399 research outputs found

    Creating And Solving Model Of Linear Equation Through The Balance At Junior Secondary Class

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    Algebra is one of the most difficult subject felt by most students and this strand is just started given to the students at early junior secondary school. Infact, if we can manage the algebra subject wisely and attractively, it can be predicted that the students’ conceptual understanding algebra would be relatively improved. A study was conducted to the Year 7 students at a Junior Secondary of Laboratory School of UPI. The class was set to learn the linear equation topic by using balance (scales). Through a weighing activity, the students were able to design linear equation models. They followed a guidelines created by the teacher and researcher. The students were not only able to create linear equation models, but also were able to solve mathematical model of linear equation. By using steps of balance (weighing), finally the students were able to know the weight of a hidden quantity. A number of teachers were involved in an observation activity which were designed in a lesson study context. Information related to the students’ reaction as well as the teachers’ reaction toward the implementation of creating and designing models of linear equation. The information were analysed qualitatively. The results indicate that introducing the linear equation through the scale (balance) were responded positively by the students. A brief interview with the students indicated that the students fluently could solve linear equation, and find the value of variable which infact as a weight variable. This variable seemed to be the weight of hidden variable as the solution of the linear equation. Moreover, the students were able to interpret the process of weighing to the form of linear equation, since then the students solved it and found the solution of the problem. While other teachers as observers at the lesson gave comments that the model teacher had practiced the concept of linear equation by using unusual way of teaching. Intuitively they solved the linear equation by using step by step of weighing process and determined how much weight of an object. The process of weighing and thinking are parallel to solving a linear equation. Data of test results regarding the linear equation indicated that the students’ understanding of linear equation improved. The researchers recommend to use the balance (scales) as an alternative to teach the topic of linear equation. Keywords: Balance, realistic, and lesson study

    Prospective teachers’ thinking through realistic mathematics education based emergent modeling in fractions

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    The unconsciousness of a teacher in obtaining knowledge due to students can be known if the teacher was notified when he was a student. A student has an essential role in learning, and the teacher is responsible for supporting smooth learning. Students' problem-solving processes need to be found because each student's reasoning and ideas in solving problems are different. This study focuses on students' thinking processes using realistic mathematics education based on emergent modeling. In this study, the researcher is the teacher, and the student is the prospective teacher. The prospective teacher involved were students of the Institut Pendidikan Indonesia mathematics study program. Prospective teachers were selected as research subjects for as many as 74 people (11 males and 63 females) consisting of 3 classes. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. As learning activities progress, students get a kind of model that seems as solutions to solving problems given by the teacher. Various kinds of models emerged from various student ideas and ended with a mutually agreed for a model for. Through this study, a teacher can learn about student models in the learning process

    Manjemen Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mujahidin Loloan Barat

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    Dalam menjalankan organisasi sekolah, seorang pemimpin harus mampu mengemudikan dan menjalankan organisasinya. Artinya seorang pemimpin harus mampu membawa perubahan, karena perubahan adalah tujuan pokok dari kepemimpinan. tujuan penelitian di antaranya untuk mendeskripsikan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mujahidin Loloan Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif  dengan jenis deskriptif. Teknis pengumpulan data menggunakan tiga cara yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan mengikuti prosedur Reduksi data, Display data, dan kesimpulan Hasil dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa: Pertama, Gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mujahidin Loloan Barat lebih dominan menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan demokratis dan dalam pengambilan keputusan yang mendesak, gaya kepemimpinan yang digunakan adalah gaya kepemimpinan otokrasi atau otoriter. Kedua, Kinerja guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mujahidin Loloan Barat dapat dikatakan sangat baik dan tingkat tinggi karena dengan melihat kompetensi guru yang meliputi kompetensi paedagodik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional. Ketiga, Manajemen kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam peningkatan kinerja guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mujahidin Loloan Barat dapat dikatakan sangat baik dengan menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan demokratis dan otoriter serta supervisi observasi kelas dalam kegiatan-kegiatan, yaitu kegiatan harian, mingguan, bulanan, dan semester

    Metafora skafolding: Menuju pembelajaran matematika yang muah dan menyenangkan

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    Computational Thinking Skills Indicators in Number Patterns

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    This research aims to examine a) what computational thinking indicators have been developed by researchers, b) what computational thinking indicators can be used in learning mathematics appropriately, and c) how to describe the development of student computational thinking indicators from the answers of computational thinking tests. This research is a qualitative descriptive study through a process of collecting data from literature reviews, integrated computational thinking math tests, and interviews. Data collection instruments used research notes, interview sheets, and CT question sheets. The results showed that a) 20 computational thinking indicators had been studied by researchers, b) computational thinking indicators that could be used in learning mathematics include problem decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, procedural algorithms, and generalizations, and c) From the student answers, five proposed computational thinking indicators can be developed even though they were not perfect. The general implication of this research is that there are five indicators of computational thinking skills that can be used in mathematics learning, specifically in number patterns, which include problem decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, pattern recognition, procedural algorithm, and generalization. The researchers developed all five computational thinking skills indicators in the instructional designs of not only the number pattern concept but also combination, geometry, combinatorics, etc


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    Abstract The aim of this study was to ascertain high school students' proportional reasoning in the sense of the COVID-19 pandemic. How do students' thoughts flow when confronted with problems requiring proportional reasoning? This research is a mixed study by collecting data through problem-solving questions to 253 junior high school students in Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The problem-solving activities are based on real-world scenarios and require reasoning that is proportional and pertinent to the COVID-19 pandemic context. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the test is administered through the Whatsapp framework. Students' responses are examined in detail to ascertain their proportional reasoning skills. The results indicate that almost all students correctly answered the first question. However, only a small percentage of students were able to answer to and make the correct argument for the second question. The findings indicated that students demonstrated a reasonable level of proportional reasoning when confronted with the COVID-19 pandemic situation. According to the findings of this report, it is important for teachers of mathematics to establish learning activities and problem-solving tasks that help students improve their proportional reasoning skills. Keywords: COVID-19; Problem Solving; Proportional Reasoning; Real-World Situations AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali penalaran proporsional siswa SMA  dengan konteks pandemi COVID-19. Bagaimana alur pemikiran siswa ketika dihadapkan pada masalah yang membutuhkan penalaran proporsional? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian campuran dengan pengumpulan data melalui pertanyaan pemecahan masalah kepada 253 siswa SMP di Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi, Indonesia. Kegiatan pemecahan masalah didasarkan pada skenario dunia nyata dan membutuhkan penalaran yang proporsional dan relevan dengan konteks pandemi COVID-19. Karena pandemi COVID-19 yang sedang berlangsung, tes dikirim melalui aplikasi Whatsapp. Tanggapan siswa diperiksa secara rinci untuk memastikan kemampuan penalaran proporsional mereka. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua siswa menjawab pertanyaan pertama dengan benar. Namun, hanya sebagian kecil siswa yang mampu menjawab dan membuat argumen yang benar untuk pertanyaan kedua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki alur penalaran proporsional yang cukup baik dengan menggunakan konteks kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Menurut temuan  ini, penting bagi guru matematika untuk menetapkan kegiatan pembelajaran dan tugas pemecahan masalah yang membantu siswa meningkatkan keterampilan penalaran proporsional mereka. Kata kunci: COVID-19; Pemecahan Masalah; Penalaran Proporsional; Situasi Duni

    Meta-Analysis Study: Effect of Means Ends Analysis (MEA) Model on Student's Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills

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    A comprehensive review of Means Ends Analysis (MEA) impact on mathematical problem-solving skills has not been studied extensively, As a result, few teachers are aware of the benefits that this approach has for children. This meta-analysis study was conducted to assess the overall impact of teaching students to solve mathematical problems using the MEA approach. Empirical information was obtained from URL links, Semantic Scholar, and Google Scholar. The search produced 18 articles that were written between 2009 and 2023. 18 items were eligible for analysis because they met the inclusion criteria. In the analysis tool, a random estimation model and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software are both utilized. The outcomes showed that the overall effect size of the study was 0.920. These results imply that the use of the MEA has a significant impact on students' mathematical problem-solving skills. After examining the moderator variables, it was found that the MEA model was successful when considering student sample sizes, but not when considering the educational level and demographics of the students. The application of MEA in enhancing students' mathematical problem-solving should be employed more frequently, particularly in elementary schools, according to this meta-analysis study's advice to Indonesian math teachers

    Analysis of Students' Errors in Solving Word Problems Viewed from Mathematical Resilience

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    Many students in the world have difficulty in solving word problems, including students in Indonesia. TIMSS has shown that only eight percent of Indonesian participants are able to solve word problems, this result is hugely lower than the international average of 18 percent. One of the factors that cause students' errors in solving word problems is mathematical resilience. Thus, this study aims to analyze students' misconceptions in solving word problems viewed by their mathematical strength. This study was conducted for sixth-grade students in one of the elementary schools in Bandung. This study was qualitative descriptive research. In this study, there were four steps: selecting the word problems, answering the issues, filling out a mathematical resilience questionnaire, and interviewing. Students were encouraged to respond to a three-word question within 30 minutes, filling out a mathematical resilience questionnaire followed by the interview. This study showed that the students' errors in solving word problems were including comprehension, transformation, and process skill errors. Based on mathematical resilience, students with a low level of resilience predominantly carried out comprehension errors. In contrast, students with a moderate level of resilience more dominant made transformation errors. Meanwhile, students with high resilience completed more questions correctly, although several students seemed to have made process skills errors. This study's limitation is the data obtained online so that the respondents completed the instrument exceeds the given time. Further researches are suggested to conduct directly in the classroom to maximize the accuracy of the study
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