17 research outputs found


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    Dalam kondisi normal baru yang diterapkan saat ini menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan sangat penting untuk meminimalisir penyebaran pandemi COVID-19, salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjaga lingkungan bersih yaitu membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Namun masalah yang terjadi saat ini penting menghindari sentuhan langsung dengan benda-benda yang dianggap kurang bersih, tutup tempat sampah merupakan satu diantara benda yang dihindari untuk disentuh secara langsung agar dapat meminimalisir dampak pandemi covid-19.Penelitian dilakukan untuk meminimalisir dampak pandemi COVID-19 dengan membuat tempat sampah otomatis memberi solusi dalam kondisi pandemi saat ini, pada rancang bangun tempat sampah otomatis dengan monitoring kapasitas sampah otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler arduino uno langkah awal yaitu menentukan komponen yang akan digunakan, membuat skema dari komponen yang ditentukan menggunakan Software Fritzing Portable, mendesain perangkat yang digunakan pada tempat sampah, pengetesan sensor jarak (Sensor HC-SR04) dengan arduino dan melihat pengaruhnya terhadap motor servo, pengetesan modul Wifi (modul ESP8266).Pada hasil akhir penelitian sensor jarak dapat mendeteksi target dengan radiaus maksimal 20cm, motor servo dapat bergerak 90⁰ pada saat sensor jarak mendeteksi target, modul Wifi (modul ESP8266) dapat mengirimkan notifikasi saat sampah penuh

    Development of empirical mode decomposition based neural network for power quality disturbances classification

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    The complexity of the electric power network causes a lot of distortion, such as a decrease in power quality (PQ) in the form of voltage variations, harmonics, and frequency fluctuations. Monitoring the distortion source is important to ensure the availability of clean and quality electric power. Therefore, this study aims to classify power quality using a neural network with empirical mode decomposition-based feature extraction. The proposed method consists of 2 main steps, namely feature extraction, and classification. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) was also applied to categorize the PQ disturbances into several intrinsic mode functions (IMF) components, which were extracted using statistical parameters and the Hilbert transformation. The statistical parameters consist of mean, root mean squared, range, standard deviation, kurtosis, crest factor, energy, and skewness, while the Hilbert transformation consists of instantaneous frequency and amplitude. The feature extraction results from both parameters were combined into a set of PQ disturbances and classified using Multi-Layer Feedforward Neural Networks (MLFNN). Training and testing were carried out on 3 feature datasets, namely statistical parameters, Hilbert transforms, and a combination of both as inputs from 3 different MLFNN architectures. The best results were obtained from the combined feature input on the network architecture with 2 layers of ten neurons, by 98.4 %, 97.75, and 97.4 % for precision, recall, and overall accuracy, respectively. The implemented method is used to classify PQ signals reliably for pure sinusoids, harmonics with sag and swell, as well as flicker with 100 % precisio


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    Emotions undoubtedly surface, which teachers face while resulting from the session. It is consistent with Hargreaves' view that teaching, learning, and leadership have an irrevocably emotional nature, whether on purpose or accidentally. The study seeks to evaluate an English teacher's experiences. According to Webster and Mertova (2007), narrative inquiry is based on human tales, which give a framework for investigating how people experience the world through their stories. Webster and Mertova state that narrative inquiry is a subfield of narrative research. The inquiry aimed to examine the emotional geography of team teaching lecturers in the English Language Education Department. A 33-year-old male English lecturer at a private University in Majalengka enhanced his professionalism by participating in several international and national conferences, which reflected the aspects of social and emotional well-being, such as presenting his article and having some discussions with other scholars. During the team teaching, the participants were given the opportunity and trust to do every single activity from the beginning to the end. His teaching partner treated him very well in implementing various programs within the team teaching. In brief, the emotional geographies contribute to developing a lecturer’s professional and cognitive aspects, which have been implemented during the instructional process. They also influence the way students learn and follow the lecturer’s instructions and potentially shape them to have a good attitude when interacting with each other

    Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Universitas Widyagama Malang Pada Usaha Peningkatan Industri Rumah Tangga Keripik Tempe Pemula

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    Tempe is one of Indonesia's traditional foods that has long been known. In various regions in Indonesia, there are many types of processed foods made from soybeans. However, there are various obstacles in conducting tempe chips business for beginners. The goal to be achieved in this program is first, to find a knife to cut tempe with thinner results, resulting in many slices of chips and more crispy. Second, the need to redesign the tempe chip wrapper package which is more interesting for buyers. Third, giving a more specific brand to make it easier for buyers to remember the product and the fourth is the need to produce a variety of flavours of tempe chips to reach a wider audience. The evaluation of the successful implementation of the community service program was carried out by making a questionnaire to the buyer to find out how much the tempe chip producer partners took the effect of the changes before and after some actions. The result is that making a larger knife can produce thinner slices. The packaging design has been modified and the trademark has been given a clear name, Aulia. For flavour variants, many buyers choose the original taste of tempe chips.ABSTRAKTempe merupakan salah satu makanan khas Indonesia yang sudah lama dikenal. Di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, banyak sekali jenis olahan makanan berbahan dasar kedelai. Walau bagaimanapun terdapat berbagai kendala dalam melaksanakan bisnis kripik tempe bagi pemula. Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam program kali ini adalah pertama, mencari pisau untuk memotong tempe dengan hasil yang lebih tipis, sehingga menghasilkan jumlah irisan kripik yang lebih banyak dan lebih renyah. Kedua, perlunya mendesain ulang kemasan bungkus kripik tempe yang lebih menarik para pembeli. Ketiga, pemberian merk yang lebih spesifik untuk memudahkan pembeli mengingat produk dan yang keempat perlunya menghasilkan berbagai varian rasa kripik tempe dengan untuk menjangkau pembeli yang lebih luas. Penilaian keberhasilan pelaksanaan program pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan pembuatan kuisioner kepada pembeli untuk mengetahui seberapa besar efek perubahan sebelum dan setelah dilakukan beberapa tindakan oleh mitra produsen kripik tempe. Hasilnya adalah dengan membuat pisau yang lebih besar dapat menghasilkan irisan lebih tipis. Desain bungkus telah dimodifikasi dan merk dagang telah diberi nama yang jelas yaitu Aulia. Untuk varian rasa banyak pembeli memilih rasa original kripik tempe. Kata kunci : kripik tempe; kedelai; bisnis; usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM)


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    Desa Sindanghaji terletak di kabupaten Majalengka dengan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang masih menjadi perhatian kepada Masyarakat yang berupaya untuk meningkatkan motivasi pendidikan melalui membaca. Kampung Literasi merupakan kawasan kampung yang digunakan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang luas. Kegiatan pengembangan Kampung Literasi di Desa Sindanghaji Kabupaten Majalengka melakukan serangkaian sosialisasi dan pengembangan 6 literasi dasar bagi masyarakat umum dengan mengambangkan pusat belajar dan taman baca masyarakat. Upaya penting yang dilakukan sebagai langkah awal untuk membangun Kampung Literasi di Desa Sindanghaji secara fisik adalah membangun pojok baca disetiap dusun untuk mendekatkan bahan bacaan kepada masyarakat. Tulisan ini akan menggambarkan tentang usaha yang dilakukan dalam membangun Kampung Literasi tersebut. Dalam kegiatan ini, masyarakat diberikan sosialisasi tentang Kampung Literasi dalam meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat di Taman Baca Masyarakat Nurul Huda Desa Sindanghaji Kecamatan Palasah Majalengka. Metode pelaksanaan program ini menggunakan pendekatan diskusi dan pelatihan secara luring dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan. Dengan program ini, diharapkan dengan kegiatan ini kampung literasi memiliki motivasi berpendidikan tinggi dan memiliki akses kepada buku dan sumber pengetahuan lainnya untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang memiliki minat dan budaya baca

    Nurse Trend in Writing Objectives and Outcome Criteria of Nursing Diagnosis in Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis at The Government Hospital in Salatiga Indonesia

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    Background. Writing nursing goals and outcome criteria found in nursing care documentation was very varied and not appropriately, it needs to be explored more deeply about the phenomenon. The Study objective was to determine the writing of nursing goals and the outcome criteria for nursing diagnoses. Methods. Research design was qualitative research with a direct observation approach. Data was taken in the MDR TB ward, samples were 100 documentation of pulmonary TB patients. Sampling technique was nonprobability sampling. Result. The goal of nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance was airway clearance effectively again, the problem was resolved, the patient's airway returned to normal and coughing the patient returns to normal, etc. The goal of nursing diagnosis of ineffective breathing patterns was effective breathing patterns, ineffective breathing patterns resolved, etc. The outcome criteria of nursing diagnosis ineffective airway clearence was negative cough, normal respiratory rate, normal vital signs, negative sputum, shortness of breath, coughing resolved, comfortable patients, patients can demonstrate coughing effectively, sputum can come out, breath was relieved, sputum can come out, etc. The outcome criteria for nursing diagnosis ineffective breathing patterns are normal respiratory rate, normal vital signs, respiratory rate was 20 x/minute, it was not weakness, It was not nausea, etc. Recomendation. Nurses are advised to be given trainings, sosialisation, or workshops related to the goals and outcome criteria of nursing diagnoses, and are expected to use NANDA and NIC-NOC references

    Diagnosa Keperawatan Yang Sering Ditegakkan Perawat Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Di Rumah Sakit

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    Tuberculosis is one of the biggest health problems in the world. This disease is also the highest cause of death and morbidity in developing countries, such as Indonesia. Most nurses do not carry out treatment plans for pulmonary tuberculosis patients because there is no standard structure even though there are guidelines for nursing management of pulmonary TB patients. The purpose of this study was to determine nursing diagnoses that are often enforced by nurses in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The study was conducted in the inpatient hospital. This study used descriptive observational and descriptive explorative approaches. The samples were the documentation of the TB patients by using nonprobability sampling, namely purposive sampling saturation. Data analysis used univariate analysis with frequency distribution. The results of the study show that the formulation of nursing diagnosis is ineffective airway clearance(52%), the writing of 1 (one) diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance into 13 different diagnostic names. The nurse wrote the diagnosis of ineffective breathing patterns into 7 forms of diagnosis. Nurses also wrote diagnosis of acute pain into 5 forms of nursing diagnosis, and hyperthermy diagnosis into 2 forms of nursing diagnosis. The research recommendation is that hospital management is expected to improve nurses' skills in writing the latest nursing diagnoses, monitoring and evaluating both qualitatively and quantitatively  in the writing of nursing diagnoses, applying the latest standards of nursing diagnoses. Nurses are expected to apply the latest nursing diagnoses in accordance with the use of NANDA

    Gambaran Implementasi Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan oleh Perawat di RSUD R.A. Kartini Kabupaten Jepara

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    Introduction: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) implementation is not optimal. There is no evaluation regarding CPD implementation by nurses in RSUD R.A. Kartini, Jepara Regency. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of PKB by nurses in RSUD R.A. Kartini, Jepara Regency.Methods: This study used quantitative research design using descriptive studies. The sampling technique used simple random sampling with 169 respondents. Data collection used a questionnaire containing 55 question items from Indonesian National Nurses Association.Results: Description of CPD by nurses at R.A. Kartini Hospital in Jepara Regency are as follows: professional practice activities (100%), scientific activities (94.67%), scientific development activities (26.62%), and community service activities (71%).  Conclusion: Based on the research results, nurses should optimize themselves in various aspects of the form of CPD activities so that it can fulfill the achievement of 25 credits in five years while increasing the self-development of nurses

    Kesulitan Berbicara Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

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    The primary skill that shows language ability is the ability to speak English. On the other hand, most students have difficulty speaking. Therefore, this research aims to find the problems students experience when learning English, especially regarding speaking skills. English speaking skills are increasingly important in the current era of globalization. However, students in elementary school often need help with speaking English well. A crucial first step to overcoming English learning problems in elementary schools is understanding and analyzing the difficulties students face in speaking skills. Elementary school students in one of the Majalengka areas need help speaking English. One of them is the need to have greater self-confidence when speaking. Language and psychological factors can influence students' difficulties when speaking English. This research uses qualitative research using observations and interviews in elementary schools. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that five factors are responsible for students' difficulties in speaking English. They include lack of vocabulary, poor pronunciation and pronunciation, lack of friends or peers to talk to, lack of self-confidence, and class atmosphere. This research found that building students' self-confidence and providing organized activities is essential, especially in elementary schools

    Students’ Strategies In Overcoming Translating Barrier

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    The process of translation is not as easy as it seems. In fact, it is much harder. The translation result must fulfill certain criteria namely accuracy, acceptability, and readability. During the process of translation, the translator surely encounters some difficulties or barrier. Therefore, this study aimed to find out the students’ strategies in overcoming the translation difficulties. The method of the research was a descriptive case-study. The subject of the research was 10 students of English Education Department at Universitas Majalengka. The data was collected from the translation test, questionnaire, and interview. Most of the data analysis of this research was conveyed in non-statistical analysis. However, the researcher provided data to see the percentage and frequencies to support the research. The results showed that the students encounter difficulties in 1) translating words that are not in dictionary; 2) translating ambiguous words; 3) translating long sentences; 4) translating phrases; 5) translating complex sentence; and 6) translating idioms. In translating idioms, 50% used literal translation, 30% used discursive creation, and 20% used established equivalence. In translating ambiguous words, 90% used modulation, and 10 % used literal translation. In translating phrases, 40% used reduction, 20% used discursive creation, 10% used established equivalence, and 30% used generalization