2,059 research outputs found

    Sintonización automática de velocidad y posición para servomotores utilizando control difuso

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    T E SI S QUE PARA OBTENER EL GRADO DE MAESTRO EN CIENCIAS DE LA COMPUTACIÓNEl presente trabajo de investigación, consiste en el desarrollo de un controlador para servomotor, utilizando lógica difusa para controlar velocidad y posición. Los servomotores tienen una gran cantidad de aplicaciones de tipo industrial, principalmente en la fabricación de robots industriales, máquinas de control numérico y procesos que requieren control de movimiento preciso. La incorporación de los controladores de lógica difusa para procesos complejos permite al sistema, trabajar más cercano a la forma en que el cerebro humano funciona. La implementación de este sistema en lugar de uno lineal (PID) proporciona robustez y fiabilidad. Como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente el control de servomotores se lleva a cabo mediante algoritmos de control de tipo lineal, dentro de los que pueden resaltarse, el Proporcional (P), Integral (I), y Derivativo (D), todos estos aplicados de manera independiente según sean los requerimientos del proceso a controlar, o bien; pueden funcionar de manera combinada como el PI, el PD, o el PID, sin embargo ante cambios no lineales, su funcionamiento se ve afectado, pues dejan de trabajar eficazmente. Tomando como base de conocimiento lo anterior, se diseñó un controlador lógico difuso (fuzzy), de tipo Mamdani, que funciona con dos variables lingüísticas de entrada (velocidad y posición), un motor de inferencia difuso compuesto por un conjunto de reglas de tipo IF, THEN, ELSE, conocido como etapa de fuzzificación. A la salida del controlador se tiene una señal defuzzificada misma que se bifurca para retroalimentar al sistema, cerrando así, su lazo de control. La construcción del controlador se realizó en Matlab, utilizando para ello su módulo de edición de lógica difusa (Fuzzy Logic Designer), en un ambiente de programación gráfico e intuitivo. Por otra parte la implementación, se realizó en Labview, debido a su facilidad y rapidez para construir la interfaz gráfica y los modelos lineales que se usaron como referencia. Por lo anterior, el diseño de controladores PID basados en lógica difusa, es motivado por la habilidad de estos de capturar estrategias cualitativas de control y ofrecer un comportamiento altamente flexible

    Real Business Cycles in Emerging Countries?

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    We use more than one century of Argentine and Mexican data to estimate the structural parameters of a small-open-economy real-business-cycle model driven by nonstationary productivity shocks. We find that the RBC model does a poor job at explaining business cycles in emerging countries. We then estimate an augmented model that incorporates shocks to the country premium and financial frictions. We find that the estimated financial-friction model provides a remarkably good account of business cycles in emerging markets and, importantly, assigns a negligible role to nonstationary productivity shocks.

    Elimination of Potential Pathogenic Microorganisms in Sewage Sludge Using Electron Beam Irradiation

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    Microbiological analyses on municipal sewage sludge sample treated in a pilot plant process utilizing an electron accelerator with a beam energy of 3 MeV were conducted as a way to show the potential of this technology to decontaminate sludge containing 15% solids. Bacterial counts including total heterotrophic bacterial, total coliform, and fecal coliform counts were performed on sewage sludge samples pre- and postirradiation with the electron beam at doses ranging between 2.7 and 30.7 kGy. At each irradiation dose, bacterial and Ascaris ova counts and survival were measured in triplicate as colony forming units (CFUs) per milliliter (ml) of sewage sludge. Experimental results obtained revealed that a dose of 6.7 kGy is enough to reduce bacterial load to consider the treated sewage sludge safe for both the environment and human according to the Environmental Protection Agency standards. However, a dose of 25.7 kGy was needed to reduce the concentration of Ascaris ova at levels deemed safe for land applications. This study also showed that electron beam treatment is less energy consuming with shorter processing times than conventional techniques used to decontaminate sludge. Taken altogether, these observations open new avenues for large urban agglomerations to save money on sewage sludge treatment

    Implantes inmediatos a la exodoncia: situación actual

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    Los implantes inmediatos son insertados en el mismo acto quirúrgico en el cual se extrae el diente a sustituir. Su porcentaje de éxito varía según diferentes autores entre un 92,7 % y 98,0 %. Su principal indicación es la sustitución de dientes con patologías sin posibilidad de tratamiento. Entre sus ventajas, respecto a los implantes diferidos, están el disminuir la reabsorción ósea del alvéolo post-extracción, el acortar el tiempo de tratamiento rehabilitador y evitar una segunda cirugía de implantación. Como inconvenientes están el requerir, generalmente, técnicas de regeneración ósea guiada con membranas, con el riesgo de exposición e infección de la misma; y la necesidad de injertos mucogingivales para el cierre del alvéolo y/o cubrir las membranas. Los requisitos quirúrgicos incluyen una exodoncia con el menor trauma posible, respetar las paredes alveolares y un curetaje alveolar minucioso que elimine todo tejido patológico. La estabilidad primaria es un requisito fundamental, se obtiene con una implantación que sobrepase en 3-5 mm el ápice alveolar o un implante de mayor diámetro que el alvéolo remanente. Una emergencia estética, en la zona anterior, se consigue insertando el implante subcrestalmente entre 1-3 mm. Respecto a la regeneración ósea guiada del alvéolo, no existe un consenso entre los diferentes autores en cuanto a la utilización de membranas y el tipo de material de relleno. El cierre primario de la herida es algo deseable aunque para algunos autores no tiene gran relevancia.Immediate implants are positioned in the course of surgical extraction of the tooth to be replaced. The percentage success of such procedures varies among authors from 92.7-98.0%. The main indication of immediate implantation is the replacement of teeth with pathologies not amenable to treatment. Its advantages with respect to delayed implantation include reduced post-extraction alveolar bone resorption, a shortening of the rehabilitation treatment time, and the avoidance of a second surgical intervention. The inconveniences in turn comprise a general requirement for membrane-guided bone regeneration techniques, with the associated risk of exposure and infection, and the need for mucogingival grafts to seal the socket space and/or cover the membranes. The surgical requirements for immediate implantation include extraction with the least trauma possible, preservation of the extraction socket walls and thorough alveolar curettage to eliminate all pathological material. Primary stability is an essential requirement, and is achieved with an implant exceeding the alveolar apex by 3-5 mm, or by placing an implant of greater diameter than the remnant alveolus. Esthetic emergence in the anterior zone is achieved by 1-3 mm sub-crest implantation. Regarding guided regeneration of the alveolar bone, the literature lacks consensus on the use of membranes and the type of filler material required. While primary wound closure is desirable, some authors do not consider it to be of great relevance

    Fluence Uniformity Measurements in an Electron Accelerator Used for Irradiation of Extended Area Solar Cells and Electronic Circuits for Space Applications

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    It is common to have liquid crystal displays and electronic circuit boards with area sizes of the order of 20x20 sq cm on board of satellites and space vehicles. Usually irradiating them at different fluence values assesses the radiation damage in these types of devices. As a result, there is a need for a radiation source with large spatial fluence uniformity for the study of the damage by radiation from space in those devices. Kent State University s Program on Electron Beam Technology has access to an electron accelerator used for both research and industrial applications. The electron accelerator produces electrons with energies in the interval from 1 to 5 MeV and a maximum beam power of 150 kW. At such high power levels, the electron beam is continuously scanned back and forth in one dimension in order to provide uniform irradiation and to prevent damage to the sample. This allows for the uniform irradiation of samples with an area of up to 1.32 sq m. This accelerator has been used in the past for the study of radiation damage in solar cells (1). However in order to irradiate extended area solar cells there was a need to measure the uniformity of the irradiation zone in terms of fluence. In this paper the methodology to measure the fluence uniformity on a sample handling system (linear motion system), used for the irradiation of research samples, along the irradiation zone of the above-mentioned facility is described and the results presented. We also illustrate the use of the electron accelerator for the irradiation of large area solar cells (of the order of 156 sq cm) and include in this paper the electrical characterization of these types of solar cells irradiated with 5 MeV electrons to a total fluence of 2.6 x 10(exp 15) e/sq cm

    Base Guidelines for Developing a Comprehensive Plan Solid Waste Management in Ixtlahuaca, State of Mexico

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    El presente trabajo trata de dar a conocer la situación actual del municipio de Ixtlahuaca, Estado de México, en cuanto a la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos urbanos, ya que en la actualidad carece de infraestructura y de herramientas necesarias para desempeñar sus actividades de recolección, transferencia, transporte y disposición final; para ejecutar dicha gestión, se muestra una serie de alternativas. El método utilizado es la recolección mediante paradas fijas, la implementación de contenedores fijos en puntos clave y la realización de micro rutas alrededor del territorio municipal en puntos estratégicos, donde se dificulta brindar el servicio por la lejanía, las condiciones geográficas, el desgaste de la maquinaria o la poca población que demanda el servicio, lo que favorece el costo-beneficio para las autoridades municipales y el cumplimiento de ofrecer el servicio a la población municipal

    Assessing metric structures on GPGPU environments

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    Similarity search consists on retrieving objects within a database that are similar or relevant to a particular query. It is a topic of great interest to scientific community because of its many fields of application, such as searching for words and images on the World Wide Web, pattern recognition, detection of plagiarism, multimedia databases, among others. It is modeled through metric spaces, in which objects are represented in a black-box that contains only the distance between objects; calculating the distance function is costly and search systems operate at a high query rate. Metrical structures have been developed to optimize this process; such structures work as indexes and preprocess data to decrease the distance evaluations during the search. Processing large volumes of data makes unfeasible the use of such structures without using parallel processing environments. Technologies based on multi- CPU and GPU architectures are among the most force due to its costs and performance.XV Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Assessing metric structures on GPGPU environments

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    Similarity search consists on retrieving objects within a database that are similar or relevant to a particular query. It is a topic of great interest to scientific community because of its many fields of application, such as searching for words and images on the World Wide Web, pattern recognition, detection of plagiarism, multimedia databases, among others. It is modeled through metric spaces, in which objects are represented in a black-box that contains only the distance between objects; calculating the distance function is costly and search systems operate at a high query rate. Metrical structures have been developed to optimize this process; such structures work as indexes and preprocess data to decrease the distance evaluations during the search. Processing large volumes of data makes unfeasible the use of such structures without using parallel processing environments. Technologies based on multi- CPU and GPU architectures are among the most force due to its costs and performance.XV Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Análisis comparativo de costo – beneficio entre la aplicación de muros cortantes y disipadores sísmicos en una edificación irregular en Lima, Perú 2022

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    El Perú es un país ubicado en la zona denominada Cinturón de Fuego del pacifico, es por ello que es considera un país con alto potencial sísmico, además de ello, en los últimos años la probabilidad de ocurrencia ha aumentado considerablemente. Teniendo en cuanta la alta actividad a la que está sometido el país, el presente trabajo de investigación busca dar un aporte en cuanto a elementos estructurales cuya función principal es mejorar el comportamiento de una estructura sometida a esfuerzos sísmicos, en este caso puntual, se evalúa una edificación irregular, y los elementos estructurales que propone son disipadores de sísmicos de fluido viscoso y muros cortantes. La presente investigación plantea en primer lugar, determinar cuál es la mejor configuración de disipadores sísmicos, esto se realizó mediante el análisis tiempo – historia. En segundo lugar, evaluar la estructura con la implementación de ambos sistemas de protección sísmica, realizando un análisis comparativo y determinar qué sistema de protección otorga mejor desempeño en los esfuerzos sísmicos. Finalmente se realiza un análisis comparativo entre ambos sistemas de protección, evaluando costo – tiempo en la implementación de ambos sistemas, logrando determinar cuál otorga mayores beneficios a la estructura.Peru is a country located in the area called the Ring of Fire of the Pacific, which is why it is considered a country with high seismic potential, in addition to this, in recent years the probability of occurrence has increased considerably. Taking into account the high activity to which the country is subjected, this research work seeks to provide a contribution in terms of structural elements whose main function is to improve the behavior of a structure subjected to seismic efforts, in this specific case, it is evaluated an irregular building, and the structural elements it proposes are viscous fluid seismic dissipators and shear walls. The present investigation raises in the first place, to determine which is the best configuration of seismic dampers, this was carried out through the time-history analysis. Second, to evaluate the structure with the implementation of both seismic protection systems, performing a comparative analysis and determining which protection system provides better performance in seismic efforts. Finally, a comparative analysis between both protection systems is carried out, evaluating cost - time in the implementation of both systems, managing to determine which one grants greater benefits to the structure