług na portalach oferujących różnorodne produkty. Jest próbą określenia, jaki gatunek mowy reprezentują teksty nazywane na portalach usługowych i sprzedażowych komentarzem, oceną, opinią i recenzją konsumencką. Określenia te są używane zarówno przez internautów, jak i oferentów towarów i usług zamiennie, co może wynikać z tego, że w świadomości potocznej stanowią one jeden gatunek. Tekst stanowi wstęp do szczegółowych badań nad wypowiedziami użytkowników Internetu, których celem jest wyrażenie opinii na temat dokonanej transakcji, zakupionego produktu, wykonanej usługi. Obecnie Internet odgrywa tak dużą rolę społeczną, że ważne i interesujące jest zbadanie, jakie zmiany zachodzą w gatunkach mowy funkcjonujących w przestrzeni internetowej w stosunku do ich pierwowzorów wywodzących się z tradycji piśmiennictwa

    Беларускамоўныя каментары на інтэрнэт-форуме Tut.by

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    An article on the characteristics of comments in the Belarusian language posted on the Tut.by forum. At the beginning of the article, the author examines the popularity of the Belarusian language among forum users by compiling the number of Belarusian and Russian-language comments under the most commented articles posted on the forum Tut.by. As a result of the analysis, it was proved that although the Russian language dominates the discussed forum, Belarusian-language comments are present under each of the selected articles. However, since the main goal of the article is to characterize Belarusian-language comments, searching for individual statements under articles seemed to be an ineffective way of collecting a sufficient amount of material. Therefore, it was decided to create a text corpus consisting of a sample of the last 50 entries of 13 Internet users who between January 1 - March 31 2019, posted at least one Belarusian-language post on the Tut.by forum. In this way, a set of texts was created consisting of 890 unique segments, on the basis of which further analysis was carried out. As a result of the research, it was found that Belarusian-language comments are very diverse in terms of their content and form. Although most of the Belarusian-language authors of these posts presented common attitudes, they participated in online discussions on various topics, and their comments differed greatly in terms of linguistic correctness and diligence, the level of emotionality, the way of verbalizing non-verbal signs and the culture of conversation. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that the variety of the Belarusian language researched on the Tut.by forum is very diverse, and the individual skills and preferences of each Internet user plays a decisive role in its form.Artykuł jest poświęcony charakterystyce białoruskojęzycznych komentarzy zamieszczanych na forum Tut.by. W tym celu sprawdzono, na ile popularny jest język białoruski wśród użytkowników forum: autor artykułu zestawił liczbę białorusko- i rosyjskojęzycznych komentarzy pod najczęściej komentowanymi artykułami zamieszczonymi na portalu Tut.by. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy udowodniono, że chociaż język rosyjski dominuje na omawianym forum, to białoruskojęzyczne komentarze są obecne pod każdym z wybranych artykułów. Ponieważ głównym celem artykułu jest charakterystyka białoruskojęzycznych komentarzy, a wyszukiwanie pojedynczych wypowiedzi wydawało się mało efektywnym sposobem gromadzenia materiału, zdecydowano się na stworzenie korpusu tekstów składającego się z 50 ostatnich wpisów 13 internautów, którzy w dniach 1 stycznia – 31 marca 2019 r. zamieścili na forum Tut.by przynajmniej jeden białoruskojęzyczny post. W ten sposób stworzono zbiór tekstów składający się z 890 unikalnych segmentów (wypowiedzi), które oceniono pod względem ich sprawności i poprawności językowej. W efekcie przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, że białoruskojęzyczne komentarze są bardzo różnorodne ze względu na ich treść i formę. Większość autorów białoruskojęzycznych wpisów prezentowało wspólne postawy, uczestniczyli oni w internetowych dyskusjach poświęconych rozmaitym tematom, aczkolwiek ich komentarze bardzo odbiegały od siebie pod wglądem poprawności językowej, predyspozycji posługiwania się językiem stosownie do sytuacji i celu, poziomem emocjonalności, sposobem werbalizacji znaków niewerbalnych oraz kulturą konwersacji. Analiza ukazała, że odmiana języka białoruskiego funkcjonującego na forum Tut.by charakteryzuje się różnorodnością stylistyczną, a decydującą rolę w jej formie odgrywają przede wszystkim indywidualne umiejętności i preferencje każdego internauty.Артыкул характарызуе беларускамоўныя каментары, размешчаныя на форуме Tut.by. З гэтай мэтай было праверана, наколькі папулярная беларуская мова сярод карыстальнікаў форуму, г.зн. была параўнана колькасць беларускамоўных і рускамоўных каментароў да артыкулаў на сайце Tut.by, якія выклікалі найбольшы грамадскі рэзананс. У выніку аналізу аўтар артыкула прыходзіць да высновы, што, хаця на згаданым форуме пераважае руская мова, беларускамоўныя каментары прысутнічаюць пад кожным з выбраных артыкулаў. Паколькі асноўнай мэтай артыкула зʼяўляецца характарыстыка беларускамоўных каментароў, а пошук адзіночных выказванняў аказаўся недастаткова эфектыўным, было вырашана змадыфікаваць спосаб збору матэрыялу. У выніку аўтарам быў ствараны тэкставы корпус – 50 запісаў 13 карыстальнікаў форуму Tut.by, якія з 1 студзеня да 31 сакавіка 2019 г. размясцілі хаця б адзін беларускамоўны допіс. Такім чынам быў створаны корпус тэкстаў, г.зн. 890 унікальных беларускамоўных выказванняў, у якіх былі ацэнены стараннасць і правільнасць мовы. У выніку праведзенага даследавання выяўлена, што беларускамоўныя каментары з’яўляюцца вельмі разнастайнымі па сваім змесце і форме. Большасць беларускамоўных карыстальнікаў форуму Tut.by выказвала падобныя погляды, яны ўдзельнічалі ў інтэрнэт-дыскусіях на розныя тэмы, а іх каментары моцна адрозніваліся паміж сабой з пункту гледжання нормы маўлення і здольнасці выкарыстання мовы адпаведна да сітуацыі і мэты, а таксама па сваёй эмацыянальнасці, спосабе вербалізацыі невербальных знакаў і культуры мовы. Аналіз паказаў, што выказванні на беларускай мове на форуме Tut.by характарызуюцца стылістычнай разнастайнасцю, а на форму выказвання ўплываюць у першую чаргу індывідуальныя навыкі Інтэрнэт-карыстальніка

    „Dobra Czytanka wg św. ziom’a Janka” a tradycja polskiego stylu biblijnego

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    The topic of the article are selected aspects of the language of Dobra Czytanka wg św. ziom’a Janka, which is a stylized hip-hop slang version of the Gospel According to St. John. The article presents a selection of lexical and phraseological devices that depart from the traditional canon of Polish Biblical style. The features include various modifications in Biblical onomastics, forms of address, and in phraseology and fixed Biblical phrases. Such transformations lead to a specific desacralization of Biblical content. However, the desacralization occurs only as opposed to the texts that perpetuate the traditional Polish Biblical style, which is characterized by hieratic quality and ritualization. The authors of Czytanka make the Biblical content clear and comprehensible for representatives of hip-hop subculture, following the principle of dynamic translation of Biblical text

    Language of Weblogs in the Light of Polish Language Norms

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    This article presents results of exploratory study concerning the relation between Polish language norms and texts published on weblogs. Six weblogs were analyzed in order to find all differences between the forms used on the blogs and those suggested by norms. Those differences were then classified as either justified innovation or mistakes. The classification on found mistakes based on the literature was also conducted.This article presents results of exploratory study concerning the relation between Polish language norms and texts published on weblogs. Six weblogs were analyzed in order to find all differences between the forms used on the blogs and those suggested by norms. Those differences were then classified as either justified innovation or mistakes. The classification on found mistakes based on the literature was also conducted

    Słowo w komentarzach internautów Uwagi o (nie)oficjalnym dyskursie medialnym

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00.

    Język blogów a normy poprawnościowe języka polskiego

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    This article presents results of exploratory study concerning the relation between Polish language norms and texts published on weblogs. Six weblogs were analyzed in order to find all differences between the forms used on the blogs and those suggested by norms. Those differences were then classified as either justified innovation or mistakes. The classification on found mistakes based on the literature was also conducted.This article presents results of exploratory study concerning the relation between Polish language norms and texts published on weblogs. Six weblogs were analyzed in order to find all differences between the forms used on the blogs and those suggested by norms. Those differences were then classified as either justified innovation or mistakes. The classification on found mistakes based on the literature was also conducted

    Język polski w Sieci - próba charakterystyki dyskursu na forach i blogach

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    The article discusses changes in contemporary Polish language, language borrowings, and the influence of English on Internet communication of young mothers and teenagers

    Recepcja imion zakonnych w wypowiedziach internautów

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    This article is part of the study of Polish religious names. The purpose is to analyse the reception of religious names by Internet users (the subject of the description was made by their comments on various Internet forums). The analysis of the methods of describing and evaluating religious names, unusual for baptismal nomenclature and names marked as ordinary Internet users, was carried out. The article uses both onomastic (especially religious onomastics) and sociolinguistic works.Niniejszy artykuł wpisuje się w nurt badań nad polskim imiennictwem zakonnym. Celem analiz uczyniono recepcję imion zakonnych przez środowisko internautów (przedmiotem opisu były wypowiedzi internautów umieszczone na różnych forach internetowych). Dokonano analizy sposobów opisu i wartościowania imion zakonnych, nietypowych dla nazewnictwa chrzestnego oraz imion zwanych przez internautów zwykłymi. W artykule wykorzystano zarówno prace onomastyczne (zwłaszcza z onomastyki religijnej), jak i socjolingwistyczne

    Chmura w bibliotece jako lekarstwo na chmury nad biblioteką na przykładzie bibliotek pedagogicznych

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    Using the cloud computing has become univer sal nowadays. It permeated into private and professional life. The article presents examples of the ways of using cloud computing on various types of devices by teacher-librarians. The author assumes that cloud computing can solve problems related to the implementation of statutory tasks of libraries in some situations. Services available in the cloud are investigated by informatologists and topics trainings are often organized, both by librarians and for librarians. According to the author, working in the cloud does not pose a threat to the identity of the pedagogical library, but it is only a new tool to support activities of such an institution. Farthermore, cloud computing should be assumed with the knowledge of its capabilities and limitations