272 research outputs found

    Learning society : information, reflection, and ethics

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    Neste artigo discute o pensamento reflexivo como fator decisivo na produção do conhecimento. São apresentadas concepções que tratam da natureza da informação e do conhecimento, discutindo-se a aprendizagem como forma de acesso à emergente sociedade, por essa razão denominada ‘sociedade da aprendizagem’. Conclui-se que, no contexto atual de profundas transformações, o pensamento reflexivo será efetivo se inspirado na ética, condição fundamental para a emancipação humana. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article discusses the reflexive thinking, considered as an effective condition in knowledge production. Some of the concepts presented deal with the nature of information and knowledge, discussing the fundamental participation of learning as a way of access for an emergent society, for this very reason called ‘learning society’. The conclusion is that, in the present context of deep transformations, the reflexive thought shall be effective if based on ethics, a fundamental condition for emancipation of mankind

    An open-source UFBGA µ-board for wearable devices

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    This paper presents the development of an open-source, low-sized, BGA microcontroller breakout board, that can be used for the development of wearable and cyber-physical prototypes. The board is based on the low power, 8-bit, ATtiny20-CCU Microchip AVR microcontroller. The ATtiny20-CCU can be programmed without bootloader, using the Atmel Tiny Programming Interface (TPI), instead of In-System Programming (ISP). The C code used to program the microcontroller can be written and compiled using the Microchip Studio freeware platform. The ATtiny20-CCU Ultra Fine-pitch Ball Grid Array (UFBGA) packaging technology allows the shrinkage of the conceived Electroless Nickel-Immersion Gold (ENIG) Printed Circuit Board (PCB) to a size of only 15.5 × 13 mm. Its low cost also makes it a viable option for developing many educational electronic projects, especially for Instrumentation and Assistive Technology. The contribution of this paper is mainly the hardware prototype design, the PCB manufacturing, building and test of a very low-sized open source µ-breakout PCB board, for wearable Instrumentation applications, towards the emergent Society/Industry 5.0.publishersversionpublishe

    The New Economy- Knowledge Based Economy

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    The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of knowledge based economy, in this time characterized by fast changes and sometimes radical changes, it is impossible to resist without adapting, both people and the organizations too. The matter of the paper develops knowledge based economy concept: elements, definitions of the knowledge based economy, stages and the main knowledge codification. In the end of the paper, the author presents the importance of economy knowledge, in Romanian organizations.knowledge based economy, knowledge society, knowledge based organization, longlife learning, learning organization

    ‘On different levels ourselves went forward’ : pageantry, class politics and narrative form in Virginia Woolf’s late writing

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    This essay focuses on questions of class, politics and narrative form in Virginia Woolf’s late writing, in particular her posthumously published novel, Between the Acts. The novel is frequently discussed by critics in relation to the Second World War; this essay pushes an overlapping but critically overlooked context into view. It reads the text in the light of late 1930s leftist cultural production, particularly those discourses about national history and cultural traditions that loomed large during the popular front period. The essay argues that Woolf’s last novel is the conflicted location of a search for a more inclusive narrative form

    Michel Foucault's the Birth of Biopolitics and contemporary neo-liberalism debates

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    Neo-liberalism has become one of the boom concepts of our time. From its original reference point as a descriptor of the economics of the ‘Chicago School’ or authors such as Friedrich von Hayek, neo-liberalism has become an all-purpose concept, explanatory device and basis for social critique. This presentation evaluates Michel Foucault’s 1978–79 lectures, published as The Birth of Biopolitics, to consider how he used the term neo-liberalism, and how this equates with its current uses in critical social and cultural theory. It will be argued that Foucault did not understand neo-liberalism as a dominant ideology in these lectures, but rather as marking a point of inflection in the historical evolution of liberal political philosophies of government. It will also be argued that his interpretation of neo-liberalism was more nuanced and more comparative than more recent contributions. The article points towards an attempt to theorize comparative historical models of liberal capitalism

    Configuraciones tematicas de los grupos de investigación universitarios en psicologia de la educación

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    El presente estudio busca aportar a un mayor reconocimiento del rol estratégico que juegan los Grupos de Investigación Universitarios en la sociedad del conocimiento, especialmente de aquellos que aportan al campo intelectual y profesional de la educación y que provienen de grupos de investigación vinculados a departamentos de psicología educativa o similares. En ese estudio de corte descriptivo y documental se analizan dichos grupos de las diez primeras universidades de mayor productividad académica según el ranking de universidades de Iberoamérica Scimago 2013. Específicamente se analiza la configuración temática que define a los 23 grupos seleccionados, a partir del nombramiento genérico como grupo y de sus líneas de investigación, utilizando como fuente las páginas electrónicas oficiales. La matriz de configuraciones temáticas propuesta nos permite sostener cinco ejes temáticos desde los cuales los grupos construyen su identidad conceptual y orientan sus aportes al campo educativo: desde una perspectiva teórica específica, desde una o varias áreas curriculares de la educación básica, desde problemáticas sociales, desde los sujetos etarios, y desde aspectos de la enseñanza-aprendizaje.This study focuses on the research groups from universities as a relevant actor in the emergent society of knowledge. Specifically, we concentrate on those groups from the educational psychology departaments and similars that contribute to the educational field in different issues. To develop this study, twenty three groups have been selected from the best ten universities of iberoamerica according to Scimago Ranking 2013. We propose a classification of these groups considering its thematic identity based on their names and research lines. As a result, these groups address their contributions to the educational field from a specific theoretical perspective, from one or more curriculum áreas of the basic education, from social problems, from subjetcs and from aspects of the teaching-learning processes.peerReviewe

    Найкращі технології

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    Електронна демократія є найважливішою складовою електронного урядування, сутність якої полягає у залученні громадян до процесу вироблення та прийняття державних рішень. Все більше країн у світі впроваджують інструменти е-демократії для формування нової політики, основою якої стають відносини між громадянами та урядом, засновані на прозорості та повній довірі двох сторін одна до одної

    Analisis Perbandingan Pendidikan Multikultural (Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, Inggris)

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    Abstract: Comparative Analysis of Multicultural Education (Indonesia, USA, Canada, UK) Multicultural education in developed countries (Indonesia, United States, United Kingdom and Canada) asks for education that upholds human dignity and dignity by supporting and understanding the differences needed by each individual. Comparison of multicultural education (Indonesia, United States, United Kingdom, and Canada) The first of each developed country (Indonesia, United States, United Kingdom and Canada) has a contribution in multicultural education that is to want to impart decision on Multicultural actions in Indonesia giving a role to the Principal in supporting diversity owned by each student, in the United States teaches multicultural education by providing education to students about diversity, in the UK promoting multicultural education by means of a system using Language, English is not the only language. In Canada, multicultural education is implemented by applying an educational model that reconstructs cultural diversityAbstrak : Analisis Perbandingan Pendidikan Multikultural (Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, Inggris)Pendidikan multikultural di negara maju (Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Kanada) menginginkan pendidikan yang menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat manusia dengan cara menghargai dan memahami perbedaan-perbedaan yang dimiliki masing-masing individu. Perbandingan pendidikan multikultural (Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Kanada) Pertama dari masing-masing negara maju (Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Kanada) ini memiliki persamaan dalam pendidikan multikultural yaitu ingin membratas adanya tindakan-tindakan diskriminasi dan ingin menegakkan hak-hak asasi manusia secara adil, Kedua Perbedaan pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia memberikan peran kepada Kepala Sekolah dalam memantau keberagaman yang dimiliki masing-masing siswa, di Amerika Serikat menerapkan pendidikan multikultural dengan cara memberikan edukasi kepada siswa mengenai keberagaman, di Inggris menerapkan pendidikan multikultural dengan cara sistem penerapan Bahasa, Bahasa inggris bukan menjadi Bahasa satu-satunya. Di Kanada menerapkan pendidikan multikultural dengan cara menerapkan model pendidikan yang merekonstruksi dari keanekaanragaraman budaya