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    88 research outputs found

    Analyzing User Satisfaction of a Study Abroad Guidance Company Website Using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Method

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    XYZ is an education technology company dedicated to assisting Indonesian students in gaining acceptance to universities worldwide through full scholarship, partial, or self-funding. Until 2024, XYZ has a thousand alumni accepted in 46 countries and many universities worldwide. One of the marketing trackers that XYZ has is the website. With this website, the company will deliver the service to customers and receive user feedback to run and improve their services. The measurement of user satisfaction level can be used to improve the quality of service in digital media. The method used in this study to measure user satisfaction level is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), which evaluates satisfaction across five (5) dimensions: usability, information quality, assurance, reliability, and data accessibility. This method's result shows a value of 83.64%, which means the XYZ website performance is in the "Very Satisfied" category. These findings suggest that XYZ Company's website is highly effective and has a "Very Satisfied" result category in meeting user needs, paving the way for continued success in their mission to assist Indonesian students in pursuing global education opportunitie

    SVM Optimization with Grid Search Cross Validation for Improving Accuracy of Schizophrenia Classification Based on EEG Signal

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    The advantage of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is that it can solve classification and regression problems both linearly and non-linearly. SVM also has high accuracy and a relatively low error rate. However, SVM also has weaknesses, namely the difficulty of determining optimal parameter values, even though setting exact parameter values affects the accuracy of SVM classification. Therefore, to overcome the weaknesses of SVM, optimizing and finding optimal parameter values is necessary. The aim of this research is SVM optimization to find optimal parameter values using the Grid Search Cross-Validation method to increase accuracy in schizophrenia classification. Experiments show that optimization parameters always find a nearly optimal combination of parameters within a specific range. The results of this study show that the level of accuracy obtained by SVM with the grid search cross-validation method in the schizophrenia classification increased by 9.5% with the best parameters, namely C = 1000, gamma = scale, and kernel = RBF, the best parameters were applied to the SVM algorithm and obtained an accuracy of 99.75%, previously without optimizing the accuracy reached 90.25%. The optimal parameters of the SVM obtained by the grid search cross-validation method with a high degree of accuracy can be used as a model to overcome the classification of schizophrenia

    A Comparative Study of Students Graduation Analysis Using Classification Methods in Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Tidar University

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    This research aimed to classify achievement factors for electrical engineering students at Tidar University using K-Means and Agglomerative Clustering classification algorithms. The goal was to understand if any parameters influence high-achieving student performance. The Indonesian government and private sector for university students provide significant education funds. Student scholarships are awarded based primarily on GPA and entry path, overburdening staff and causing confusion during distribution to eligible recipients. A system was needed to accommodate additional eligible criteria. The researcher selected factors to identify engineering student performance, including school origin, entry path, tuition fees, and GPA. These inputs could determine graduation status. The results compared calculation methods based on collected data accuracy, processing times, and characterizing clustered data to determine the best classification method. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering performed better. Accuracy testing on 600 training data points yielded 73.94% for improved K-means and 90.42% for AHC. The Average processing time was 674.92 seconds for improved K-means and 554.35 seconds for AHC. Silhouette testing also characterized calculation methods, with improved K-means scoring best at 0.654 and AHC at 0.787 using two clusters

    A Comparative Analysis of Random Forest, XGBoost, and LightGBM Algorithms for Emotion Classification in Reddit Comments

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    This research aims to compare the performance of three classification algorithms, namely Random Forest, XGBoost, and LightGBM, in classifying emotions in Reddit comments. Emotion classification in Reddit comments is a complex classification problem due to its numerous variations and ambiguities. This research utilizes the GoEmotions Fine-Grained dataset, filtered down to 7,325 Reddit comments with 5 different basic emotion labels. In this study, data preprocessing steps, feature extraction using CountVectorizer and TF-IDF, and hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV for each algorithm are conducted. Subsequently, model evaluation is performed using Cross-Validation and confusion matrix. The results of the study indicate that Random Forest outperforms the XGBoost and LightGBM algorithm with an accuracy of 75.38% compared to XGBoost with 69.05% accuracy and LightGBM with 66.63% accuracy

    Machine Learning for the Model Prediction of Final Semester Assessment (FSA) using the Multiple Linear Regression Method

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    Corona virus (COVID-19) is the reason behind the collapse of the National Assembly. The first is the Final Semester Assessment (FSA) , which is a component of the student's graduation. The aforementioned evaluation process is a crucial consideration for the teacher since it uses several intricate surveys and mark components. A prediction model is employed to assist teachers in providing suitable results for student learning. The method that is used is called the multiple linear regression. This multiple linear regression algorithm yields an accuracy level of approximately 92%. The analysis results using the method are used as a guide to understanding student’s index. This index is a rating that appears based on the Minimum Credit Count (MCC). Therefore, the goal of this study is to determine students' understanding of the FSA prediction value, which will be taken into consideration through the results of the MCC weights in the form of a range in the form of "Grade." Additionally, the research aims to determine the accuracy of the results from the model obtained using multiple linear regression algorithms in predicting students' FSA

    Real-Time Occluded Face Identification Using Deep Learning

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    One of the most difficult aspects of face identification is face occlusion. Face occlusion is when anything is placed over the face, for example, a mask. Masks occlude multiple important facial features, like the chin, lips, nose, and facial edges. Face identification becomes challenging when important facial features are occluded. Using one of the deep learning algorithms, YOLOv5, this work tries to identify the face of someone whose face is occluded by a mask in real-time. A special program is being created to test the effectiveness of the YOLOv5 algorithm. 14 people's data were registered, and each person had 150 images used for training, validation, and testing. The images used are regular faces and mask-occluded faces. Nine distinct configurations of epoch and batch sizes were used to train the model. Then, during the testing phase, the best-performing configuration was chosen. Images and real-time input were used for testing. The highest possible accuracy of image identification is 100%, whereas the maximum accuracy of real-time identification is 64%. It was found during the testing that the brightness of the room has an influence on the performance of YOLOv5. Identifying individuals becomes more challenging when there are significant changes in brightness

    Cucumber Disease Classification with Ensemble Learning Method for Complex Datasets

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    Many researchers are taking into account the algorithm's ability to detect diseases in plants since it can save expenses and deliver more accurate results. However, there are various obstacles in detecting diseases, particularly in cucumber plants, such as disease similarities and the ability of models to adapt to the information they have. To address this issue, we propose an ensemble learning strategy based on the averaging method to improve the model's ability to generalize to different cucumber plant environments. According to the results, the ensemble learning approach outperforms the feature fusion method with a test accuracy of 94.20% and a loss of 0.01105. Feature fusion and ensemble learning techniques, in general, have the potential to increase the model's capacity to classify difficult data

    Development of Web-Based Rtikabdimas Application With a Rapid Unified Process Approach

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    RTIKAbdimas is one of the annual routine ICT Volunteer programs in Indonesia. ICT volunteers use the website for information delivery, communication, and registration. Previous research has uncovered implementing and developing web platforms that support similar or benefit such programs, including information services, communications, registration, and online monitoring. Existing research still needs to provide a complete solution to the problem of printed files and manual methods in the RTIKAbdimas business process. This study aims to develop a web-based RTIKAbdimas application using the Rapid Unified Process approach by adopting and complementing existing research results for different problems. This research has succeeded in meeting the system specifications of the RTIKAbdimas business process and includes several online services on web applications developed by previous research. All actors have a dashboard to enter data and access information on data processing results. The most crucial benefit of this research is the control and time efficiency of the activities of actors other than program managers

    IoT Based Early Flood Detection System with Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensors in Flood-Prone Areas

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    IoT is one of the focuses of application development carried out by various developers today. The aim is to enable various devices and work independently to meet the various needs of their users. The flood early warning system is one of the much-needed IoT-based applications, enabling users to quickly obtain water level information in an area. This application can help people to be more aware of flood disasters, especially during the rainy season. This research develops a flood early warning system application by utilizing Arduino and ultrasonic sensors installed in flood-prone areas. The sensor is used to measure the water level at a time based on the distance from the water surface to the sensor. When the distance between the water surface and the sensor is less than or equal to the set threshold, the sensor will send data and alerts to the user via email. This research applies the IoT design and development method. In addition, this research also used the C and Python programming language for application prototypes and the MySQL database to store the data. the application in this study was tested using the blackbox method and the results showed that all application functions could run properly

    Implementation of Design Thinking Method in UI/UX Redesign of Public Complaint Application (Case Study: Go Siaga App)

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    Go Siaga App is a mobile-based application by Tangerang Sub-district Police Office that provides special community services for the Tangerang sub-district community which provides features in the form of reports of disturbances in public security and reports of loss or damage. Since it is a new application released in March 2021 on Google Playstore, there are several things that need to be considered to maintain the usability of the application. This research aims to redesign the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) of the Go Siaga application using Design Thinking Method in the design process. Some of the supporting aspects for testing the user satisfaction such as effectiveness, efficiency, usefulness, satisfaction, and learnability are met in the usability testing. The results showed that the percentage of all the aspects in usability from the redesigned version were all higher than the current one with 80% of effectiveness, 80% of efficiency, 80% of usefulness, 86.67% of satisfaction, and 73.33% of learnability. Therefore, based on the research results, the redesign of Go Siaga is more effective, more efficient, more useful, more satisfying, and also easy to learn


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