12 research outputs found

    Prevention of Labour Risks and Operative Security in the Navy. Application to Anchoring, Towing and Mooring Line Operations

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    [Resumo] A seguridade no traballo non é un concepto novo na Armada, xa que dentro dela viñeron aplicándose tanto plans de seguridade nos buques como a seguridade operativa (SEGOP),aínda que coa publicación da Lei de prevención de riscos laborais en 1995 se iniciou un longo proceso de converxencia e adaptación da doutrina preventiva da Armada á prevención de riscos laborais. O modo en que se produciu a devandita adaptación, xunto coas precaucións que deben terse en conta nas operacións de amarre nos buques, forman o núcleo central deste documento.[Abstract] Safety in the workplace is not a new concept in the Navy, since here both security plans in vessels as operative security (SEGOP) have been applied, although with the publication of the Law of Labour Risk Prevention (LRP) in 1995 started a long process of convergence and adaptation of the preventive doctrine of the Navy to the LRP. The core of this paper consists in the study of how this adaptation was carried out as well as the precautions that should be taken into account in mooring operations

    Possible Improvements to be carried out in mooring systems in order to reduce accidents on board

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    [Resumo] Na actualidade prodúcense numerosos accidentes durante as operacións de amarre dos buques. O deseño das estacións de amarre, dos propios guinches e dos cabrestantes xoga un papel importante á hora de reducir estes accidentes. Adicionalmente, a situación do persoal sobre as cubertas dos buques e a configuración das instalacións dos peiraos son outros factores de relevancia para ter en conta á hora de reducir os accidentes que se producen a bordo[Abstract] In recent years, many accidents are occurring during mooring operations of vessels. Capstans, winches and piers design play an important role when aiming to reduce this kind of accidents. Furthermore, the position the crew on deck as well as the shipyard setting are other factors to be taken into consideration when trying to reduce the number of accidents on boar

    Basic Training and Risk Assessment about Ships Using Liquefied Natural Gas for Propulsion Regulated by the Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels

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    [Resumo] O primeiro de xaneiro de 2017 entrou en vigor o Código internacional de seguridade para os buques que utilicen gases ou outros combustibles de baixo punto de inflamación (Código IGF), que atinxe a todos os buques que se serven de gas natural licuado (GNL) para propulsarse, agás aqueles que xa estean rexidos polo Código para a construción e o equipamento de buques que transporten gases licuados a granel (Código CIG), específico para buques metaneiros. O Código IGF inclúe normas obrigatorias para a disposición, a instalación, o control e a vixilancia de maquinaria, equipos e sistemas que usen combustibles de baixo punto de inflamación, en particular GNL, xa que parece que pode ser o combustible naval do futuro[Abstract The Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) entered into force on January the 1st, 2017. It applies to all vessels using liquefied natural gas for propulsion, except for those already covered by the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code), specific for methane-fuelled ships. The IGF code includes mandatory standards for the disposal, installation, control and monitoring of machinery, equipment and systems using low-flashpoint fuels, in particular LNG, as it may appear to be the future naval fuel

    Sistemas de amarre en buques : situación actual y evolución futura

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    [Resumen] A pesar del papel importante que representa en un buque su maquinaria de propulsión, cuando un buque ocupa su atraque para llevar a cabo las operaciones de carga y descarga, su propulsión es desplazada a un segundo plano, y el buque queda a merced de las condiciones atmosféricas de viento y corriente del lugar, que le obligan a ser amarrado al muelle. El amarre es el sistema que menos ha evolucionado en los buques. Se basa en un principio que apenas ha sido modificado a lo largo de la historia. Junto al fondeo, forman los sistemas más arcaicos de la tectologfa naval, pero a diferencia de este, el amarre se debería prestar más a la evolución, ya que un buque no se mueve una vez se amarra. Es necesario realizar un análisis de la escasa normativa existente relacionada con los equipos de amarre, para que se pueda navegar con rumbo a una estandarización de los citados equipos, fundamentada en todas las normas ISO y reglamentos de las Sociedades de Clasificación de buques. Los accidentes en las operaciones de amarre pueden tener consecuencias muy graves para el personal. Nuevos y revolucionarios sistemas de amarre pueden ayudar a reducir estos accidentes.[Resumo] A pesar do importante papel que xoga nun buque a súa maquinaria de propulsión, cando un buque aproveita a súa atracada para levar a cabo as operacións de carga e descarga a súa propulsión é desprazada a un segundo plano, e o buque queda a mercé das condicións atmosféricas de vento e corrente do lugar, que o abrigan a ser amarrado ao peirao. O amarre é o sistema que menos evolucionou nos buques. Baséase nun principio que apenas foi modificado ao longo da historia. Xunto ao fondeo, constitúe un dos sistemas máis arcaicos da tecnoloxía naval, mais a diferenza deste, o amarre debería prestarse máis á evolución, xa que un buque non se move unha vez que se amarra. É necesario realizarmos unha análise da escasa normativa existente relacionada cos equipos de amarre para podermos navegar con rumbo a unha estandarización dos citados equipos, fundamentada en todas as normas ISO e os regulamentos das sociedades de clasificación de buques. Os accidentes nas operacións de amarre poden ter consecuencias moi graves para o persoal. Noves e revolucionarios sistemas de amarre poden axudar a reducir estes accidentes.[Abstract] Despite the fact that the machinery plays an important role in a ship, propulsion is shifted to a background when the ship takes its berth to perform the loading and unloading operations, being left at the merey of the atmospheric conditions of wind and current, and, for such reason, requiring to be moored to the pier. The mooring is the onboard system that has less evolved. lt is based on a principie that has hardly been modified throughout history. Mooring and anchoring represent the most archaic systems of naval technology, but unlike anchoring, mooring systems should be more sensitive to further evolvement, since the ship does not move once it has been moored. lt is necessary to analyze the limited existing regulations related to mooring equipment in arder to navigate toward a standardization of such equipment, based on al liSO standards and regulations by ship classification societies. Accidents in mooring operations could result in very serious harms for the personnel. Revolutionary new mooring systems could help reduce mishaps

    Guidelines for Shipboard Habitability Requirements

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    [Resumo] Nas últimas construcións de buques civís e militares está a atenderse á mellora dos espazos de habitabilidade, pensando no benestar das tripulacións que viven a bordo. Este artigo pretende reflectir o que deberían ser uns requisitos mínimos para conseguir ese obxectivo. Partindo dalgunhas publicacións militares antigas, aumentáronse os cocientes para obter dimensións acordes ás esixencias e recomendacións da seguridade operativa e as leis de riscos laborais actuais.[Abstract] In recent constructions of civil and military vessels, habitability spaces are being improved thinking of crews living aboard. This article aims to reflect what should be a «minimum« to achieve that goal. From old military publications have increasing ratios for dimensions commensurate with the requirements and recommendations of operational safety laws and current occupational hazards

    Precautions to Consider Working with Mooring Capstans and Winches

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    [Resumo] Na actualidade prodúcense moitos accidentes durante as operacións de amarre dos buques. O deseño das máquinas e os cabrestantes de amarre xoga un papel importante á hora de reducilos. Adicionalmente, a situación do persoal sobre as cubertas dos buques é outro factor que axudará á redución dos accidentes acontecidos a bordo.[Abstract] In recent years, many accidents are occurring during mooring operations of vessels. The capstan and winches design and the crew situation on the deck of ships are two factors that may reduce the number of accidents inboard


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    Classification Societies (SC) of ships listed in different chapters of the regulations, recommendations and requirements for the selection of mooring equipment on ships regarding quantification for each type of ship, the analysis of the materials used and tests to suffer the various elements of mooring equipment. This article relates to how it affects the implementation of the different regulations of the SC when providing a tugboat and a military vessel from its mooring and anchoring systems. The research results are obtained by performing a comparison between the demands imposed by the SC to civilian ships and warships


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    The physical principle that governs how ships are moored to a port has changed little over the years. Nevertheless, in recent decades, there have been developments in maritime transport towards increased vessel dimensions and operations in specialist terminals. These trends mean that offshore ports and mooring systems have to face more challenging conditions in terms of the waves, wind and drift current. At the same time, pier side port loading and unloading systems place demands on the mooring system, which must immobilise ships better. In this situation, the mooring system’s own equipment, such as lines, deck fittings and mooring winches, must also evolve to work alongside new port devices. It is also necessary to point out that changes in mooring will take place in subsequent years. These innovations in attaching the ship to the pier will be highlighted here as they mark a significant change in mooring and pier components


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    Classification Societies (SC) of ships listed in different chapters of the regulations, recommendations and requirements for the selection of mooring equipment on ships regarding quantification for each type of ship, the analysis of the materials used and tests to suffer the various elements of mooring equipment. This article relates to how it affects the implementation of the different regulations of the SC when providing a tugboat and a military vessel from its mooring and anchoring systems. The research results are obtained by performing a comparison between the demands imposed by the SC to civilian ships and warships

    El estudio de los buques de superficie autónomos, inteligentes y sostenibles: la extinción de las tripulaciones de los buques

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    Not many years ago and parallel to mobile telephony or automotive, autonomous or smart ships were introduced. In 2018, the first international conference on this type of sustainability vessel was held, and the most relevant current investigations have been disseminated. However, the first thing that should addressed is how are autonomous and intelligent vessels defined. In this context, the first question to be answered is: ‘Is an autonomous vessel synonymous from an intelligent sustainability vessel?’ Once clarified, the next challenge will be to know if this type of vessel is able to move its current crew to land, so that they direct the autonomous vessels remotely, from land stations; and to know the necessary studies in sustainability matters for the new crew.Desde hace no muchos años, de forma paralela a su aparición en la telefonía móvil, o en automoción, se presentan ante nosotros los denominados buques autónomos o inteligentes. Por ello en 2018 tuvo lugar la primera conferencia internacional sobre este tipo de buques sostenibles, en la que se dieron a conocer todas las investigaciones actuales más destacadas al respecto; y está previsto que a finales de 2019 se celebre el siguiente encuentro. Pero antes de empezar a estudiar los buques autónomos e inteligentes, el primer interrogante a responder sería el siguiente: ¿Un buque autónomo es sinónimo de un buque sostenible inteligente?. Una vez aclarado este punto, el reto consistirá en saber si este tipo de buques conseguirá desplazar a tierra firme a sus actuales tripulantes, para que estos dirijan a los buques sostenibles autónomos a distancia; y en conocer la educación que necesitarán estos nuevos tripulantes en materia de sostenibilidad