28 research outputs found

    Eemian-Weichselian Pleniglacial fluvial deposits in southern Poland (an example of the Vistula River valley in Kraków)

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    A fragment of the middle terrace in the VistulaRivervalley, nearby the railway station in Kraków, is formed by fluvial channel and overbank deposits of the PrądnikRiver, which bear a record of various environments affected by changing climatic conditions. The sedimentary succession includes two complexes that differ in lithofacies. The older complex comprises fining-upward deposits (channel sand and gravelly sand with medium- and large-scale trough cross-stratification) and, less frequently, sand with planar cross-stratification overlain by silt with intercalations of biogenic deposits of abandoned channels. Vegetation accompanying the deposition of biogenic layers was typical of boreal coniferous forests, dominated by Pinus sylvestris with a small admixture of Larix, Pinus cembra, Picea, Betula, and Populus. Periodically, the landscape passed into open areas overgrown by woody tundra. The complex developed as a result of activity of a meandering river under conditions of a moderately cool climate. The younger complex includes the sand lithofacies with horizontal stratification and low-angle cross-stratification, overlain by alternating sands and silts. The topmost part is represented by sands with large- and medium scale planar cross stratification. Lack of biogenic deposits and considerable amount of frosted quartz grains in alluvial sediments indicate aeolian processes of greater intensity, periglacial conditions and evolution towards a braided or transitional river. Pollen successions, absolute dating and studies of structural and textural features of the sediment suggest that the time of its deposition may be estimated at a range between the close of the Eemian Interglacial and the Weichselian Middle Pleniglacial (OIS 5e–OIS 3

    Fire hazard modulation by long-term dynamics in land cover and dominant forest type in eastern and central Europe

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    Wildfire occurrence is influenced by climate, vegetation and human activities. A key challenge for understanding the risk of fires is quantifying the mediating effect of vegetation on fire regimes. Here, we explore the relative importance of Holocene land cover, land use, dominant functional forest type, and climate dynamics on biomass burning in temperate and boreo-nemoral regions of central and eastern Europe over the past 12 kyr. We used an extensive data set of Holocene pollen and sedimentary charcoal records, in combination with climate simulations and statistical modelling. Biomass burning was highest during the early Holocene and lowest during the mid-Holocene in all three ecoregions (Atlantic, continental and boreo-nemoral) but was more spatially variable over the past 3–4 kyr. Although climate explained a significant variance in biomass burning during the early Holocene, tree cover was consistently the highest predictor of past biomass burning over the past 8 kyr. In temperate forests, biomass burning was high at ~ 45% tree cover and decreased to a minimum at between 60% and 70% tree cover. In needleleaf-dominated forests, biomass burning was highest at ~60 %–65%tree cover and steeply declined at > 65% tree cover. Biomass burning also increased when arable lands and grasslands reached ~15 %–20 %, although this relationship was variable depending on land use practice via ignition sources, fuel type and quantities. Higher tree cover reduced the amount of solar radiation reaching the forest floor and could provide moister, more wind-protected microclimates underneath canopies, thereby decreasing fuel flammability. Tree cover at which biomass burning increased appears to be driven by warmer and drier summer conditions during the early Holocene and by increasing human influence on land cover during the late Holocene. We suggest that longterm fire hazard may be effectively reduced through land cover management, given that land cover has controlled fire regimes under the dynamic climates of the Holocene

    Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe

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    Fire is a natural component of global biogeochemical cycles and closely related to changes in human land use. Whereas climate-fuel relationships seem to drive both global and subcontinental fire regimes, human-induced fires are prominent mainly on a local scale. Furthermore, the basic assumption that relates humans and fire regimes in terms of population densities, suggesting that few human-induced fires should occur in periods and areas of low population density, is currently debated. Here, we analyze human-fire relationships throughout the Holocene and discuss how and to what extent human driven fires affected the landscape transformation in the Central European Lowlands (CEL). We present sedimentary charcoal composites on three spatial scales and compare them with climate model output and land cover reconstructions from pollen records. Our findings indicate that widespread natural fires only occurred during the early Holocene. Natural conditions (climate and vegetation) limited the extent of wildfires beginning 8500 cal. BP, and diverging subregional charcoal composites suggest that Mesolithic hunter-gatherers maintained a culturally diverse use of fire. Divergence in regional charcoal composites marks the spread of sedentary cultures in the western and eastern CEL The intensification of human land use during the last millennium drove an increase in fire activity to early-Holocene levels across the CEL Hence, humans have significantly affected natural fire regimes beyond the local scale - even in periods of low population densities - depending on diverse cultural land-use strategies. We find that humans have strongly affected land-cover- and biogeochemical cycles since Mesolithic times

    Pinus L. subgenus Pinus (subgen. Diploxylon (Koehne) Pilger) - Pine

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    Tilia L. - Lime

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