510 research outputs found

    Apollo experience report: Crew station integration. Volume 3: Spacecraft hand controller development

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    The development of hand controllers has evolved from the basic mechanical linkage technique used in the Mercury spacecraft to the total fly-by-wire three-axis switching device used to control the Apollo spacecraft. The evolving developmental process is described in this report

    Improving Access to Reproductive Life Planning Following Implementation of One Key Question® in Practice

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    Abstract Inadequate reproductive life planning (RLP) education is a widespread problem for women in the United States. This deficit leaves women without necessary guidance regarding contraceptive choices and maximizing pre-conception health. Use of RLP is endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Lack of use of an RLP tool in a large, multi-site obstetrical and gynecological practice located in the Metro East is an issue that greatly impacts the patient population. The goal was to initiate the use of an evidence-based RLP tool, known as One Key Question®. The use of this tool provides a simple, yet effective, way to open the conversation and educate the patient on maximizing health prior to starting a family. This project sought feedback from the staff involved with the implementation. The results overwhelmingly supported the ease of use, as well as saw the majority supporting the desire for continued use. Over 75 percent of staff members felt that using One Key Question® in practice positively impacted patient interactions. Lack of customization of the RLP for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-sexual, and questioning (LGBTQ?) population is a limitation. The use of this tool introduces the discussion of RLP goals in an unbiased and positive way that is readily accepted by patients. Long-term use would enable providers to incorporate evidence-based practice concepts into patient care. Over time, implementation of One Key Question® has the potential to positively impact the incidence of short-interval and unintended pregnancy

    An investigation of putative hybridization between Calochortus selwayensis and Calochortus apiculatus (Liliaceae)

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    Derivation of Change Sequences from State-Based File Differences for Delta-Based Model Consistency

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    In der sichtenbasierten Software-Entwicklung ist es möglich, dass mehrere Sichten das gleiche Konzept abbilden, wodurch Sichten redundante oder abhängige Informationen darstellen können. Es ist essenziell, diese individuellen Sichten synchron zu halten, um Inkonsistenzen im System zu vermeiden. In Ansätzen mit einem Single Underlying Model (SUM) werden Inkonsistenzen vermieden, indem das SUM als zentrale und einzige Informationsquelle genutzt wird, von welcher Sichten projiziert werden. Um Sichten mit dem SUM zu synchronisieren, wird in den meisten Fällen eine deltabasierte Konsistenzhaltung verwendet. Diese nutzt feingranulare Änderungssequenzen, welche von den einzelnen Sichten bereitgestellt werden müssen, um das SUM inkrementell zu aktualisieren. In realen Anwendungsfällen ist die Funktionalität zur Bereitstellung dieser Änderungssequenzen jedoch selten verfügbar. Stattdessen werden nur zustandsbasierte Änderungen persistiert. Es ist insofern wünschenswert Sichten, welche nur zustandsbasierte Änderungen bereitstellen, in deltabasierter Konsistenzhaltung zu unterstützen. Dies kann erreicht werden, indem die feingranularen Änderungssequenzen von den zustandsbasierten Änderungen abgeleitet werden. In dieser Arbeit wird die Qualität von abgeleiteten Änderungssequenzen im Kontext von Modellkonsistenzhaltung evaluiert. Um eine solche Sequenz abzuleiten, müssen übereinstimmende Elemente aus den verglichenen Modellen identifiziert und deren Unterschiede bestimmt werden. Um übereinstimmenden Elemente zu identifizieren, nutzen wir zwei Strategien. Bei der einen Strategie werden übereinstimmende Elemente anhand ihres eindeutigen Bezeichners erkannt. Bei der anderen Strategie wird eine Ähnlichkeitsmetrik basierend auf den Eigenschaften der Elemente genutzt. Als Evaluationsgrundlage werden verschiedene Testszenarien erstellt. Für jeden Test wird eine initiale und eine geänderte Version von sowohl einem UML-Klassendiagramm als auch Java-Code bereitgestellt. Wir nutzen die verschiedenen Strategien, um Änderungssequenzen basierend auf den zustandsbasierten Änderungen der UML-Sicht abzuleiten, geben diese an das SUM weiter und untersuchen die Ergebnisse in beiden Domänen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Strategie, welche eindeutige Bezeichner nutzt, in fast allen betrachteten Fällen (97 %) die korrekte Änderungssequenz liefert. Bei der Nutzung der ähnlichkeitsbasierten Strategie können wir zwei wiederkehrende Fehlermuster identifizieren. Bezüglich dieser Probleme stellen wir eine erweiterte ähnlichkeitsbasierte Strategie vor, welche in der Lage ist, die Auftrittshäufigkeit der Fehlermuster zu reduzieren ohne die Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit signifikant zu beeinflussen

    A 37 kb region upstream of brachyury comprising a notochord enhancer is essential for notochord and tail development

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    The node-streak border region comprising notochord progenitor cells (NPCs) at the posterior node and neuro-mesodermal progenitor cells (NMPs) in the adjacent epiblast is the prime organizing center for axial elongation in mouse embryos. The T-box transcription factor brachyury (T) is essential for both formation of the notochord and maintenance of NMPs, and thus is a key regulator of trunk and tail development. The T promoter controlling T expression in NMPs and nascent mesoderm has been characterized in detail; however, control elements for T expression in the notochord have not been identified yet. We have generated a series of deletion alleles by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in mESCs, and analyzed their effects in mutant mouse embryos. We identified a 37 kb region upstream of T that is essential for notochord function and tailbud outgrowth. Within that region, we discovered a T-binding enhancer required for notochord cell specification and differentiation. Our data reveal a complex regulatory landscape controlling cell type-specific expression and function of T in NMP/nascent mesoderm and node/notochord, allowing proper trunk and tail development

    Evaluation of Nutritional Factors Affecting Sow Reproductive Longevity

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    Sow reproductive longevity is an important trait for swine operations from a production and economic standpoint. Previous research has shown that a sow needs to produce 3 litters before she covers the costs associated with introducing her to the operation. A literature review of research conducted related to sow longevity is discussed in Chapter 1. Chapters 2 and 3 present data from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln’s long-term sow longevity research. The research looks at the effects of energy restriction with soy hulls during gilt development on sow reproductive longevity through 4 parities. Chapter 2 presents data from replications 16-18 where 383 gilts were fed developmental dietary treatments from d 112 to 209 of age and then tracked through 4 parities. Chapter 3 presents data from replications 14-15 where 256 gilts were fed dietary treatments from d 114 to 226 d of age and then again tracked through 4 parities. While some results differed between the two chapters, the overall result was similar: energy restriction during gilt development results in delayed age at puberty but does not have a negative impact on reproductive performance and longevity. Advisor: Phillip S. Mille

    Test-retest reliability of independent phonological measures of 2-year-old speech

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    This poster discusses: Background, Research Question, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Clinical Implications, and Limitations & Future Directions

    A 37 kb region upstream of brachyury comprising a notochord enhancer is essential for notochord and tail development

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    The node-streak border region comprising notochord progenitor cells (NPCs) at the posterior node and neuro-mesodermal progenitor cells (NMPs) in the adjacent epiblast is the prime organizing center for axial elongation in mouse embryos. The T-box transcription factor brachyury (T) is essential for both formation of the notochord and maintenance of NMPs, and thus is a key regulator of trunk and tail development. The T promoter controlling T expression in NMPs and nascent mesoderm has been characterized in detail; however, control elements for T expression in the notochord have not been identified yet. We have generated a series of deletion alleles by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in mESCs, and analyzed their effects in mutant mouse embryos. We identified a 37 kb region upstream of T that is essential for notochord function and tailbud outgrowth. Within that region, we discovered a T-binding enhancer required for notochord cell specification and differentiation. Our data reveal a complex regulatory landscape controlling cell type-specific expression and function of T in NMP/nascent mesoderm and node/notochord, allowing proper trunk and tail development

    A Survey of County Health Departments of Kansas Regarding COVID-19

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    Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) causing COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) initially was identified in China in December 2019. It has resulted in a pandemic with increasing spread of the virus in the US. The county health departments around US are spearheading the response to contain the spread of this virus. Methods. This project was a survey of county health departments in the state of Kansas with data collection period from 4/15 to 4/24/2020. This study evaluated the staffing, resources, and funding of these health departments and how it was affecting the efforts to contain COVID-19. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the responses. Results. A total of 75% of the county health departments in Kansas responded to the survey. In 89% of locations, the staffing had not increased. Most health departments had an average of five people and the four largest ones had 30 to 98 staff working on COVID-19. Most locations used the Kansas Department of Health and Environment criteria for testing and used a combination of state or private laboratories. The results of the tests were available three days or longer in 62% and after five days in 14% of sites. All locations were active in contact tracing, but most had 1-3 people for this purpose and in 90% the contact tracing interview was via phone calls. There was no change in funding in 21% and decreased funding in 8.5% of health departments. Most locations had an average of five nasopharyngeal swabs on the day of the survey. The most common needs expressed were help to increase testing capability, more public education, more personal protective equipment, increased personnel, and assistance with contract tracing. Conclusions. There is an urgent need in Kansas to increase support to county health departments for testing capability, personal protective equipment, increased number of staff, increased help with contact tracing, and especially increase support for public education
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