78 research outputs found

    New moduli components of rank 2 bundles on projective space

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    We present a new family of monads whose cohomology is a stable rank two vector bundle on P3\mathbb{P}^3. We also study the irreducibility and smoothness together with a geometrical description of some of these families. These facts are used to construct a new infinite series of rational moduli components of stable rank two vector bundles with trivial determinant and growing second Chern class. We also prove that the moduli space of stable rank two vector bundles with trivial determinant and second Chern class equal to 5 has exactly three irreducible rational components

    Rentabilidad y solvencia del Banco Santander España: un análisis comparativo con el sector bancario español (2007-2017)

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado analiza cinco indicadores de rentabilidad, solvencia y liquidez con el objetivo de conocer la evolución del Sistema Bancario Español y del Banco Santander España en el período 2007-2017, y compararlos entre sí. Para ello, en primer lugar escribo sobre los principales cambios que ha experimentado el sector bancario nacional (reestructuración, acuerdos de Basilea III y Unión Bancaria), y posteriormente calculo los ratios de los seis principales bancos españoles para analizarlos de forma descriptiva y mediante el análisis de las varianzas entre la media del sector y el Banco Santander España, exponiendo finalmente los resultados obtenidos.This project analyzes five indicators of profitability, solvency and liquidity in order to know the evolution of the Spanish Banking System and the Santander Bank in Spain in the 2007-2017 period, and compare them with each other. To do this, I start writing about the main changes that the national banking sector has experienced (restructuring, Basel III agreement and Banking Union), and then I calculate the ratios of the six main Spanish Banks to analyze the variances between Santander Bank and the average of the bank sector in Spain, at the end the result is shownDepartamento de Economía Financiera y ContabilidadGrado en Finanzas, Banca y Seguro

    Metal modification by pulsed discharge in an electrolyte

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    Generalized invariant variational problems

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    In Lankford, B. A.; Mahoo, H. F. (Eds.). Proceedings of East Africa Integrated River Basin Management Conference, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania, 7 ? 9 March 2005. Theme five: water economics and livelihoods. Morogoro, Tanzania: Soil-Water Management Research Group, Sokoine University of AgricultureThe need to achieve efficient, equitable and sustainable use of water resources to meet water demands of different sectors is pressing, particularly in areas where water resources are dwindling. Along with this is the quest for a good understanding of the value of water in its different uses. Using the Change in Net Income method, this paper presents an assessment of the value of water in irrigated paddy and hydroelectric power (HEP) generation in the Great Ruaha (GR) Catchment in Tanzania. The average values of water for irrigated paddy were estimated at 0.01and0.04perm3forabstractedandconsumedwaterrespectively.ForHEP,thevalueswererelativelyhigher( 0.01 and 0.04 per m3 for abstracted and consumed water respectively. For HEP, the values were relatively higher ( 0.06-0.21 per m3 for gross and consumed water respectively). Yet irrigated paddy also contributes much: it supports the livelihoods of about 30,000 agrarian families in Usangu with average annual gross income of about US $ 911.90 per annum per family and the GR paddy contributes about 14-24% to national paddy production. Understanding these benefits is key to fostering informed debate on water management and allocation, identifying the base for making ?agreeable? trade-offs, the potential for improvement, and creating linkages with water allocation options

    Приборы газовой защиты подземных сооружений

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    Розглянуто проблеми створення приладів газового захисту підземних споруд. Описано особливості розробки, конструкції та експлуатації вітчизняного сигналізатора порогових концентрацій метану та оксиду вуглецю типу СМК.The considered problems of creation of gas defense devices for underground building. The features of development, construction and exploitation of the home signaling of threshold concentrations of metanou and carbon oxide of type SMK are described.Рассмотрены проблемы создания приборов газовой защиты подземных сооружений. Описаны особенности разработки, конструкции и эксплуатации отечественного сигнализатора пороговых концентраций метана и оксида углерода типа СМК


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    This article presents a retrospective analysis of infectious complications in the structure of morbidity and mortality of the patients underwent orthotopic heart transplantation. A significant role was assigned to the predisposing to in- fection factors. This study was based on the two years heart transplantation experience in the Republic of Belarus