77 research outputs found

    Creación de textos corpo-sonoros como otra forma de expresión estética

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    La creación de textos corpo-sonoros surge como una propuesta investigativa cuya finalidad es expresar emociones y sentimientos que germinan de la his­toria de vida de cada participante del curso 301 de la jornada tarde en la I.E.D. Antonio Nariño, sede A. Para guiar este proceso de creación, nos pregunta­mos cómo potenciar la creación corpo-sonora para la exteriorización de emociones y sentimientos para así permitir otras formas de expresión estética, desa­rrollada por medio de actividades relacionadas con el conocimiento del cuerpo y la gran variedad de emociones que albergamos. Esto permite ampliar el vocabulario referente a las emociones, reconocer la potencia que es la historia de vida para crear e iden­tificar al cuerpo como parte del ser que somos, para expresar de una forma estética, es decir, contemplan­do las producciones de los demás compañeros como una posibilidad de disfrute y gozo de lo creado a partir de la vida misma

    Delayed surgery and health related quality of life in patients with proximal femoral fracture

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    This study aimed to establish factors associated with delayed surgery in patients with proximal femoral fracture and to assess patients’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after surgery including all-cause 6-months mortality. This was a single-center, observational, prospective cohort study that included patients with a proximal femur fracture. We described patients’ HRQoL measured by EuroQoL (EQ-5D-5L and EQ-VAS) questionnaire and perioperative complications (including mortality) 6 months after surgery. We included 163 patients with a mean age of 80.5 years, the majority were women and 76.1% reported falling from their own height. The mean time between hospital admission and surgery was 8.3 days (SD 4.9 days) and the mean hospital stay was 13.5 days (SD 10.4 days). After adjustment, the principal factor associated with delayed surgery was adjournment in surgery authorization (3.7 days). EQ-5D-5L index values and the VAS score at 1 month after surgery were 0.489 and 61.1, at 3 months were 0.613 and 65.8, and at 6 months 0.662 and 66.7 respectively. Mortality at 6 months of follow-up was 11% (18 patients). In conclusion, administrative authorization was the strongest associated factor with delayed time from hospital admission to surgery. HRQoL of patients with a proximal femoral fracture improved 6 months after surgery. Trial registration: NCT04217642.</p

    Osmoregulatory Plasticity of Juvenile Greater Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) to Environmental Salinity

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    Osmotic costs in teleosts are highly variable, reaching up to 50% of energy expenditure in some. In several species, environmental salinities close to the isosmotic point (similar to 15 psu) minimize energy demand for osmoregulation while enhancing growth. The present study aimed to characterize the physiological status related to osmoregulation in early juveniles of the greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, acclimated to three salinities (15, 22, and 36 psu). Our results indicate that plasma metabolic substrates were enhanced at the lower salinities, whereas hepatic carbohydrate and energetic lipid substrates decreased. Moreover, osmoregulatory parameters, such as osmolality, muscle water content, gill and intestine Na+-K+-ATPase activities, suggested a great osmoregulatory capacity in this species. Remarkably, electrophysiological parameters, such as short-circuit current (Isc) and transepithelial electric resistance (TER), were enhanced significantly at the posterior intestine. Concomitantly, Isc and TER anterior-to-posterior intestine differences were intensified with increasing environmental salinity. Furthermore, the expression of several adeno-hypophyseal genes was assessed. Expression of prl showed an inverse linear relationship with increasing environmental salinity, while gh mRNA enhanced significantly in the 22 psu-acclimated groups. Overall, these results could explain the better growth observed in S. dumerili juveniles kept at salinities close to isosmotic rather than in seawater.This research was funded by Project "Diversificacion de la Acuicultura Espanola mediante la optimizacion del cultivo de Seriola dumerili" JACUMAR 2016 (MAPAMA) and Fondo Europeo Maritimo y de Pesca (FEMP). The authors (A.B. and J.M.M.) belong to the FishWelfare and Stress Network (AGL2016-81808-REDT), supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (MINECO, Spanish Government)

    Prevalence of Sleep Disorders in School Children from Sabaneta, Colombia 2005

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    RESUMEN: El sueño es una de las funciones básicas en la vida del niño y condición esencial para el estado de alerta diurno, por tanto su alteración influye negativamente sobre su desarrollo y el bienestar de la familia. Los trastornos del sueño son muy comunes durante la niñez, la Academia Americana de Pediatría en 2001 informó una tasa global de 20% a 30%. Sin embargo, en Colombia han sido escasamente estudiados. Objetivo: establecer la prevalencia de trastornos del sueño en niños escolares del municipio de Sabaneta, los antecedentes familiares y las características sociodemográficas asociadas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de observación descriptivo, aleatorizado y de corte transversal donde se analizaron los resultados obtenidos de 296 cuestionarios diligenciados por los padres de niños pertenecientes a colegios de las áreas urbana y rural del municipio. Dicho cuestionario contenía criterios clínicos para la clasificación de los trastornos del sueño según el DSM-IV. Resultados: la prevalencia de los diferentes trastornos del sueño fue como sigue: ronquido 39,2%; somniloquia 35,1%; bruxismo 33,1%; apnea obstructiva del sueño 16,9; colecho 1 6,9%; insomnio 14,9%; pesadillas 12,8%; enuresis 9,5%; sonambulismo 7,4%; despertares nocturnos 7,4%; terrores nocturnos 6,1%; resistencia/miedo a dormir 4,1%. Los despertares nocturnos fueron significativamente más frecuentes en niños de estratos socioeconómicos altos (IC: 0,19-0,97);la enuresis lo fue en varones (IC: 0,14-0,96) y las pesadillas lo fueron en niños mayores de 9 años (IC: 0,24-0,91). Conclusión: la prevalencia de trastornos del sueño en la población escolar del municipio de Sabaneta es alta y similar a la reportada en otros países. Estos resultados deben incentivar a los padres de familia y pediatras a estar alerta para poder hacer un diagnóstico precoz, que evite complicaciones a largo plazo de un trastorno de sueño no tratado.ABSTRACT: Sleep is one of the basic needs in a child’s life and it is essential for day time alert state. Any sleep disturbance has a negative impact on the child’s development, his/her own well-being and that of the family. Sleep disorders are common in childhood. The American Academy of Pediatrics showed in 2001 a prevalence of 20-30%. In Colombia these disorders have not been well investigated. Objective: to find out the prevalence of sleep disorders in schoolchildren of Sabaneta, Colombia, as well as their medical histories and sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: an observational, descriptive, randomized, cross sectional study was carried out, based on the results of 296 questionnaires answered by parents. DSM-IV criteria for the classification of sleep disorders were included in the questionnaire. Results: prevalence of the various disorders was as follows: snoring 39.2%; sleep talking disorder 35.1%; bruxism 33.1%; obstructive sleep apnea 16.9%; cosleeping 16.9%; insomnia 14.9%; nightmares 12.8%; enuresis 9.5%; sleep walking disorder 7.4%; night awakenings 7.4%; night terrors 6.1%; fear to fall a sleep 4.1%. Enuresis was significantly more frequent in males (CI: 0.14-0.96), night awakenings in children from higher socioeconomic strata (CI: 0.19-0.97), and nightmares in those older than 9 years (CI: 0.24-0.91). Conclusion: sleep disorders are frequent in the studied group; their prevalence is similar to that reported from other countries. These results should motivate parents and pediatricians in order to make early diagnosis and,therefore, to avoid long-term complications

    Diálogos: discusiones en la psicología contemporánea

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    Con este segundo número de la Serie "Diálogos. Discusiones en la Psicología Contemporánea", el Departamento de Psicología continua su política de publicaciones encaminada a facilitar la divulgación de trabajos teóricos o empíricos en psicología, que por su nivel de elaboración conceptual puedan ser enriquecidos en el debate que suscite cada uno de ellos, con lo cual se espera contribuir al intercambio de ideas y a la conformación de una activa comunidad académica. / Contenido. Preliminares; Capítulo 1 - Psicología social; Capítulo 2 - Psicología cognitiva; Capítulo 3 - Psicología y trabajo; Capítulo 4 - Psicología deportiva

    Validación de la utilidad de los parámetros de deformación miocárdica para excluir el rechazo agudo tras el trasplante cardiaco: un estudio multicéntrico

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    Multicenter study[Abstract] Introduction and objectives: Two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography has emerged as a promising alternative to endomyocardial biopsy to rule out acute cellular rejection after orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) in single center studies. In an original cohort, 15.5% and 17% of cutoff points for left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LVGLS) and free-wall right ventricular longitudinal strain, respectively, achieved 100% negative predictive value to exclude moderate or severe acute cellular rejection (ACR ≥ 2R). Our objective was to demonstrate the usefulness of speckle-tracking and validate these cutoff points in an external cohort. Methods: A prospective, multicenter study that included patients who were monitored during their first year after OHT was conducted. Echocardiographic studies analyzed by local investigators were compared with simultaneous paired endomyocardial biopsies samples. Results: A total of 501 endomyocardial biopsy-echocardiographic studies were included in 99 patients. ACR≥2R was present in 7.4% of samples. LVGLS and free-wall right ventricular longitudinal strain were significantly reduced during ACR≥2R on univariate analysis. On multivariate analysis, LVGLS was independently associated with the presence of ACR≥2R. The original cutoff points demonstrated a negative predictive value of 94.3% to exclude ACR≥2R. Conclusions: This study maintained a strong negative predictive value to exclude ACR≥2R after OHT and LVGLS was independently associated with the presence of ACR≥2R. We propose the use of speckle-tracking, especially LVGLS, as part of the noninvasive diagnosis and management of ACR.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Algunos estudios indican que los parámetros de strain por speckle-tracking pueden ser una alternativa no invasiva a la biopsia endomiocárdica para excluir el rechazo celular agudo (RCA) moderado o grave (≥ 2 R) tras el trasplante cardiaco (TxC). En una cohorte inicial, unos puntos de corte del 15,5% para el strain longitudinal global del ventrículo izquierdo (SLGVI) y el 17% para el strain de pared libre del ventrículo derecho mostraron un valor predictivo negativo del 100% para excluir RCA ≥ 2 R. Nuestro objetivo es analizar la utilidad del strain y validar estos puntos de corte en una cohorte multicéntrica prospectiva externa. Métodos. Estudio multicéntrico y prospectivo que incluyó a pacientes con seguimiento el primer año tras el TC. Se compararon los resultados de biopsias electivas con ecocardiogramas realizados el mismo día. Resultados. Se incluyó a 99 pacientes y 501 pares de biopsias-ecocardiogramas. El RCA ≥ 2 R en las biopsias fue del 7,4%. El SLGVI y el strain longitudinal de pared libre del ventrículo derecho fueron menores durante los RCA ≥ 2 R en el análisis univariante. En el análisis multivariante, el SLGVI se asoció de manera independiente con el RCA ≥ 2 R. Los puntos de corte originales mostraron un valor predictivo negativo del 94,3% el RCA ≥ 2 R. Conclusiones. Este estudio mantiene un alto valor predictivo negativo para excluir RCA ≥ 2 R tras el TxC y el SLGVI se asoció de manera independiente con el RCA ≥ 2 R. El strain y, principalmente, el SLGVI pueden ser de utilidad en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento no invasivo del RCA

    Extreme, wintertime Saharan dust intrusion in the Iberian Peninsula: Lidar monitoring and evaluation of dust forecast models during the February 2017 event

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the H2020 program from the European Union (grant agreement no. 654109, 778349) and also from the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiviness (MINECO, ref. CGL2013-45410-R, CGL2016-81092-R, CGL2017-85344-R, TEC2015-63832-P), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (ref. CGL2017-90884-REDT); the CommSensLab "Maria de Maeztu" Unity of Excellence (ref. MDM-2016-0600) financed by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Co-funding was also provided by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690, ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000004, ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000011); by the Andalusia Regional Government (ref. P12-RNM-2409); by the Madrid Regional Government (projects TIGAS-CM, ref. Y2018/EMT-5177 and AIRTEC-CM, ref. P2018/EMT4329); by the University of Granada through “Plan Propio. Programa 9 Convocatoria 2013” and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and national funding (ref. SFRH/BSAB/143164/2019). The BSC-DREAM8b and NNMB/BSC-Dust (now NMMB-MONARCH) model simulations were performed by the Mare Nostrum supercomputer hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputer Center (BSC). S. Basart acknowledges the AXA Research Fund for supporting aerosol research at the BSC through the AXA Chair on Sand and Dust Storms Fund, as well as the InDust project (COST Action CA16202). The authors gratefully acknowledge the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) for the provision of the HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model and/or READY website (http://www.ready.noaa.gov) used in this publication.An unprecedented extreme Saharan dust event was registered in winter time from 20 to 23 February 2017 over the Iberian Peninsula (IP). We report on aerosol optical properties observed under this extreme dust intrusion through passive and active remote sensing techniques. For that, AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) and EARLINET (European Aerosol Research LIdar NETwork) databases are used. The sites considered are: Barcelona (41.38°N, 2.17°E), Burjassot (39.51°N, 0.42°W), Cabo da Roca (38.78°N, 9.50°W), Évora (38.57°N, 7.91°W), Granada (37.16°N, 3.61°W) and Madrid (40.45°N, 3.72°W). Large aerosol optical depths (AOD) and low Ångström exponents (AE) are observed. An AOD of 2.0 at 675 nm is reached in several stations. A maximum peak of 2.5 is registered in Évora. During and around the peak of AOD, AEs close to 0 and even slightly negative are measured. With regard to vertically-resolved aerosol optical properties, particle backscatter coefficients as high as 15 Mm−1 sr−1 at 355 nm are recorded at the lidar stations. Layer-mean lidar ratios are found in the range 40–55 sr at 355 nm and 34–61 sr at 532 nm during the event. The particle depolarization ratios are found to be constant inside the dust layer, and consistent from one site to another. Layer-mean values vary in the range 0.19–0.31. Another remarkable aspect of the event is the limited vertical distribution of the dust plume which never exceeds 5 km. The extreme aspect of the event also presented a nice case for testing the ability of two dust forecast models, BSC-DREAM8b and NMMB/BSC-Dust, to reproduce the arrival, the vertical distribution and the intensity of the dust plume over a long-range transport region. In the particular case of the February 2017 dust event, we found a large underestimation in the forecast of the extinction coefficient provided by BSC-DREAM8b at all heights independently of the site. In contrast NMMB/BSC-Dust forecasts presented a better agreement with the observations, especially in southwestern part of the IP. With regard to the forecast skill as a function of lead time, no clear degradation of the prognostic is appreciated at 24, 48 and 72 h for Évora and Granada stations (South). However the prognostic does degrade (bias increases and/or correlation decreases) for Barcelona (North), which is attributed to the fact that Barcelona is at a greater distance from the source region and to the singularity of the event.Funding from the H2020 program from the European Union (grant agreement no. 654109, 778349)Spanish Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiviness (MINECO, ref. CGL2013-45410-R, CGL2016-81092-R, CGL2017-85344-R, TEC2015-63832-P)Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (ref. CGL2017-90884-REDT)CommSensLab "Maria de Maeztu" Unity of Excellence (ref. MDM-2016-0600) financed by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónCo-funding was also provided by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690, ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000004, ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000011)Andalusia Regional Government (ref. P12-RNM-2409); by the Madrid Regional Government (projects TIGAS-CM, ref. Y2018/EMT-5177 and AIRTEC-CM, ref. P2018/EMT4329)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and national funding (ref. SFRH/BSAB/143164/2019

    Filtros suavizadores en imágenes sintéticas de resonancia magnética cerebral: un estudio comparativo

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    This paper presents the evaluation of two computational techniques for smoothing noise that might be present in synthetic images or numerical phantoms of magnetic resonance (MRI). The images that will serve as the databases (DB) during the course of this evaluation are available freely on the Internet and are reported in specialized literature as synthetic images called BrainWeb. The images that belong to this DB were contaminated with Rician noise, this being the most frequent type of noise in real MRI images. Also, the techniques that are usually considered to minimize the impact of Rician noise on the quality of BrainWeb images are matched with the Gaussian filter (GF) and an anisotropic diffusion filter, based on the gradient of the image (GADF). Each of these filters has 2 parameters that control their operation and, therefore, undergo a rigorous tuning process to identify the optimal values that guarantee the best performance of both the GF and the GADF. The peak of the signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the computation time are considered as key elements to analyze the behavior of each of the filtering techniques applied. The results indicate that: a) both filters generate PSNR values comparable to each other. b) The GF requires a significantly shorter computation time to soften the Rician noise present in the considered DB. Keywords: Synthetic Cerebral images, Magnetic resonance, Rician noise, Gaussian filter, Anisotropic diffusion filter, PSNR.Este artículo presenta la evaluación de dos técnicas computacionales para el suavizado de ruido, que puede estar presente en imágenes sintéticas o phantoms numéricos de resonancia magnética (MRI). Las imágenes que servirán como bases de datos (DB) para el desarrollo de la mencionada evaluación están disponibles, de manera libre, en la Internet y se reportan, en la literatura especializada, como imágenes sintéticas denominadas BrainWeb. Las imágenes pertenecientes a esta DB fueron contaminadas con ruido Riciano debido a que este es el tipo de ruido más frecuente en imágenes de MRI reales. Por otra parte, las técnicas consideradas para minimizar el impacto de este ruido, en la calidad de las imágenes de la BrainWeb, se hacen coincidir con el filtro Gausiano (GF) y un filtro de difusión anisotrópica, basado en el gradiente de la imagen (GADF). Cada uno de estos filtros posee 2 parámetros que controlan su funcionamiento y, por ende, deben someterse a un proceso de entonación riguroso para identificar los valores óptimos que garanticen el mejor desempeño tanto del GF como del GADF. El pico de la relación señal a ruido (PSNR) y el tiempo de cómputo son considerados como elementos clave para analizar el comportamiento de cada una de las técnicas de filtrado aplicadas. Los resultados indican que: a) Ambos filtros generan valores de PSNR comparables entre sí. b) El GF requiere de un tiempo de cómputo, significativamente, menor para suavizar el ruido Riciano presente en la DB considerada. Palabras clave: Imágenes sintéticas cerebrales, Resonancia magnética, Ruido Riciano, Filtro Gausiano, Filtro de difusión anisotrópica, PSNR