22 research outputs found


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    Based on CNN Indonesia's economic growthIndonesia minus 2.2% in 2020 so that causes revenuesociety declines, corporate performance weakens due to depressed sales and production,as well as investments that are still not improving. In addition, on the supply side the risk of failurepay is very large so indirectly bad credit (credit crunch) as wellincrease. The firm level data method shows that during 2020, credit occurredcrunch caused by both demand and supply sides of credit. Actually Bank Indonesia already has a solution to overcome the credit crunch by dividingseveral subsectors into 4 quadrants of the subsectors that have the most resiliencestrong to sub-sectors that have the weakest resilience. But such a solutiononly temporary (temporary) and will not be able to overcome the problemcomprehensive credit crunch. Save the writer, the acceleration of massive vaccination activitiesis the only way that can be used to solve the problemcredit crunch. Even so, there are still many people who refusein human rights and religious arguments. Therefore, this research aims toproves that the credit crunch can only be overcome by accelerating activitiesvaccination, vaccination does not conflict with human rights values, andVaccination does not conflict with religious values, especially Islam and Religionin line with maqashid syari'ah. Key Words:“Vaccination, Credit Crunch, Human Right, Maqashid Syari’ah

    Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior nurse type c hospital Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the OCB antecedents of type C hospital nurses in Surabaya. This research uses quantitative research with a case study approach. Data analysis techniques in this study used validity, reliability, classical assumption and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be seen that the OCB antecedent of Type C Hospital nurses in the city of Surabaya is influenced by several factors, including the Thriving Workplace variable and the Person-Organizational Fit variable that does not have a significant influence on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Type C Hospital nurses in the city. Surabaya. Meanwhile, Organizational Commitment variable has a positive and significant influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The addition of the Job Embededness variable has an effect, so that the three variables of Thriving Workplace, Person-organization Fit, and Organizational Commitment have a positive and significant influence on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Type C Hospital nurses in the city of Surabaya. While the intervening variable represented by Job Embededness also has a positive and significant influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Type C Hospital nurses in the city of Surabaya


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    Growing companies need funds that can be financed through debt. Several factors that influence debt policy include: free cash flow, company growth and profitability. This research is a quantitative research that takes data from BEI, a mining sector company from 2016 to 2018 with a population of 48 company data, using purposive sampling technique obtained as many as 15 company data. The conclusion from the results of this research shows that free cash flow, company growth and profitability as measured using return on assets, have a significant effect on debt policy. The debt policy variable in this research uses the Debt to Asset Ratio measurement. The results of the coefficient of determination obtained a value of 56.5% indicating that debt policy is influenced by free cash flow, company growth and profitability, while the other 43.5% is influenced by other variables not included in this research. Companies need to pay attention to other variables besides debt policy, such as Price Earnings Ratio, Dividend Payout Ratio and Tobin's Q

    The Importance Of Understanding And Application Of Marketing Strategies For Household Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (Msme) Products On Social Media Networks

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    With the development of increasingly sophisticated technology and communication, social media tends to be used as the main pillar in delivering information digitally, communicating in business, helping product marketing, communicating with customers and suppliers, and reducing costs that must be incurred conventionally. Social media that are usually used are those that are open and whose existence is recognized by the wider community and are made in various forms of platforms with a structured system or known as social media networks. One of the users of the social media network is household MSME actors, especially those affected by Covid-19 which has caused a decrease in the number of buyers in MSME businesses. With easy and fast access to social media networks, MSME actors are expected to be bolder in promoting their products because there is no time limit on their use and the wide range of product marketing areas to the global market, thus making social media networks an effective marketing medium. However, household MSME products still have obstacles in penetrating the export market, namely obstacles in quality standards. To overcome this, household MSME actors need to understand and apply marketing strategies that support efforts to increase competitiveness by using social media networks in the face of increasingly fierce business competition. MSME actors must also make extensive use of social media networks in developing their businesses so that they can progress quickly and be ready globally. In this article, the discussion focuses on the importance of understanding and applying marketing strategies for household MSME products on social media networks

    Nursing Performance At Type C Hospital: Empowerment, Commitment, Behavior Organizational Citizenship

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    Middle class people who are between upper and lower classes tend to choose middle type hospitals, namely type C because of consideration factors, this article reports the results of the study of the effect of empowerment, commitment, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on nurse performance and the effect of empowerment, commitment to OCB on type C hospital. This research method is quantitative, in which the study population is nurses working in type C hospitals in the city of Surabaya. The total sample that has filled in the questionnaire and can be processed as many as 150. The results of this study are empowerment, commitment, OCB has a positive effect on nurse performance and empowerment, commitment has a positive effect on OCB. The importance of the effect of empowering nurses in hospitals in enhancing OCB and organizational performance requires a reliable planning with standardized evaluations in the recruitment of nurses so that they can obtain high quality human/nurse resources in accordance with the values held by a home sick. Keywords : Nurse Performance, Empowerment, Commitment, Behavior Organizational Citizenshi

    Nursing Performance At Type C Hospital: Empowerment, Commitment, Behavior Organizational Citizenship

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    Middle class people who are between upper and lower classes tend to choose middle type hospitals, namely type C because of consideration factors, this article reports the results of the study of the effect of empowerment, commitment, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on nurse performance and the effect of empowerment, commitment to OCB on type C hospital. This research method is quantitative, in which the study population is nurses working in type C hospitals in the city of Surabaya. The total sample that has filled in the questionnaire and can be processed as many as 150. The results of this study are empowerment, commitment, OCB has a positive effect on nurse performance and empowerment, commitment has a positive effect on OCB. The importance of the effect of empowering nurses in hospitals in enhancing OCB and organizational performance requires a reliable planning with standardized evaluations in the recruitment of nurses so that they can obtain high quality human/nurse resources in accordance with the values held by a home sick

    Analisis Peran Kompensasi Kerja Dan Pelatihan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Foodpedia Group

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    This study aims to determine the effect of job training and job compensation on the performance of FoodpediaGroup Jakarta employees. The population in this study were all employees of the Foodpedia Group Jakarta outlet asmany as 100 employees with the measuring instrument used was a questionnaire distributed via google form. Theresearch method used is a quantitative method where data collection is carried out by multiple linear regression analysisand uses the F test and T test. The results of the hypothesis in this study are; that job training has a significant effecton employee performance, that work compensation has a significant effect on employee performance, while the resultsof the f test of both variables have a simultaneous effect.   Keywords: Job Training, Job Compensation, Job Performanc

    Social Dynamics: Does it Have an Impact on the Existence of Education?

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dinamika sosial terhadap eksistensi pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini akan memfokuskan perhatiannya pada berbagai permasalahan aktual di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi perkembangan zaman khususnya perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi, banyak sekali dampak dan pengaruhnya terhadap dunia pendidikan kita, baik positif maupun negatif. Kita perlu bijak dalam memanfaatkan setiap dampak positif yang muncul untuk mengikuti perkembangan dan menjadikan pendidikan kita lebih baik lagi namun tetap didukung oleh sarana dan prasarana yang memadai dan memadai. Kemudian untuk dampak negatifnya, kita harus bisa berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk meminimalisir setiap dampak buruk agar bangsa kita tergerus zaman, pendidikan kita tidak ketinggalan, dan generasi penerus bangsa kita bisa menjawab dan menghadapi setiap tantangan dan kendala zaman yang muncul dalam kehidupan sosial kita. Kata kunci: dinamika sosial, pendidikan, dampak. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of social dynamics on the existence of education. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive type of research. This research will focus its attention on various actual problems in the field. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that n terms of the times, especially on the development and advancement of technology, there are many impacts and influences on our education, both positive and negative. We need to be wise in utilizing every positive effect that arises to follow developments and make our education even better but still supported by appropriate and adequate facilities and infrastructure. Then for the negative impact, we must be able to do our best to minimize every adverse effect so that our nation is eroded by the times, our education is not left behind, and the future generations of our country can answer and face every challenge and obstacle of the times that arise in our social life. Keywords: social dynamics, education, impact

    Effect of Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Interpersonal Communication on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Organizational Commitment as Mediation Variable at the Tax Office

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    Purpose: The objective of this research is to determine the impact of transformational leadership, job satisfaction and interpersonal communication on the organizational commitment of staff and on the behavior of citizens of the Tax Agency.     Theoretical framework: The hypothesis is a temporal connection that must be answered in the investigation and must find the facts that must be collected and examined; The idea is a quick question, or the belief that you have to look for a truth based on the framework of previous thought, and a previous study of several researchers that can be understood as this hypothesis.   Design/methodology/approach: The data analysis method uses structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. Modeling structural equations is used to analyze data (SEM). The data collection technique is carried out through a questionnaire in which a questionnaire is offered to respondents taking the examination, including civil servants.   Findings: The results of the structural study of transformative leadership, job satisfaction, interpersonal communication and organizational commitment influence the behavior of citizens of the tax office   Research, Practical & Social implications: . In addition, the results of this study show that transformative leadership affects, above all, the commitment of the entity with a employee of the Tax Agency.   Originality/value:  Transformative leadership, job satisfaction and interpersonal commitment influence the entity's commitment to the Tax Agency, which means improving the activity of any High school worker, to transform leadership and turn leadership into a transformation of workers' organizational engagement.


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    This research is motivated by the importance of good corporate governance in companies. This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of corporate governance and good corporate governance mechanisms on profit management. The research method used in this research is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study were 100 employees of private companies using random sampling technique. Data collection uses a questionnaire distributed to employees of private companies. The instruments used have been tested for validity and reliability. The collected data were analyzed using the classical assumption test and multiple linear regression with SPSS tools. The results of this study indicate that 1) The mechanism of corporate governance has a positive and significant effect on profit management, 2) Good corporate governance has a positive and significant effect on profit management, and 3) The mechanism of corporate governance and good corporate governance has a positive and significant effect on profit management. The findings of this study indicate that if companies want to improve profit management, companies must also improve corporate governance and good corporate governance mechanisms