147 research outputs found
Ville durable et marqueurs d’un « néo-hygiénisme » ? Analyse des discours de projets d’écoquartiers français
À partir des premières recherches conduites dans le cadre du programme ANR PAGODE (« Participation, Animation et Gouvernance Dans les Ecoquartiers »), cet article questionne la persistance des traces d’une idéologie hygiéniste dans la conception de la ville durable et des opérations emblématiques que sont les écoquartiers. Partant des dossiers de candidature présentés aux Concours nationaux EcoQuartiers (notamment 2011) organisés par le ministère français de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement, ce texte confronte les marqueurs idéologiques de l’hygiénisme classique avec ceux d’une idéologie qualifiée de « néo-hygiéniste » et portée par les discours des projets de quartiers durables. Ce « néo-hygiénisme » intègre des héritages de la forme hygiéniste historique, avec sa part de transformations et d’hybridations, notamment sous l’effet d’une écologisation des problématiques urbaines diffusant ses « mises en ordres » dans le projet social. À travers une approche synoptique, plusieurs marqueurs hygiénistes sont ainsi analysés, à l’instar de la santé, du bien-être, de la lutte contre les pollutions et les nuisances urbaines, mais aussi des préoccupations prophylactiques auxquelles répondent les solutions techniques, l’injection sélective de nature ou encore l’injonction normative à adopter de nouveaux comportements écocitoyens.Following on from earlier research carried out within the PAGODE program (Participation, Community, Management and Sustainability in Eco-districts), funded by the French National Research Agency, this paper investigates the persistance of the sanitary movement in the conception of the sustainable city, in particular regarding its emblematic eco-districts. Starting from applications to the Eco-district National Awards organised in 2009 and 2011 by the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, this text contrasts the influence of classical public health movement with the one of so-called "neo-hygienic" policies, on which projects for sustainable neighbourhoods are based. This new sanitary movement has inherited from historical hygiene developments, integrating various transformations and hybridisations under the influence of the ecological approach on urban and social issues. Using a synoptic methodology, this paper analyses several markers of public hygiene, such as health, well-being, the fight against pollution and other forms of environmental nuisance, but also includes technical solutions for protection such as the inclusion of nature or normative pressures to adopt new eco-citizen behaviours
Jardins collectifs et écoquartiers bordelais : De l’espace cultivé à un habiter durable ?
À travers des études de cas d’écoquartiers bordelais, cet article analyse les jardins collectifs comme porteurs d’enjeux, de mobilisations et de pratiques multiples, au cœur de la concertation habitante et de la promotion d’un habiter durable. Partant du constat d’une émergence des écoquartiers concomitante à un renouveau des jardins collectifs, le propos montre en quoi ces derniers, avec leurs usages habitants, sont mobilisés comme activateurs de pratiques, de comportements sociaux et écologiques, de mise en scènes, conformes aux injonctions de la durabilité urbaine. Les cas présentés dans cet article, avec leurs spécificités locales, montrent que la mise en œuvre opérationnelle des jardins apporte une contribution effective à la mobilisation et à l’appropriation habitante, avec autant de mise à l’épreuve de celles-ci. Pour les acteurs concernés, le défi devient alors celui de la capacité à entretenir les processus collectifs et participatifs, dans les quartiers durables.Taking as its basis case studies of ecodistricts in the city of Bordeaux, this article analyses the importance of community gardens in mobilising people and providing different activities at the heart of community consultation and of the promotion of a sustainable way of life. Starting from the observation of a revival of community gardens alongside the emergence of ecodistricts, this paper shows how these gardens, and the various ways in which they are used by the community, create involvement and bring about social and ecological behaviours which correspond to the norms of urban sustainability. The cases presented in this paper, with their local specificities, show how the organisation and running of the gardens makes a clear contribution to community involvement in and appropriation of living space as well as the difficulties inherent therein. In this context, the community garden itself indeed stands out as different from the collective dynamic which brings it about, in the same way that housing is different from living space. For the involved parties, the challenge then becomes the capacity to maintain the collective, participative and appropriation processes within the ecodistricts
Paysage, action publique et concours photographique : retours sur le dispositif « Mon paysage au quotidien » au prisme d’une médiation et d’une reliance paysagères
Cet article interroge les éventuelles modalités d’une contribution du concours photographique « Mon paysage au quotidien » (2014) à une reliance sociale paysagère valant expression d’une appartenance, d’une relation au territoire, mais aussi création de liens complémentaires qui, au travers d’une médiation participative, permettraient une communication et un échange renouvelés entre acteurs politiques institutionnels et citoyens, sur la question paysagère. Dans cette perspective, sont d’abord analysés les potentialités et attendus du concours présenté comme un dispositif d’implication largement accessible, tandis que le paysage rencontre la participation et l’expression des points de vue habitants. Ensuite, l’article revient sur certaines limites dans cette mise en relation médiatisée. Outre des biais méthodologiques et certains effets de cadrage réducteurs, c’est aussi la faible exploitation sociétale du corpus qui semble hypothéquer la réelle valorisation du concours comme support de discussion, de médiation paysagère ou d’animation sociale grâce auxquelles se négocierait un rapport démocratique au paysage, composante d’une réelle coconstruction politique du projet paysager.This article analyses how the photo competition "Mon paysage au quotidien" (“My Daily Landscape” – 2014) might possibly contribute to social landscape interconnectedness expressing a sense of belonging to an area as well as to the creation of complementary ties which, through a participative mediation process, might enable renewed communication and exchanges between institutional stakeholders and citizens on the theme of the landscape. From such a perspective, the potential outcomes expected from the competition presented as a widely available means of engagement are analysed, whereas the landscape is the focus of the participation of inhabitants and the expression of their points of view. The article re-examines some of the limits to such a mediation process. In addition to methodological biases and effects due to a limited frame of reference, the weak societal exploitation of the corpus seems to partly preclude the competition from inspiring discussion, landscape mediation, or social interaction which would enable the negotiation of a democratic relationship to the landscape and provide the basis for a true political co-construction of the landscape project
Genetic variants of APOC3 promoter and HLA-B genes in an HIV infected cohort in Northern South Africa : a pilot study
Metabolic disorders and hypersensitivities affect tolerability and impact
adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The aim of this study was to
determine the prevalence of C-482T/T-455C variants in the Apolipoprotein C3 (APOC3)
promoter gene and Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B*57:01, known to impact lipid
metabolic disorders and hypersensitivity respectively; and to correlate genotypes with
gender, CD4+ cell count and viral load in an HIV infected cohort in northern South Africa.
Frequencies of C-482 and T-455 polymorphisms in APOC3 were determined by restriction
fragment length polymorphism analysis. Allele determination for HLA-B was performed
with Assign SBT software in an HLA library. Analysis of APOC3 C-482 site revealed a
prevalence of 196/199 (98.5%) for CC, 1/199 (0.5%) for CT and 2/199 (1.0%) for TT
genotype (p = 0.000 with 1° of freedom; χ2 = 126.551). For the T-455 site, prevalences
were: 69/199 (35%) for TT and 130/199 (65%) for the CC genotype (p = 0.000 with 1° of
freedom; χ2 = 199). There was no association between gender and the presence of −482
(p = 1; χ2 = 0.00001) or −455 genotypes (p = 0.1628; χ2 = 1.9842). There was no significant
difference in the increase in CD4+ cell count irrespective of genotypes. Significant
increases in CD4+ cell count were observed in males and females considering the −455C genotype, but not in males for the −455T genotype. Viral load decreases were significant
with the −455C and −482C genotypes irrespective of gender. HLA-B*57:01 was not
identified in the study cohort. The apparently high prevalence of APOC3 T-455CC
genotype needs confirmation with a larger samples size and triglyceride measurements to
support screening of patients to pre-empt HAART associated lipid disorders.POB is financially supported by the National Research Foundation, National Department of
Health, and University of Venda. TM was partially supported by the Technology Innovation Agency, South Africa.www.mdpi.com/journal/ijmsam201
From a consortium sequence to a unified sequence: the Bacillus subtilis 168 reference genome a decade later
Comparative genomics is the cornerstone of identification of gene functions. The immense number of living organisms precludes experimental identification of functions except in a handful of model organisms. The bacterial domain is split into large branches, among which the Firmicutes occupy a considerable space. Bacillus subtilis has been the model of Firmicutes for decades and its genome has been a reference for more than 10 years. Sequencing the genome involved more than 30 laboratories, with different expertises, in a attempt to make the most of the experimental information that could be associated with the sequence. This had the expected drawback that the sequencing expertise was quite varied among the groups involved, especially at a time when sequencing genomes was extremely hard work. The recent development of very efficient, fast and accurate sequencing techniques, in parallel with the development of high-level annotation platforms, motivated the present resequencing work. The updated sequence has been reannotated in agreement with the UniProt protein knowledge base, keeping in perspective the split between the paleome (genes necessary for sustaining and perpetuating life) and the cenome (genes required for occupation of a niche, suggesting here that B. subtilis is an epiphyte). This should permit investigators to make reliable inferences to prepare validation experiments in a variety of domains of bacterial growth and development as well as build up accurate phylogenies
Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report
Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution
Violence et culture. Entre le marteau et l\u27enclume : pistes d\u27un questionnement professionnel dans le "faire face" à la violence
Intervention : la violence sociétale, violence institutionnelle dans le domaine de la sant
Enjeux participatifs dans l’adaptation urbaine durable. Mises en perspectives d’opérations d’écoquartiers bordelais
Participation Animation GOuvernance et Durabilité dans les Ecoquartier
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