16 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Metode Hierarchical Clustering Berbasis Linkage pada MWMOTE : Studi Kasus Data Akademik Universitas XYZ dan Data UCI

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    Ketidakseimbangan (Imbalanced) data terjadi pada berbagai macam data termasuk data akademik Universitas XYZ dan data UCI. Kasus tersebut menyebabkan adanya misclassified dikarenakan data mayoritas dominan terhadap data minoritas yang berakibat pada menurunnya nilai akurasi. Metode MWMOTE dapat menjadi pilihan dalam menyelesaikan kasus imbalanced melalui pembobotan dan clustering. Penelitian ini bertujuan menangani permasalahan imbalanced dataset akademik di Universitas XYZ angkatan 2014 dan 2015 dan data UCI dengan mengevaluasi hierarchical clustering. Tujuan tersebut dicapai dengan mengevaluasi tiga metoda hierarchical cluster sebagai salah satu sub proses pada MWMOTE untuk menghasilkan data sintetik yang lebih representatif. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah ketiga metoda AHC tersebut tidak memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam perbaikan akurasi MWMOTE pada data akademik dan 7 data UCI yang diuji dengan one-way ANOVA dengan nilai sig/alpha > 0.0

    Reusability ontology in business processes with similarity matching

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    The working technology will provide information and knowledge. Information and technology can be developed in various ways, by reusing the technologies. In this study modeled the ontology of SOPs using protégé. Ontology will be matched between ontology A and B to obtain similarity and reuse ontology to create a more optimal ontology. Matching is a matching process between both ontologies to get the same value from both ontologies. Jaro-Winkler distance is used to find commonality between ontology. The result of the Jaro-Winkler distance has a value of 0 and 1, in matching will be obtained value close to 0 or 1. On matching ontology obtained two tests using 40% SPARQL query. In the test it uses Jaro-Winkler distance with a value of 0.67. This research yields matching value between ontology A and ontology B which is the same so that reuse ontology can be done for better ontolog

    Perancangan User Interface Sistem Informasi Luas Areal dan Produksi Perkebunan Rakyat Bidang Produksi

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    Perancangan user interface system informasi untuk pendataan luas areal dan produksi pertanian pada fitur admin berbasis website di kantor Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi Lampung ini merupakan solusi bagi instansi karena dengan adanya sistem informasi ini dapat mempermudah pegawai/staf yang bertugas melakukan pendataan luas areal dan produksi perkebunan. Dikatakan mempermudah pekerjaan dalam pendataan karena sebelumnya proses pendataan masih dilakukan secara manual menggunakan excel. Dengan adanya system informasi luas areal dan produksi perkebunan  rakyat dapat membantu memperkecil terjadinya kesalahan dalam proses pendataan. Dalam tahap pembuatan desain system informasi luas areal dan produksi perkebunan rakyat menggunakan aplikasi Figm

    User Interface Aplikasi Datangin Customer Berbasis Mobile

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    The development of technology today has greatly helped and facilitated human work. Almost everything can be associated with internet technology, especially in terms of business, such as on-demand services and marketplaces. PT. Come Solusi Bersama is a technology start-up company engaged in this business. So to simplify and expand the reach of its business, a mobile-based application is needed. With the Datangin Customer application, it will be easier for customers to order services/services that exist on Datangin. In making this mobile-based Datangin Customer application, of course, you have to go through the design stage. Both in terms of system and appearance design. Design thinking is especially useful when dealing with unclear or unknown problems, reframing problems in a human-centered way, brainstorming, using a hands-on approach to prototyping and testing, and trying different concepts and ideas. In this study, the author uses the Design Thinking method and tools in the form of Figma in solving existing problems. It is easier for customers to access the services available on Datangin, unlike before this application, and the interface is user-friendly, attractive, and interactive. Usability testing that the designed user interface can be accepted with a value of 83.33%

    Penerapan metode k-means clustering data COVID-19 di Provinsi Jakarta

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    The disease epidemic that attacked the respiratory area and was detected in Indonesia starting in early 2020 is the Corona Virus (COVID-19). This virus's spread is relatively easy, namely through droplets from infected patients, so that the spread is very rapid. This research was conducted to cluster the data on Covid-19 cases in Jakarta Province considering that Jakarta is the starting point for the first case of Corona in Indonesia and until now has become one of the most significant contributors to COVID-19 issues in Indonesia, namely as of December 2020 positive cases of Covid-19 reached 154,000. Souls with the healing of 139.0000 souls. The grouping was carried out based on positive and dead patients from each urban village in Jakarta Province. This study uses the k-means Method to cluster in the handling of COVID-19 cases with 2 clusters. Data distribution in cluster 1 consists of 173 data and 18 data in cluster 2. The use of k-means in this study provides information on areas with the highest and lowest number of positive cases and the highest and lowest cure rates that can be used as an evaluation in handling the Covid-virus 19

    Sistem Kontroling Dan Monitoring Hama Padi Berbasis Internet of Thing Di Kelompok Tani Bina Karya Pringsewu, Lampungb

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    Indonesia salah satu negara agraris dengan penghasil produk pertanian untuk keperluan pangan. Komoditas utama yang paling banyak dikembangkan dan ditanam pada sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah padi. Lahan pertanian yang luas dan produksi padi yang melimpah menjadi unggulan. Lampung sendiri memiliki kabupaten penghasil taman pangan utama padi yang terdapat di kabupaten pringsewu dan sekaligus lumbung padi salah satunya Kelompok Tani Bina Karya. Kebutuhan pangan yang terus meningkat harus diimbangi dengan jumlah produksi padi yang cukup setiap tahunnya. Terlepas dari lahan dan produksi petani memiliki kendala pada masa tanam padi. Kendala yang terjadi mengakibatkan menurunnya hasil panen secara menyuruh atau malah gagal panen dikarenakan hama. Wereng coklat, belalang, burung bagian dari hama yang menyerang padi. Kelompok Tani Bina Karya melakukan pembasmian hama secara manual dengan menggunakan pestisida dan bertahan sementara. Penggunaan pestisida sebagai pembasmian hama secara kimiawi menimbulkan dampak pencemaran lingkungan, misalnya pencemaran air tanah, petani mengalami keracunan ketika melakukan penyemprotan pestisida. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan hama padi tim pengusul membuat teknologi tepat guna sebagai salah satu solusi alternatif dalam pengurangan serta kontroling dan monitoring lahan pertanian dari hama pengganggu dan kondisi lahan. Sistem Kontroling dan Monitoring Hama Padi Berbasis Internet of Thing di Kelompok Tani Bina Karya Pringsewu, Lampung

    Action Recommendation Model Development for Hydromon Application Using Deep Neural Network (DNN) Method

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    Controlling hydroponic plants, which is currently being carried outmanually, can be said to be less effective because it still involves thehard work of farmers to continuously monitor the condition of thehydroponic plants. Therefore, the general objective of this research isto develop a model that can be used as a recommendation system foractions that farmers need to take based on hydroponic crop conditions.The model formed with this machine learning method will then beused in the Hydromon application which allows farmers to manageand monitor the condition of hydroponic plants and take action basedon the recommendations given. This model was developed using adeep neural network algorithm consisting of five layers with the helpof the TensorFlow framework. The results show that the model isaccurate with an accuracy value of 96.47% on the test data to classifyplant conditions so that it can be used in the Hydromon application


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    The interface of the automatic answer assessment system is plagued by several issues, including an unfamiliar layout, unresponsive design, inconsistency in elements, and a lack of clarity in presenting information. These problems significantly hinder the overall user experience. As a result, this study aimed to address these challenges by designing a user-centered experience for the automatic answer assessment system, using a high-fidelity prototype tailored to meet user needs. The user-centered design method involved four crucial stages: Specify The Context Of Use, Specify Requirements, Create Designs, and Evaluate Designs. Through rigorous usability testing with teachers, the design achieved an impressive effectiveness rating of 90%, firmly establishing it as a "very effective" solution. Additionally, it demonstrated high efficiency with a value of 0.01307 goals/sec, and teachers expressed positive feedback, confirming the satisfaction and usability of the new interface. Similarly, students' usability testing yielded noteworthy results, with a 90% effectiveness rating, also classified as "very effective." The interface showcased a high level of efficiency, with a value of 0.0849 goals/sec. While the satisfaction value fell below the PSSUQ norm, students still found the interface to be user-friendly and satisfactory. Furthermore, the user experience testing, utilizing the UEQ-S, provided valuable insights. For teachers, the pragmatic aspect scored 1.85, the hedonic aspect scored 2.33, and the overall aspect received a commendable score of 2.09, all of which fell within the excellent category on benchmarks. Similarly, students' ratings were highly positive, with scores of 2.14 for both pragmatic and hedonic aspects, and an overall score of 2.14, signifying an excellent user experience.The retrospective think-aloud validation test reaffirmed the positive response from prospective users. Overall, this research, employing a user-centered design approach, successfully delivered a highly satisfactory and effective user experience for both teachers and students using the automatic answer assessment system

    MWMOTE optimization for imbalanced data using complete linkage

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    Data yang tidak seimbang dapat menyebabkan kesalahan klasifikasi, menurunkan kinerja dan akurasi. Pengelompokan pada MWMOTE dapat dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pembangkitan data sintetis menjadi representatif serta meningkatkan kinerja MWMOTE. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja algoritme MWMOTE pada proses klasterisasi dalam pembuatan data sintetik dengan complete linkage (CL). Dataset yang digunakan memiliki beragam rasio data dengan tujuan menangangani data yang tidak seimbang. Decision tree digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja dari oversampling MWMOTE dan CL-MWMOTE. Hasil evaluasi CL-MWMOTE memberikan kinerja yang lebih baik dan optimal daripada MWMOTE serta meningkatkan presisi sebesar 0,53 %, sensitivitas 0,67 %, f-measure 0,66 %, dan akurasi 0,67 %.Imbalanced data can result in classification errors, such as in WMMOTE, and can decrease its performance and accuracy. Clustering in MWMOTE can be optimized to improve synthetic data generation and improve MWMOTE performance. This study aims to optimize the MWMOTE algorithm's performance in the clustering process in making synthetic data with complete linkage (CL). The dataset used a variety of data ratios to handle imbalanced data. The decision tree was used to determine the performance of MWMOTE and CL-MWMOTE oversampling. CL-MWMOTE evaluation results provide better and optimal performance than MWMOTE and increase the precision, recall, f-measure, and accuracy of 0.53 %, 0.67 %, 0.66 %, and 0.67 %, respectively


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    Bakpia kacang hijau merupakan salah satu pangan yang mudah terkontaminasi mikroba. Tingkat kontaminasi dapat diketahui dengan menghitung jumlah mikroba pada sampel, salah satunya dengan ALT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah mikroba pada bakpia kacang hijau dengan pemeriksaan ALT 1x104 koloni/gram sampel. Accidental sampling merupakan teknik sampling yang digunakan sehingga diperoleh sebanyak 30 sampel bakpia kacang hijau. Pemeriksaan ALT dilakukan dengan inkubasi secara aerob pada suhu 30°C selama 72 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 2 sampel bakpia kacang hijau yang tidak memenuhi standar nilai ALT 1x104 koloni/gram sampel. Hal tersebut dikarenakan proses pengolahan, penyimpanan, ataupun lingkungan eksternal (udara) yang menyebabkan terjadinya kontaminas