915,981 research outputs found

    Spontaneous emission rates of dipoles in photonic crystal membranes

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    We show theoretically that finite two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals in thin semiconductor membranes strongly modify the spontaneous emission rate of embedded dipole emitters. Three-dimensional Finite-Difference Time-Domain calculations show over 7 times inhibition and 15 times enhancement of the emission rate compared to the vacuum emission rate for judiciously oriented and positioned dipoles. The vertical index confinement in membranes strongly enhances modifications of the emission rate as compared to vertically unconfined 2D photonic crystals. The emission rate modifications inside the membrane mimic the local electric field mode density in a simple 2D model. The inhibition of emission saturates exponentially as the crystal size around the source is increased, with a 1/e1/e length that is inversely proportional to the bandwidth of the emission gap. We obtain inhibition of emission only close to the slab center. However, enhancement of emission persists even outside the membrane, with a distance dependence which dependence can be understood by analyzing the contributions to the spontaneous emission rate of the different vertically guided modes of the membrane. Finally we show that the emission changes can even be observed in experiments with ensembles of randomly oriented dipoles, despite the contribution of dipoles for which no gap exists

    Star Formation Rate from Dust Infrared Emission

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    We examine what types of galaxies the conversion formula from dust infrared (IR) luminosity into the star formation rate (SFR) derived by Kennicutt (1998) is applicable to. The ratio of the observed IR luminosity, LIRL_{\rm IR}, to the intrinsic bolometric luminosity of the newly (\la 10 Myr) formed stars, LSFL_{\rm SF}, of a galaxy can be determined by a mean dust opacity in the interstellar medium and the activity of the current star formation. We find that these parameters area being 0.5≀LIR/LSF≀2.00.5 \le L_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm SF} \le 2.0 is very large, and many nearby normal and active star-forming galaxies really fall in this area. It results from offsetting two effects of a small dust opacity and a large cirrus contribution of normal galaxies relative to starburst galaxies on the conversion of the stellar emission into the dust IR emission. In conclusion, the SFR determined from the IR luminosity under the assumption of LIR=LSFL_{\rm IR}=L_{\rm SF} like Kennicutt (1998) is reliable within a factor of 2 for all galaxies except for dust rich but quiescent galaxies and extremely dust poor galaxies.Comment: Accepted by ApJL: 6 pages (emulateapj5), 2 figures (one is an extra figure not appeared in ApJL

    Frequency-dependent spontaneous emission rate from CdSe and CdTe nanocrystals: influence of dark states

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    We studied the rate of spontaneous emission from colloidal CdSe and CdTe nanocrystals at room temperature. The decay rate, obtained from luminescence decay curves, increases with the emission frequency in a supra-linear way. This dependence is explained by the thermal occupation of dark exciton states at room temperature, giving rise to a strong attenuation of the rate of emission. The supra-linear dependence is in agreement with the results of tight-binding calculations.Comment: 11 page

    Photo-emission rate of sQGP at finite density

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    We calculate the thermal spectral function of SYM plasma with finite density using holographic technique. We take the RN-AdS black hole as the dual gravity theory. In the presence of charge, vector modes of gravitational and electromagnetic perturbation are coupled with each other. By introducing master variables for these modes, we solve the coupled system and calculate spectral function. We also calculated photoemission rate of SYM plasma from spectral function for light like momentum, AC conductivity and their density dependence. The suppression of the conductivity in high density is noticed, which might be yet another mechanism for the Jet quenching phenomena in RHIC experiment.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Graviton Emission in the Bulk from a Higher-Dimensional Schwarzschild Black Hole

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    We consider the evaporation of (4+n)-dimensional non-rotating black holes into gravitons. We calculate the energy emission rate for gravitons in the bulk obtaining analytical solutions of the master equation satisfied by all three types (S,V,T) of gravitational perturbations. Our results, valid in the low-energy regime, show a vector radiation dominance for every value of n, while the relative magnitude of the energy emission rate of the subdominant scalar and tensor radiation depends on n. The low-energy emission rate in the bulk for gravitons is well below that for a scalar field, due to the absence of the dominant l=0,1 modes from the gravitational spectrum. Higher partial waves though may modify this behaviour at higher energies. The calculated low-energy emission rate, for all types of degrees of freedom decreases with n, although the full energy emission rate, integrated over all frequencies, is expected to increase with n, as in the previously studied case of a bulk scalar field.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, accepted by Phys. Lett.

    Photon Emission Rate Engineering using Graphene Nanodisc Cavities

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    In this work, we present a systematic study of the plasmon modes in a system of vertically stacked pair of graphene discs. Quasistatic approximation is used to model the eigenmodes of the system. Eigen-response theory is employed to explain the spatial dependence of the coupling between the plasmon modes and a quantum emitter. These results show a good match between the semi-analytical calculation and full-wave simulations. Secondly, we have shown that it is possible to engineer the decay rates of a quantum emitter placed inside and near this cavity, using Fermi level tuning, via gate voltages and variation of emitter location and polarization. We highlighted that by coupling to the bright plasmon mode, the radiative efficiency of the emitter can be enhanced compared to the single graphene disc case, whereas the dark plasmon mode suppresses the radiative efficiency

    Damped Bloch oscillations of cold atoms in optical lattices

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    The paper studies Bloch oscillations of cold neutral atoms in the optical lattice. The effect of spontaneous emission on the dynamics of the system is analyzed both analytically and numerically. The spontaneous emission is shown to cause (i) the decay of Bloch oscillations with the decrement given by the rate of spontaneous emission and (ii) the diffusive spreading of the atoms with a diffusion coefficient depending on {\em both} the rate of spontaneous emission and the Bloch frequency.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Photon Emission from Ultrarelativistic Plasmas

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    The emission rate of photons from a hot, weakly coupled ultrarelativistic plasma is analyzed. Leading-log results, reflecting the sensitivity of the emission rate to scattering events with momentum transfers from gTgT to TT, have previously been obtained. But a complete leading-order treatment requires including collinearly enhanced, inelastic processes such as bremsstrahlung. These inelastic processes receive O(1) modifications from multiple scattering during the photon emission process, which limits the coherence length of the emitted radiation (the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect). We perform a diagrammatic analysis to identify, and sum, all leading-order contributions. We find that the leading-order photon emission rate is not sensitive to non-perturbative g2Tg^2 T scale dynamics. We derive an integral equation for the photon emission rate which is very similar to the result of Migdal in his original discussion of the LPM effect. The accurate solution of this integral equation for specific theories of interest will be reported in a companion paper.Comment: 50 pages, 20 figures. Added references and minor rewordings: published versio
