2,013 research outputs found

    “Only People Who Know It Here Speak Well of It...”: The Location of Social Housing in Brazilian Cities and Effects of Territorial Stigmatization

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    In Brazil, social housing estates have acquired a reputation as substandard housing and places of the poor. Throughout the second half of the 20th century, housing policies that were designed on a national and local level focused on the fight against the growth of favelas in Brazilian cities. Often, the inhabitants of favelas were resettled to public housing estates (conjuntos habitacionais) in the urban peripheries where they did not have access to infrastructures and public services. This has contributed much to the bad image of social housing. In their daily life, the residents are subjected to a multilayered process of stigmatization. This article considers a conjunto that was established in the central area of Belo Horizonte in the 1940s. Even though its location brought important advantages, the inhabitants suffer from the stigma of being dwellers of a housing complex (“moradores de conjunto”). By analyzing contemporary sources and oral history interviews, this article aims to contribute to the discussion about the location of social housing in Brazilian cities and the effects of territorial stigmatization. Furthermore, the focus is on recent developments which show that there are several ways how stigma can be reduced or even reversed

    Twenty years of green chemistry: achievements and challenges

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    The year 2011 has been chosen as the International Year of Chemistry and it will focus on the importance of sustainability in the field of chemistry. The program Alternative Synthetic Routes for the Prevention of Pollution, implemented 20 years ago in the USA marked the official start of Green Chemistry. Currently, many lines of research in chemistry observe and comply with the concepts of green chemistry contributing significantly to the advancement of science. Hence, the objective of this paper is to present an overview of published papers on Green Chemistry in national and international journals from the CAPES Portal Database, from 1997 to May 2010.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e NuclearesUNIFESPSciEL

    Nd-Sr isotopic geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology of the Fé granitic gneiss and Lajedo granodiorite: implications for paleoproterozoic evolution of the mineiro belt, southern São Francisco Craton, Brazil

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    O gnaisse granítico Fé e o granodiorito do Lajedo são plutons félsicos associados à evolução paleoproterozóica do Cinturão Mineiro na porção sul do Craton São Francisco. O pluton Fé está localizado ao norte da zona de cisalhamento do Lenheiro - importante feição estrutural associada a falhas compartimentando regionalmente o cinturão Mineiro. Esta intrusão possui xenólitos de gnaisse e anfibolito do greenstone belt Rio das Mortes e de rochas máficas de corpos piroxeníticos - gabróicos que afloram nas proximidades. O granodiorito do Lajedo está localizado ao sul da zona de cisalhamento do Lenheiro, possui xenólitos de anfibolito do greenstone belt Nazareno e é intrusivo nas rochas metamáficas do corpo peridotítico - piroxenítico Forro e em rochas anfibolíticas do greenstone belt Nazareno. A composição modal do gnaisse granítico Fé é variável, de monzogranito a sienogranito; o pluton é peraluminoso e apresenta conteúdos de K2O compatíveis com tendências cálcio-alcalina médio K e cálcio-alcalina alto K, enquanto o pluton do Lajedo varia de granodiorítico a tonalítico, é peraluminoso e tem natureza cálcio-alcalina. O gnaisse granítico Fé possui idade U/Pb em zircão de 2191 ± 9 Ma e o granodiorito do Lajedo 2208 ± 26 Ma. Os isótopos de Nd e Sr dos dois corpos revelam que componentes crustais participaram da gênese dos protólitos em ambiente de arco plutônico, com proporções variáveis de componente juvenil (tipos DMM e EMI) de idade possivelmente paleoproterozóica. Em particular, as baixas razões iniciais 87Sr/86Sr encontradas para os dois plutons do cinturão Mineiro são consistentes com a participação de materiais máficos na gênese dos corpos estudados em vez de crosta profunda. Tectonicamente, os resultados geocronológicos, isotópicos e os dados geológicos do gnaisse granítico Fé e do granodiorito do Lajedo são compatíveis com etapas pré- e sintectônica do Cinturão Mineiro, quando foram gerados os corpos: quartzo diorito do Brito (2221 ± 2 Ma), o granodiorito Brumado de Cima (2219 ± 2 Ma), o granodiorito Brumado de Baixo (2218 ± 3 Ma), o quartzo monzodiorito Glória (2188 ± 29 Ma), o tonalito/trondhjemito Cassiterita (2162 ± 10 Ma), o diorito Rio Grande (2155 ± 3 Ma), o diorito Brumado (2131 ± 4 Ma) e o granito Cassiterita (2131 ± 7 Ma).The Fé granitic gneiss and Lajedo granodiorite belong to a voluminous felsic-mafic plutonism, tectonically linked to Paleoproterozoic magmatic evolution of the Mineiro Belt, southern portion of the São Francisco Craton, central-eastern Brazil. The Fé pluton is located north of the Lenheiros shear zone and is intrusive with respect to the Rio das Mortes greenstone belt and pyroxenite - gabbroic bodies, as indicated by xenoliths of gneiss and amphibolite, in the first case, and pyroxenite in the latter. The Lajedo granodiorite is located south of the Lenheiros shear zone and cuts the metamafic rocks of the Forro peridotite - pyroxenite and mafic and intermediate rocks of the Nazareno greenstone belt, as evidenced by xenoliths from the latter unit. The modal composition of the Fé granitic gneiss lies within the ranges of monzogranite and syenogranite. It is peraluminous and shows a large variation in K2O content, which implies a middle-K calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline tendency. The Lajedo modal composition is consistent with granodioritic and tonalitic compositions. It indicates a predominantly peraluminous composition and calc-alkaline character. The U-Pb zircon crystallization age of the Fé granitic gneiss is 2191 ± 9 Ma, whereas the Lajedo granodiorite yields 2208 ± 26 Ma. The Nd/Sr characteristics of the Fé and Lajedo plutons are consistent with mixtures of enriched mantle (EMI-type), DMM and crustal components during magma genesis in a plutonic arc setting, while the low 87Sr/86Sr i ratios point to contribution of mafic rock protoliths during magma genesis. This is also in accordance with the characteristic xenoliths observed within the investigated plutons from the Nazareno and Rio das Mortes greenstone belts. The Fé granitic gneiss and Lajedo granodiorite show tectonic characteristics which are comparable to those of nearby coeval plutons: Brito quartz-diorite (2221 ± 2 Ma), Brumado de Cima granodiorite (2219 ± 2 Ma), Brumado de Baixo granodiorite (2218 ± 3 Ma), Gloria quartz-monzodiorite (2188 ± 29 Ma), Cassiterita Trondhjemite/Tonalite (2162 ± 10 Ma), Rio Grande diorite (2155 ± 3 Ma), Brumado diorite (2131 ± 4 Ma) and Ritápolis granite (2121 ± 7 Ma). As a whole, the integrated data and geologic setting of the plutons in the Mineiro belt define a well-constrained pre- to syntectonic phase of the Mineiro Belt to the period between 2221 and 2121 Ma

    Mobile Technology for Supply Chain Management: The Case of a Brazilian Beef Chain

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    The use of mobile technologies is important for Supply Chain Management (SCM) because these technologies allow for the ubiquitous flow of information, higher agility and risk reduction in supply chains. These issues are particularly relevant to avoid food safety risks in global food chains. The main goal of this paper is to analyse the diffusion of mobile technology for management and risk control in the Brazilian beef supply chain, since Brazil is one of the main producers and beef exporters in the world. The research method was a single case study in the beef chain of the state of Goias (one of Brazil’s main beef producers). Results show the actual level of mobile technology use and the main elements that affect the diffusion of mobile technology in the supply chain studied

    Recent advances in antimicrobial surfaces for urinary catheters

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    Although urinary catheters (UCs) are one of the most used medical devices, they are related to a high incidence of urinary tract infections resulting from microbial colonization and consequent biofilm development on UC surfaces. Currently, a panoply of antimicrobial and antifouling surfaces is available to solve this longstanding problem. However, despite their high performance, these surfaces are still far from clinical application. In this current opinion article, we evaluate and critically discuss the antimicrobial performance and applicability of UC surfaces with different antibiofilm mechanisms. It is our opinion that either killing or anti-adhesive coatings are promising in controlling infection development. However, most of them are more effective in delaying microbial adhesion rather than preventing it

    Defining financial risks and market trends through predictive data analysis

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    This project focuses on Dublin short term rental market opportunities, by developing pricing and rate occupancy prediction models based on machine learning approaches to identify patterns that may impact or aid users in making smarter and cost-effective decisions. The concept of this research is to show the financial feasibility of data services, as well as how data science can improve business and operational efficiency

    O Festival Garimpando Sabores e a ressignifica??o dos saberes e fazeres culin?rios de Mendanha

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    A presente pesquisa desenvolve uma an?lise sistem?tica acerca da realiza??o do Festival Garimpando Sabores, enquanto evento tur?stico focado na culin?ria, na comunidade rural de Mendanha, em Diamantina, Minas Gerais, inferindo em que medida ? relevante na ressignifica??o dos saberes e fazeres culin?rios desta. Atrav?s de uma abordagem que mescla o pensamento complexo e a abordagem qualitativa da pesquisa-a??o, arquitetada em entrevistas em tr?s estratos ? cozinheiros que participaram do evento, moradores da comunidade rural e membros da comiss?o organizadora do festival -, esta abordagem apreende as percep??es dos atores sobre o evento e sua contribui??o para a ressignifica??o destes conhecimentos tradicionais, que vinham se extinguindo em fun??o de seu car?ter de transmiss?o, ancorado significativamente na oralidade, do ?xodo rural e da situa??o de marginalidade econ?mico-social que alguns territ?rios, como as comunidades rurais no Vale do Jequitinhonha, tinham sido compelidos, como o distrito de Mendanha, que se percebia alijado do avan?o tur?stico da sede do munic?pio. As discuss?es em torno dos resultados da pesquisa asseveram que a valoriza??o da comida como atrativo tur?stico ? mais complexa do que se imagina, indo al?m da possibilidade de gera??o de renda, da preserva??o da identidade local e da mem?ria gustativa, perpassando pelo debate da introdu??o de inova??es, autoestima das comunidades e perspectivas de m?dio e longo prazo. Trata-se de um prel?dio, e n?o do desfecho do debate, que permitem ainda contribui??es para a retomada perene das ra?zes e mem?rias alimentares tradicionais de qualquer grupo social, sobretudo em comunidades rurais, como ? o caso de Mendanha.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Estudos Rurais, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2019.This research develops a systematic analysis about the holding of the Garimpando Sabores Festival, as a tourist event focused on cooking, in the rural community of Mendanha, in Diamantina, Minas Gerais, inferring to what extent it is relevant in the resignification of its knowledge and culinary practices. Through an approach that blends complex thinking with a qualitative approach to action research, architected in interviews in three strata - cooks who attended the event, residents of the rural community and members of the festival organizing committee - this approach captures the perceptions of actors about the event and its contribution to the resignification of this traditional knowledge, which had been extinguished due to its transmission character, anchored significantly in the orality, the rural exodus and the situation of economic and social marginality that some territories, such as rural communities in the Jequitinhonha Valley, they had been compelled, such as the district of Mendanha, which was perceived to be oblivious of the tourist advance of the municipal headquarters. The discussions about the research results assert that the valorization of food as a tourist attraction is more complex than imagined, going beyond the possibility of income generation, the preservation of local identity and taste memory, passing through the debate about the introduction of food. innovations, community self-esteem and medium- and long-term perspectives. This is a prelude, rather than the outcome of the debate, which also allows contributions to the perennial recovery of the roots and traditional food memories of any social group, especially in rural communities, such as Mendanha.Esta investigaci?n desarrolla un an?lisis sistem?tico sobre la celebraci?n del Festival Garimpando Sabores, como un evento tur?stico centrado en la cocina, en la comunidad rural de Mendanha, en Diamantina, Minas Gerais, deduciendo en qu? medida es relevante en la resignificaci?n de sus conocimientos y pr?cticas culinarias. A trav?s de un enfoque que combina el pensamiento complejo con un enfoque cualitativo para la investigaci?n en acci?n, dise?ado en entrevistas en tres estratos: cocineros que asistieron al evento, residentes de la comunidad rural y miembros del comit? organizador del festival, este enfoque captura las percepciones de actores sobre el evento y su contribuci?n a la resignificaci?n de este conocimiento tradicional, que se hab?a extinguido debido a su car?cter de transmisi?n, anclado significativamente en la oralidad, el ?xodo rural y la situaci?n de marginalidad econ?mica y social que algunos territorios, como las comunidades rurales en el valle de Jequitinhonha, hab?an sido obligados, como el distrito de Mendanha, que se percib?a ajeno al avance tur?stico de la sede municipal. Las discusiones sobre los resultados de la investigaci?n afirman que la valorizaci?n de los alimentos como una atracci?n tur?stica es m?s compleja de lo imaginado, yendo m?s all? de la posibilidad de generaci?n de ingresos, la preservaci?n de la identidad local y la memoria del gusto, pasando por el debate sobre la introducci?n de alimentos. innovaciones, autoestima comunitaria y perspectivas a medio y largo plazo. Este es un preludio, m?s que el resultado del debate, que tambi?n permite contribuir a la recuperaci?n perenne de las ra?ces y los recuerdos alimentarios tradicionales de cualquier grupo social, especialmente en las comunidades rurales, como Mendanha

    O ESPAÇO METROPOLITANO NO BRASIL: nova ordem espacial?

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    O texto tem como objetivo principal analisar as recentes mudanças na ordem espacial das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras e, em particular, na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Inicia-se com um diálogo com a literatura internacional sobre o tema, para, em seguida, mostrar os debates nacionais. Tem, como referente empírico, uma série de estudos e índices construídos a partir dos resultados do Censo Demográfico de 2010. Mostra como o modelo dual centro versus periferia é limitado para a compreensão da atual ordem socioespacial das metrópoles brasileiras; identifica mudanças significativas ocorridas nas últimas décadas, mas chama a atenção também para várias continuidades no que se refere às desigualdades socioespaciais. Palavras-chave: Ordem espacial. Metrópoles. Desigualdades espaciais. Centros. Periferias. METROPOLITAN SPACE IN BRAZIL: a new spatial order? Luciana Teixeira de Andrade The goal of the text is to analyze the recent changes in the spatial order of Brazilian metropolitan areas and, particularly, the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte. It begins with a dialogue with the international literature on the issue, and, after that, discusses the national debates. The empirical reference is a series of studies and indices built from the results of the Demographic Census of 2010. It shows the dual system downtown vs outskirts is too limited for comprehending the current sociospatial order or Brazilian metropoles. It identifies significant changes occurred over the last decades and calls attention to several continuums regarding socio-spatial inequalities. Keywords: Spatial order. Metropoles. Spatial inequalities. Downtown. Outskirts. L’ESPACE MÉTROPOLITAIN AU BRÉSIL: un nouvel ordre spatial? Luciana Teixeira de Andrade L’objectif de ce texte est d’analyser les changements récents qui ont eu lieu dans l’ordre spatial des régions métropolitaines brésiliennes et en particulier dans la région métropolitaine de Belo Horizonte. L’analyse commence par un dialogue avec les publications internationales sur ce thème pour en arriver ensuite aux débats nationaux. La référence empirique est constituée par toute une série d’études et d’indices construits sur la base des données du recensement de 2010. On y montre comment le double modèle centre versus périphérie est limité pour comprendre l’ordre sociospatial actuel des métropoles brésiliennes. On identifie aussi les changements importants qui ont eu lieu au cours des dernières décennies, mais on attire également l’attention sur la permanence de nombreuses inégalités socio-spatiales. Mots-clés: Ordre spatial. Métropoles. Inégalités spatiales. Centres. Périphéries. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH no Scielo: http://www.scielo.br/ccrh  Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br


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    After one hundred years of its first release, the Machado de Assis’ work entitled “Dom Casmurro”, still raises controversy around the possibility of Capitu’s adultery. Due to innumerate new editions and the recent book’s adaptation to a film, this article intends to deal with the dialogica connection between the literary work and the adapted film entitled “Dom”, that was freely inspired in Machado de Assis’ book by the film director Moacyr Goes.Após cem anos de sua primeira publicação, a obra Dom Casmurro de Machado de Assis ainda levanta polêmica quanto ao possível adultério de Capitu. Frente às inúmeras novas edições e a recente adaptação do livro em filme, pretende-se, neste artigo, abordar a relação dialógica entre a obra literária e o longa-metragem Dom, livremente inspirado no romance pelo diretor Moacyr Góes