195 research outputs found

    Sistema Informacional: Gerenciando o Fluxo de uma Ferramenta Cognitiva

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    Os novos contextos tecnológicos e científicos exigem outras capacidades que unem compreensivamente a leitura e a escrita, uma capacidade que se respalda não somente em destrezas e habilidades, senão, sobretudo, em competências. Este artigo apresenta uma experiência de gestão de um sistema de informação na área educacional – fluxo informacional e realimentação – cujo objetivo é o de acionar, acompanhar e avaliar a implementação de uma ferramenta cognitiva, construtivista e interacionista, a Teoria da Modificabilidade Cognitiva Estrutural (TMCE), em unidades escolares de Ensino Médio da Rede Pública Estadual da Bahia, Brasil. Experiência na qual se enfrentou o desafio para melhorar a qualidade do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, rumo ao fortalecimento do potencial humano

    Informação, cognição e mediação: vertentes, contextos e pretextos

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    Artigo que registra uma trajetória de estudos e pesquisas de 1998 a 2007, sobre o tema Informação, Cognição e Mediação em diferentes contextos, tais como comunidade (uso de estratégias para preservar a cidadania numa festa popular de São João), escola de Ensino Médio (integração de estratégia cognitiva inovadora ao currículo), escola de Ensino Superior (análise de necessidades de novas estratégias metodológicas para a leitura de textos complexos para se chegar à ciência) e de cotidiano profissional (tomada de consciência do uso de estratégias cognitivas quando em situações de atendimento ao usuário). Registra-se, com isso, o potencial de teorias de aprendizagem cognitivista e interacionista para acionar leituras de mundo, leitura de textos científicos e leitura de construção e desconstrução do conhecimento, subsidiando a autonomia do pensar, exigência dos novos avanços tecnológicos e científicos

    Contributions of cognition in the construction processes of the organization, retrieval and use of information

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    [Resumo] Na observância de um contexto de mudanças constantes nas formas de organização e disseminação da informação e em tempos da Web Social e Web Semântica, desenvolve-se um estudo com base metodológica construtivista, na modalidade de triangulação de métodos, o qual visa avaliar o grau de compreensão e interpretação da informação pelo indivíduo, considerando que o acesso à ciência incluir ações básicas de apreensão de sistemas conceituais e lingüísticos, além do manuseio de tecnologias de representação e de imagens científicas. Para tanto, busca-se também identificar e analisar competências/ habilidades cognitivas necessárias ao usuário, bem como ao profissional da informação, quanto ao acesso e à disseminação da informação. Ancorados nestes avanços, argumenta-se sobre a pertinência da aplicação das teorias cognitivas, assim como das competências informacionais e tecnológicas, suportes da dinâmica dos processos de recuperação, além do uso da informação; tudo isto objetiva alertar que as exigências do novo contexto mundial requerem mudanças no modus operandi dos profissionais e no comportamento dos usuários da informação.[Abstract] In compliance with a constantly changing context in the forms of organization and dissemination of information and in times of Social Web and Semantic Web, it is developed a study based on a constructivist methodology using triangulation methods, which aims to evaluated the assessing degree of understanding and interpretation information by the information user, considering that the science access includes basic actions of catching conceptual and linguistic systems, in addition to handling technologies of representation and scientific images. So, it looks to also identify and analyze skills and cognitive skills needed by the user and the information professional how to access and dissemination of information. Anchored on these advances, it is argued about the merits of applying the cognitive theories and informational and technological competences as support in the dynamics of recovery processes and use of information, aiming to alert that the requirements of the new global environment need changes in the information professionals and users? modus operandi

    Espacios de significación y representación de las teorías cognitivas, de la mediación y de la multirreferencialidad en el proceso de alfabetización hacía el aceso al conocimiento

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    Este artículo analiza las exigencias del siglo XXI en cuanto al acceso del hombre al conocimiento, destacando la dificultad de aprehender la realidad en un contexto de transformaciones científicas, tecnológicas, culturales, políticas sociales y económicas. Se revisan los conceptos de analfabetismo, alfabetización y la privación cultural y además la función de la escuela y de la biblioteca en el proceso de aprendizaje subsidiando el desarrollo del poder informativo. Reflexiona sobre las perspectivas de la organización y difusión del conocimiento, la mediación, la multirreferencialidad y la necesidad de políticas públicas para promover la mejora de la alfabetización informacional y comunicacional


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    Assuming that postgraduate programs in information science, in a situation of continuing education, they have the intention of enlarge the information competencies, this study discusses the competencies and abilities informational development underlying the pedagogical project of the Postgraduate in Information Science Program (PPGCI / UFBA) Instituto de Ciência da Informação (ICI / UFBA). It is an exploratory and descriptive case study, with a cognitive approach in order to build up a knowledge background about concepts, cognitive trajectories and mediation competencies. It was proceeded the analysis about current disciplines plans that have had taken part of the PPGCI / UFBA curriculum structure. Then, it was applied a questionnaire to the students of PPGCI, in order to perceive the degree of consciousness about competencies acquisitions during the course that they have had participated. The students that have taken part of the research in the first semester of 2009 were students that have begun the course in 2008. They had pointed that the disciplines that have had contributed with bigger relevance for the general and informational competencies building are: Research Methodology in Information, Advanced Seminars in Information and Information and Cognition.A partir do pressuposto de que os programas de pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação, em situação de educação continuada, têm o propósito de ampliar competências informacionais, neste estudo, discute-se o desenvolvimento de competências e capacidades informacionais subjacentes no projeto pedagógico do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI) da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) do Instituto de Ciência da Informação (ICI). Faz-se um estudo de caso exploratório e descritivo, com uma abordagem cognitiva, a fim de construir um lastro de conhecimentos sobre conceitos, trajetórias cognitivas e mediações de competências. Procedeu-se à analise dos planos de curso das disciplinas que compõem a estrutura curricular do PPGCI/UFBA. Em seguida, aplicou-se um questionário com os discentes do PPGCI para perceber o grau de consciência sobre a aquisição de competências no decorrer do curso. Os discentes participantes do estudo, ingressantes em 2008 e consultados em 2009.1, apontaram que as disciplinas que contribuem com maior relevância para a formação de competências, tanto informacionais quanto gerais, são Metodologia da Pesquisa em Informação, Seminários Avançados de Informação e Informação e Cognição

    Information science: professional performance and contributions for the development of the scientific field by the graduates from PPGCI (ICI/ UFBA)

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    Diante do conflito do mundo do trabalho provocado pelas mudanças tecnológicas em que fronteiras profissionais desaparecem, acredita-se ser de fundamental importância pesquisas subsidiem o desenvolvimento de novas trajetórias da formação e as demandas de contexto. Relata-se uma investigação sobre a atuação profissional e a contribuição de egressos da Pós-Graduação do Instituto de Ciência da Informação (UFBA-POSICI) para o campo científico da área, que defenderam suas dissertações no período de 1998-2006, apresentando indicadores que permitiram analisar tendências sobre o desempenho dos cursos, dos próprios titulados e do seu mercado profissional. Percebeu-se, por meio dos dados coletados e analisados, que diferentes questões puderam ser visualizadas no tocante à atuação profissional, à contribuição do campo científico da CI e quanto à importância dos cursos de pós-graduação para os processos de inovação do conhecimento da sociedade.Taking into consideration the different conflicts in the labor world as a result of the technological changes where professional frontiers fade away, it is of fundamental importance that research may subsidize the development of new trajectories of education and context demands. A research has been carried out about the professional performance of graduates from Post-Graduation of the Institute of Information Science for the scientific field in this area. Dissertations presented by them from 1998 to 2006 show indicators which allow an analysis of the trends about the performance of the students, the courses and their professional market. Through data collected and analyzed, different issues can be visualized with reference to professional performance, contribution to the scientific field of Information Science, as well as to the importance of the Post-Graduation courses for the processes of innovating society knowledge

    The Challenges and Opportunities of lncRNAs in Ovarian Cancer Research and Clinical Use

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    [Abstract] Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal gynecological malignancies worldwide because it tends to be detected late, when the disease has already spread, and prognosis is poor. In this review we aim to highlight the importance of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment choice, to make progress towards increasingly personalized medicine in this malignancy. We review the effects of lncRNAs associated with ovarian cancer in the context of cancer hallmarks. We also discuss the molecular mechanisms by which lncRNAs become involved in cellular physiology; the onset, development and progression of ovarian cancer; and lncRNAs’ regulatory mechanisms at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational stages of gene expression. Finally, we compile a series of online resources useful for the study of lncRNAs, especially in the context of ovarian cancer. Future work required in the field is also discussed along with some concluding remarks.This work was funded by Plan Estatal I + D + I by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, Spain) under grant agreement AES number PI18/01714, cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER (The European Regional Development Fund-ERDF) “A way of Making Europe,” and by Xunta de Galicia (Consolidación Grupos Referencia Competitiva contract number ED431C 2016-012). M.S.M. was funded by a predoctoral fellowship from FPU-2018 (Spain)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-01

    Interrater Reliability of the Test of Gross Motor Development—Third Edition Following Raters’ Agreement on Measurement Criteria

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    We aimed to calculate interrater reliability of the Test of Gross Motor Development—Third Edition (TGMD-3) after raters reached a consensus regarding measurement criteria. Three raters measured the fundamental movement skills of 25 children on the TGMD-3 at two different times: (a) once when simply following the measurement criteria in the TGMD-3 manual and (b) after a 9-month washout period, following the raters’ consensus building for the measurement criteria for each skill. After calculating and comparing the interrater reliability of these three raters across these two rating times, we found improved interrater reliability after the raters’ consensus-building discussions on ratings of both locomotor skills (moderate-to-good reliability on two of six skills initially and at least moderate-to-excellent on four of six skills following criteria consensus building) and ball skills (moderate-to-good reliability on one of seven skills initially and at least moderate-to-excellent reliability on four of seven skills following criteria consensus building). For subtest scores and overall test scores, raters achieved at least moderate-to-good reliability on their second, postconsensus-building ratings. Based on this improved reliability following consensus building, we recommend that researchers include rater consensus building before assessing children’s fundamental movement skills or guiding curriculum interventions in physical education from TGMD-3 data.This work was supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way to make Europe, under grant PID2021-128640OB-I00. Carballo-Fazanes was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under grant FPU19/02017. This study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences of the University of Vigo, Spain.S

    Biocompatibility and Electrical Stimulation of Skeletal and Smooth Muscle Cells Cultured on Piezoelectric Nanogenerators

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    Altres ajuts: Fundació la Caixa: LCF/BQ/PR19/11700010Nanogenerators are interesting for biomedical applications, with a great potential for electrical stimulation of excitable cells. Piezoelectric ZnO nanosheets present unique properties for tissue engineering. In this study, nanogenerator arrays based on ZnO nanosheets are fabricated on transparent coverslips to analyse the biocompatibility and the electromechanical interaction with two types of muscle cells, smooth and skeletal. Both cell types adhere, proliferate and differentiate on the ZnO nanogenerators. Interestingly, the amount of Zn ions released over time from the nanogenerators does not interfere with cell viability and does not trigger the associated inflammatory response, which is not triggered by the nanogenerators themselves either. The local electric field generated by the electromechanical nanogenerator-cell interaction stimulates smooth muscle cells by increasing cytosolic calcium ions, whereas no stimulation effect is observed on skeletal muscle cells. The random orientation of the ZnO nanogenerators, avoiding an overall action potential aligned along the muscle fibre, is hypothesised to be the cause of the cell-type dependent response. This demonstrates the need of optimizing the nanogenerator morphology, orientation and distribution according to the potential biomedical use. Thus, this study demonstrates the cell-scale stimulation triggered by biocompatible piezoelectric nanogenerators without using an external source on smooth muscle cells, although it remarks the cell type-dependent response