E-Journal Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
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    580 research outputs found

    Kegiatan Lokakarya Perencanaan Berbasis Data Program Sekolah Penggerak Angkatan I Tahun Ketiga di Kabupaten Soppeng

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    Data-based planning is the process of collecting, analyzing and using data to determine goals, strategies and activities that will be carried out to improve and increase the quality of education in schools which is very important to understand in the Driving School Program. The aim of this workshop activity is that participants who attend are able to prepare data-based plans which will later produce Annual Work Plans (RKT) and School Work Plans and Budgets (RKAS) which are part of data-based planning in schools. The method used in the form of a data-based planning workshop is participatory from the learning committee, namely the principal and elementary school teachers of each school, including from 4 levels of elementary school, namely SDN 100 Dare Bunga-Bungae, SDN 118 Ujung, SDN 238 Laempa, and SDN 5 Mattiropole in the area. Soppeng Regency. The data-based planning workshop activity was held on Saturday 11 November 2023 at SMPN 3 Watansoppeng by involving participants directly during the activity with a flow of activities starting from the opening, starting from the self, concept exploration, collaboration space, contextual demonstration, real action plan and closing. The final result of this data-based planning workshop activity is a draft product of the Annual Work Plan (RKT) and School Work Plan and Budget (RKAS). Thus, these data-based planning activities can have a positive impact on each school in the Class I Driving School Program, which can strengthen various participants' skills and competencies in preparing designs related to data-based planning, thereby encouraging digitalization in school

    Rancang Bangun CNC Router 3 Axis Ukir Kayu Untuk Kerajinan Kaligrafi

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    The Indonesian wood industry is diverse, with wood carving being one of its most popular products. However, the manual wood carving process is not suitable for large-scale production. To address this challenge, a new tool has been developed to increase the production of wood crafts, especially calligraphy carving. This tool is a 3-axis wood carving CNC router machine controlled by a computer and smartphone. The CNC router machine was designed using the CNC Shield V3 and the Arduino Uno R3 motor driver, A4988 as a stepper motor controller. The mechanism applied includes creating vector images programmed with gcode, controlling and engraving calligraphy through software on computers and applications on smartphones with Bluetooth HC – 05 communication with a maximum distance of smaller than 10 meters. Based on control data by computer testing geometry testing circle dimensions of 58 mm x 56 mm and feed rates of 5 mm/sec, 8 mm/sec and 10 mm/sec with engraving times of 01:12, 00:48 and 00:42. Testing Muhammad's carving with dimensions of 100 mm x 100 mm and feed rates of 5 mm/sec, 8 mm/sec and 10 mm/sec with engraving times of 05:22, 03:45 and 03:24. Tests for cutting 12 mm thick MDF wood with a depth 1.5 mm and a feed rate of 5 mm/sec cuts 8 rounds for 13:12 min/sec. The control data by smartphone testing the geometry of the circle with dimensions of 50 mm x 50 mm and a feed rate of 500mm/min with a carving time of 58:43 minutes. Testing Muhammad's engraving dimensions of 70mm x 60mm and feed rates of 500 mm/min, 800 mm/min, and 1000 mm/min with engraving times of 54:34, 39:25, and 35:28. The test for cutting 12 mm thick MDF wood with a depth of 1.5 mm and a feed rate of 500 mm/min-cut 8x rounds for 10:21 minutes/second

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan Pada UMKM Kampung Madu Kabupaten Kediri

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    This community service activity by the Faculty of Economics and Business team of Universitas Brawijaya aims to share the knowledge and skills of MSME actors in conducting bookkeeping and preparing financial statement activities. This activity is very much needed because MSME activists still lack knowledge and skills in bookkeeping, preparing financial reports so that it is difficult to know the position of their business profit or loss. In addition, by having financial reports, MSMEs that experience obstacles in accessing financing or obtaining tax incentives can be resolved. The method of implementing this community service consists of socialization activities, training activities and evaluation for participating MSMEs. The activities were carried out for MSME players in Kampung Madu, Badas Village, Kediri Regency.  The training covered topics such as financial literacy and financial application. Upon completion of the training, MSME participants gained a deeper understanding of the importance of financial literacy, financial reporting and the use of technology in financial reporting. This training makes increased awareness can provide significant benefits for MSME actors, especially by strengthening financial strategy efforts and improving the welfare of MSME stakeholders

    Grand Design and Economic Analysis of Solar-Wind Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in MSTP Jepara

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    Marine Science Techno Park (MSTP) Jepara is a center of technology implementation aimed to encourage community economy development in the maritime sector. At present, Marine Science Techno Park (MSTP) Jepara’s electrical energy source is supplied by Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), with coal-powered steam turbine generators as the main source of electrical energy generation. Therefore, a cleaner and more sustainable means of electrical energy generation is needed to fulfill the high energy demand. With this in mind, Universitas Diponegoro, as the proposer, in collaboration with MSTP Jepara, as the recipient, proposes the initiation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) Power Plant construction as a way of obtaining an environmentally friendly and sustainable source of energy in this research as well as addressing the issues in the previous HRES simulations and implementations. This article will discuss various scenarios, their feasibility for implementation, and the economic returns gained from HRES installation on-site

    Pemetaan Lokasi Evakuasi Bencana Alam Tsunami dengan Virtual Reality 360 Derajat

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    The rapid development of information technology is encouraging innovation in various fields, including in the field of geographic disaster information services. The tsunami natural disaster is a serious threat to Cilacap district which has a fairly long coastline. When a natural disaster occurs, the first thing that victims of a natural disaster must do is take cover and look for the location that is considered the safest to save themselves. To increase community preparedness for potential tsunami risks, this research aims to develop evacuation location mapping using virtual reality technology in a 360 degree format specifically in Cilacap district. This research method has 2 stages, namely the literature study stage and the system development stage. The literature study stage begins with conducting direct observations and interviews with the Cilacap Regency BPBD. Meanwhile, the second stage is the system development stage which will be carried out using the extreme programming method which includes planning, designing, coding and system testing activities by implementing the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. The result of this research is an application for mapping natural disaster evacuation locations with the test results using the SUS method getting a score of 81. The practical implication of this research is that it can be a basis for related parties to design and implement more effective disaster mitigation strategies in Cilacap district

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Cairan Klorin Untuk Menurunkan Angka Mikroorganisme Pada Kaset Radiografi

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    Radiography has an important role in diagnosing a patient's disease, but the equipment used has a considerable risk as a place for the development of nosocomial bacteria which can endanger the patient and radiographer. Cassettes, one of the tools in radiography, have the potential to become a medium for disease transmission and based on previous research it has been proven that there are microorganisms and fungi on the cassettes, so the cassettes need to be cleaned regularly. One of the duties of a radiographer in the field of radiology services is the management of radiology equipment facilities and infrastructure. Cleaning the cassette with 70% alcohol can reduce the number of microorganisms on its surface. The methods in this activity are lectures, simulations, and practice cleaning cassettes with chlorine. The activities were carried out at the Laboratory of the Department of Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy Technique at the Semarang Health Polytechnic Ministry with radiographers from hospitals and clinical laboratories in the city of Semarang. The activity begins with the registration, opening, delivering material to the participants, and the simulation of resource persons. Evaluation is done by filling in the pretest and posttest. The evaluation results showed an increase in participants' knowledge of 63% about how to clean cassettes using liquid chlorine to reduce the number of microorganisms on radiographic cassettes. With this training, radiographers are expected to be able to apply cleaning radiographic cassettes with liquid chlorine 0,5% in their respective institutions

    Inspeksi Sambungan Rangka Mobil Listrik Tipe Tubular Space Frame Menggunakan Las GMAW dengan Cairan Liquid Penetrant

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    Technological developments increasingly require humans to increase their competence and innovation. The process of making frames for electric cars is one of the innovations to produce a strong frame. The frame is the main and important part of a vehicle, because the components and passengers will support the frame. The connection between frame components uses GMAW welding, which is the process of joining metal materials by heating them until they reach their melting point. To obtain a frame that meets the criteria, it is necessary to carry out a testing process, this testing process is NDT testing (Non Destructive Test), namely testing the physical part of the material in a way that does not damage the test object. Meanwhile, the aim of this research is to inspect the electric car frame so as to find discontinuities in the GMAW welding results. The results of this research were that there were 22 samples that underwent the liquid penetrant test process, of the total samples according to ASME Section VIII Division 1 Mandatory Appendix 6 there were 14 specimens that were acceptable while 8 needed improvement in the connection process. After the repair or repair process has been carried out, the frame is declared fit for use

    Studi Kelaikan Tower BTS Berdasarkan Sudut Kemiringan, Kekencangan Baut, Kekuatan Beton Serta Pengukuran Ground

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    Telecommunication Network Tower is a tower made of a series of iron profiles or rectangular or rectangular pipes, or rectangular long pipes intended to accommodate antennas and radio transmitters and receivers of telecommunications and information waves. In principle, BTS towers have the function of connecting network user communication devices to other networks. To support the smooth operation of the network, the building will remain solid and secure for a certain period. Investigation of the feasibility condition of the tower structure is very important to determine the overall condition of the tower structure. The methods used are hammer test, check bolt tightness (torque), measure slope (vertical), grounding, and visual observation. From the results of the test data obtained the average bolt tightness is 432.86 Nm. The tower slope test of 1.90 cm on leg A smaller than 3.6 cm is considered good because it is still within the tolerance limit of the bat slope, the average soil resistance measure smaller than1 ohm used is very good, and the visual physical conditions are very similar, so it can be done Tower in safe and working conditio

    Brake Thermal Efficiency dan Exhaust Gas Temperature Mesin Bensin Berbahan Bakar Gasoline-Butanol

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    The development of butanol as a gasoline additive is encouraged by the government to reduce pollution and the fuel crisis. This is because butanol is a green fuel that is environmentally friendly and can be produced. In addition, the octane number and high oxygen concentration in butanol optimize engine performance and improve exhaust emissions. This research correlates engine power and Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) with the BTE of gasoline-butanol-fueled engines and identifies the content of Nox compounds in exhaust gases through engine Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT). The percentage of butanol in gasoline is 5% -15%. Engine speed from 1000-3000 rpm. Dynotest is used to measure BTE while the thermocouple is used to measure exhaust gas temperature. This research proves that the addition of butanol increases energy absorption which is converted into power with effective fuel consumption which means BTE increases. The highest BTE increase was 21.7% in the B15 blend. EGT decreased by 8.6% in the B16 mixture compared to B0. This identifies that the concentration of Nox in the exhaust gas also decreases

    Analisis Penambahan Methanol 5%, 10% dan 15% Terhadap Torsi, Daya dan Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Mesin Bensin 150 CC Berbahan Bakar Pertamax

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    Indonesia is one of the countries that uses the most motorized vehicles, which increases air pollution and fuel crises. Using biofuel is one solution to overcome this problem. Methanol is used as a mixture of Pertamax to produce environmentally friendly and renewable biofuel. This is because methanol has high octane and oxygen. Mixing methanol in Pertamax was carried out to analyze the impact of Torque, Power, and Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) of a 150cc petrol engine. Methanol 5%, 10%, and 15% was mixed into Pertamax with engine speed variations of 1000, 2000 and 3000 rpm. Dynotest is used to measure engine performance and thermocouples to measure EGT. Test results show the highest increase in engine torque and power of up to 25% at a speed of 2000 rpm with the PM15 mixture compared to P100. The highest reduction in EGT value occurred when using the PM15 mixture at a speed of 1000 rpm up to 28% compared to P100. This shows that the addition of methanol to Pertamax increases torque and power and reduces the EGT of the gasoline engine. &nbsp


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