34 research outputs found

    Editorial Note

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    I am pleased to introduce the Issue 1 of volume 2 of International Journal of Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (IJAAIML). The journal established recently published its first volume at the end of 2020 and now, according to the scheduled, it is publishing this first issue of the second volume. Although, it is just the beginning, this journal aspires to be a relevant, accessible, integrative and challenging journal. It is important to highlight that all articles of this journal are included in Research Lake journals. That it is, they are completely open access, published under the terms of a Creative Commons license

    Learning Programming by applied activities: an example with topics of Operating Systems

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    Cuando un maestro está preparando una colección de ejercicios, sería deseable una conexión entre la materia y el contexto del grado. Sin embargo, encontrar ejemplos prácticos de los temas de la asignatura con aplicación a otras asignaturas suele ser difícil. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta para practicar simultáneamente conceptos de programación de computadoras y sistemas operativos que enfrentan a los estudiantes a un problema real. De esta manera los estudiantes están más motivados y aumentan sus probabilidades de éxito. Entre los temas sobre sistemas operativos, se ha elegido la programación de procesos como práctica para la asignatura de programación. En términos generales, un programador administra qué proceso se ejecutará en un momento determinado. Algunas de las estrategias utilizadas para realizar esta gestión emplean estructuras FIFO o LIFO, que son contenidos típicos de la programación de computadoras. De este modo, el desarrollo y la implementación de un planificador permitirán a los estudiantes aplicar y reforzar estos conceptos. La propuesta puede ser interesante para los profesores de Programación, Estructuras de Datos y Sistemas Operativos en una grado en informática.When a teacher is preparing a collection of exercises, a connection between the subject and the context of the degree would be desirable. Nevertheless, finding practical examples of the topics of the subject with application to other subjects is occasionally difficult. This work presents a practical proposal for simultaneously practicing concepts of computer programming and operating systems which faces the students to a real problem. In this way the students are more motivated increasing their success probabilities. Among the topics of operating systems, process scheduling has been chosen for practice is computer programming. In general terms, a scheduler manages which process will be executed in a certain moment. Some of the strategies used to perform this management employ FIFO or LIFO structures, which are typical contents of computer programming. Thereby, the development and implementation of a scheduler would allow students applying and reinforcing these concepts. The proposal may be interesting for teachers of Programming, Data Structures and Operating Systems in a Computer Science degree.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadore

    Speeding Up Evolutionary Learning Algorithms using GPUs

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    This paper propose a multithreaded Genetic Programming classi cation evaluation model using NVIDIA CUDA GPUs to reduce the computational time due to the poor perfor- mance in large problems. Two di erent clas- si cation algorithms are benchmarked using UCI Machine Learning data sets. Experi- mental results compare the performance us- ing single and multithreaded Java, C and GPU code and show the e ciency far better obtained by our proposal

    Speeding up Multiple Instance Learning Classification Rules on GPUs

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    Multiple instance learning is a challenging task in supervised learning and data mining. How- ever, algorithm performance becomes slow when learning from large-scale and high-dimensional data sets. Graphics processing units (GPUs) are being used for reducing computing time of algorithms. This paper presents an implementation of the G3P-MI algorithm on GPUs for solving multiple instance problems using classification rules. The GPU model proposed is distributable to multiple GPUs, seeking for its scal- ability across large-scale and high-dimensional data sets. The proposal is compared to the multi-threaded CPU algorithm with SSE parallelism over a series of data sets. Experimental results report that the com- putation time can be significantly reduced and its scalability improved. Specifically, an speedup of up to 149× can be achieved over the multi-threaded CPU algorithm when using four GPUs, and the rules interpreter achieves great efficiency and runs over 108 billion Genetic Programming operations per second

    Parallel evaluation of Pittsburgh rule-based classifiers on GPUs

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    Individuals from Pittsburgh rule-based classifiers represent a complete solution to the classification problem and each individual is a variable-length set of rules. Therefore, these systems usually demand a high level of computational resources and run-time, which increases as the complexity and the size of the data sets. It is known that this computational cost is mainly due to the recurring evaluation process of the rules and the individuals as rule sets. In this paper we propose a parallel evaluation model of rules and rule sets on GPUs based on the NVIDIA CUDA programming model which significantly allows reducing the run-time and speeding up the algorithm. The results obtained from the experimental study support the great efficiency and high performance of the GPU model, which is scalable to multiple GPU devices. The GPU model achieves a rule interpreter performance of up to 64 billion operations per second and the evaluation of the individuals is speeded up of up to 3.461× when compared to the CPU model. This provides a significant advantage of the GPU model, especially addressing large and complex problems within reasonable time, where the CPU run-time is not acceptabl

    Propuesta metodológica para la adaptación a las TICs de una asignatura dentro del marco del EEES

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    Este trabajo presenta una experiencia piloto para la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior de la asignatura Metodología y Tecnología de la Programación impartida en las titulaciones de I.T. Informática de Sistemas e I.T. Informática de Gestión de la Universidad de Córdoba. Para ello, se analizan el concepto de crédito europeo y la legislación vigente. Además, se presenta el proceso de virtualización de la asignatura orientada hacia el cumplimiento del contrato-programa para la financiación de las universidades andaluzas. Se describe cómo ha sido plasmada la metodología docente mediante la utilización de actividades y recursos de la plataforma Moodle, utilizada por el Aula Virtual de la Universidad de Córdoba como plataforma web de apoyo a la docencia.Peer Reviewe

    Assignments as Influential Factor to Improve the Prediction of Student Performance in Online Courses

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    Studies on the prediction of student success in distance learning have explored mainly demographics factors and student interactions with the virtual learning environments. However, it is remarkable that a very limited number of studies use information about the assignments submitted by students as influential factor to predict their academic achievement. This paper aims to explore the real importance of assignment information for solving students’ performance prediction in distance learning and evaluate the beneficial effect of including this information. We investigate and compare this factor and its potential from two information representation approaches: the traditional representation based on single instances and a more flexible representation based on Multiple Instance Learning (MIL), focus on handle weakly labeled data. A comparative study is carried out using the Open University Learning Analytics dataset, one of the most important public datasets in education provided by one of the greatest online universities of United Kingdom. The study includes a wide set of different types of machine learning algorithms addressed from the two data representation commented, showing that algorithms using only information about assignments with a representation based on MIL can outperform more than 20% the accuracy with respect to a representation based on single instance learning. Thus, it is concluded that applying an appropriate representation that eliminates the sparseness of data allows to show the relevance of a factor, such as the assignments submitted, not widely used to date to predict students’ academic performance. Moreover, a comparison with previous works on the same dataset and problem shows that predictive models based on MIL using only assignments information obtain competitive results compared to previous studies that include other factors to predict students performance

    A Classification Module for Genetic Programming Algorithms in JCLEC

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    JCLEC-Classi cation is a usable and extensible open source library for genetic program- ming classi cation algorithms. It houses implementations of rule-based methods for clas- si cation based on genetic programming, supporting multiple model representations and providing to users the tools to implement any classi er easily. The software is written in Java and it is available from http://jclec.sourceforge.net/classification under the GPL licens

    Aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje activo a la enseñanza de la programación de ordenadores

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    El alumno tiende a ser un elemento pasivo en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, limitándose a recibir lecciones magistrales. En este trabajo realizamos una propuesta para el programa de prácticas de la materia Programación, impartida en el Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Córdoba, enfocado a que el alumno se implique en su propio proceso de aprendizaje experimentando con problemas de complejidad media, que le acercan al mundo real. La propuesta se basa en el aprendizaje activo y pretende que el alumno adquiera las competencias de la materia mediante la experimentación con casos prácticos.The student tends to be a passive element in the teaching-learning process, merely receiving masterly lessons. In this work we make a proposal for the practical program of the subject Programming, taught in the Degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Córdoba, focused on the student to get involved in their own learning process by experimenting with problems of medium complexity, which bring them closer to the real world. The proposal is based on active learning and aims for the student to acquire the skills of the subject through experimentation with practical cases

    Diseño de aplicaciones cliente/servidor para el aprendizaje de las tecnologías de comunicación

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    Las redes de comunicación se han convertido en una materia indispensable para los alumnos del grado de Ingeniería Informática, su rápido avance y su introducción en todos lo ámbitos de nuestras vidas han contribuido a su importancia. Sin embargo, su enseñanza es compleja debido a la gran diversidad de tecnologías, modelos y herramientas implicadas. En este contexto, es interesante empezar a abordarlo con un alto nivel de abstracción para posteriormente llegar a un nivel más específico. Una tecnología básica que permite profundizar en conceptos específicos como son los conceptos de modularización, servicios, protocolos e interfaces, serían los sockets. Desde esta perspectiva, se presentan ejemplos prácticos que permiten que el alumno trabaje con esta tecnología y desarrolle aplicaciones cliente/servidor en red que son accesibles desde cualquier localización