6,434 research outputs found

    Responses to supplementation by dairy cows given low pasture allowances in different seasons 2. Milk production

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    Two factorial experiments were designed to determine the effects of stage of lactation, and season of the year, on cow responses to supplementary feeding. These experiments were conducted over consecutive years with 128 high genetic merit multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in early, mid and late lactation in spring, summer, autumn and winter. At each stage of lactation, and in each season of the year, cows were offered a restricted pasture allowance (25 to 35 kg dry matter (DM) per cow per day), either unsupplemented (control) or with supplement at 50 MJ metabolizable energy (ME) per cow per day in experiment 1 and 80 MJ ME per cow per day in experiment 2. The two supplements given in both years were rolled maize grain (MG) and a mixture of foods formulated to nutritionally balance the diet (BR). In experiment 2, another treatment, of a generous pasture allowance (60 to 75 kg DM per cow per day) (AP), was imposed on an additional group of early lactation cows during each season. Direct milk solids (MS) (milk fat plus milk protein) responses in experiment 1 to MG were 169, 279, 195 and 251 g MS per cow per day in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively, while those to BR were 107, 250, 192, 289 g MS per cow per day. In experiment 2, however, milk solids responses to both supplements during spring were slightly below the control treatment, with values similar to those in experiment 1 in summer and autumn for cows on the BR but not the MG supplement. Milk solids responses to supplementary foods were largest during seasons of the year when the quantity and quality of pasture on offer resulted in the lowest milk solids yield from unsupplemented cows. When carry-over effects of feeding MG and BR on milk solids production were detected, they were only about half the magnitude of the direct effects. Serum urea concentrations were higher in control cows than those offered MG with a similar effect for BR in all but summer in experiment 1, while serum glucose concentrations were highest in winter and lowest in summer. The most important factor influencing milk solids responses was the relative food deficit (RFD) represented by the decline in milk solids yield of the respective control groups after,changing from a generous pasture allowance to restricted allowance when the feeding treatments were imposed. Total milk solids responses (direct and carry-over) to supplements were greatest when severe food restrictions, relative to the cows' current food demand, resulted in large reductions in milk solids yield of the control groups. The RFD was the best predictor of milk solids response to supplementary foods. Therefore, it is likely that cows are most responsive to supplementary foods during or immediately after the imposition of a severe food restriction

    Responses to supplementation by dairy cows given low pasture allowances in different seasons 1. Pasture intake and substitution

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    Two factorial experiments were designed to determine the effects of stage of lactation, and season of the year, on cow responses to supplementary feeding. These experiments were conducted over consecutive years with 128 high genetic merit multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in early, mid and late lactation in spring, summer, autumn and winter. At each stage of lactation, and in each season of the year, cows were offered a restricted pasture allowance (25 to 35 kg dry matter (DM) per cow per day), either unsupplemented (control) or supplemented with 50 MJ metabolizable energy (ME) per cow per day in experiment 1 and 80 MJ ME per cow per day in experiment 2. Two different supplements were offered, namely, rolled maize grain (MG) and a mixture of foods (BR) formulated to nutritionally balance the diet. In experiment 2, a fourth treatment consisting solely of a generous pasture allowance (60 to 75 kg DM per cow per day, AP) was introduced. Offering MG and BR increased DM intake (DMI). At the restricted pasture allowance, increasing total ME allowance (MEA) by offering supplementary foods increased ME intake (MEI) by 0.68 (s.e. 0.047) MJ per extra MJ ME offered. This highly significant (P < 0.001) linear relationship was consistent across seasons, and did not diminish at higher MEA. In experiment 2, cows in early lactation had lower substitution rates than mid and late lactation cows irrespective of season. Substitution rate was higher when higher pasture allowance or quality of pasture on offer enabled the unsupplemented cows to achieve higher DMI from pasture than at other times of the year. These results suggest that one of the key factors determining the intake response to supplementary foods is pasture allowance. Within spring calving dairying systems, the largest increases in total DMI per kg of supplement offered is likely when offering supplements to early lactation cows grazing restricted allowances of high quality pasture

    Performance of an environmental test to detect Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger social groups

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    A study by Courtenay and others (2006) demonstrated that the probability of detecting Mycobacterium bovis by PCR in soil samples from the spoil heaps of main badger setts correlated with the prevalence of excretion (infectiousness) of captured badgers belonging to the social group. It has been proposed that such a test could be used to target badger culling to setts containing infectious animals (Anon 2007). This short communication discusses the issues surrounding this concept, with the intention of dispelling any misconceptions among relevant stakeholders (farmers, policy makers and conservationists)

    Intrinsic and Rashba Spin-orbit Interactions in Graphene Sheets

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    Starting from a microscopic tight-binding model and using second order perturbation theory, we derive explicit expressions for the intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit interaction induced gaps in the Dirac-like low-energy band structure of an isolated graphene sheet. The Rashba interaction parameter is first order in the atomic carbon spin-orbit coupling strength Îľ\xi and first order in the external electric field EE perpendicular to the graphene plane, whereas the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction which survives at E=0 is second order in Îľ\xi. The spin-orbit terms in the low-energy effective Hamiltonian have the form proposed recently by Kane and Mele. \textit{Ab initio} electronic structure calculations were performed as a partial check on the validity of the tight-binding model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; typos corrected, references update

    Economic Analysis of Increased Corn Silage Inclusion in Beef Finishing Cattle

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    An economic analysis was conducted to assess the feasibility of feeding greater inclusions of corn silage in finishing diets. Cattle were fed two inclusions of corn silage (15 and 45% of diet dry matter) with or without tylosin. Cattle fed 15% corn silage with tylosin had the best feed conversion, 15 % corn silage without tylosin was intermediate, and both 45% corn silage with and without tylosin had the poorest feed conversion. Feeding corn silage at greater inclusions decreased ADG but increased final body weight when fed to an equal fatness (28 days longer). However, feeding corn silage at 45% was more economical compared to feeding 15% corn silage, especially at higher corn prices, provided shrink is well managed (less than 15%). Feeding elevated concentrations of corn silage may have an economic advantage while also offering the addition of liver abscess control in finishing diets without tylosin

    Precise determination of critical exponents and equation of state by field theory methods

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    Renormalization group, and in particular its Quantum Field Theory implementation has provided us with essential tools for the description of the phase transitions and critical phenomena beyond mean field theory. We therefore review the methods, based on renormalized phi^4_3 quantum field theory and renormalization group, which have led to a precise determination of critical exponents of the N-vector model (R. Guida and J. Zinn-Justin, J. Phys. A31 (1998) 8103. cond-mat/9803240). and of the equation of state of the 3D Ising model (R. Guida and J. Zinn-Justin, Nucl. Phys. B489 [FS] (1997) 626, hep-th/9610223.). These results are among the most precise available probing field theory in a non-perturbative regime.Comment: 23 pages, tex, private macros, one figur

    Impact of Feeding Syngenta Enogen® Feed Corn Compared to Control Corn in Different Diet Scenarios to Finishing Beef Cattle

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    The objective of this pooled statistical analysis was to evaluate Syngenta Enogen® Feed Corn (EFC) versus conventional corn (CON) when fed as either dry-rolled corn (DRC) or highmoisture corn (HMC) for effects on finishing beef cattle performance and carcass characteristics. Corns were evaluated in diets with byproduct inclusion rates of 0, 15, 18, 20, and 30% distiller grains or 25 and 35% Sweet Bran® (a commercial corn gluten feed product). Seven trials (n = 1856) consisting of 200 pen means comparing 26 diet treatments were analyzed using regression in a pooled analysis. When EFC was processed as DRC, the gain efficiency (G:F) improved compared with CON, but the response to feeding EFC decreased from a 4.8% improvement to no improvement compared to CON as distiller grains increased from 0 to 30%, but was significantly improved due to feeding EFC in diets with 0 to 18% distiller grains. Feeding cattle EFC as DRC increased the average daily gain (ADG) and G:F by 4.5% compared with CON corn in diets containing Sweet Bran®. No improvements in animal performance were observed when cattle were fed EFC compared to CON when processed as HMC in any situation. Feeding Enogen® corn improved the gain efficiency of finishing cattle compared with conventional corn when processed as dry-rolled corn and fed in diets with less than 20% distillers or diets that include Sweet Bran®

    Groundwater : meltwater interaction in a proglacial aquifer

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    Groundwater plays a significant role in the hydrology of active glacial catchments, with evidence that it may buffer changes in meltwater river flow and partially compensate for glacial loss. However, to date there has been little direct research into the hydrogeology and groundwater dynamics of proglacial aquifers. Here we directly investigate the three dimensional nature of a proglacial sandur (floodplain) aquifer in SE Iceland, using hydrogeological, geophysical, hydrological and stable isotopic techniques, and provide evidence of groundwater-melt water dynamics over three years. We show that the proglacial sandur forms a thick (at least 50-100 m), high permeability (transmissivity up to 2500 m2/day) aquifer, extending over an area of approximately 6 km2. At least 35 million m3 of groundwater is stored in the aquifer, equivalent to ~23-28% of total annual river flow through the catchment. The volume of mean annual groundwater flow through the aquifer is at least 0.1-1 m3/sec, equivalent to ~10-20% of mean annual river flow. Groundwater across the aquifer is actively recharged from local precipitation and strongly influenced by individual rainfall events and seasonal precipitation. Glacial meltwater influence on groundwater also occurs in a zone extending from 20-500 m away from the meltwater river, for at least 3km down-sandur, and to at least 15 m deep. Within this zone summer recharge from the river to groundwater occurs when meltwater river flows are high, maintaining high summer groundwater levels compared to winter levels; and groundwater temperature and chemistry are strongly influenced by meltwater. Beyond this zone there is no substantial meltwater influence on groundwater. From ~2 km down-sandur there is extensive groundwater discharge via springs, supporting semi-perennial streams that form distinct local ecosystems, and providing baseflow to the main meltwater river. This research indicates that predicted continued climate change-related reductions in glacier coverage and increases in precipitation are likely to increase the significance of groundwater storage as a water resource, and of groundwater discharges in maintaining environmental river flows in glacier catchments
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