Improving Access to Reproductive Life Planning Following Implementation of One Key Question® in Practice


Abstract Inadequate reproductive life planning (RLP) education is a widespread problem for women in the United States. This deficit leaves women without necessary guidance regarding contraceptive choices and maximizing pre-conception health. Use of RLP is endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Lack of use of an RLP tool in a large, multi-site obstetrical and gynecological practice located in the Metro East is an issue that greatly impacts the patient population. The goal was to initiate the use of an evidence-based RLP tool, known as One Key Question®. The use of this tool provides a simple, yet effective, way to open the conversation and educate the patient on maximizing health prior to starting a family. This project sought feedback from the staff involved with the implementation. The results overwhelmingly supported the ease of use, as well as saw the majority supporting the desire for continued use. Over 75 percent of staff members felt that using One Key Question® in practice positively impacted patient interactions. Lack of customization of the RLP for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-sexual, and questioning (LGBTQ?) population is a limitation. The use of this tool introduces the discussion of RLP goals in an unbiased and positive way that is readily accepted by patients. Long-term use would enable providers to incorporate evidence-based practice concepts into patient care. Over time, implementation of One Key Question® has the potential to positively impact the incidence of short-interval and unintended pregnancy

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