181 research outputs found

    On-Offer and Residual Forage in a Massai-\u3cem\u3eLeucaena\u3c/em\u3e Pasture at Different Leucaena Density

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    Mexican livestock producers in tropical areas are increasingly interested on the establishment of silvopastoral systems based on Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) and different tropical grasses as the Massai grass (Panicum maximum cv Massai); among questions raised on this is the importance of Leucaena density in relation to forage available. Then the objective of the study was to determine total and by species on-offer and residual forage in a grazed MassaiLeucaena pasture with different Leucaena density

    Paraliochthonius cavalensis, nueva especie cavernícola de Madeira (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae)

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    Se han recolectado dos especies de pseudoescorpiones durante un año de prospección en cuevas de la localidad de Machico, Isla de Madeira. Se describe el nuevo taxón Paraliochthonius cavalensis sp. n. , que representa el primer pseudoscorpión troglobio para el archipiélago de Madeira. Se discute la relación de la fauna de pseudoescorpio nes del archipiélago de Madeira con la de las islas Canarias, mucho mejor conocida, y se sugiere la presencia de algunos géneros, aún no citados, para Madeirain the area of Machico town, Madeira island. The new taxon Paraliochthonius cavalensis n. sp. is described, which represents the first troglobitic pseudoscorpion for the Madeira archipelago. Relationship of the pseudoscorpion fauna from Madeira with the much better known from the Canarian islands is discussed and the presence of some genera not yet reported for Madeira is suggested.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vegetation pattern modulates ground arthropod diversity in semi-arid Mediterranean steppes

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    The ecological functioning of dryland ecosystems is closely related to the spatial pattern of the vegetation, which is typically structured in patches. Ground arthropods mediate key soil functions and ecological processes, yet little is known about the influence of dryland vegetation pattern on their abundance and diversity. Here, we investigate how patch size and cover, and distance between patches relate to the abundance and diversity of meso-and microarthropods in semi-arid steppes. We found that species richness and abundance of ground arthropods exponentially increase with vegetation cover, patch size, and patch closeness. The communities under vegetation patches mainly respond to patch size, while the communities in the bare-soil interpatches are mostly controlled by the average distance between patches, independently of the concurrent changes in vegetation cover. Large patches seem to play a critical role as reserve and source of ground arthropod diversity. Our results suggest that decreasing vegetation cover and/or changes in vegetation pattern towards small and over-dispersed vegetation patches can fast lead to a significant loss of ground arthropods diversity in drylands

    Cryptococcus neoformans Capsular Enlargement and Cellular Gigantism during Galleria mellonella Infection

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    We have studied infection of Cryptococcus neoformans in the non-vertebrate host Galleria mellonella with particular interest in the morphological response of the yeast. Inoculation of C. neoformans in caterpillars induced a capsule-independent increase in haemocyte density 2 h after infection. C. neoformans manifested a significant increase in capsule size after inoculation into the caterpillar. The magnitude of capsule increase depended on the temperature, being more pronounced at 37°C than at 30°C, which correlated with an increased virulence of the fungus and reduced phagocytosis at 37°C. Capsule enlargement impaired phagocytosis by haemocytes. Incubation of the yeast in G. mellonella extracts also resulted in capsule enlargement, with the polar lipidic fraction having a prominent role in this effect. During infection, the capsule decreased in permeability. A low proportion of the cells (<5%) recovered from caterpillars measured more than 30 µm and were considered giant cells. Giant cells recovered from mice were able to kill the caterpillars in a manner similar to regular cells obtained from in vivo or grown in vitro, establishing their capacity to cause disease. Our results indicate that the morphological transitions exhibited by C. neoformans in mammals also occur in a non-vertebrate host system. The similarities in morphological transitions observed in different animal hosts and in their triggers are consistent with the hypothesis that the cell body and capsular responses represent an adaptation of environmental survival strategies to pathogenesis

    Determinants of reef fish assemblages in tropical Oceanic islands

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    Diversity patterns are determined by biogeographic, energetic, and anthropogenic factors, yet few studies have combined them into a large‐scale framework in order to decouple and compare their relative effects on fish faunas. Using an empirical dataset derived from 1527 underwater visual censuses (UVC) at 18 oceanic islands (five different marine provinces), we determined the relative influence of such factors on reef fish species richness, functional dispersion, density and biomass estimated from each UVC unit. Species richness presented low variation but was high at large island sites. High functional dispersion, density, and biomass were found at islands with large local species pool and distance from nearest reef. Primary productivity positively affected fish richness, density and biomass confirming that more productive areas support larger populations, and higher biomass and richness on oceanic islands. Islands densely populated by humans had lower fish species richness and biomass reflecting anthropogenic effects. Species richness, functional dispersion, and biomass were positively related to distance from the mainland. Overall, species richness and fish density were mainly influenced by biogeographical and energetic factors, whereas functional dispersion and biomass were strongly influenced by anthropogenic factors. Our results extend previous hypotheses for different assemblage metrics estimated from empirical data and confirm the negative impact of humans on fish assemblages, highlighting the need for conservation of oceanic islands.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR

    Validation of score in mna scale like nutritional risk factor in institutionalized geriatric patients with moderate and severe cognitive impairment

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    Introducción: La valoración geriátrica integral incluye el examen del apartado nutricional debido a la alta prevalencia de desnutrición en este tipo de pacientes; especialmente en los pacientes con deterioro cognitivo asociado. Las escalas de cribado del estado nutricional presentan preguntas de autopercepción subjetiva de difícil respuesta en pacientes mayores con demencia. Objetivo: Estudiar la especificidad, el valor predictivo positivo y la sensibilidad de la escala MNA para la detección de malnutrición en pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad de Alzheimer con deterioro cognitivo avanzado. Material y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo poblacional con una muestra de 52 pacientes mayores de 70 años, institucionalizados, con enfermedad de Alzheimer grado moderado y severo. Se estudió la sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo positivo de la escala MNA respecto a los parámetros de malnutrición del American Institute of Nutrition (AIN). Resultados: Los valores de sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo positivo son 60%, 94,7% y 93,8% respectivamente. Existe una correlación significativa (p < 0,001) ente la puntuación obtenida en la escala MNA y la escala de riesgo de caídas Tinneti (r = 0,577), de función Barthel (r = 0,742), de valoración cognitiva MEC (r = 0,651) y los niveles de creatinina (r = 0,402). Más del 50% de la muestra presentó al menos un parámetro de malnutrición AIN alterado. Conclusiones: La escala MNA presenta una menor sensibilidad y especificidad en estos pacientes. El diseño de una escala de valoración nutricional sin valoraciones subjetivas y sólo con parámetros objetivos podría mejorar la eficacia de la misma en ancianos institucionalizados con deterioro cognitivo moderado y severo.Introduction: comprehensive geriatric assessment includes examination of the nutritional status given the high prevalence of hyponutrition in this kind of patients, particularly in patients with associated cognitive impairment. Scales for screening the nutritional status include questions on self-perception difficult to answer by demented elder patients. Objective: To study the specificity, the positive predictive value, and the sensitivity of the MNA scale to detect malnutrition in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease with advanced cognitive impairment. Material and methods: a population-based descriptive study with a sample of 52 patients older than 70 years, institutionalized, and with moderate-severe Alzheimer’s disease was designed. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of MNA scale were studied regarding the parameters on malnutrition of the American Institute of Nutrition (AIN). Results: the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values were 60%, 94.7%, and 93.8%, respectively. There was a significant correlation (p < 0.001) between the score obtained with the MNA Scale and the Tinneti’s Risk of Fall Scale (r = 0.577), the Barthel’s function (r = 0.742), the MCT cognitive assessment (r = 0.651), and creatinine levels (r = 0.402). More than 50% of the sample presented at least one malnutrition parameter altered. Conclusions: the MNA Scale presents lower sensitivity and specificity in these patients. Designing a nutritional assessment scale without subjective evaluations and only with objective parameters might improve its efficiency in institutionalized elderly patients with moderate-severe cognitive impairment.Nutrición humana y dietétic

    Effects of Native Banana Starch Supplementation on Body Weight and Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Type 2 Diabetics

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    Few fiber supplements have been studied for physiological effectiveness. The effects of native banana starch (NBS) and soy milk (control) on body weight and insulin sensitivity in obese type 2 diabetics were compared using a blind within-subject crossover design. Subjects undertook two phases of 4-week supplementation either with NBS or soy milk. Patients on NBS lost more body weight than when they were on control treatment. Plasma insulin and HOMA-I were reduced after NBS consumption, compared with baseline levels, but not significantly when compared to the control treatment. Results support the use of NBS as part of dietary fiber supplementation

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells Predict Cardiovascular Events after Atherothrombotic Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction. A PROCELL Substudy.

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine prognostic factors for the risk of new vascular events during the first 6 months after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or atherothrombotic stroke (AS). We were interested in the prognostic role of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and circulating endothelial cells (CEC). Methods: Between February 2009 and July 2012, 100 AMI and 50 AS patients were consecutively studied in three Spanish centres. Patients with previously documented coronary artery disease or ischemic strokes were excluded. Samples were collected within 24h of onset of symptoms. EPC and CEC were studied using flow cytometry and categorized by quartiles. Patients were followed for up to 6 months. NVE was defined as new acute coronary syndrome, transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke, or any hospitalization or death from cardiovascular causes. The variables included in the analysis included: vascular risk factors, carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), atherosclerotic burden and basal EPC and CEC count. Multivariate survival analysis was performed using Cox regression analysis. Results: During follow-up, 19 patients (12.66%) had a new vascular event (5 strokes; 3 TIAs; 4 AMI; 6 hospitalizations; 1 death). Vascular events were associated with age (P = 0.039), carotid IMT≥0.9 (P = 0.044), and EPC count (P = 0.041) in the univariate analysis. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed an independent association with EPC in the lowest quartile (HR: 10.33, 95%CI (1.22-87.34), P = 0.032] and IMT≥0.9 [HR: 4.12, 95%CI (1.21-13.95), P = 0.023]. Conclusions: Basal EPC and IMT≥0.9 can predict future vascular events in patients with AMI and AS, but CEC count does not affect cardiovascular risk

    State of emergency medicine in Spain

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    Spain has universal public health care coverage. Emergency care provisions are offered to patients in different modalities and levels according to the characteristics of the medical complaint: at primary care centers (PCC), in an extrahospital setting by emergency medical services (EMS) and at hospital emergency departments (ED). We have more than 3,000 PCCs, which are run by family doctors (general practitioners) and pediatricians. On average, there is 1 PCC for every 15,000 to 20,000 inhabitants, and every family doctor is in charge of 1,500 to 2,000 citizens, although less populated zones tend to have lower ratios. Doctors spend part of their duty time in providing emergency care to their own patients. While not fully devoted to emergency medicine (EM) practice, they do manage minor emergencies. However, Spanish EMSs contribute hugely to guarantee population coverage in all situations. These EMS are run by EM technicians (EMT), nurses and doctors, who usually work exclusively in the emergency arena. EDs dealt with more than 25 million consultations in 2008, which implies, on average, that one out of two Spaniards visited an ED during this time. They are usually equipped with a wide range of diagnostic tools, most including ultrasonography and computerized tomography scans. The academic and training background of doctors working in the ED varies: nearly half lack any structured specialty residence training, but many have done specific master or postgraduate studies within the EM field. The demand for emergency care has grown at an annual rate of over 4% during the last decade. This percentage, which was greater than the 2% population increase during the same period, has outpaced the growth in ED capacity. Therefore, Spanish EDs become overcrowded when the system exerts minimal stress. Despite the high EM caseload and the potential severity of the conditions, training in EM is still unregulated in Spain. However, in April 2009 the Spanish Minister of Health announced the imminent approval of an EM specialty, allowing the first EM resident to officially start in 2011. Spanish emergency physicians look forward to the final approval, which will complete the modernization of emergency health care provision in Spain