48 research outputs found

    Análisis de las directrices que sobre la docencia y su organización ha impartido la Facultad de Derecho a los profesores de asignaturas de Grado. Aplicación práctica y propuestas de mejora.

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    Análisis de las directrices que sobre la docencia y su organización ha impartido la facultad de derecho a los profesores de asignaturas de Grado. Aplicación práctica y propuestas de mejora

    La expulsión de ciudadanos extranjeros sustitutiva de la pena de prisión: Resolución en fase de ejecución

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    El análisis de los supuestos en los que el juez o tribunal sentenciador puede sustituir la pena de prisión impuesta a un ciudadano extranjero por su expulsión en fase de ejecución de sentencia y el procedimiento que se ha de seguir para ello constituye el objeto de estudio de este artículo

    Tree growth response along an elevational gradient: climate or genetics?

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    Environment and genetics combine to influence tree growth and should therefore be jointly considered when evaluating forest responses in a warming climate. Here, we combine dendroclimatology and population genetic approaches with the aim of attributing climatic influences on growth of European larch (Larix decidua) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Increment cores and genomic DNA samples were collected from populations along a ~900-m elevational transect where the air temperature gradient encompasses a ~4 °C temperature difference. We found that low genetic differentiation among populations indicates gene flow is high, suggesting that migration rate is high enough to counteract the selective pressures of local environmental variation. We observed lower growth rates towards higher elevations and a transition from negative to positive correlations with growing season temperature upward along the elevational transect. With increasing elevation there was also a clear increase in the explained variance of growth due to summer temperatures. Comparisons between climate sensitivity patterns observed along this elevational transect with those from Larix and Picea sites distributed across the Alps reveal good agreement, and suggest that tree-ring width (TRW) variations are more climate-driven than genetics-driven at regional and larger scales. We conclude that elevational transects are an extremely valuable platform for understanding climatic-driven changes over time and can be especially powerful when working within an assessed genetic framework

    Evaluation of Adipose Tissue Zinc-Alpha 2-Glycoprotein Gene Expression and Its Relationship with Metabolic Status and Bariatric Surgery Outcomes in Patients with Class III Obesity

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    Zinc-α2 glycoprotein (ZAG) is an adipokine involved in adipocyte metabolism with potential implications in the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship between visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) ZAG expression and metabolic parameters in patients with class III obesity, along with the impact of basal ZAG expression on short- and medium-term outcomes related to bariatric surgery. 41 patients with class III obesity who underwent bariatric surgery were included in this study. ZAG gene expression was quantified in SAT and VAT. Patients were classified into two groups according to SAT and VAT ZAG percentile. Anthropometric and biochemical variables were obtained before and 15 days, 45 days, and 1 year after surgery. The lower basal SAT ZAG expression percentile was associated with higher weight and waist circumference, while the lower basal VAT ZAG expression percentile was associated with higher weight, waist circumference, insulin, insulin resistance, and the presence of metabolic syndrome. Basal SAT ZAG expression was inversely related to weight loss at 45 days after surgery, whereas no associations were found between basal VAT ZAG expression and weight loss after surgery. Additionally, a negative association was observed between basal SAT and VAT ZAG expression and the decrease of gamma-glutamyl transferase after bariatric surgery. Therefore, lower SAT and VAT ZAG expression levels were associated with an adverse metabolic profile. However, this fact did not seem to confer worse bariatric surgery-related outcomes. Further research is needed to assess the clinical significance of the role of ZAG expression levels in the dynamics of hepatic enzymes after bariatric surgeryThis study has been co-funded by FEDER funds (“A way to make Europe”). M.M. and L.G.S. are also supported by UMA18-FEDERJA-285 and UMA20-FEDERJA-144, co-funded by Malaga University, Junta de Andalucía and FEDER funds, CB06/03/0018, PI-0297-2018 and PI-0194-2017, co-funded by FEDER funds and Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía, and CP17/00133, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Impact of Inflammatory Response Modifiers on the Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Infections in Patients with COVID-19.

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    The study aim was to assess the influence of inflammatory response modifiers, including anti-interleukin-6 (IL-6) biologics and corticosteroids, on the incidence of hospital-acquired infections in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS: Case-control study performed at a university hospital from February 26 to May 26, 2020. Cases were defined as patients with COVID-19 who developed hospital-acquired infections. For each case, two controls were selected among patients without infections. Cases and controls were matched obeying three criteria in a hierarchical sequence: length of hospital stay up until the first infection; comorbidity; and need for Intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the association of exposures with being a case. RESULTS: A total of 71 cases and 142 controls were included. Independent predictors for acquiring a hospital infection were chronic liver disease [odds ratio (OR) 16.56, 95% CI 1.87-146.5, p = 0.012], morbid obesity (OR 6.11, 95% CI 1.06-35.4, p = 0.043), current or past smoking (OR 4.15, 95% CI 1.45-11.88, p = 0.008), exposure to hydroxychloroquine (OR 0.2, 95% CI 0.041-1, p = 0.053), and invasive mechanical ventilation (OR 61.5, 95% CI 11.08-341, p ≤ 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Inflammatory response modifiers had no influence on acquisition of nosocomial infections in admitted patients with COVID-19. Hospital-acquired infections primarily occurred in the critically ill and invasive mechanical ventilation was the main exposure conferring risk

    An exceptional case of household archaeology from Early Iron Age Central Iberia: House 1 at Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, Spain)

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    RESUMEN: Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones (2006, 2017 y 2021) en un sector de la aldea del Hierro I del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca). Se ha exhumado un agregado informal de edificios y estructuras adjetivas de adobe cuyo patrón espacial es afín al esquema transcultural patrilocal. El artículo se centra en la casa 1 y sus cenizales. Tal vivienda fue excepcional por su larga e ininterrumpida biografía, su mobiliario de barro –con dos poyos que pudieron acoger hasta 20 personas y un hogar con forma de piel de toro extendida– y su abandono ritualizado –quemada c. 650-575 a.C. y recrecida con adobes de sus paredes–. La excavación reveló una alta concentración de molinos y vajilla fina local pintada, así como instrumental de labores especializadas y altamente cualificadas –alfarería e hilado–. Sobresale un lote de hallazgos inéditos en el interior de la península ibérica: exóticos abalorios y vajilla de fayenza del Mediterráneo oriental, cerámica de engobe rojo fenicia y objetos litúrgicos y coroplástica con paralelos tartésicos y mediterráneos. Todos estos hallazgos indican que la casa 1 acogió una asidua actividad social –banquetes y transacciones con huéspedes– como cabaña de reuniones de un grupo corporativo extenso, donde acabaron tan destacados objetosABSTRACT: The excavations undertaken at the Early Iron Age vil¬lage of Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca) revealed an infor¬mal aggregate of dwellings and ancillary buildings of adobe which matches the cross cultural spatial pattern for patrilo¬cal practices. The paper focuses on house 1 and its adjoin¬ing middens. This dwelling was exceptional due to its long and stable biography, its clay furniture –with two benches for 20 people and a hearth in the shape of an oxhide– and ritualized abandonment using an intense conflagration dated to 650 575 BC and its filling with adobes. The excavations revealed an unusual concentration of querns and fine local hand made pottery. The excavations recovered implements used for specialized and high quality crafts, such as pottery-making and weaving, as well as a set of finds unprecedented in the interior of Iberia stands out: exotic faience beads and tableware from the eastern Mediterranean, Phoenician red slip ceramics, and liturgical terracotta items with Tartes¬sian and Mediterranean parallels. All these findings suggest that house 1 was the gathering hall of an extended corporate group where intense social activities –hosting banquets and transactions with guests– took place and where such star¬tling artefacts ended up.Trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto “ARQPARENT - Arqueología del parentesco a través de la vivienda en la Submeseta Norte (1800-400 AC)” (PID2019-104349GA-I00) del Plan Estatal de I+D+i del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y con subvenciones de la Junta de Castilla y León (B2017/006589 y SUBV-21086-SA) y del Ayuntamiento de Salamanca

    LegalTech y JudicialTech: la transformación digital de la abogacía y del servicio público de justicia, con especial referencia a habilidades para el ejercicio profesional

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    La transformación digital está cambiando el mundo, por eso en este proyecto pretendemos hacer hincapíé en los cambios en la administración de justicia y en la profesión de abogado. Haremos especial referencia a las habilidades profesionales precisas.Depto. de Derecho Procesal y Derecho PenalFac. de DerechoFALSEsubmitte