123 research outputs found
In vitro interactions between Armillaria sp. and Trichoderma sp. collected from mushroom crop residues
Armillaria mel/ea (Agaricales: Physalacriaceae) is a fungus naturally occurring in the soil, which may penetrate the grapevines' roots, causing their death in the long term. Many chemical products have been tested to manage this fungus with limited success. Nowadays, uprooting and non-prolonged cultivation is the only field-allowable and effective solution. Trichoderma is a well-known fungus used as a biocontrol agent. However, it is also known to be a contaminating fungus far the cultivation of mushrooms (Agaricus sp.). We hypothesized that T. Harzianum from contaminated mushroom cultivation is an effective biological control agent of A. mellea in vitro and could be used as a treatment in the vineyard. In this sense, a circular economic model would be favored in which, on the one hand, the waste reuse from mushroom cultivation would be encouraged, and on the other hand, an effective and sustainable solution would be proposed to combat sorne fungal diseases. To accomplish this, field strains of T. Harzianum and A. mellea were isolated on Malt Extract Agar (MEA). Dual confrontation tests on Patato Dextrose Agar (PDA) plates were performed to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the T. harzianum strain on A mellea. Far this purpose, A. mellea was plated 14 days befare T. harzianum. The two fungi were also individually cultivated as positive controls. AII plates were kept at 25ºC throughout the experiment. We observed that T. harzianum inhibited the in vitro growth of A. mel/ea. Specifically, the A. mel/ea growth stopped when both fungi met, while T. harzianum continued to grow above A. mel/ea. The results obtained support our hypothesis of the potential of T. harzianum as a biocontrol agent far A. mel/ea. However, it must be validated in field experiments. Future research will facus on analyzing whether mushroom crop residues infected with T. harzianum could be reused as an organic mulch treatment against A. mellea in the vineyard
Las bacterias simbiontes de los nematodos entomopatógenos como fuente de nuevos antibióticos
El uso de microrganismos productores de
antibióticos para prevenir enfermedades
se remonta milenios atrás. Hace más de
2000 años, en China, Serbia, Grecia y/o
Egipto ya se usaban cataplasmas de pan
mohoso para tratar heridas abiertas. Sin
embargo, la explosión de su uso y el inicio de “la era de los antibióticos” no ocurrió
hasta el descubrimiento de la penicilina en
1928 con los estudios llevados a cabo por
Alexander Fleming con el hongo Penicillium
Urbanismo desde el paisaje
El taller de proyectos de urbanismo y paisaje, una experiencia docente en
la ETS de Arquitectura
En este libro se recoge una selección de trabajos realizados por
estudiantes de arquitectura en la asignatura Urbanística 3, que pertenece
al cuarto curso de los estudios del Grado en Fundamentos de la
Arquitectura, titulación impartida en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
En el Taller de Urbanismo, grupo docente al que pertenecen los autores de
este libro, los contenidos de la asignatura Urbanística 3 se estructuran en
dos grandes bloques temáticos, que se desarrollan en el primero y
segundo semestre respectivamente. El primer bloque es de introducción al
planeamiento urbano y territorial, y en el segundo se abordan los proyectos
de obra civil, urbanización, jardinería y paisaje. Expondremos a
continuación los contenidos teóricos y prácticos asociados a cada uno de
estos dos bloques.Pérez Igualada, J.; Casañ Llopis, VJ.; Quintana Seguí, E.; Díez Torrijos, I. (2023). Urbanismo desde el paisaje. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19444
Phenotyping Local Eggplant Varieties: Commitment to Biodiversity and Nutritional Quality Preservation
[EN] Given the little variability among commercialised eggplants mainly in developed countries, exploring, and structuring of traditional varieties germplasm collections have become a key element for extending ecotypes and promoting biodiversity preservation and consumption. Thirty-one eggplant landraces from Spain were characterised with 22 quantitative and 14 qualitative conventional morphological descriptors. Landraces were grouped based on their fruit skin colour (black-purple, striped, white, and reddish). Landraces B7, B20, and B24 were left out for their distinctive fruit characteristics. Wide variation for plant, leaf, flower, and fruit phenology traits was observed across the local landraces, and fruit descriptors were considered the most important ones. In a second experiment, landraces, B14, B16, and B17 were selected to determine fruit quality. By contemplating the benefits provided by antioxidants and sugars for human health, pulp antioxidant capacity, total phenolic, ascorbic acid, carotenoid, flavonoid, and total sugar content were determined. Significant differences were observed across these three landraces, and B14 was highlighted for its antioxidant properties, while B17 stood out for its high sugar content. B16 did not stand out for any traits. The results indicate the wide variability in eggplants for their phenotypic and nutritional characteristics, which emphasises the importance of traditional varieties as the main source of agricultural biodiversity.This work has been cofinanced by the Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climatica y Transicion Ecologica, IVIA, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Martínez-Ispizua, E.; Calatayud, Á.; Marsal, JI.; Mateos-Fernández, R.; Díez, MJ.; Soler Aleixandre, S.; Valcarcel Germes, JV.... (2021). Phenotyping Local Eggplant Varieties: Commitment to Biodiversity and Nutritional Quality Preservation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1-21. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.696272S1211
Abdominal obesity as a mediator of the influence of physical activity on insulin resistance in Spanish adults
Objective. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and insulin resistance (IR) in Spanish adults and to examine whether this relationship is mediated by abdominal obesity (waist circumference —WC).
Methods. The cross-sectional study included 1162 healthy subjects belonging to the EVIDENT study (mean age 55.0±13.3 years; 61.8%women) from six different Spanish provinces. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activiity (MVPA) was measured objectively over 7 days using Actigraph accelerometers, collecting data in 60-second epochs, and retaining respondents with ≥4 valid days for the analysis. The homeostasis model of assessment (HOMA-IR) was used to determine IR, and its individual components – fasting glucose and insulin – were determined using standard protocols. Linear regressionmodelswere fitted according to Baron and Kenny's procedures for mediation analysis.
Results. Fasting insulin and HOMA-IR levels were significantly worse in adults who spent fewer minutes in MVPA (first quartile ≤ 30.1 and 22.7 min/day in men and women, respectively) after adjusting for age, sex, smoking habits, drinking habits, accelerometer wear time, sedentary time, and Mediterranean diet adherence. However,when WC was added to the ANCOVA models as a covariate, the effects disappeared.Mediation analysis
reported that WC acts as a fullmediator in the relationship between MVPA and IR (HOMA-IR and fasting insulin).
Conclusion. These findings show that WC plays a pivotal role in the relationship between MVPA and IR, and therefore highlights that decreasing abdominal obesity might be considered as an intermediate outcome for evaluating interventions aimed at preventing diabetes mellitus.The Evident Grou
Effects of a Short-Term Resistance-Training Program on Heart Rate Variability in Children With Cystic Fibrosis—A Randomized Controlled Trial
[EN] Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and exercise in healthy children modulates the interaction between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a short-term resistance exercise program on heart rate variability (HRV) in children and adolescents with CF. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was carried out in children diagnosed with CF aged 6–18 years. Individuals were divided into two groups: control (CON) and resistance-training (EX). Individuals in the EX group completed an individualized guided resistance program (5-RM—60–80%) for 8 weeks (3 sessions of 60 min/week). Upper and lower limbs exercises (seated bench press, seated lateral row, and leg press) were used. HRV was measured using a Suunto watch with subjects in lying position. Results: Nineteen subjects (13 boys) were included (CON = 11; and EX = 8). Mean age was 12.2 ± 3.3, FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in the first second) z-score was 1.72 ± 1.54 and peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) 42.7 ± 7.4 mL.Kg–1.min–1. Exercise induced significant changes in the frequency-domain variables, including a decrease in LF power (p = 0.001, d = 0.98) and LF/HF ratio (p = 0.020, d = 0.92), and an increase in HF power (p = 0.001, d = −0.97), compared to the CON group. No significant changes were found for time-domain variables, although increases with a moderate effect size were seen for SDNN (p = 0.152, d = −0.41) and RMSSD (p = 0.059, d = −0.49) compared to the CON group.SICatedra Fundación Asisa-UE y Universidad Europe
Azken hiru hamarkadetan Euskal Herriko kostaldean klima-aldaketak komunitate bentonikoetan (flora eta fauna) izan duen eragina
Errezela eratzen duten makroalgek, oro har, beherakada bortitza izan dute, eta horrek ekosistemako prozesuetan izango dituen eraginak ez dira oraindik ondo ezagutzen. Ikerketa honek Bizkaiko Golkoko hegoaldean 20 urte inguruko aldian substratu gogorreko ekosistema bentonikoak aztertu ditu, non Gelidium corneum makrofitoak beherakada nabarmena izan duen. Errezelak atzera egitearen edo aldaketaren tasa ikertu da, bai eta errezel-menpeko diren organismoen (algak eta ornogabeak) egitura taxonomiko eta funtzionalean ondorioak ere. Gure emaitzek erakutsi dute 2008an aldaketa garrantzitsuak zakarki gertatu zirela eta ondoren ez dela berreskuratze-seinalerik izan. Galera esanguratsuenak makroalga konplexu eta iraunkorrak diren formetan gertatu dira eta, aldiz, epifitoak diren eta ez diren suspentsiboroetan ere, alga sinple soropilduak ugaritu dira. Aldi berean, espezieen aberastasunak, algen dentsitateak eta flora eta faunaren ekitatibitateak gora egin dute. Ikerketaren 1. aldian (1998-2007), alga eta fauna espezie elkartuen talde koherenteak batera aldatzen dutela ikusten da. Hala ere, 2008tik aurrerantz finkatutako komunitate berrian algen eta ornogabeen arteko elkarte espezifikoak falta dira. Gure emaitzek flora eta fauna espezieen arteko ereduak daudela adierazten dute. Patroi hauek ekosistema bentonikoaren funtsezko espezie eta ezaugarri funtzionalen galeren ondorioak hobeto ulertzen lagunduko dute.; Canopy-forming macroalgae are globally facing drastic declines and the consequences for ecosystem processes remain still little known. The present investigation analyses in a 20 years period the retreat of shallow subtidal rocky benthos communities in the southern Bay of Biscay, where the macrophyte Gelidium corneum has suffered a notable decrease. The rate of change of canopy retreat was investigated as well as the effects of the decline on the taxonomic and functional structure of canopy-dependent organisms (algae and invertebrates). Our results show that major changes occurred abruptly in 2008, and no signs of recovery have been recorded afterwards. Major losses arose in complex perennial macroalgal forms together with epiphytic and no epiphytic suspensivores while simple turf-forming algae proliferated. At the same time, species richness, algal density and both flora and fauna evenness increased. There exist groups of coherent species of flora and fauna that covary during the first part of the studied period. However, from 2008 onwards the new established community lacked algal-invertebrate specific associations. Our results highlight patterns between flora and fauna species help to better understand the consequences of the loss of key species and functional traits for the benthic ecosystem
Craniopharyngioma in the elderly: a multicenter and nationwide study in Spain
[Abstract] Background: Craniopharyngioma (CP) is a rare tumor in the elderly whose clinical features and prognosis are not well known in this population. Aim: To evaluate the clinicopathological features and therapeutic outcomes of CP diagnosed in the elderly. Patients and Methods: This was a retrospective, multicenter, national study of CP patients diagnosed over the age of 65 years and surgically treated. Results: From a total of 384 adult CP patients, we selected 53 (13.8%) patients (27 women [50.9%], mean age 72.3 ± 5.1 years [range 65–83 years]) diagnosed after the age of 65 years. The most common clinical symptoms were visual field defects (71.2%) followed by headache (45.3%). The maximum tumor diameter was 2.9 ± 1.1 cm. In most patients, the tumor was suprasellar (96.2%) and mixed (solid-cystic) (58.5%). The surgical approach most commonly used was transcranial surgery (52.8%), and more than half of the patients (54.7%) underwent subtotal resection (STR). Adamantinomatous CP and papillary CP were present in 51 and 45.1%, respectively, with mixed forms in the remaining. Surgery was accompanied by an improvement in visual field defects and in headaches; however, pituitary hormonal hypofunction increased, mainly at the expense of an increase in the prevalence of diabetes insipidus (DI) (from 3.9 to 69.2%). Near-total resection (NTR) was associated with a higher prevalence of DI compared with subtotal resection (87.5 vs. 53.6%, p = 0.008). Patients were followed for 46.7 ± 40.8 months. The mortality rate was 39.6% with a median survival time of 88 (95% CI: 57–118) months. DI at last visit was associated with a lower survival. Conclusion: CP diagnosed in the elderly shows a similar distribution by sex and histologic forms than that diagnosed at younger ages. At presentation, visual field alterations and headaches are the main clinical symptoms which improve substantially with surgery. However, surgery, mainly NTR, is accompanied by worsening of pituitary function, especially DI, which seems to be a predictor of mortality in this population
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