54 research outputs found

    Alfonso de Valdés y la política imperial del canciller Gattinara

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    Este trabajo describe el vínculo profesional y afectivo que existió entre el secretario Alfonso de Valdés y el gran canciller Mercurino Gattinara y estudia la influencia del proyecto político del Canciller en las ideas de Valdés sobre el concilio general, el poder temporal de la Iglesia y el Virrey de Nápoles.This paper describes the professional and affective bond that existed between secretary Alfonso de Valdés and great chancellor Mercurino Gattinara, and proceeds to examine the influence of the Chancellor's political project on Valdés's ideas regarding the General Council, the temporal power of the Church and the Viceroy of Naples

    Lope de vega y las polémicas literarias de su época : Pedro de Torres Rámila y Diego de Colmenares /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEsta tesis doctoral presenta un estudio de las dos polémicas literarias más importantes del siglo XVII en las que se vio envuelto Lope de Vega. Por un lado, la polémica sobre la nueva lengua poética de Luis de Góngora, estudiada aquí a partir del intercambio de cartas y censuras que mantuvieron Lope de Vega y Diego de Colmenares; por otro, la polémica sobre la preceptiva aristotélica y el papel que debía desempeñar en el marco de la creación literaria contemporánea, analizada aquí a partir de las sátiras y libros en latín que se intercambiaron Pedro de Torres Rámila y Lope de Vega. Las ideas literarias de Lope y sus rivales se presentan enmarcadas en las diferentes tradiciones sobre teoría literaria que existían en la época.This Ph.D. dissertation presents a study of the two most important literary polemics of the seventeenth century in which Lope de Vega was involved. On one side, it deals with the polemic about the new poetic language used by Luis de Góngora; this question is studied here through the analysis of the letters and censorships that Lope de Vega and Diego de Colmenares exchanged. On the other side, the polemic about Aristotelian precepts and the role they should play within the framework of contemporary literary creation is studied here through the satires and Latin texts that Pedro de Torres Rámila y Lope de Vega exchanged. Lope's literary ideas, as well as those held by his rivals, are presented within the frame of the different literary theory traditions existing at that time

    Las alianzas a la luz del Derecho Canónico: el Tractatus Dialogicus de confoederatione principum et potentatum (c. 1495) de Juan López de Segovia

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    Juan López de Segovia’s Tractatus is considered one of the first texts of the legal tradition in the Middle Ages that tackles the nature of the alliances between rulers from a theoretical point of view. This article aims to draw attention to this text not much known by the scholars of history of internatinal law and to highlight the role canon law played in organizing the subjects and arguments developed throughout the dialogue.El Tractatus de Juan López de Segovia es uno de los primeros textos de la tradición jurídica medieval que reflexiona desde un punto de vista teórico sobre la naturaleza de las alianzas establecidas entre gobernantes. Este artículo pretende llamar la atención sobre este texto poco atendido por los estudiosos de la historia del derecho internacional y examinar el papel desempeñado por el derecho canónico en la articulación de los puntos de vista desarrollados a lo largo del diálogo

    Space-for-time substitution and the evolution of submarine canyons in a passive, progradational margin

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    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, 7-12 April, Vienna, Austria.-- 1 page40% of submarine canyons worldwide are located in passive margins, where they constitute preferential conduits of sediment and biodiversity hotspots. Recent studies have presented evidence that submarine canyons incising passive, progradational margins can co-evolve with the adjacent continental slope during long-term margin construction. The stages of submarine canyon initiation and their development into a mature canyon-channel system are still poorly constrained, however, which is problematic when attempting to reconstruct the development of passive continental margins. In this study we analyse multibeam echosounder and seismic reflection data from the southern Ebro margin (western Mediterranean Sea) to document the stages through which a first-order gully develops into a mature, shelf-breaching canyon and, finally, into a canyon-channel system. This morphological evolution allows the application of a space-for-time substitution approach. Initial gully growth on the continental slope takes place via incision and downslope elongation, with limited upslope head retreat. Gravity flows are the main driver of canyon evolution, whereas slope failures are the main agent of erosion; they control the extent of valley widening, promote tributary development, and their influence becomes more significant with time. Breaching of the continental shelf by a canyon results in higher water/sediment loads that enhance canyon development, particularly in the upper reaches. Connection of the canyon head with a paleo-river changes evolution dynamics significantly, promoting development of a channel and formation of depositional landforms. Morphometric analyses demonstrate that canyons develop into geometrically self-similar systems that approach steady-state and higher drainage efficiency. Canyon activity in the southern Ebro margin is pulsating and enhanced during sea level lowstands. Rapid sedimentation by extension of the palaeo-Millars River into the outermost shelf and upper slope is inferred as the source of gravity flows driving canyon evolution. Canyon morphology is shown to be maintained over the course of more than one fall and rise in sea-level. Our model of canyon evolution is applicable to other passive margins (e.g. Argentine continental margin)Peer Reviewe

    L'agenda compartida de la UAB : el projecte ITACA i la implementació institucional de l'aprenentatge basat en reptes

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    En aquest article es presenta una experiència concreta d'innovació transformadora a la UAB: l'experiència pilot d'implementació de la metodologia de l'aprenentatge basat en reptes (ABR) a dues facultats de la Universitat. A través de la descripció del marc conceptual en el qual s'ha desenvolupat aquest procés de canvi, l'agenda de treball general i l'estudi de cas d'una facultat, s'identifiquen les línies principals d'aquesta experiència innovadora, moltes de les quals es poden aplicar a altres iniciatives de canvi en les universitats, i fins i tot en altres organitzacions públiques.This article will explain a specific experience of transformative innovation in the UAB: the pilot experience of implementing the Challenge Based Learning (CBL) methodology in two of the university's faculties. Through the description of the conceptual framework in which this process of change was developed , the general work agenda and the case study of a faculty the main lines of this innovative experience are identified, many of which can be replicated to other initiatives of change in universities, and even in other public organisations

    An approach to identify urban groundwater recharge

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    Evaluating the proportion in which waters from different origins are mixed in a given water sample is relevant for many hydrogeological problems, such as quantifying total recharge, assessing groundwater pollution risks, or managing water resources. Our work is motivated by urban hydrogeology, where waters with different chemical signature can be identified (losses from water supply and sewage networks, infiltration from surface runoff and other water bodies, lateral aquifers inflows, ...). The relative contribution of different sources to total recharge can be quantified by means of solute mass balances, but application is hindered by the large number of potential origins. Hence, the need to incorporate data from a large number of conservative species, the uncertainty in sources concentrations and measurement errors. We present a methodology to compute mixing ratios and end-members composition, which consists of (i) Identification of potential recharge sources, (ii) Selection of tracers, (iii) Characterization of the hydrochemical composition of potential recharge sources and mixed water samples, and (iv) Computation of mixing ratios and reevaluation of end-members. The analysis performed in a data set from samples of the Barcelona city aquifers suggests that the main contributors to total recharge are the water supply network losses (22%), the sewage network losses (30%), rainfall, concentrated in the non-urbanized areas (17%), from runoff infiltration (20%), and the Besòs River (11%). Regarding species, halogens (chloride, fluoride and bromide), sulfate, total nitrogen, and stable isotopes (18O, 2H, and 34S) behaved quite conservatively. Boron, residual alkalinity, EDTA and Zn did not. Yet, including these species in the computations did not affect significantly the proportion estimations

    Space-for-time substitution and the evolution of submarine canyons in a passive, progradational margin

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    40% of submarine canyons worldwide are located in passive margins, where they constitute preferential conduits of sediment and biodiversity hotspots. Recent studies have presented evidence that submarine canyons incising passive, progradational margins can co-evolve with the adjacent continental slope during long-term margin construction. The stages of submarine canyon initiation and their development into a mature canyon-channel system are still poorly constrained, however, which is problematic when attempting to reconstruct the development of passive continental margins.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of the relationship between cardiovascular risk factors, endoscopic lesions of the renal papilla and the type of renal lithiasis

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    Introducción y objetivos: Estudiar la relación entre los factores de riesgo cardiovascular más frecuentes con el tipo de lesión endoscópica de la papila renal y el tipo de litiasis renal. Material y métodos: Evaluamos prospectivamente 38 pacientes sometidos a cirugía intrarrenal retrograda (RIRS) analizando y clasificando el tipo de lesión observada en la papila renal (placa de Randall, Calcificación intratubular y hendidura papilar). Posteriormente, se analiza el tipo de litiasis presente (oxalato cálcico monohidrato, ácido úrico y litiasis de oxalato cálcico dihidrato con o sin hidroxiapatita) y se recogen los factores de riesgo cardiovascular presentes (HTA, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesidad, Antecedentes de enfermedad cardiaca previa). Se realiza una comparación de proporciones mediante el test de x2 con valor de significación p<0.05 para cada grupo. Resultados: No se hallaron relaciones entre el tipo de factor de riesgo cardiovascular con el tipo de calcificación papilar endoscópica. Se observó una tendencia a la presencia de calcificación intratubular en pacientes obesos. La HTA y la Diabetes Mellitus se relacionaron con las litiasis de ácido úrico (p=0,025 y 0,005, respectivamente). La obesidad se relacionó con las litiasis de oxalato cálcico dihidrato (p=0,023). Conclusiones: No parece existir una relación entre los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el tipo de calcificación de la papila renal. A pesar de ello, se observa la tendencia de que pacientes con obesidad presentan una elevada frecuencia de calcificación intratubular. Parece que existe una relación entre las litiasis de ácido úrico en pacientes que padecen diabetes y/o HTA y entre las litiasis de oxalato cálcico dihidrato con o sin hidroxiapatita en pacientes con obesidad.Introduction and objetives: Study the relationship between the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors with the type of endoscopic injury of the renal papilla and the kind of renal lithiasis. Material and methods: We prospectively evaluated 38 patients undergoing retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) by analyzing and classifying the type of injury observed in the renal papilla (Randall’s plaque, intratubular calcification and papillary cleft). Later, we analyzed the type of lithiasis present (calcium oxalate monohydrate, uric acid and calcium oxalate dihydrate lithiasis with or without hydroxyapatite) and the cardiovascular risk factors present (HTA, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, Historiy of previous heart disease). A proportional comparison was performed using the x2 test with significance value p <0.05 for each group. Results: No relationship was found between the type of cardiovascular risk factor and the type of endoscopic papillary injury. Although, we find a tendency between the patients with obesity and the intratubular calcification. HTA and Diabetes Mellitus were related with uric acid stones (p = 0.025 and 0.005, respectively). Obesity was related with calcium oxalate dihydrate lithiasis (p = 0.023). Conclusions: There not seem to be a relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and the kind of renal papilla injury. In spite of , there is a tendency observed that correlated the patients with obesity with a high frequency of intratubular calcification. There seems to be a relationship between uric acid lithiasis in patients with diabetes or hypertension and another relationship between the calcium oxalate dihydrate lithiasis with or without hydroxyapatite and the patients with obesity