14 research outputs found


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    Rumah sakit berperan sebagai sarana pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan. Salah satunya untuk menjaga mutu pelayanan dengan menjalankan rekam medis dengan baik dan benar yaitu dengan mengisi rekam medis dengan lengkap dan akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meninjau kelengkapan isi pencatatan medis berkas rekam medis yang ada di pelayanan rawat inap dengan mereview lembar resume medis pasien yang telah pulang setelah perawatan rawat inap dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional secara deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUD Cililin dan waktu penelitian dilakukan pada bulan juni sampai dengan bulan juli 2021. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 2 orang. Sampel terdiri dari 1 petugas assembling yang meninjau langsung berkas pasien rawat inap yang diberikan setelah hari perawatan telah selesai dan 1 orang kepala rekam medis guna memonitoring pelaksanaan assembling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara analisis kualitatif berkas resume medis pasien rawat inap yang telah pulang dengan menggunakan Teknik random sampling untuk pengambilan data penelitian. Dalam pelaksanaan rekam medis di RSUD Cililin masih banyak ditemukannya formulir resume medis yang pengisiannya tidaklengkap, masih banyak DPJP yang tidak mematuhi Standar Prosedur Operasional maupun peraturan menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan pengisian rekam medis belum mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku baik dari Standar Prosedur Operasional rumah sakit maupun peraturan Menteri kesehatan. Disarankan bagi Dokter Penanggung Jawab Pelayanan, perawat untuk selalu mematuhi undang-undang yang berlaku tentang pengisian rekam medis khususnya resume medis

    The rights of illegitimate children in Malaysia from the perspectives of civil and Islamic laws / Muhammad Asnawi Mohamad Rais … [et al.]

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    This research aims to look at the rights of illegitimate children in Malaysia from the perspective of both civil and Islamic laws. Illegitimate children are children who were conceived during unlawful unions and are generally deprived of their rights to live as ordinary children. Hence, this research focuses on establishing a Legitimacy Act for illegitimate children. At present, the welfare of the illegitimate children is under the concern of the National Registration Department (JPN) and the Department of Social Welfare Malaysia (JKM) concerning the status of illegitimate children being legalized by way of adoption. From the research it is found out that the rights of the illegitimate children are guaranteed by the Welfare Department by focusing on the interest and benefits of the children. However, there is no specific department to collect statistics and to update on the number of illegitimate children in Malaysia. This makes it difficult for the Welfare Department to locate and protect these children. For that reason, we would like to promote laws which govern both Muslim and non Muslim illegitimate children where the main focal point is to ensure they get equal rights to legitimate children. Therefore, in conclusion, the rights of illegitimate children should be protected by way of a single law governing protection for them. The measure is to ensure that they have the opportunity to live and lead a normal life without having to bear humiliation and disgrace by the society

    Design and Implementation of Lab Scale Automated Solar Powered Irrigation and Fertigation System

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    In Brunei, natural oil and gas contributes to about 99% in the generation of electricity and about 88% to the country revenue. Since Brunei is heavily dependent on a non-renewable energy, potential exhaustion of oil and gas reserves pose a challenge to the country, especially with continuous increase of energy consumption in order to meet the population demand. Additionally, Brunei has ambition to improve its agriculture sector. Implementations of PV systems in local agricultural sectors can also help improving the country revenue by increasing yield and reducing costs from electricity consumption. In this paper, we present design and practical implementation of fully automated solar powered irrigation and fertigation system. Ultrasonic sensors and moisture sensors are used to detect the state of the tank and the soil. The whole system is controlled with a microcontroller and a wireless monitoring system with mobile application is designed. The operation of the system was tested and the performance was acceptable

    The mechanistic role of active site residues in non-stereo haloacid dehalogenase E(DehE)

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    Dehalogenase E (DehE) is a non-stereospecific enzyme produced by the soil bacterium, Rhizobium sp. RC1. Till now, the catalytic mechanism of DehE remains unclear although several literature concerning its structure and function are available. Since DehE is non-stereospecific, the enzyme was hypothesized to follow a ‘direct attack mechanism’ for the catalytic breakdown of a haloacid. For a molecular insight, the DehE modelled structure was docked in silico with the substrate 2-chloropropionic acid (2CP) in the active site. The ideal position of DehE residues that allowed a direct attack mechanism was then assessed via molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. It was revealed that the essential catalytic water was hydrogen bonded to the ‘water-bearer’, Asn114, at a relatively constant distance of ~2.0 Å after 50 ns. The same water molecule was also closely sited to the catalytic Asp189 at an average distance of ~2.0 Å, signifying the imperative role of the latter to initiate proton abstraction for water activation. This reaction was crucial to promote a direct attack on the a-carbon of 2CP to eject the halide ion. The water molecule was oriented favourably towards the a-carbon of 2CP at an angle of ~75�, mirrored by the formation of stable enzyme-substrate orientations throughout the simulation. The data therefore substantiated that the degradation of a haloacid by DehE followed a ‘direct attack mechanism’. Hence, this study offers valuable information into future advancements in the engineering of haloacid dehalogenases with improved activity and selectivity, as well as functionality in solvents other than water

    The mechanistic role of active site residues in non-stereo haloacid dehalogenase E(DehE)

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    Dehalogenase E (DehE) is a non-stereospecific enzyme produced by the soil bacterium, Rhizobium sp. RC1. Till now, the catalytic mechanism of DehE remains unclear although several literature concerning its structure and function are available. Since DehE is non-stereospecific, the enzyme was hypothesized to follow a ‘direct attack mechanism’ for the catalytic breakdown of a haloacid. For a molecular insight, the DehE modelled structure was docked in silico with the substrate 2-chloropropionic acid (2CP) in the active site. The ideal position of DehE residues that allowed a direct attack mechanism was then assessed via molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. It was revealed that the essential catalytic water was hydrogen bonded to the ‘water-bearer’, Asn114, at a relatively constant distance of ~2.0 Å after 50 ns. The same water molecule was also closely sited to the catalytic Asp189 at an average distance of ~2.0 Å, signifying the imperative role of the latter to initiate proton abstraction for water activation. This reaction was crucial to promote a direct attack on the a-carbon of 2CP to eject the halide ion. The water molecule was oriented favourably towards the a-carbon of 2CP at an angle of ~75�, mirrored by the formation of stable enzyme-substrate orientations throughout the simulation. The data therefore substantiated that the degradation of a haloacid by DehE followed a ‘direct attack mechanism’. Hence, this study offers valuable information into future advancements in the engineering of haloacid dehalogenases with improved activity and selectivity, as well as functionality in solvents other than water

    Adsorption of anionic surfactant on surface of reservoir minerals in alkaline-surfactant-polymer system

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    Alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flooding is significant to the oil and gas industry due to synergistic interaction between alkaline, surfactant and polymer. However, chemical losses due to adsorptions of surfactant and polymer on the rock surface could lead to inefficiency of the process. There are also significant uncertainties on adsorption mechanism when surfactant is flooded with presence of alkaline and polymer. This study highlights the static adsorption tests using anionic sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), hydrolysed polyacrylamide (HPAM) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) as the surfactant, polymer and alkaline, respectively. Sand particles and kaolinite clay were used as the reservoir minerals. The adsorption tests were conducted at various surfactant concentrations ranging from 50 to 2000 ppm. Sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration was investigated from 0 to 2 wt.%, while the local sand and kaolinite was mixed in surfactant solution at a fixed mass to volume ratio of 1:5. The static adsorption test was conducted by shaking the mixture samples and centrifugation before analysing the supernatant liquid using UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The results showed that the surfactant adsorption was higher on kaolinite compared to sand particle. The higher the salinity, the higher the adsorption of surfactant due to higher ionic strength. The adsorption of SDS surfactant on sand particles and kaolinite was lesser in ASP system compared to the presence of surfactant solution alone. Thus, it can be concluded that the presence of polymer and alkaline in ASP solution have great potential to reduce the surfactant adsorption on both sand particle and kaolinite

    Development and validation of meaningful hybrid e-training model for computer education

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    Meaningful hybrid e-training experience provides a coherent purpose for strategic educational change through lifelong education and the creation of a knowledge society. A close examination of new hybrid e-training programs however, has indicated a critical gap between rapidly developing technology and sound pedagogical models to determine program quality. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop, generate, test and validate a 2 stage model for a new meaningful hybrid e-training program. The early framework of the model guided development of a questionnaire to measure meaningfulness of a hybrid e-training. Data collected from 213 ICT trainers were tested with confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS 7.0 to obtain three best-fit measurement models from the three latent variables. Overall reliability analyses using Cronbach’s Alpha, items and persons reliability using the Rasch Model and content validation by experts suggested that the questionnaire is reliable and valid to measure a meaningful hybrid e-training program. Subsequently, the structural equation modeling was applied to test the hypotheses. The results showed that there is a positive strong relationship between hybrid e-training and meaningful e-training; a positive weak relationship between learning style preference and hybrid e-training and a negative relationship between learning style preference and meaningful learning. In brief the study showed a substantial effect of hybrid e-training towards achieving meaningful learning. As such, future training regarding the use of hybrid e-training should include all five components of a meaningful hybrid e-training instead of merely focusing on content. With results showing weak relationship between learning style and hybrid etraining and negative relationship between learning style and meaningful e-training, instructional media designers and developers should now focus on integrating all five etraining components to ensure meaningful learning. It would be interesting to further investigate as to whether or not learning style is a mediating or a moderating factor towards achieving meaningful learning via the use of hybrid e-training programs as modeled in the final results

    Meaningful hybrid e-training model for web-based computer education

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    The main purpose of this study was to develop a model for meaningful hybrid e-training. Data collected from 213 ICT trainers were tested with confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS 7.0 to obtain two best-fit measurement models for the two latent variables. Overall reliability using Alpha-Cronbach test, items and persons reliability using the Rasch Model and content validation by experts suggested that the questionnaire is reliable and valid to measure a meaningful hybrid e-training program. The results showed that there is a positive strong relationship between hybrid e-training and meaningful e training. In brief the study showed a substantial effect of hybrid e-training towards achieving meaningful learning. In conclusion, the study suggested that, future training regarding the use of hybrid e-training should include all five components of a meaningful hybrid e-training instead of merely focusing on content

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Eco-Friendly Coagulant versus Industrially Used Coagulants: Identification of Their Coagulation Performance, Mechanism and Optimization in Water Treatment Process

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    The evaluation of complex organic and inorganic coagulant’s performances and their relationships could compromise the surface water treatment process time and its efficiency. In this work, process optimization was investigated by comparing an eco-friendly chitosan with the industrially used coagulants namely aluminum sulfate (alum), polyaluminum chloride (PAC), and aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) in compliance with national drinking water standards. To treat various water samples from different treatment plants with turbidity and pH ranges from 20–826.3 NTU and 5.21–6.80, respectively, 5–20 mg/L coagulant dosages were varied in the presence of aluminum, ferum, and manganese. Among all, 10 mg/L of the respective ACH and chitosan demonstrated 97% and 99% turbidity removal in addition to the removal of the metals that complies with the referred standard. However, chitosan owes fewer sensitive responses (turbidity and residual metal) with the change in its input factors (dosage and pH), especially in acidic conditions. This finding suggested its beneficial role to be used under the non-critical dosage monitoring. Meanwhile, ACH was found to perform better than chitosan only at pH > 7.4 with half dosage required. In summary, chitosan and ACH could perform equally at a different set of optimum conditions. This optimization study offers precise selections of coagulants for a practical water treatment operation