15 research outputs found

    Bacillus subtilis 29784 as a feed additive for broilers shifts the intestinal microbial composition and supports the production of hypoxanthine and nicotinic acid

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    The probiotic Bacillus subtilis strain 29784 (Bs29784) has been shown to improve performance in broilers. In this study, we used a metabolomic and 16S rRNA gene sequencing approach to evaluate effects of Bs29874 in the broiler intestine. Nicotinic acid and hypoxanthine were key metabolites that were produced by the strain in vitro and were also found in vivo to be increased in small intestinal content of broilers fed Bs29784 as dietary additive. Both metabolites have well-described anti-inflammatory effects in the intestine. Furthermore, Bs29784 supplementation to the feed significantly altered the ileal microbiome of 13-day-old broilers, thereby increasing the abundance of genus Bacillus, while decreasing genera and OTUs belonging to the Lactobacillaceae and Enterobacteriacae families. Moreover, Bs29784 did not change the cecal microbial community structure, but specifically enriched members of the family Clostridiales VadinBB60, as well as the butyrate-producing families Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae. The abundance of various OTUs and genera belonging to these families was significantly associated with nicotinic acid levels in the cecum, suggesting a possible cross-feeding between B. subtilis strain 29784 and these beneficial microbes. Taken together, the data indicate that Bs29784 exerts its described probiotic effects through a combined action of its metabolites on both the host and its microbiome

    Nutrimetabolomics: An Integrative Action for Metabolomic Analyses in Human Nutritional Studies

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    The life sciences are currently being transformed by an unprecedented wave of developments in molecular analysis, which include important advances in instrumental analysis as well as biocomputing. In light of the central role played by metabolism in nutrition, metabolomics is rapidly being established as a key analytical tool in human nutritional studies. Consequently, an increasing number of nutritionists integrate metabolomics into their study designs. Within this dynamic landscape, the potential of nutritional metabolomics (nutrimetabolomics) to be translated into a science, which can impact on health policies, still needs to be realized. A key element to reach this goal is the ability of the research community to join, to collectively make the best use of the potential offered by nutritional metabolomics. This article, therefore, provides a methodological description of nutritional metabolomics that reflects on the state‐of‐the‐art techniques used in the laboratories of the Food Biomarker Alliance (funded by the European Joint Programming Initiative "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" (JPI HDHL)) as well as points of reflections to harmonize this field. It is not intended to be exhaustive but rather to present a pragmatic guidance on metabolomic methodologies, providing readers with useful "tips and tricks" along the analytical workflow

    Supports de catalyseurs Ă  base de mousse de b-SiC

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    Les mousses alvĂ©olaires ont connu un succĂšs grandissant ces derniĂšres annĂ©es car elles prĂ©sentent le sĂ©rieux avantage d'ĂȘtre trĂšs lĂ©gĂšres, par rapport Ă  leur concurrent direct, le nid d'abeille. L'objectif du travail est de dĂ©velopper la mousse de b-SiC eCellular solids receive an increasing interest the last years due to their biggest advantage compared to the honeycombs your lightness. The aim of this work is to use b-SiC foam as a macrostructure and to study its application as a support for the nano

    Supports de catalyseurs Ă  base de mousse de b-SiC

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    Les mousses alvĂ©olaires ont connu un succĂšs grandissant ces derniĂšres annĂ©es car elles prĂ©sentent le sĂ©rieux avantage d'ĂȘtre trĂšs lĂ©gĂšres, par rapport Ă  leur concurrent direct, le nid d'abeille. L'objectif du travail est de dĂ©velopper la mousse de b-SiC en tant que support de nanostructures, support de catalyseurs mais Ă©galement en tant que support physique dans le cadre de la filtrationcombustion des particules de suie. La premiĂšre phase du travail a consistĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper un nouveau composite alliant les propriĂ©tĂ©s macroscopiques d'une mousse de b-SiC et un potentiel Ă  l'Ă©chelle nanoscopique en faisant croĂźtre des nanofibres de carbone sur ces mousses. Ces nanofibres sont ensuite carburĂ©es pour obtenir un composite nano/macro de b-SiC Les nouveaux composites nano/macro prĂ©sentent une importante surface spĂ©cifique (60 m2/g) tout en s'affranchissant des problĂšmes de perte de charge. La seconde phase du travail est d'utiliser la mousse en tant que support de catalyseur dans la rĂ©action de dĂ©shydratation du mĂ©thanol en dimĂ©thylĂ©ther. L'Ă©tude sur la zĂ©olithe supportĂ©e a montrĂ© que quelle que soit l'aciditĂ© de la zĂ©olithe, cette derniĂšre reste parfaitement active et stable. En outre, la sĂ©lectivitĂ© vis-Ă -vis du DME demeure excellente, supĂ©rieure Ă  95%. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus confirment enfin la forte augmentation de l'activitĂ© dĂ©shydrogĂ©nante sur le catalyseur Ă  base de composite nano-macro. Enfin, la mousse de b-SiC en tant que support physique a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e dans le cadre de la rĂ©duction des Ă©missions de particules d'un moteur Diesel. Les filtres testĂ©s prĂ©sentent une bonne efficacitĂ© de filtration avec une faible perte de charge engendrĂ©e. Pour les tests sur banc moteur, il apparaĂźt clairement que le systĂšme dĂ©veloppĂ© au laboratoire prĂ©sente des avantages qui s'avĂšrent trĂšs intĂ©ressants pour l'industrie automobile : tenue mĂ©canique, bonne efficacitĂ© de filtration, faible perte de charge.Cellular solids receive an increasing interest the last years due to their biggest advantage compared to the honeycombs your lightness. The aim of this work is to use b-SiC foam as a macrostructure and to study its application as a support for the nanostructures, as a catalyst support as well as a physical support for the particulate matter filtration combustion in the exhaust gas. The first part of this work consists in developing a new composite constituted by a network of SiC nanofibers anchored on the macroscopic SiC foam. The introduction of a dense and homogeneous network of SiC nanofibers led to the formation of hybrid material with specific surface area higher than 50 m2/g. The second part deals with the synthesis of supported zeolite on ceramic host structures for the production of dimethyl ether by methanol dehydration. The study shows that no matter the Si/Al ratio the zeolite is strongly attached to the silicon carbide surface and the the obtained composites are very active and stable in the reaction of dehydration. In addition the selectivity towards DME stays excellent, superior of 95%. The high stability is attributed to the presence of a highly dispersed zeolite particles with micrometer size favoring the accessibilitt of the reactants to the active sites and quick transfer of intermediate product, i.e. DME, out from the catalyst bed. In the last part, the b-SiC foam was proposed as a novel type of SiC based Diesel Particulate Filter for deep-bed filtration on real bench test. The results confirm the high filtration potential of this system. Our system presents many advantages which make it especially interesting in the automotive industry: good mechanical strength, good filtration efficiency and low pressure drop. The balance point was obtained at 360°C with low pressure drop amounted to about 150 mbar

    Supports de catalyseurs Ă  base de mousse de ÎČ-SiC

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    Les mousses alvĂ©olaires ont connu un succĂšs grandissant ces derniĂšres annĂ©es car elles prĂ©sentent le sĂ©rieux avantage d’ĂȘtre trĂšs lĂ©gĂšres, par rapport Ă  leur concurrent direct, le nid d’abeille. L’objectif du travail est de dĂ©velopper la mousse de ÎČ-SiC en tant que support de nanostructures, support de catalyseurs mais Ă©galement en tant que support physique dans le cadre de la filtrationcombustion des particules de suie. La premiĂšre phase du travail a consistĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper un nouveau composite alliant les propriĂ©tĂ©s macroscopiques d’une mousse de ÎČ-SiC et un potentiel Ă  l’échelle nanoscopique en faisant croĂźtre des nanofibres de carbone sur ces mousses. Ces nanofibres sont ensuite carburĂ©es pour obtenir un composite nano/macro de ÎČ-SiC Les nouveaux composites nano/macro prĂ©sentent une importante surface spĂ©cifique (60 m2/g) tout en s’affranchissant des problĂšmes de perte de charge. La seconde phase du travail est d’utiliser la mousse en tant que support de catalyseur dans la rĂ©action de dĂ©shydratation du mĂ©thanol en dimĂ©thylĂ©ther. L’étude sur la zĂ©olithe supportĂ©e a montrĂ© que quelle que soit l’aciditĂ© de la zĂ©olithe, cette derniĂšre reste parfaitement active et stable. En outre, la sĂ©lectivitĂ© vis-Ă -vis du DME demeure excellente, supĂ©rieure Ă  95%. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus confirment enfin la forte augmentation de l’activitĂ© dĂ©shydrogĂ©nante sur le catalyseur Ă  base de composite nano-macro. Enfin, la mousse de ÎČ-SiC en tant que support physique a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e dans le cadre de la rĂ©duction des Ă©missions de particules d’un moteur Diesel. Les filtres testĂ©s prĂ©sentent une bonne efficacitĂ© de filtration avec une faible perte de charge engendrĂ©e. Pour les tests sur banc moteur, il apparaĂźt clairement que le systĂšme dĂ©veloppĂ© au laboratoire prĂ©sente des avantages qui s’avĂšrent trĂšs intĂ©ressants pour l’industrie automobile : tenue mĂ©canique, bonne efficacitĂ© de filtration, faible perte de charge.Cellular solids receive an increasing interest the last years due to their biggest advantage compared to the honeycombs – your lightness. The aim of this work is to use b-SiC foam as a macrostructure and to study its application as a support for the nanostructures, as a catalyst support as well as a physical support for the particulate matter filtration combustion in the exhaust gas. The first part of this work consists in developing a new composite constituted by a network of SiC nanofibers anchored on the macroscopic SiC foam. The introduction of a dense and homogeneous network of SiC nanofibers led to the formation of hybrid material with specific surface area higher than 50 m2/g. The second part deals with the synthesis of supported zeolite on ceramic host structures for the production of dimethyl ether by methanol dehydration. The study shows that no matter the Si/Al ratio the zeolite is strongly attached to the silicon carbide surface and the the obtained composites are very active and stable in the reaction of dehydration. In addition the selectivity towards DME stays excellent, superior of 95%. The high stability is attributed to the presence of a highly dispersed zeolite particles with micrometer size favoring the accessibilitt of the reactants to the active sites and quick transfer of intermediate product, i.e. DME, out from the catalyst bed. In the last part, the ÎČ-SiC foam was proposed as a novel type of SiC based Diesel Particulate Filter for deep-bed filtration on real bench test. The results confirm the high filtration potential of this system. Our system presents many advantages which make it especially interesting in the automotive industry: good mechanical strength, good filtration efficiency and low pressure drop. The balance point was obtained at 360°C with low pressure drop amounted to about 150 mbar

    Supports de catalyseurs Ă  base de mousse de b-SiC

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    Les mousses alvĂ©olaires ont connu un succĂšs grandissant ces derniĂšres annĂ©es car elles prĂ©sentent le sĂ©rieux avantage d ĂȘtre trĂšs lĂ©gĂšres, par rapport Ă  leur concurrent direct, le nid d abeille. L objectif du travail est de dĂ©velopper la mousse de b-SiC en tant que support de nanostructures, support de catalyseurs mais Ă©galement en tant que support physique dans le cadre de la filtrationcombustion des particules de suie. La premiĂšre phase du travail a consistĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper un nouveau composite alliant les propriĂ©tĂ©s macroscopiques d une mousse de b-SiC et un potentiel Ă  l Ă©chelle nanoscopique en faisant croĂźtre des nanofibres de carbone sur ces mousses. Ces nanofibres sont ensuite carburĂ©es pour obtenir un composite nano/macro de b-SiC Les nouveaux composites nano/macro prĂ©sentent une importante surface spĂ©cifique (60 m2/g) tout en s affranchissant des problĂšmes de perte de charge. La seconde phase du travail est d utiliser la mousse en tant que support de catalyseur dans la rĂ©action de dĂ©shydratation du mĂ©thanol en dimĂ©thylĂ©ther. L Ă©tude sur la zĂ©olithe supportĂ©e a montrĂ© que quelle que soit l aciditĂ© de la zĂ©olithe, cette derniĂšre reste parfaitement active et stable. En outre, la sĂ©lectivitĂ© vis-Ă -vis du DME demeure excellente, supĂ©rieure Ă  95%. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus confirment enfin la forte augmentation de l activitĂ© dĂ©shydrogĂ©nante sur le catalyseur Ă  base de composite nano-macro. Enfin, la mousse de b-SiC en tant que support physique a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e dans le cadre de la rĂ©duction des Ă©missions de particules d un moteur Diesel. Les filtres testĂ©s prĂ©sentent une bonne efficacitĂ© de filtration avec une faible perte de charge engendrĂ©e. Pour les tests sur banc moteur, il apparaĂźt clairement que le systĂšme dĂ©veloppĂ© au laboratoire prĂ©sente des avantages qui s avĂšrent trĂšs intĂ©ressants pour l industrie automobile : tenue mĂ©canique, bonne efficacitĂ© de filtration, faible perte de charge.Cellular solids receive an increasing interest the last years due to their biggest advantage compared to the honeycombs your lightness. The aim of this work is to use b-SiC foam as a macrostructure and to study its application as a support for the nanostructures, as a catalyst support as well as a physical support for the particulate matter filtration combustion in the exhaust gas. The first part of this work consists in developing a new composite constituted by a network of SiC nanofibers anchored on the macroscopic SiC foam. The introduction of a dense and homogeneous network of SiC nanofibers led to the formation of hybrid material with specific surface area higher than 50 m2/g. The second part deals with the synthesis of supported zeolite on ceramic host structures for the production of dimethyl ether by methanol dehydration. The study shows that no matter the Si/Al ratio the zeolite is strongly attached to the silicon carbide surface and the the obtained composites are very active and stable in the reaction of dehydration. In addition the selectivity towards DME stays excellent, superior of 95%. The high stability is attributed to the presence of a highly dispersed zeolite particles with micrometer size favoring the accessibilitt of the reactants to the active sites and quick transfer of intermediate product, i.e. DME, out from the catalyst bed. In the last part, the b-SiC foam was proposed as a novel type of SiC based Diesel Particulate Filter for deep-bed filtration on real bench test. The results confirm the high filtration potential of this system. Our system presents many advantages which make it especially interesting in the automotive industry: good mechanical strength, good filtration efficiency and low pressure drop. The balance point was obtained at 360C with low pressure drop amounted to about 150 mbar.STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Core-shell particles of C-doped CdS and graphene: A noble metal-free approach for efficient photocatalytic H2 generation

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    To achieve efficient photocatalytic H2 generation from water using earth-abundant and cost-effective materials, a simple synthesis method for carbon-doped CdS particles wrapped with graphene (C-doped CdS@G) is reported. The doping effect and the application of graphene as co-catalyst for CdS is studied for photocatalytic H2 generation. The most active sample consists of CdS and graphene (CdS-0.15G) exhibits promising photocatalytic activity, producing 3.12 mmol g−1 h−1 of H2 under simulated solar light which is ~4.6 times superior than pure CdS nanoparticles giving an apparent quantum efficiency (AQY) of 11.7%. The enhanced photocatalytic activity for H2 generation is associated to the narrowing of the bandgap, enhanced light absorption, fast interfacial charge transfer, and higher carrier density (ND) in C-doped CdS@G samples. This is achieved by C doping in CdS nanoparticles and the formation of a graphene shell over the C-doped CdS nanoparticles. After stability test, the spent catalysts sample was also characterized to investigate the nanostructure

    Core-shell particles of C-doped CdS and graphene: A noble metal-free approach for efficient photocatalytic H2 generation

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    To achieve efficient photocatalytic H2 generation from water using earth-abundant and cost-effective materials, a simple synthesis method for carbon-doped CdS particles wrapped with graphene (C-doped CdS@G) is reported. The doping effect and the application of graphene as co-catalyst for CdS is studied for photocatalytic H2 generation. The most active sample consists of CdS and graphene (CdS-0.15G) exhibits promising photocatalytic activity, producing 3.12 mmol g−1 h−1 of H2 under simulated solar light which is ~4.6 times superior than pure CdS nanoparticles giving an apparent quantum efficiency (AQY) of 11.7%. The enhanced photocatalytic activity for H2 generation is associated to the narrowing of the bandgap, enhanced light absorption, fast interfacial charge transfer, and higher carrier density (ND) in C-doped CdS@G samples. This is achieved by C doping in CdS nanoparticles and the formation of a graphene shell over the C-doped CdS nanoparticles. After stability test, the spent catalysts sample was also characterized to investigate the nanostructure