28,413 research outputs found

    Speciation without chromatography: Part I. Determination of tributyltin in aqueous samples by chloride generation, headspace solid-phase microextraction and inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectrometry

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    An analytical procedure was developed for the determination of tributyltin in aqueous samples. The relatively high volatility of the organometal halide species confers suitability for their headspace sampling from the vapour phase above natural waters or leached solid samples. Tributyltin was collected from the sample headspace above various chloride-containing matrices, including HCl, sodium chloride solution and sea-water, by passive sampling using a polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB)-coated solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber. Inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ICP-TOFMS) was used for detection following thermal desorption of analytes from the fiber. A detection limit of 5.8 pg ml–1(as tin) was realized in aqueous samples. Method validation was achieved using NRCC PACS-2 (Sediment) certified reference material, for which reasonable agreement between certified and measured values for tributyltin content was obtained

    Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors

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    Executive Summary This report details the work carried out during the Smart Plant project (2005-AIC-MS-43-M4). As part of this research, an autonomous platform for monitoring greenhouse gases (methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2)) has been developed, prototyped and field validated. The modular design employed means that the platform can be readily adapted for a variety of applications involving these and other target gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3) and carbon monoxide (CO) and the authors are in the process of completing several short demonstrator projects to illustrate the potential of the platform for some of these applications. The field validation for the greenhouse gas monitoring platform was carried out at two landfill sites in Ireland. The unit was used to monitor the concentration of CO2 and CH4 gas at perimeter borehole wells. The final prototype was deployed for over 4 months and successfully extracted samples from the assigned perimeter borehole well headspace, measured them and sent the data to a database via a global system for mobile (GSM) communications. The data were represented via an updating graph in a web interface. Sampling was carried out twice per day, giving a 60-fold increase on current monitoring procedures which provide one gas concentration measurement per month. From additional work described in this report, a number of conclusions were drawn regarding lateral landfill gas migration on a landfill site and the management of this migration to the site’s perimeter. To provide frequent, reliable monitoring of landfill gas migration to perimeter borehole wells, the unit needs to: • Be fully autonomous; • Be capable of extracting a gas sample from a borehole well independently of personnel; • Be able to relay the data in near real time to a base station; and • Have sensors with a range capable of adequately monitoring gas events accurately at all times. The authors believe that a unit capable of such monitoring has been developed and validated. This unit provides a powerful tool for effective management of landfill site gases. The effectiveness of this unit has been recognised by the site management team at the long-term deployment trial site, and the data gathered have been used to improve the day-to-day operations and gas management system on-site. The authors make the following recommendations: 1. The dynamics of the landfill gas management system cannot be captured by taking measurements once per month; thus, a minimum sampling rate of once per day is advised. 2. The sampling protocol should be changed: (i) Borehole well samples should not be taken from the top of the well but should be extracted at a depth within the headspace (0.5–1.0 m). The measurement depth will be dependent on the water table and headspace depth within the borehole well. (ii) The sampling time should be increased to 3 min to obtain a steady-state measurement from the headspace and to take a representative sample; and (iii) For continuous monitoring on-site, the extracted sample should be recycled back into the borehole well. However, for compliance monitoring, the sample should not be returned to the borehole well. 3. Devices should be placed at all borehole wells so the balance on the site can be maintained through the gas management system and extraction issues can be quickly recognised and addressed before there are events of high gas migration to the perimeter. 4. A pilot study should be carried out by the EPA using 10 of these autonomous devices over three to five sites to show the need and value for this type of sampling on Irish landfill sites

    Headspace analysis of natural yoghurt using headspace solid phase microextraction : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Food Technology at Massey University (Turitea Campus), Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    The Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) method was originally developed to extract volatile and semivolatile compounds from wastewater samples but has since been applied to flavour compounds in foods and beverages. Research using the HS-SPME in related areas such as cheese and skim milk powder has been carried out but, to date, no work has been done on yoghurt flavours. The main objective of this study was to devise a methodology for the Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) technique to investigate and quantify six flavour analytes in natural, set yoghurts made from recombined milk. The relevant literature was reviewed and from it, a research proposal for this work on yoghurts was drawn. The first step in analysing and quantifying the yoghurt volatiles was to set up a working methodology for the HS-SPME method. The 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) fibre was chosen along with 20 minutes being the optimum fibre adsorption time. General equipment, materials and methods used throughout this thesis are also detailed. The external standard (ES) method was used to calibrate the GC and quantify the analyte concentrations in this study. The internal standard (IS) method was not used as a quantitative tool in this study. Once the HS-SPME methodology had been set up for the analysis of yoghurts, the classical Static Headspace (SH) method was compared with the HS-SPME method for extraction efficiency. The results suggested that the two methods were complementary in that the SH method extracted the more volatile compounds (acetaldehyde, acetone and 2-butanone) whereas, the HS-SPME method extracted the semi- to non-volatile compounds (ethanol, diacetyl and acetoin) more readily. However, the HS-SPME was found to be the more sensitive and effective method of the two techniques tested. The next step in the thesis was to investigate the presence of the six analytes in milk and cultured yoghurt. The effects of the sample matrix, fat levels and incubation on the volatile concentrations were also examined. The results suggested that the six analytes were inherently present in milks but at low concentrations. No conclusive effects were found for the sample matrix, fat levels and incubation. However, it was evident that fermentation of the milks using bacterial starter cultures resulted in a large increase in some of the volatiles being investigated. Following this, the effects of fat levels, storage time and storage temperature on the six volatiles in yoghurts were examined. The results indicated that significant fat level effects were only seen for diacetyl and acetoin, while temperature effects were only observed for ethanol. In both trials, only general trends for the analytes concentrations were drawn because the data varied from day to day. The results suggested that most of the compounds decreased with time except for diacetyl, which seemed to increase. The final part of this study looked at applying the devised HS-SPME methodology to a series of commercial yoghurts as a preliminary trial, with a view to investigating a potential application for the HS-SPME method. Fourteen commercial yoghurts were analysed and the six analytes quantified. The data obtained was analysed using Principle Component Analysis (PCA), which divided the yoghurts into groups based on their analyte concentrations. From these groupings, eight yoghurts were selected and fresh samples were analysed using HS-SPME and PCA. This was carried out parallel with an untrained consumer panel, which had to distinguish differences between the yoghurts in a series of triangle tests by smelling the headspace on opening the yoghurt containers. The conclusions drawn were that, unlike the HS-SPME method with PCA, the average consumer could not differentiate the yoghurts based on smell alone. PCA also showed that the HS-SPME results obtained were fairly reproducible. In conclusion, the HS-SPME method was shown to be a useful analytical technique, which can be used to analyse and quantify flavour compounds in natural, set yoghurts. This area of investigation has a lot of scope, with the results from this study providing a basis or starting point for further investigations in this area. Future studies may lead to potential applications for the HS-SPME method, one of which may be quality control where correlation of sensory data with HS-SPME analytical data is required

    Isotopic evidence for biogenic molecular hydrogen production in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Oceans are a net source of molecular hydrogen (H2) to the atmosphere. The production of marine H2 is assumed to be mainly biological by N2 fixation, but photochemical pathways are also discussed. We present measurements of mole fraction and isotopic composition of dissolved and atmospheric H2 from the southern and northern Atlantic between 2008 and 2010. In total almost 400 samples were taken during five cruises along a transect between Punta Arenas (Chile) and Bremerhaven (Germany), as well as at the coast of Mauretania. The isotopic source signatures of dissolved H2 extracted from surface water are highly deuterium-depleted and correlate negatively with temperature, showing δD values of (−629 ± 54) ‰ for water temperatures at (27 ± 3) °C and (−249 ± 88) ‰ below (19 ± 1) °C. The results for warmer water masses are consistent with biological production of H2. This is the first time that marine H2 excess has been directly attributed to biological production by isotope measurements. However, the isotope values obtained in the colder water masses indicate that beside possible biological production a significant different source should be considered. The atmospheric measurements show distinct differences between both hemispheres as well as between seasons. Results from the global chemistry transport model TM5 reproduce the measured H2 mole fractions and isotopic composition well. The climatological global oceanic emissions from the GEMS database are in line with our data and previously published flux calculations. The good agreement between measurements and model results demonstrates that both the magnitude and the isotopic signature of the main components of the marine H2 cycle are in general adequately represented in current atmospheric models despite a proposed source different from biological production or a substantial underestimation of nitrogen fixation by several authors

    Use of headspace solid-phase microextraction for the analysis and characterisation of volatile compounds in rumen contents : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masterate of Science in Chemistry at Massey University

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    Appendix 2&3 removed due to copyright restrictions. Please consult print copy in Library.Volatile fatty acids (VFAs), alkyl phenols and indolic compounds are produced by rumen microbes during the fermentation of forages in ruminants. In this study, ruminal fluid obtained from sheep was examined by headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) sampling followed by GC-MS analysis. This technique provides a non-invasive, clean and selective method to characterize the volatiles in ruminal fluid from an in vitro fermentation system. The factors which can influence the extraction efficiency were studied and include the SPME fibre, sample volume, pH of sample matrix (rumen fluid) and extraction time by the fibre in the headspace. The optimum experimental conditions for the analytes in question included: polyacrylate fibre to perform the headspace SPME above 20 mL of rumen fluid in a 68 mL vial for 5 min, followed by immediate GC-MS analysis. The pH of the rumen fluid sample greatly influenced VFA extraction efficiency. Quantitative analysis of p-cresol, m-cresol, indole and skatolc with SPME were compared with steam distillation simultaneous extraction. This comparison showed that the HS-SPME method was semi-quantitative. The optimum in vitro system (16 mL of rumen fluid and 4 mL of artificial saliva in a 68 mL vial incubated at 39°C) was utilised to study production of indole, skatolc and p-cresol from the anaerobic fermentation of tryptophan and tyrosine. Spirulina is an abundant source of dietary protein. Therefore, ¹³C labelled spirulina was used to study the metabolism of protein and formation of analytes derived from ruminal metabolism of protein. A series of labelled end products, including toluene, acetic acid, propanoic acid, iso-butyric acid, n-butyric acid, iso-valeric acid, n-valeric acid, p-cresol, indole, skatole, dimethyldisulfide and dimethyltrisulfide were detected by GC-MS. This result indicates that these compounds are the products of ruminal metabolism of spirulina. When applied to the in vitro rumen system the headspace SPME technique provides a fast approach to study metabolism of target compounds and allows the researcher to follow proposed pathways with labelled substrate

    Solvent extraction of PDMS tubing as a new method for the capture of volatile organic compounds from headspace

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    Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) tubing is increasingly being used to collect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from static biological headspace. However, analysis of VOCs collected using PDMS tubing often deploys thermal desorption, where samples are considered as ‘one-offs’ and cannot be used in multiple experiments. In this study, we developed a static headspace VOC collection method using PDMS tubing which is solvent-based, meaning that VOC extracts can be used multiple times and can be linked to biological activity. Using a synthetic blend containing a range of known semiochemicals (allyl isothiocyanate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 1-octen-3-one, nonanal, (E)-anethol, (S)-bornyl acetate, (E)-caryophyllene and pentadecane) with differing chemical and physicochemical properties, VOCs were collected in static headspace by exposure to PDMS tubing with differing doses, sampling times and lengths. In a second experiment, VOCs from oranges were collected using PDMS sampling of static headspace versus dynamic headspace collection. VOCs were eluted with diethyl ether and analysed using gas chromatography – flame ionization detector analysis and coupled GC – mass spectrometry analysis. GC-FID analysis of collected samples showed that longer PDMS tubes captured significantly greater quantities of compounds than shorter tubes, and that sampling duration significantly altered the recovery of all tested compounds. Moreover, greater quantities of compounds were recovered from closed compared to open systems. Finally, analysis of orange headspace VOCs showed only a few qualitative differences in VOCs recovered compared to dynamic headspace collections, although quantities sampled using PDMS tubing were lower. In summary, extraction of PDMS tubing with diethyl ether solvent captures VOCs from the headspace of synthetic blends and biological samples, and the resulting extracts can be used for multiple experiments linking VOC content to biological activity

    Experimental pulse technique for the study of microbial kinetics in continuous culture

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    A novel technique was developed for studying the growth kinetics of microorganisms in continuous culture. The method is based on following small perturbations of a chemostat culture by on-line measurement of the dynamic response in oxygen consumption rates. A mathematical model, incorporating microbial kinetics and mass transfer between gas and liquid phases, was applied to interpret the data. Facilitating the use of very small disturbances, the technique is non-disruptive as well as fast and accurate. The technique was used to study the growth kinetics of two cultures, Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b growing on methane, both in the presence and in the absence of copper, and Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia G4 growing on phenol. Using headspace flushes, gas blocks and liquid substrate pulse experiments, estimates for limiting substrate concentrations, maximum conversion rates Vmax and half saturation constants Ks could rapidly be obtained. For M. trichosporium OB3b it was found that it had a far higher affinity for methane when particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) was expressed than when the soluble form (sMMO) was expressed under copper limitation. While for B. cepacia G4 the oxygen consumption pattern during a phenol pulse in the chemostat indicated that phenol was transiently converted to an intermediate (4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate), so that initially less oxygen was used per mole of phenol.

    Controls on the seasonal exchange of CH3Br in temperate peatlands

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    Measurements of CH3Br exchange at two New Hampshire peatlands (Sallie\u27s Fen and Angie\u27s Bog) indicate that net flux from these ecosystems is the sum of competing production and consumption processes. Net CH3Br fluxes were highly variable and ranged from net emission to net uptake between locations within a single peatland. At Sallie\u27s Fen, net CH3Br flux exhibited positive correlations with peat temperature and air temperature during all seasons sampled, but these relationships were not observed at Angie\u27s Bog where flux varied according to microtopography. The major CH3Br production process at Sallie\u27s Fen appeared dependent on aerobic conditions within the peat, while CH3Br production at Angie\u27s Bog was favored by anaerobic conditions. There was evidence of aerobic microbial consumption of CH3Br within the peat at both sites. In a vegetation removal experiment conducted at Sallie\u27s Fen with dynamic chambers, all collars exhibited net consumption of CH3Br. Net CH3Br flux had a negative correlation with surface temperature and a positive correlation with water level in collars with all vegetation clipped consistent with aerobic microbial consumption. Vegetated collars showed positive correlations between net CH3Br flux and air temperature. A positive correlation between net CH3Br flux and surface temperature was also observed in collars in which all vegetation except Sphagnum spp. were clipped. These correlations are consistent with seasonal relationships observed in 1998, 1999, and 2000 and suggest that plants and/or fungi are possible sources of CH3Br in peatlands. Estimates of production and consumption made on two occasions at Sallie\u27s Fen suggest that peatlands have lower rates of CH3Br consumption compared to upland ecosystems, but a close balance between production and consumption rates may allow these wetlands to act as either a net source or sink for this gas

    Improved analysis of propylene oxide, propylene chlorohydrin and propylene bromohydrin: Presentation

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    The benefits and deficiencies of several methods of analysis for PPO and PXH, including the aqueous extraction used in ASTA method 23.1 and the MTBE extraction method previously reported by the authors, will be discussed. Novel methods utilizing dynamic headspace extraction and solid phase microextraction (SPME) will also be reported with particular emphasis on preventing artefactual effects. Preliminary experiments have found that dynamic headspace sampling can lower detection limits by up to 3 orders of magnitude.The benefits and deficiencies of several methods of analysis for PPO and PXH, including the aqueous extraction used in ASTA method 23.1 and the MTBE extraction method previously reported by the authors, will be discussed. Novel methods utilizing dynamic headspace extraction and solid phase microextraction (SPME) will also be reported with particular emphasis on preventing artefactual effects. Preliminary experiments have found that dynamic headspace sampling can lower detection limits by up to 3 orders of magnitude

    Problems Caused by Moisture in Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Headspace SPME Samples of Short-Chain Amines

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    Volatile amines are usually problematic compounds in sampling, sample pretreatment and gas chromatographic analysis due to their chemical characteristics (polarity, basicity and reactivity). Headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) Arrow sampling of aqueous samples were proven to be complicated since moisture in the headspace was also sorbed into the SPME sorbent and resulted in distorted or split peaks for the volatile amines. This was the case especially with old used sorbents not so much with the new ones. Volume of the water sample, sampling conditions, quality of the SPME sorbent and desorption conditions greatly influenced the concentration of water in the headspace and in the sorbent phase. This, in turn, affected the length of the water film in the column which determined the degree of peak splitting and distance between the split amine peaks (water film trapped part of the amine molecules). Addition of the salt to the sample solution and additional drying of the SPME sorbent after the sampling were shown to effectively decrease the amount of water in the headspace and in the sorbent phase. This combined effect of salt addition and drying step resulted in much better peak shapes and intensities for the amines. In the best cases, the peak splitting for the volatile amines could in this way be completely avoided.Peer reviewe