82 research outputs found


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    Minskningar i pollinatörspopulationer är något som har observerats såväl globalt som nationellt. Detta innebär dels ett hot mot den biologiska mångfalden och dels en ekonomisk risk då många kommersiella grödor till varierande grad är beroende av pollinering. I ett försök att motverka detta har ett par svenska kommuner tagit fram så kallade pollineringsplaner. Detta arbete har som syfte att öka kunskapen om pollineringsplaner i Sverige genom en stegvis studiedesign. En litteraturstudie har gjorts som redogör för den teoretiska bakgrunden bakom pollineringsplanerna. Därpå följer en intervjustudie där representanter för tre kommuner med pollineringsplaner (Vaxholm, Södertälje och Mjölby) har intervjuats. Vidare har två konsulter som varit involverade i arbetet med två av planerna intervjuats. I en appliceringsdel har ett försök gjorts att tillämpa de kunskaper om pollinatörer och pollineringsplaner som samlats i tidigare delar, för att göra kartanalyser på en geografisk del av Helsingborgs stad. Resultaten visar att det är fullt möjligt att under ramarna för ett mastersarbete göra kartanalyser och identifiera åtgärder för ett verkligt scenario men också att många av lärdomarna från intervjustudien är mer lämpade för ett implementeringsskede. Det konstateras också att medan det är tydligt att en pollineringsplan är ett offentligt dokument som ska tjäna till att koordinera arbetet för att gynna pollinatörer, så finns det en stor variation vad gäller existerande planers innehåll och omfattning. Slutligen fastställs att pollineringsplaner rimligtvis borde ha en positiv effekt för pollinatörer men att det också finns för lite dataunderlag för att med säkerhet kunna säga något om deras faktiska inverkan eller om hur de används.Reduction in pollinator populations has been observed both globally and in Sweden. This constitutes a threat against biodiversity and an economic risk as many commercial crops to varying degrees rely on animal pollination. In an attempt to subvert this trend, some Swedish municipalities have adopted so-called pollination plans. This paper aims to increase understanding of pollination plans by utilizing a multi-step approach. A literature study, which gives an account of the theoretical background of the pollination plans, provides the theoretical framework necessary to deal with the issue at hand. Interviews with representatives from three municipalities with pollination plans (Vaxholm, Södertälje and Mjölby) were conducted. Two consultants which were involved in the work with two of the municipal plans, were also interviewed. In the next part an attempt was made to apply the insights regarding pollinators and pollination plans garnered in the previous part, by doing spatial analysis on a geographical area of Helsingborg city. The results show that, within the framework of a master thesis, spatial analysis can be done and recommendations for actions to improve habitats be made and applied to a real-life scenario. Meanwhile it is also shown that sound understanding of the organization of the municipality is necessary in order to, in a meaningful manner, apply many of the insights which resulted from the interviews. It is also observed that, while the pollination plan is a public document which is meant to be used to coordinate efforts to support pollinators, there exist substantial differences between the three plans in terms of content and scope. Lastly, it is hypothesized that pollination plans plausibly should have a positive effect on pollinators but that too little data exists to conclusive on the matter

    Fytoremediering som saneringsmetod och landskapsarkitektur i postindustriella hamnmiljöer

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    Fytoremediering är en metod där föroreningar, i mark och vatten, extraheras, stabiliseras eller bryts ned med hjälp av växter. Då den industrialiserade världen innehar stora kvantiteter av förorenade områden och samtidigt behöver mark att bygga på för att möta de krav som en växande befolkning ställer, används idag ofta omfattande saneringsåtgärder. Dessa saneringsåtgärder beskrivs många gånger som dyra och sällan miljövänliga. I en sådan kontext kan fytoremediering vara ett användbart verktyg för att rena förorenade platser på ett hållbart sätt. Utöver de renande möjligheterna fytoremediering har att erbjuda, har metoden potential att skapa en attraktiv miljö under saneringstiden. Detta är dock fortfarande ett ganska outforskat område och har ännu inte behandlats i någon större utsträckning i litteratur eller av realiserade arkitekturprojekt. Således är det av intresse att undersöka hur attraktiva miljöer skulle kunna gestaltas i postindustriella områden, vilka ofta är föremål för stadsförnyelseprojekt och förtätning. Det föreliggande arbetet har därför som mål att undersöka tillämpbarhet av fytoremediering som saneringsmetod och möjlighet att samtidigt skapa ett attraktivt område på den typ av plats som idag är en av de populäraste att förnya: den postindustriella hamnmiljön. Syftet med detta är att arbetet ska kunna tjäna som kunskapsunderlag vid projekt som ämnar att tillämpa fytoremediering i hamnområden. Genom litteraturstudier dras slutsatserna att fytoremediering oftast är ett bra alternativ för sanering, såväl i hamnmiljöer som generellt, men att det kräver att god framförhållning i planeringen och att ståndortens förhållanden inte omöjliggör vegetation. Vidare konstateras att attraktiva miljöer bör kunna skapas med hjälp av fytoremedierande växtligheten.Phytoremediation is a remediation technique that extracts, stabilises or degrades contaminants, in both soil and water, by the use of plants. As the industrialised world contains large quantities of contaminated sites and, at the same time, is in need of space to build upon to satisfy the needs of a growing population, large-scale remediation techniques are often utilised. These techniques are frequently described as expensive and seldom as environmentally friendly. In such a context, phytoremediation could prove a useful means of cleaning contaminated sites in a sustainable way. Beyond its remedial capabilities, phytoremediation has potential to create an attractive environment during the remediation process. This, however, is still a rather uncharted territory and has so far not been addressed in literature nor by realised architecture projects. Thus, it is of interest to investigate how attractive environments might be created in post-industrial sites which often are subject to urban renewal and densification. Accordingly, the paper in hand operates under the aim of investigating the applicability of phytoremediation as a remediation technique and its potential in creating an attractive environment in the type of site that is one of the most popular for urban renewal these day: the post-industrial harbour. The purpose of the paper is to be able to serve as a base of knowledge for projects that aim to apply phytoremediation in a harbour site. By means of literature studies, the conclusion, that phytoremediation is a sound alternative for remediation, both in harbour sites and in general, but that it also demands thorough long-term planning and that the conditions of the site do not rule out the establishment of vegetation, is reached. Furthermore, it is concluded that, using vegetation that is active in phytoremediation, attractive environments should be able to be created

    Semi-closed circulation integrated multi-trophic aquaculture treatment system using aquatic organisms as biofilters to improve shrimp effluent quality

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    Rapid development of aquaculture industry has contributed to the degradation of the coastal environment, and the waterways receiving effluent discharged. The wastewater contains high amount of excess nutrients and total suspended solids (TSS). Shrimp wastewater is rich in excretory waste products because the cultured shrimps could assimilate only 23-31% nitrogen and 10-13% phosphorus of the total inputs. This significantly causes water quality deterioration, outbreaks of shrimp diseases and affect shrimp production. This study focused on biological treatment option using macroalgae to balance the negative impact to the ecosystem. Thereby, Gracilaria edulis and Ulva lactuca were selected and potential as biofilters to improve shrimp water quality has been tested and verified in several laboratory and outdoor tank-scale experiments. Biofiltration potential of macroalgae in outdoor tank shrimp wastewater recirculation system had demonstrated considerably high nutrient removal efficiencies for ammonium, nitrate and phosphate concentrations such as 86%, 53% and 78% for G. edulis and 70%, 42% and 90% for U. lactuca, respectively. Furthermore, semi-closed circulation integrated multitrophic aquaculture treatment system fabricated at outdoor of laboratory with integration of tiger shrimp cultivation and treatment units such as sedimentation tank, green lipped mussel in a spray tank cultivation system and macroalgae tank. Sedimentation tank, reduced TSS, chlorophyll-a, and turbidity by 40%, 22% and 43%, respectively. Mussel system depicted reduction of 65%, 67% and 54.0%, respectively. Whereas, macroalgae had presented remarkable removal efficiencies for ammonium, nitrate and phosphate concentrations by 98%, 79% and 89% for G. edulis and 85%, 63% and 96% for U. lactuca. Besides that, G. edulis had exhibited removal for total nitrogen (TN) by 40%. On the other hand, U. lactuca had shown greater removal for total phosphorus (TP) with 80% removal efficiency, followed by G. edulis by 62.0%. Tissue analysis had demonstrated that the final nitrogen content almost doubled than the initial value in both macroalgae. The final phosphorus content of the tissue in G. edulis has doubled and U. lactuca has shown an increase of about 1.5 times. In addition, the mean growth rate for G. edulis and U. lactuca were about 4.4 % d-1 and 3.7% d-1 respectively. The mean growth rate of shrimp in treatment tank was 1.31 ± 0.76 % d-1, doubled compared to control tank with 100% survival rate. Furthermore, maximum sustainable yield approach revealed the optimum macroalgae biomass for harvest to improve the performance of biofiltration capacity. Thus, G. edulis and U. lactuca are suitable as biofilters and potential applications of these findings include improvement of shrimp water quality to an acceptable level that ultimately enhance shrimp and macroalgae productivity besides produces an ecologically sustainable treatment and integrated system

    From the Horizon in Nietzsche's Notion to the Horizon in Gadamer's Notion to Thinking in Tales of Masnavi

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    Gadamer evaluates Nietzsche's perception of the horizon as it is not possible to go beyond that. In the Masnavi, tales such as “Discrepancies in the Shape of the Cell”, and the story of “Johee, and that Child who Sang a Monody before his Father's Corpse”, are examples of the realization of the horizon in Nietzsche's notion of it. Because in these anecdotes, characters are subdued by their own limited horizons. Gadamer, in contrast to Nietzsche, considers the historical movement of human life to be the fact that human horizons are fluid and open and vary according to different situations and circumstances. Accordingly, Gadamer, in his philosophical hermeneutics, knows the foundation of understanding as the interpreter's horizons and the horizons of the text. The realization of such a concept is objectively observable as an example in the story of Mosa and the Shepherd in Masnavi. At the beginning of the story, Mosa (the symbol of the Tanzieh) and the shepherd (the symbol of the Tashbih) are each on their horizon. But in continue, and with the dialogue between these two horizons, the horizon of the shepherd and the horizon of Mosa, we faced with open horizons and a new hermeneutical situation, which is the fusion of horizons of Tanziah and Tashbih in the Shepherd and Moses

    Effects of laser therapy on chronic skin ulcers healing interventions for Sudanese patients

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    Background: The purpose of this study is attempting to the assessment of the effectiveness of low level laser therapy (LLLT) with specific parameters in the treatment of selected Sudanese patients based on clinical records of different skin ulcers and diabetic's wounds in Khartoum state hospitals. Thus, the effect of the laser treatment using bio - stimulation effects on tissues in infrared laser and in the visible region depends on frequencies, power density and time of exposure rate on skin diseases.Methods: It is prospective clinical descriptive, interventional study on seven selected males and females of different ages depend on clinical and positive smear LD bodied, which was confirmed at Omdurman tropical disease hospital. Low power laser Omega-XP with tunable wavelengths 820 nm, 780 nm, 675 nm and constant parameters were applied for medical treatment.Results: Utilization of laser dosage (energy density) of 40 J/cm2 and 1.6 w/cm2 power density of the wavelength 820 nm and 30 J/cm2 energy density and power density of 0.24 w/cm2 of 780 nm wavelength, in addition to energy density of 8 J/cm2 and power density of 0.24 w/cm2 and 0.40 w/cm2 and energy density of 1.6 J/cm2 for the 675 wavelength was applied. In this study, we used the bio-stimulation effect of LLLT to enhance healing through immune modulation. However, the application of low level diode laser in the treatment of diabetic wounds can be accompanied by low energy density and short wavelength to give better results in a short time and a good diagnostic accuracy for its potentiality in the field.Conclusions: Consequently, the brown skins in Sub-Saharan region for different tissues of Sudanese diabetic patients of chronic skin ulcer can be treated with different wavelengths and energy relative to tissues softening  and laser parameters of that optimum values were obtained. The assessment of skin regeneration using laser therapy expose that the quality of growth, the reasonable period of healing and decreases the risk skin infection were achieved. The process of diabetic wounds curing and de-pigmentation, potential resident of decreasing pain and an efficient adjunct to a standard wound management was obtained.

    Experimental pulse technique for the study of microbial kinetics in continuous culture

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    A novel technique was developed for studying the growth kinetics of microorganisms in continuous culture. The method is based on following small perturbations of a chemostat culture by on-line measurement of the dynamic response in oxygen consumption rates. A mathematical model, incorporating microbial kinetics and mass transfer between gas and liquid phases, was applied to interpret the data. Facilitating the use of very small disturbances, the technique is non-disruptive as well as fast and accurate. The technique was used to study the growth kinetics of two cultures, Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b growing on methane, both in the presence and in the absence of copper, and Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia G4 growing on phenol. Using headspace flushes, gas blocks and liquid substrate pulse experiments, estimates for limiting substrate concentrations, maximum conversion rates Vmax and half saturation constants Ks could rapidly be obtained. For M. trichosporium OB3b it was found that it had a far higher affinity for methane when particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) was expressed than when the soluble form (sMMO) was expressed under copper limitation. While for B. cepacia G4 the oxygen consumption pattern during a phenol pulse in the chemostat indicated that phenol was transiently converted to an intermediate (4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate), so that initially less oxygen was used per mole of phenol.

    Tropical seagrass as a Bioindicator of Metal Accumulation

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    Seven species of tropical seagrass found at seagrass bed located in Johor, Malaysia were analysed for As, Cu and Cd accumulation. The species were identified as Enhalus acoroides, Halophila minor, Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis and Cymodocea serrulata. Seagrass plant is rapidly becoming one of the methods to determine the overall health condition of aquatic environment. Each seagrass samples were collected and divided into three parts i.e roots, rhizomes and leaves. Samples were grinded, digested and the correlation between each part was analysed using SPSS version 16. Each part of seagrass tissues have the ability to assimilate metals for example the concentration of As, Cu and Cd in tropical seagrass were in the range of 5-48, 6-60 and 10-69 μg/gDW, respectively. Halophila minor and Halophila ovalis indicates positive correlations to translocate metals (As, Cu and Cd) in plants parts (leaves-rhizomes, rhizomes-roots and roots-leaves). Seagrass can accumulate metals depending on pollution that occur, seasonal variation and internal capabilities to translocate metals. The seagrass species especially Halophila ovalis and Halophila minor can act as bioindicator for metal pollution

    Ulva lactuca for nutrients biofiltration in a recirculating shrimp effluent treatment system

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    An outdoor tank scale shrimp cultivation system was developed with integration of green macroalgae species, Ulva lactuca. Intensive shrimp farming produces large amount of waste nutrients, due to excess uneaten feed and excretion. Prior harvesting, shrimp effluent discharged without proper treatment and alleviates water quality of receiving water bodies. Coastal water degradation consequently causes negative environmental impact. This integrated system with U. lactuca, greatly reduced the nutrient loads and incorporated into its biomass. Phosphate removal was 90%, followed by ammonium and nitrate with removal efficiencies of 70% and 42%, respectively. The mean specific growth rate of U. lactuca was 2.25 ± 0.9 % day-1 and shrimp was 0.76 ± 0.09 % day-1. Shrimp growth rate in control tank was significantly lower compared to the treatment tank (P<0.001) and survival rate declined throughout the experimental period. Integration of U. lactuca significantly enhanced the dissolved oxygen with mean value of 5.49±0.06 mg/L and creates a stable pH values compared to control treatment tank. Thus, U. lactuca is a prominent biofilter with rapid growth rate and greatly reduces the overall environmental impact of aquaculture water degradation and stabilize the culture environment and this study highly recommended utilization of U. lactuca as a biofilter component in an integrated multitrophic aquaculture treatment system

    Waste derived biocomposite for simultaneous biosorption of organic matter and nutrients from green straw biorefinery effluent in continuous mode activated sludge systems

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    The conventional disposal of green straws through burning can be eliminated in a biorefinery that converts them into a range of sustainable commercial products. However, this leads to the generation of green straw biorefinery effluent (GSBE). Green straw biorefineries discharge wastewater into the ecosystem that contains high concentrations of COD and NH4+−N. It is one of the most notable sources of visual pollution and disruption of aquatic life as well as public health that requires treatment prior to discharge. To improve the GSBE quality for environmental sustainability, the attainment of sustainable development goals 6, 9, and 14, "clean water and sanitation", "inorganic and organic waste utilization for added values from material", and "life below water" is very important. Therefore, the effectiveness of the continuous mode activated sludge (CMAS) system and the biocomposite-based–continuous mode activated sludge (SB-CMAS) system in the treatment of GSBE was investigated in this study. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the process variables. At their optimized conditions, the performances of CMAS and SB-CMAS were analyzed in terms of COD and NH4+−N. Findings showed 81.21% and 95.50% COD and 78.31% and 87.34% NH4+−N reduction in concentration for CMAS and SB-CMAS, respectively. The high COD and NH4+−N removal efficiencies indicate the better performance of CMAS and SB-CMAS. The first- and second-order models and the modified Stover–Kincannon biokinetic models were utilized to analyze substrate removal rates. It was discovered that the modified Stover models were ideal for the measured data with R2 values 0.99646 and 0.91236 attained for COD and NH4+−N, respectively, in CMAS. The SB-CMAS had 0.99932 and 0.99533 for COD and NH4+−N, respectively. Maximum contaminant elimination was attained at 60% GSBE and 2-day HRT. Thus, to achieve the UN SDGs for 2030, findings from this study have the potential to answer goals 6, 9, and 14